websdr.rn4a.ru Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: http://websdr.rn4a.ru/
Submission: On July 16 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB

Form analysis 7 forms found in the DOM

Name: viewform #

<form name="viewform" action="#">
  <div class="ctl">
    <span id="viewformbuttons"><input type="radio" name="group" value="waterfall" onclick="setview(2);">waterfall<input type="radio" name="group" value="blind" onclick="setview(3);">blind</span>
  <div class="ctl">
    <b>Allow keyboard:</b>
    <input type="checkbox" name="allowkeys" value="">
    <div class="keylist">
      <tt><b>j k ← →</b></tt>: freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster) <tt><b>u l c a f</b></tt>: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM <tt><b>z Z</b></tt>: center/zoom waterfall <tt><b>g</b></tt>: enter frequency

Name: html5choiceform #

<form name="html5choiceform" action="#" style="float:left">
  <div class="ctl">
    <div id="html5choice"><b>Waterfall:</b><span style="color: red"><input type="radio" name="groupw" value="Java" onclick="html5orjava(0,1);">Java</span><span style="color:green"><input type="radio" name="groupw" value="HTML5"
          onclick="html5orjava(0,0);" checked="">HTML5</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Sound:</b><span style="color: red"><input type="radio" name="groupa" value="Java" onclick="html5orjava(1,1);">Java</span><span style="color: green"><input type="radio"
          name="groupa" value="HTML5" onclick="html5orjava(1,0);" checked="">HTML5</span><input type="button" value="Включить звук" onclick="iOS_audio_start()"></div>
  <br style="clear:both">

Name: freqform #

<form name="freqform" action="#" onsubmit="setfreqif(this.frequency.value); return false;">
  <div class="ctl">
    <span class="showblind">
      <input id="freqstepm3" type="button" value="---" onclick="freqstep(-3)">
      <input type="button" value="--" onclick="freqstep(-2)">
      <input type="button" value="-" onclick="freqstep(-1)">
    <input type="text" size="10" name="frequency" onkeyup="setfreqif_fut(this.value);"> kHz <input type="submit" style="position:absolute; left:-999px" value="submit"> <!-- IE sillyness; other browsers are fine with visibility:none -->
    <span class="hideblind">
      <input type="button" value="---" onclick="freqstep(-3)">
      <input type="button" value="--" onclick="freqstep(-2)">
      <input type="button" value="-" onclick="freqstep(-1)">
    <input type="button" value="+" onclick="freqstep(+1)">
    <input type="button" value="++" onclick="freqstep(+2)">
    <input type="button" value="+++" onclick="freqstep(+3)">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <div class="hideblind">
      <div hidden="" id="memories" class="memories">
              <td><input type="button" disabled="" title="recall" value="recall" onclick="mem_recall(0)"><input type="button" disabled="" title="erase" value="erase" onclick="mem_erase(0)"><input type="button" title="store" value="store"

Name: logform #

<form name="logform" action="#"> Call of station that you hear: <input type="text" size="12" name="call" onclick="">
  <br> Comments, if any: <input type="text" size="30" name="comment" onclick="">
  <input type="button" value="submit" onclick="return sendlog()">

Name: form1 #

<form name="form1" action="#"> Подслушивают <span id="numusers">6</span> : <input id="compactviewcheckbox" type="checkbox" name="compactview" value="" onclick="setcompactview(this.checked)">compact view <div id="users">
    <div align="left" style="width:1024px; background-color:black;">
      <div class="others">
        <div id="user0" align="center" style="position:relative;left:537.00032px;width:500px; color:#ff4040;"><b>::ffff:</b></div>
        <div id="user1" align="center" style="position:relative;left:512.000384px;width:500px; color:#ffa000;"><b>::ffff:</b></div>
        <div id="user2" align="center" style="position:relative;left:537.00032px;width:500px; color:#a0a000;"><b>Admin</b></div>
        <div id="user3" align="center" style="position:relative;left:512.000384px;width:500px; color:#80ff00;"><b>::ffff:</b></div>
        <div id="user4" align="center" style="position:relative;left:537.00032px;width:500px; color:#00ff00;"><b>::ffff:</b></div>
        <div id="user5" align="center" style="position:relative;left:512.000384px;width:500px; color:#00a0a0;"><b>::ffff:</b></div><img src="tmp/1688734564-b0z0i0.png">

Name: chatform #

<form name="chatform" onsubmit="return sendchat()" action="#">
  <input type="text" size="80" name="chat" onclick="">
  <input type="button" value="chatbox submit" onclick="return sendchat()">

Name: usernameform #

<form name="usernameform" action="#" hidden="">
  <script type="text/javascript">
  </script><a id="please"><span id="please1"><b><i>Ваше имя или позывной:</i></b></span> <input type="text" value="" name="username" onchange="setusernamecookie()" onclick=""></a>
  <input type="text" size="1" name="dummytopreventsubmissiononenter" style="display:none" onclick="">

Text Content

УКВ приёмник Ростов-на-Дону      УКВ приёмник Волгодонск

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version of this site.
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and/or enable it for this website to work properly.
Since Java version 7u51, Java needs to be enabled separately for each website;
see http://websdr.org/java.html for instructions.
Your browser does not seem to support HTML5 WebAudio; please try a recent
version of Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari; or switch to Java.
View: waterfallblind
Allow keyboard:
j k ← →: freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster) u l c a f: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM z
Z: center/zoom waterfall g: enter frequency
Waterfall:JavaHTML5   Sound:JavaHTML5








Frequency: kHz


10.09 kHz @ -6dB; 10.55 kHz @ -60dB.

Waterfall view:

Or use scroll wheel and dragging on waterfall. Speed: slow medium fast
Size: small medium large
View: spectrum waterfall weak sigs strong sigs Hide labels

  -89.3 dB; peak   -89.0 dB;
mute squelch autonotch

Your browser does not seem to support downloading the recording; please try a
recent version of Firefox, Chrome or Opera.
none fast slow

Call of station that you hear:
Comments, if any:
Note: time, frequency, your name/call, and DXCC information are added
View the last 20 lines of the logbook, or the entire logbook (ctrl-click for new

Подслушивают 6 : compact view


Ваше имя или позывной:
Past 10 seconds: CPUload=65.3%, 5.09 users; audio 222.7 kb/s, waterfall 143.9
kb/s, http 94.5 kb/s
WebSDR HTML5 sound - Copyright 2007-2014, P.T. de Boer, pa3fwm@websdr.org
-24304 1000 -10986 -2000 8000 WebAudio