Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On April 01 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from AU

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form action="" class="login-form">
  <div class="form-head">
    <h3 class="form-title">Login</h3>
    <p class="form-desc">Please enter the credential below to login.</p>
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      <i class="icon"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><g clip-path="url(#clip0_342_113)"><path d="M14.9318 12.0922L21 15.9285V8.094L14.9318 12.0922Z" fill="#17B978"></path><path d="M3 8.094V15.9285L9.06825 12.0922L3 8.094Z" fill="#17B978"></path><path d="M19.8749 5.8125H4.12494C3.56357 5.8125 3.11807 6.231 3.03369 6.76988L11.9999 12.6773L20.9662 6.76988C20.8818 6.231 20.4363 5.8125 19.8749 5.8125Z" fill="#17B978"></path><path d="M13.9013 12.7717L12.3094 13.8202C12.2149 13.8821 12.108 13.9125 12 13.9125C11.892 13.9125 11.7851 13.8821 11.6906 13.8202L10.0988 12.7706L3.03601 17.238C3.12264 17.7724 3.56589 18.1875 4.12501 18.1875H19.875C20.4341 18.1875 20.8774 17.7724 20.964 17.238L13.9013 12.7717Z" fill="#17B978"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="clip0_342_113"><rect width="18" height="18" fill="white" transform="translate(3 3)"></rect></clipPath></defs></svg></i><input
        class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Email" name="username"></div>
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      <i class="icon"><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path d="M18.375 9.75H17.25V8.24999C17.25 5.35512 14.8949 3 12 3C9.10509 3 6.75001 5.35512 6.75001 8.24999V9.75H5.62501C5.41773 9.75 5.25 9.91773 5.25 10.125V19.5C5.25 20.3273 5.92271 21 6.75001 21H17.25C18.0773 21 18.75 20.3273 18.75 19.5V10.125C18.75 9.91773 18.5823 9.75 18.375 9.75ZM13.1228 17.5836C13.1345 17.6894 13.1005 17.7956 13.0294 17.8751C12.9584 17.9546 12.8566 18 12.75 18H11.25C11.1435 18 11.0416 17.9546 10.9706 17.8751C10.8995 17.7957 10.8655 17.6895 10.8772 17.5836L11.1138 15.4563C10.7296 15.1769 10.5 14.7349 10.5 14.25C10.5 13.4227 11.1727 12.75 12 12.75C12.8273 12.75 13.5 13.4227 13.5 14.25C13.5 14.7349 13.2704 15.1769 12.8863 15.4563L13.1228 17.5836ZM15 9.75H9.00001V8.24999C9.00001 6.59582 10.3458 5.25 12 5.25C13.6542 5.25 15 6.59582 15 8.24999V9.75Z" fill="#17B978"></path></svg></i><input
        class="form-control" type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password"></div>
  <div class="form-group button-container"><button type="submit" class="btn login-btn">LOGIN</button></div>

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