www.amazon.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/5quxnkvm04i7hvlvmxph7urz42v44/08hwh9hd77n23nul/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYW1hem9uLmNvbS9DcmVhdGl2aXR5LUluY...
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Creativity-Inc-Expanded-Overcoming-Inspiration/dp/0593594649/
Submission: On October 18 via api from CA — Scanned from CA

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                        <td class="a-span2 a-text-right"> <span class="a-size-base a-color-base"> $22.31 </span> </td>
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Ed CatmullEd Catmull
Amy WallaceAmy Wallace
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by Ed Catmull (Author), Amy Wallace (Author)
4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 10,025 ratings

Goodreads Choice Award nominee

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The co-founder and longtime president of Pixar updates and expands his 2014 New
York Times bestseller on creative leadership, reflecting on the management
principles that built Pixar’s singularly successful culture, and on all he
learned during the past nine years that allowed Pixar to retain its creative
culture while continuing to evolve.

“Might be the most thoughtful management book ever.”—Fast Company
For nearly thirty years, Pixar has dominated the world of animation, producing
such beloved films as the Toy Story trilogy, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Up,
and WALL-E, which have gone on to set box-office records and garner eighteen
Academy Awards. The joyous storytelling, the inventive plots, the emotional
authenticity: In some ways, Pixar movies are an object lesson in what creativity
really is. Here, Catmull reveals the ideals and techniques that have made Pixar
so widely admired—and so profitable.
As a young man, Ed Catmull had a dream: to make the first computer-animated
movie. He nurtured that dream as a Ph.D. student, and then forged a partnership
with George Lucas that led, indirectly, to his founding Pixar with Steve Jobs
and John Lasseter in 1986. Nine years later, Toy Story was released, changing
animation forever. The essential ingredient in that movie’s success—and in the
twenty-five movies that followed—was the unique environment that Catmull and his
colleagues built at Pixar, based on philosophies that protect the creative
process and defy convention, such as:
• Give a good idea to a mediocre team and they will screw it up. But give a
mediocre idea to a great team and they will either fix it or come up with
something better.
• It’s not the manager’s job to prevent risks. It’s the manager’s job to make it
safe for others to take them.
• The cost of preventing errors is often far greater than the cost of fixing
• A company’s communication structure should not mirror its organizational
structure. Everybody should be able to talk to anybody.

Creativity, Inc. has been significantly expanded to illuminate the continuing
development of the unique culture at Pixar. It features a new introduction, two
entirely new chapters, four new chapter postscripts, and changes and updates
throughout. Pursuing excellence isn’t a one-off assignment but an ongoing,
day-in, day-out, full-time job. And Creativity, Inc. explores how it is done.

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    496 pages
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    Random House
 4. Publication date
    June 13, 2023
 5. Dimensions
    6.43 x 1.57 x 9.52 inches
 6. ISBN-10
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    Highlighted by 9,820 Kindle readers
 2. If you give a good idea to a mediocre team, they will screw it up. If you
    give a mediocre idea to a brilliant team, they will either fix it or throw
    it away and come up with something better.
    Highlighted by 9,558 Kindle readers
 3. Getting the right people and the right chemistry is more important than
    getting the right idea.
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 4. Find, develop, and support good people, and they in turn will find, develop,
    and own good ideas.
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“The most practical and deep book ever written by a practitioner on the topic of
innovation.”—Prof. Gary P. Pisano, Harvard Business School

“In Creativity, Inc. Ed reveals, with commonsense specificity and honesty,
examples of how not to get in your own way and how to realize a creative
coalescence of art, business, and innovation.”—George Lucas

“Business gurus love to tell stories about Pixar, but this is our first chance to
hear the real story from someone who lived it and led it. Everyone interested in
managing innovation—or just good managing—needs to read this book.”—Chip Heath,
co-author of Switch and Decisive

“This book should be required reading for any manager.”—Charles Duhigg, author
of The Power of Habit

“Ed Catmull has developed methods to root out and destroy the barriers to
creativity, to marry creativity to the pursuit of excellence, and, most
impressive, to sustain a culture of disciplined creativity during setbacks and
success.”—Jim Collins, co-author of Built to Last and author of Good to Great

“This is the best book ever written on what it takes to build a creative
organization.”—Robert I. Sutton, professor of management science at Stanford
University, author of The No A**hole Rule and co-author of Scaling Up Excellence


Ed Catmull is co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios and president of Walt Disney
and Pixar Animation Studios. He has received five Academy Awards, including the
Gordon E. Sawyer Award, and he is an ACM Turing Award Laureate. He lives in San
Amy Wallace is a journalist whose work has appeared in GQ, The New Yorker,
Wired, Vanity Fair, and The New York Times Magazine. Previously, she worked as a
reporter and editor at the Los Angeles Times. She is also the co-host of
Riveted, a podcast about great storytelling.


Chapter 1


For thirteen years we had a table in the large conference room at Pixar that we
call West One. Though it was beautiful, I grew to hate this table. It was long
and skinny, like one of those things you’d see in a comedy sketch about an old
wealthy couple that sits down for dinner—one person at either end, a candelabra
in the middle—and has to shout to make conversation. The table had been chosen
by a designer Steve Jobs liked, and it was elegant, all right—but it impeded our

We’d hold regular meetings about our movies around that table—thirty of us
facing off in two long lines, often with more people seated along the walls—and
everyone was so spread out that it was difficult to communicate. For those
unlucky enough to be seated at the far ends, ideas didn’t flow because it was
nearly impossible to make eye contact without craning your neck. Moreover,
because it was important that the director and producer of the film in question
be able to hear what everyone was saying, they had to be placed at the center of
the table. So did Pixar’s creative leaders: John Lasseter, Pixar’s creative
officer, and me, and a handful of our most experienced directors, producers, and
writers. To ensure that these people were always seated together, someone began
making place cards. We might as well have been at a formal dinner party.

When it comes to creative inspiration, job titles and hierarchy are meaningless.
That’s what I believe. But unwittingly, we were allowing this table—and the
resulting place card ritual—to send a different message. The closer you were
seated to the middle of the table, it implied, the more important—the more
central—you must be. And the farther away, the less likely you were to speak
up—your distance from the heart of the conversation made participating feel
intrusive. If the table was crowded, as it often was, still more people would
sit in chairs around the edges of the room, creating yet a third tier of
participants (those at the center of the table, those at the ends, and those not
at the table at all). Without intending to, we’d created an obstacle that
discouraged people from jumping in.

Over the course of a decade, we held countless meetings around this table in
this way—completely unaware of how doing so undermined our own core principles.
Why were we blind to this? Because the seating arrangements and place cards were
designed for the convenience of the leaders, including me. Sincerely believing
that we were in an inclusive meeting, we saw nothing amiss because we didn’t
feel excluded. Those not sitting at the center of the table, meanwhile, saw
quite clearly how it established a pecking order but presumed that we—the
leaders—had intended that outcome. Who were they, then, to complain?

It wasn’t until we happened to have a meeting in a smaller room with a square
table that John and I realized what was wrong. Sitting around that table, the
interplay was better, the exchange of ideas more free-flowing, the eye contact
automatic. Every person there, no matter their job title, felt free to speak up.
This was not only what we wanted, it was a fundamental Pixar belief: Unhindered
communication was key, no matter what your position. At our long, skinny table,
comfortable in our middle seats, we had utterly failed to recognize that we were
behaving contrary to that basic tenet. Over time, we’d fallen into a trap. Even
though we were conscious that a room’s dynamics are critical to any good
discussion, even though we believed that we were constantly on the lookout for
problems, our vantage point blinded us to what was right before our eyes.

Emboldened by this new insight, I went to our Facilities Department. “Please,” I
said, “I don’t care how you do it, but get that table out of there.” I wanted
something that could be arranged into a more intimate square, so people could
address each other directly and not feel like they didn’t matter. A few days
later, as a critical meeting on an upcoming movie approached, our new table was
installed, solving the problem.

Still, interestingly, there were remnants of that problem that did not
immediately vanish just because we’d solved it. For example, the next time I
walked into West One, I saw the brand-new table, arranged—as requested—in a more
intimate square that made it possible for more people to interact at once. But
the table was adorned with the same old place cards! While we’d fixed the key
problem that had made place cards seem necessary, the cards themselves had
become a tradition that would continue until we specifically dismantled it. This
wasn’t as troubling an issue as the table itself, but it was something we had to
address because cards implied hierarchy, and that was precisely what we were
trying to avoid. When Andrew Stanton, one of our directors, entered the meeting
room that morning, he grabbed several place cards and began randomly moving them
around, narrating as he went. “We don’t need these anymore!” he said in a way
that everyone in the room grasped. Only then did we succeed in eliminating this
ancillary problem.

This is the nature of management. Decisions are made, usually for good reasons,
which in turn prompt other decisions. So when problems arise—and they always
do—disentangling them is not as simple as correcting the original error. Often,
finding a solution is a multi-step endeavor. There is the problem you know you
are trying to solve—think of that as an oak tree—and then there are all the
other problems—think of these as saplings—that sprouted from the acorns that
fell around it. And these problems remain after you cut the oak tree down.

Even after all these years, I’m often surprised to find problems that have
existed right in front of me, in plain sight. For me, the key to solving these
problems is finding ways to see what’s working and what isn’t, which sounds a
lot simpler than it is. Pixar today is managed according to this principle, but
in a way I’ve been searching all my life for better ways of seeing. It began
decades before Pixar even existed.

When I was a kid, I used to plunk myself down on the living room floor of my
family’s modest Salt Lake City home a few minutes before 7 p.m. every Sunday and
wait for Walt Disney. Specifically, I’d wait for him to appear on our
black-and-white RCA with its tiny 12-inch screen. Even from a dozen feet
away—the accepted wisdom at the time was that viewers should put one foot
between them and the TV for every inch of screen—I was transfixed by what I saw.

Each week, Walt Disney himself opened the broadcast of The Wonderful World of
Disney. Standing before me in suit and tie, like a kindly neighbor, he would
demystify the Disney magic. He’d explain the use of synchronized sound in
Steamboat Willie or talk about the importance of music in Fantasia. He always
went out of his way to give credit to his forebears, the men—and, at this point,
they were all men—who’d done the pioneering work upon which he was building his
empire. He’d introduce the television audience to trailblazers such as Max
Fleischer, of Koko the Clown and Betty Boop fame, and Winsor McCay, who made
Gertie the Dinosaur—the first animated film to feature a character that
expressed emotion—in 1914. He’d gather a group of his animators, designers, and
storyboard artists to explain how they made Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck come to
life. Each week, Disney created a made-up world, used cutting-edge technology to
enable it, and then told us how he’d done it.

Walt Disney was one of my two boyhood idols. The other was Albert Einstein. To
me, even at a young age, they represented the two poles of creativity. Disney
was all about inventing the new. He brought things into being—both artistically
and technologically—that did not exist before. Einstein, by contrast, was a
master of explaining that which already was. I read every Einstein biography I
could get my hands on as well as a little book he wrote on his theory of
relativity. I loved how the concepts he developed forced people to change their
approach to physics and matter, to view the universe from a different
perspective. Wild-haired and iconic, Einstein dared to bend the implications of
what we thought we knew. He solved the biggest puzzles of all and, in doing so,
changed our understanding of reality.
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 * Publisher ‏ : ‎ Random House; Expanded edition (June 13, 2023)
 * Language ‏ : ‎ English
 * Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 496 pages
 * ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0593594649
 * ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0593594643
 * Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.58 pounds
 * Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.43 x 1.57 x 9.52 inches

 * Best Sellers Rank: #19,600 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
    * #15 in Art of Film & Video
    * #44 in Business Professional's Biographies
    * #246 in Leadership & Motivation

 * Customer Reviews:
   4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 10,025 ratings

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    Brief content visible, double tap to read full content.
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    Edwin Earl "Ed" Catmull (born March 31, 1945) is a computer scientist and
    current president of Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Animation
    Studios (including the latter's DisneyToon Studios division). As a computer
    scientist, Catmull has contributed to many important developments in
    computer graphics.
    Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Photo by VES_Awards_89.jpg: Jeff
    Heusser derivative work: Ahonc (This file was derived from VES Awards
    89.jpg:) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via
    Wikimedia Commons.
    See more on the author's page
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    Full content visible, double tap to read brief content.
    Amy Wallace is an American journalist and author. She is the co-author, with
    Ed Catmull, of the 2014 bestselling book Creativity Inc.: Overcoming the
    Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration. Her magazine work,
    which has been twice nominated for a National Magazine Award, has appeared
    in Esquire, Elle, GQ, Men’s Journal, New York, the New York Times Magazine,
    The New Yorker, and Vanity Fair, among other publications. She lives in
    Pasadena, California.
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Wally Bock
5.0 out of 5 stars The best book I've read on fostering creativity and
innovation in a company -- must-read for managers
Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2017
Verified Purchase
Creativity Inc: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in The Way of True
Inspiration is the intertwined stories of Ed Catmull and Pixar Animation. It’s
more than that, though. It may be the best book you’ll ever read about how
leaders and organizations can make it possible for people to use their whole
creative brain power. I know that’s a bold statement. Here’s why I make it.

There is a vast literature out there about how individual people can tap into
their natural, God-given creativity. There’s no one best book in this crop, but
if you find one that works for you, that one’s the best as far as you’re

There’s not a lot about how organizations and leaders can unleash creativity and
most of it is platitudes on parade. We’re told to “fail fast and fail often” as
if failing was the point. It’s not. Learning is the point. We’re told to tell
people they should not be afraid to fail. What nonsense. Nobody likes to fail,
and if they’re afraid to fail, it’s not their fault. It’s yours. We’re also
given that advice as if there is an alternative to doing creative cutting-edge
work without getting it wrong, mostly at the beginning. There isn’t. That’s the
way the world works.

Some writers do a better job on this by talking about ways you can structure
things so that a failure is more likely to be seen as a learning experience and
where criticism and bad news can be received as gifts rather than attacks. But
there’s precious little in those books about how you actually make it work and
then keep it working over time.

Creativity Inc is different. The primary reason is Ed Catmull and his
willingness to talk about the details of both his and Pixar’s journeys. Here’s
what I consider the key quote from very early in the book.

“What makes Pixar special is that we acknowledge we will always have problems,
many of them hidden from our view; but we work hard to uncover those problems,
even if doing so means making ourselves uncomfortable; and that when we come
across a problem, we marshal all of our energies to solve it.”

Early in the book, Catmull tells the story of a table in a meeting room at
Pixar. The table, evidently, looks like most of the tables in most meeting rooms
that I’ve been in. It was rectangular. Most of us have heard that tables with
that shape aren’t exactly symbols of an egalitarian culture and that they stifle
open discussion. But we keep meeting around those tables. So did Pixar.

“Over the course of a decade, we held countless meetings around this table in
this way – completely unaware of how doing so undermined our own core

When Catmull and his crew become aware of the effect of the table, they change
it. Good for them. Then they discover that there are other behaviors that may
have been linked to the table originally but continue after the table is
changed. For example, on the old table there were place cards indicating where
people sat. Powerful people at the ends, junior people toward the middle. The
new square table removed the power of shape but the place cards had become
common practice, too. So, when Catmull came into the room for a meeting around
the new table, he found place cards indicating where everyone should sit.

That is the book in a nutshell. Catmull covers a lot of ground and many topics,
but the core book is about how he, John Lasseter, and other people at Pixar,
uncovered problems and worked to solve them, nurtured creative energy, and dealt
with the inevitable conflicts and surprises. Every organization that I’ve ever
worked with or visited has had similar issues.

One problem putting together the review for this book is that it is simply
riddled with wisdom. So, rather than give you the standard chapter summaries
that I put in most reviews, I’m going to list each of the four sections and name
the chapters that are in it, then share some quotes from that section. I’m sure
that when you read the book, you will find your own insightful bits that are
different from mine.

Part 1 is called Getting Started. The four chapters, Animated, Pixar Is Born, A
Defining Goal, and Establishing Pixar’s Identity, tell the story of Ed Catmull
and Pixar up until the success of “Toy Story.”

"I also didn’t yet know that my self-assigned mission was about much more than
technology. To pull it off, we’d have to be creative not only technically but
also in the ways that we worked together."

"What had drawn me to science, all those years ago, was the search for
understanding. Human interaction is far more complex than relativity or string
theory, of course, but that only made it more interesting and important; it
constantly challenged my presumptions. As we made more movies, I would learn
that some of my beliefs about why and how Pixar had been successful were wrong.
But one thing could not have been more plain: Figuring out how to build a
sustainable creative culture—one that didn’t just pay lip service to the
importance of things like honesty, excellence, communication, originality, and
self-assessment but really committed to them, no matter how uncomfortable that
became—wasn’t a singular assignment. It was a day-in-day-out, full-time job. And
one that I wanted to do."

Part 2 is titled Protecting the New. That’s a theme that will run through the
book from here on. The chapters are: Honesty and Candor, Fear and Failure, The
Hungry Beast and The Ugly Baby, Change and Randomness, and The Hidden.

“Because early on, all of our movies suck. That’s a blunt assessment, I know,
but I make a point of repeating it often, and I choose that phrasing because
saying it in a softer way fails to convey how bad the first versions of our
films really are. I’m not trying to be modest or self-effacing by saying this.
Pixar films are not good at first, and our job is to make them so—to go, as I
say, ‘from suck to not-suck.’ This idea—that all the movies we now think of as
brilliant were, at one time, terrible—is a hard concept for many to grasp”

“So if your primary goal is to have a fully worked out, set-in-stone plan, you
are only upping your chances of being unoriginal.”

"One of the biggest barriers is fear, and while failure comes with the
territory, fear shouldn’t have to. The goal, then, is to uncouple fear and
failure—to create an environment in which making mistakes doesn’t strike terror
into your employees’ hearts."

"If you don’t try to uncover what is unseen and understand its nature, you will
be ill prepared to lead."

Part 3 is titled Building and Sustaining. There are only two chapters:
Broadening Our View and The Unmade Future.

"This third section of the book is devoted to some of the specific methods we
have employed at Pixar to prevent our disparate views from hindering our
collaboration. In each case, we are trying to force ourselves—individually and
as a company—to challenge our preconceptions."

"Companies, like individuals, do not become exceptional by believing they are
exceptional but by understanding the ways in which they aren’t exceptional.
Postmortems are one route into that understanding.”

Part 4, titled Testing What We Know, also has just two chapters. They are A New
Challenge and Notes Day.

"The future is not a destination—it is a direction."

One more thing. Steve Jobs played a critical role in Pixar’s success and Ed
Catmull has included an afterword called The Steve Jobs We Knew. My friend, Bob
Sutton, has said that Steve Jobs is something of a Rorschach test for people.
You see what you think you see, and other people see the same thing and
interpret it differently. My problem has always been that most of the views of
Jobs freeze him in time and they don’t indicate any growth or maturity. No one
as intelligent or introspective as Steve Jobs would have stayed the same for his
entire life. What I loved about the afterword is that it not only gave a unique
view of Jobs as both a business partner and a friend, but also talked about his
growth during his life.

Bottom Line

Creativity Inc: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in The Way of True
Inspiration is a great book about creativity and about how to lead an
organization. More importantly it is the very best book I’ve ever read about
unleashing the initiative and creativity of people in an organization.

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5.0 out of 5 stars So what does Pixar have to do with my company? More than you
Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2015
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Ed Catmull is the president of Pixar and Disney Animation and one of the
founding members of Pixar. In “Creativity, Inc.” Catmull recounts his personal
story and the creation of Pixar Animation, the many challenges that he has faced
throughout his career, how he dealt with those challenges and the many lessons
learned, and how to face the challenges ahead. He offers his own unique insights
on creating, building, and maintaining a sustainable corporate culture and a
true corporate identity that believes in, fosters, and supports creativity. With
a conversational tone and common-sense, straightforward presentation, the author
presents a great framework for anyone interested understanding and improving
corporate culture, from the business student to the CEO. The way that Catmull
presents his claims is thoughtful and genuine. He provides real-world cases and
experiences to back up his assertions, never coming off as a clueless executive
who’s just regurgitating the same familiar (and tired) business book tropes.

In chapters 1 through 4 Catmull tells his own journey, from a young child
through the often turbulent creation of Pixar. After the creation of Pixar and
the the success of Toy Story, he learned two central principles – “the story is
king” and “trust the process.” The former idea was that focusing on and creating
a good story would be paramount to the success of the project. The latter
principle was reassurance that even if things got tough they could lean on the
process that had been put in place and trust that following the it could get
them over almost any hurdles.

The production of Toy Story 2, which was much more challenging, taught him that
putting the right team in place is absolutely critical. The author refutes the
opt-repeated idea that when building a team you should look for good ideas, not
good people. As he points out, ideas come from people, so finding good people is
key. Additionally, he states that it’s “…the focus on people – their work
habits, their talents, their values – that is absolutely central to any creative
venture.” He has since made it a priority to make sure that hired the right
people and put them on projects that complement their skills, which will in turn
lead to good ideas.

Chapters 5 through 9 are devoted to topics that challenge an organization:

- Candor. There subtle difference between honesty and candor. Honesty, he says,
carries a moral connotation while candor does not. He believes that candor and
the ability to feel open to share one’s thoughts and ideas and criticisms is
essential to maintaining a creative working environment. It allows for the
evaluation and re-evaluation of the project and the opportunity to make
iterative improvements throughout the project life.

- Failure. While Pixar has been very fortunate to have had great successes they
have also experienced their share of failures. Failure can be opportunity for
growth and essential to learning. Iterative processes using trial and error,
which frequently lead to failure, can help guide us to the best solution.
Certainly, we should not seek out or become accepting of failure but it also
should not be vilified to the point of creating a culture that avoids risk due
to fear, stifling creativity and innovation.

- “Feeding the beast” and “the ugly baby.” Feeding the beast is what happens
when a company enjoys some success, realizes significant growth, and then has to
churn out more and more product to justify its own existence; you have to
constantly feed the monster you’ve created. This often results in increased
pressure to shorten development times which, in the author’s opinion, almost
always leads to a corresponding loss in product quality. “The ugly baby” refers
to an idea at conception that is very rough around the edges. They are
incomplete and not fully formed. Ideas in this stage are vulnerable to being
destroyed and need to be protected and nurtured to survive.

- Change. People fear of it and are resistance to it, often perceiving change as
an admission that what thye’ve been doing isn’t really working. They don’t like
the confusion, stress, or extra work that often accompanies change. However,
change can be vital to growth and the creative process because it’s often
necessary to evolve due to the changing conditions, business or otherwise, that
surround you.

- Randomness. In business, and in life in general, we should not be fooled to
think that we can control every aspect of every situation. However much we think
that we are in control of our own destinies we need to recognize that the
reality is that a fair amount of our success or failure, more than we often care
to admit, is well beyond our control. He also uses this to underscore the idea
that all the people in the company has an interest in its success so they should
not be prevented or discouraged from making independent decisions because, in
his words,”…we must meet unexpected problems with unexpected responses.”

- The Hidden. The hidden are the all the many things that we cannot see that
influence our decisions; the unknown problems we have yet to encounter. Catmull
states that one of his core management beliefs is “if you don’t try to uncover
what is unseen and understand its nature, you will be ill-prepared to lead.”

Later in book the author discusses methods that they have employed at Pixar to
prevent these challenges within the organization from impeding collaboration and

1. Dailies or solving problems together. Collaborative daily meetings with
project stakeholders to review and discuss the status of production in order to
receive and provide feedback and constructive criticism.
2. Research Trips. Teams are encouraged to perform real-world research by
immersing themselves into subjects and visiting locations in person to promote
creativity and authenticity, preventing the finished product from feeling forced
or derivative.
3. The Power of Limits. Priorities and limits need to be set within the context
of the tasks at hand and the overall project in order to remain focused and make
efficient use of time and resources. Limits can also be beneficial in that they
often lead to creative solutions to overcome them.
4. Integrating Technology and Art. Using all the latest tools and technologies
at your disposal to challenge, improve, and spur innovation in the creative
5. Short Experiments. Experimentation often leads to innovation, learning, and
the development of skills that can be utilized on larger projects. It also
affords a greater creative freedom and the ability to take bigger risks than
many larger projects.
6. Learning to See. Setting aside preconceptions and biases so as not to jump to
conclusions in order see something clearly for what it really is, or is not.
7. Postmortems. An exploratory meeting at the conclusion of a project to discuss
what worked, what didn’t, how things could have been done different, and other
lessons learned. These are essential components of continuous improvement.
8. Continuing to Learn. Learning promotes creativity and new ways of thinking.
It opens us up to new ideas and possibilities which help reinvigorate the
creative process.

Ultimately, our author makes the case that it is possible to create a
sustainable creative culture. There will be challenges, setbacks, and failures
but with the right people and processes in place they can almost always be
overcome. There is a great assumption of risk that is married to any creative
venture, and Pixar certainly is no exception. While the ideas he has presented
create a framework of barriers to creativity and actions Pixar took prevent
them, we must remain watchful and vigilant, and the solutions must evolve when
needed. When it works it can be a source of great pride and accomplishment. The
path isn’t always easy but, as the author states in closing, “…ease isn’t the
goal; excellence is.”

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Shankar seller
5.0 out of 5 stars Infinity & Beyond
Reviewed in India on October 5, 2023
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do you want to know the story of how beautiful stories are made. Then this is
the book

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Marcus-B. H&uuml;bner
4.0 out of 5 stars Wie leitet einer Kreativität?
Reviewed in Germany on February 18, 2016
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Manche Menschen sind geborene Leiter. Man sieht zu ihnen auf, folgt ihnen, weil
sie keinerlei Zweifel zu haben scheinen, wo es hingehen soll. Ihre Vision für
die Zukunft, ihre Fähigkeit, Entscheidungen zu treffen, und ihre Überzeugung,
genau die richtige Person für diese Aufgabe zu sein, schenkt ihnen eine
Ausstrahlung, der man nur schwerlich widerstehen kann.
Kommt eine solche natürliche Begabung zur Leiterschaft zusammen mit einer
robusten und tiefgehenden Spiritualität, dann redet man wohl von Pastoren, von
Gemeindeleitern, oder, nach Schleiermacher, von den Religionsvirtuosen, die aus
einem Hauskreis eine Megagemeinde zimmern können.
Manche andere müssen in diese Aufgabe hineinwachsen. Sie mögen die eine oder
andere Begabung mitbringen, die andere völlig vernachlässigt haben, und wieder
eine andere gar nicht besitzen. Leiterschaft ist für die meisten nicht etwas,
das sie einfach tun, sondern dem sie sich verpflichtet fühlen, und das sie
deswegen lernen wollen.
Weil nun das Anleiten von Menschen in christlichen Gemeinden zwar eine besonders
gewichte Ewigkeitsperspektive hat, nicht aber nach völlig anderen Spielregeln
funktioniert als das Anleiten von Menschen in Wirtschaft und Freizeit, ist es
schon lange zum Usus geworden, auch als (zukünftiger) Gemeindeleiter nach
Hinweisen bei den eigenen Fragen in Managementratgebern aus der Wirtschaft zu
Wobei ich zugeben muss, dass ich solchen Büchern nicht ohne eine gewisse
Spannung entgegentrete. Auf der einen Seite bin ich überzeugt, dass ich in ihnen
lernen und reifen kann. Gleichzeitig ist mir die unverhüllte wirtschaftliche
Rechnung darin oft zuwider. Wo Leiterschaft mehr dazu dient, die Firma aufrecht
zu erhalten, als den Menschen zu helfen, scheint sie mir einen völlig anderen
Weg eingeschlagen zu haben, als es eine christliche Gemeinde eigentlich sollte.

Pixars Geschichte als eine Geschichte der Kreativität
In diese Spannung hinein spricht Ed Catmulls spannendes Buch Creativity Inc.
Catmull ist einer der Mitbegründer der Pixar Animations Studios, die vor einigen
Jahren mit Toy Story den ersten voll computeranimierten Film in die Kinos
brachten. Abgesehen von dieser technischen Innovation ist Pixar aber vor allem
dafür bekannt, großartige Filme zu machen, die immer eine faszinierende
Geschichte erzählen. Das erzählerische Niveau dieser Firma, und damit ihr
Potenzial an Kreativität und Erfindergeist sind legendär.
Man könnte sagen, dass Catmulls Buch sich nicht von anderen Management-Ratgebern
unterscheidet, die von bekannten Leitern großer Firmen geschrieben sind.
Meistens sind sie eine irgendwie anregende Mischung zwischen Poppsychologie, aus
dem (Management-)Alltag gegriffenen hilfreichen Tipps, Regeln und Anekdoten,
sowie schamlose Selbstvermarktung, und meisten zeitlich eng abgestimmt mit der
Veröffentlichung einer neuen großen Produktlinie der eigenen Firma.
Doch gleichzeitig habe ich Catmulls Buch auch als anders empfunden. Es ist nicht
so, dass diese ganzen Dinge nicht auch vorhanden sind. Catmulls Buch hat
allerdings eine besondere Schlagseite. Im Untertitel des Buches (Overcoming the
unseen Forces that stand in the way of true Inspiration) wird deutlich, dass
Catmull seine Firma als besonderes Aufzuchtbecken für Kreativität verstanden
wissen will. In diesem Sinne richten sich die Anekdoten aus der Gründerzeit
seiner Firma, alle seine Hinweise, Tipps und Reglementarien auf das Ziel aus,
dass eine Firma Ideen produziert, kreativ ist, und Inspiration versprüht.
Wenn man diese besondere Stoßrichtung beachtet, ist das Buch allerdings vom
gleichen Schlage wie andere Managementbücher aus dieser Richtung.
Wenn man ein Liebhaber von Pixarfilmen und Animationsfilmen allgemein ist, dann
ist es entsprechend eine wunderbare Lektüre. Die Geschichte hinter all den
wunderbaren Filmen zu lesen, auch von verschiedenen Entwicklungsstufen, die die
Geschichte genommen habe, ist bereichernd und hat bei mir die Liebe zu den
Filmen neu entfacht. Gleichzeitig kann man eintauchen in die faktisch
wirtschaftliche Welt der Firma Pixar, die nicht nur daran interessiert sein
kann, süße und inspirierende Filme zu machen, sondern auch hunderte von
Beschäftigten ihre Gehalt zahlen muss und nach Wirtschaftlichkeit strebt.
Catmull nennt diesen Teil seiner Arbeit liebevoll „das Monster füttern zu
In diesem Sinne hat das Buch für mich auch als eine Art Entzauberung von Pixar
gewirkt, mich aus meiner kindlichen Naivität über die Zusammenhänge der Filme
und der großen (Film-)Wirtschaft herausgerissen und mir die kalte Wahrheit vor
Augen geführt. Das ist sicher nicht unbedingt schlecht. Aber wie die meisten
Menschen, die eine bestimmte Erkenntnis erlangt haben, habe ich mir an manchen
Filmabenden die sonnige Naivität früherer Tage zurückgewünscht.

Kirche, die nach Kreativität strebt
Im Blick auf Gemeindeleitung war das Buch allerdings von besonderer Faszination
für mich. Wenn auch die wirtschaftlichen Interessen der Firma deutlich wurden,
ist der Hauptfokus durch das Buch hindurch die Kreativität. Die Verbindung
dessen, was Catmull als „creative business“ bezeichnet und christlichen
Gemeinden scheint mir verhältnismäßig einfach zu schlagen. Kreativität, für
Catmull, ist nämlich nicht einfach etwas Neues um des Neuen Willen zu erschaffen
und in einer Art Inspirationsstrudel unterzugehen. Es ist der Kreativität freien
Raum zu lassen, um das große, gemeinsame Ziel zu erreichen. Catmull schreibt:

„While there was much innovation that enabled our work, we had not let the
technology overwhelm our real purpose: making a great film.“ (Pos.72)

Irgendwas in der Art, wie Catmull den Kampf in seiner Firma beschreibt, die
Kreativität immer wieder um das eine Ziel herum zu wickeln, und das Ziel nicht
aus den Augen zu verlieren, hat mich unwillkürlich an die Gemeinde auf dem Weg
in die Zukunft denken lassen.
Sowohl im „Wie“ der Verkündigung in der Gemeinde, als auch am „Was“ wird immer
herumgeschraubt, und es scheint nie stillzustehen, wie genau die Gemeinde Salz
und Licht sein kann, und was genau das eigentlich bedeutet. Und in vielerlei
Hinsicht können diese Diskussionen uns den Blick darauf verstellen, was das Ziel
ist: Salz und Licht zu sein. Auf dem Berg zu stehen, Licht aufleuchten zu
lassen, Gnade zu verkünden, Rettung aufzuzeigen.
Es sollte keine Frage sein, dass wir dafür einen dauerhaften Strom der
Kreativität brauchen, um den brennenden Fragen dieser Generation zu begegnen.
Doch wenn dieser Druck nach kreativen Ausdrucksformen zum Strudel zu werden, der
droht, alles mit sich zu reißen, was immer als Niet- und nagelfest gegolten hat,
lohnt es sich, zu fragen:
Dient unsere Kreativität noch dem Ziel?
Oder ist sie zu ihrem eigenen Ziel geworden?
Sind wir kreativ, um das Ziel zu erreichen, den guten Kampf des Glaubens zu
Oder sind wir kreativ, weil es so viel spannender, dynamischer, studeliger
Von Catmull, gerade weil er so wenig spirituelles Interesse hat in seinem Buch,
lasse ich mir die Frage gerne gefallen.

Viel Gnade euch,


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5.0 out of 5 stars Inspirador
Reviewed in Mexico on August 2, 2023
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Es un librio al que siempre regreso cuando necesito inspiración para dirigir mi
equipo de trabajo.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Informative and inspiring
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 28, 2023
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Divakar Kaza
5.0 out of 5 stars Primer on managing creativity
Reviewed in India on February 17, 2016
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I am not a great fan of books written about a great company / companies. Most of
the lists churned out turn out to be lemons over a period of time. From Tom
Peters ( remember 'In search of excellence) to Jim Collins ( Good to Great /
Greater / Greatest'grandest'and the multiple titles that he authored)'.they
write books with an outsider's perspective ' of all the good to great things
that these companies do in innovation / customer service / branding / leadership
building s etc., The guys who wrote the books never worked inside the
companies'.they do not have a first-hand feel for the pains of building world
class companies'.mostly successful and prolific authors / journalists or the
McKinsey types'.riding the gravy train of somebody else's success.

When they are written by the founders / builders of these companies'it is a
different story altogether. Remember reading a great book called 'Joy Inc' by
Richard Sheridan about a medium sized software products company called Menlo
Systems. It was a class act ' a straight from the heart story of a CEO on what
it takes to build a highly engaged company. Creativity Inc is a notch above.

It is multiple stories woven together'.it is the story of Ed Catmull and his
dreams'.and PIXAR '.redefined computer animation and graphics'and produced a
series of block busters ( think Toy Story 1 and 2, Think Monsters, Think Finding
Nemo'the list is endless)'15 Academy awards, 11 Golden Globes and 7 Grammys and
gave Disney Animation a run for their money and their tired tales of Alice in
Wonderland, Snow White etc., A whole generation of Americans ( not just kids !)
grew up on these newly created characters, their quirky stories and the home
truths spun around them'.almost like the ancient Disney stories but set in the
modern world and integrating it into the complexities of the new world'.
It is also the story of the birth of the 3D Graphics and Computer animation'.and
the history and coming of age of these movies'.and the role of hi-tech in

Concurrently it is also the story of the men (strangely no women in this) who
defined a genre which holds on and getting stronger in spite of multiple other
slicker franchisees. We go thru the lives of some of the greatest entertainers
post Walt Disney'..Starting off from George Lucas, then to John Lasetter and Ed
Catmull'and how after merger with Disney'.it is the story of Disney and Pixar
combined together but run autonomously by Catmull under the watchful eye of
Robert Iger.

It is also a great book on how to build great companies'.how to build creative
companies'whose value is as much as the collective imagination and motivation of
its employees'.the insightful stories of the successes of Catmull and Lasetter
in ensuring that an animation company which is a marriage of Technology and
Creativity'sustains where neither is swamped by the other'but each function
builds on the strengths of the other'..the chapters on Brains Trust, Post
Mortems, Story Telling are a must read for anyone who is leading people'.how to
build high performance companies and sustain them'.this autobiographical book is
like a Bible'.Ditto with the chapters post the Disney acquisition'Read it to
appreciate the subtle nuances the author is so sensitive about organizational
issues'.and how he carefully navigates the egos and anxieties'

And finally'this is a book about Steve Jobs'..who got in as the promoter of the
company and bought it from George Lucas'.and the autonomy and independence he
provided to Ed Catmull and John Lasetter'through the trying times in the
beginning'to its humongous success later.'.and gave birth to an industry'of
hi-tech computer animation, 3D graphics and yet narrating simple goofy
tales'contrary to the stories of the brilliant but tyrannical Jobs'which comes
out from the Apple related books, Steve Jobs comes out pretty well'as a
genius'who could appreciate other intelligent and creative people'and challenge
them to greater heights.

A natural question people would may be tempted to ask is how much of the
creative genius of Steve Jobs played a role in the growth and success of
PIXAR'.think we should spin the question around and ask 'How much of the
creativity and innovation so well nurtured in PIXAR played a key role in shaping
Job's genius and its eventual success on a much larger canvas called APPLE Inc ?
Normally I look down on management / how to books'I would classify this book
more as the story of individual dreams and how you build and nurture them'..Read
it'you will be wiser and also get a first-hand feel for hi-tech and the world of
entertainment'and the efforts required to fuel and sustain it.

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