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Explore this Article Describing Yourself In German Describing Your Family In If
you're still a little uncomfortable with the language, simply use the following.


German Language Essay Examples German Phrases: How To Introduce Yourself in
German Essay writing about myself Questions and Answers

I have heard of an American student who was asked how he was getting along with
his German, and who answered promptly: "I am not getting along at all. He paused
for a moment, reflectively; then added with feeling: "But I've got that solid!
And if I have not also shown that German is a harassing and infuriating study,
my execution has been at fault, and not my intent. I heard lately of a worn and
sorely tried American student who used to fly to a certain German word for
relief when he could bear up under his aggravations no longer -- the only word
whose sound was sweet and precious to his ear and healing to his lacerated

This was the word Damit. It was only the sound that helped him, not the meaning;
[3] and so, at last, when he learned that the emphasis was not on the first
syllable, his only stay and support was gone, and he faded away and died. I
think that a description of any loud, stirring, tumultuous episode must be tamer
in German than in English. Our descriptive words of this character have such a
deep, strong, resonant sound, while their German equivalents do seem so thin and
mild and energyless.

Boom, burst, crash, roar, storm, bellow, blow, thunder, explosion; howl, cry,
shout, yell, groan; battle, hell. These are magnificent words; the have a force
and magnitude of sound befitting the things which they describe. But their
German equivalents would be ever so nice to sing the children to sleep with, or
else my awe-inspiring ears were made for display and not for superior usefulness
in analyzing sounds.

Would any man want to die in a battle which was called by so tame a term as a
Schlacht? Or would not a consumptive feel too much bundled up, who was about to
go out, in a shirt-collar and a seal-ring, into a storm which the bird-song word
Gewitter was employed to describe? And observe the strongest of the several
German equivalents for explosion -- Ausbruch.

Our word Toothbrush is more powerful than that. It seems to me that the Germans
could do worse than import it into their language to describe particularly
tremendous explosions with. If a man were told in German to go there, could he
really rise to thee dignity of feeling insulted? Having pointed out, in detail,
the several vices of this language, I now come to the brief and pleasant task of
pointing out its virtues. The capitalizing of the nouns I have already
mentioned. But far before this virtue stands another -- that of spelling a word
according to the sound of it.

After one short lesson in the alphabet, the student can tell how any German word
is pronounced without having to ask; whereas in our language if a student should
inquire of us, "What does B, O, W, spell?


There are some German words which are singularly and powerfully effective. For
instance, those which describe lowly, peaceful, and affectionate home life;
those which deal with love, in any and all forms, from mere kindly feeling and
honest good will toward the passing stranger, clear up to courtship; those which
deal with outdoor Nature, in its softest and loveliest aspects -- with meadows
and forests, and birds and flowers, the fragrance and sunshine of summer, and
the moonlight of peaceful winter nights; in a word, those which deal with any
and all forms of rest, repose, and peace; those also which deal with the
creatures and marvels of fairyland; and lastly and chiefly, in those words which
express pathos, is the language surpassingly rich and affective.

There are German songs which can make a stranger to the language cry. That shows
that the sound of the words is correct -- it interprets the meanings with truth
and with exactness; and so the ear is informed, and through the ear, the heart.
The Germans do not seem to be afraid to repeat a word when it is the right one.
That is wise. But in English, when we have used a word a couple of times in a
paragraph, we imagine we are growing tautological, and so we are weak enough to
exchange it for some other word which only approximates exactness, to escape
what we wrongly fancy is a greater blemish.


Repetition may be bad, but surely inexactness is worse. There are people in the
world who will take a great deal of trouble to point out the faults in a
religion or a language, and then go blandly about their business without
suggesting any remedy. I am not that kind of person. I have shown that the
German language needs reforming. Very well, I am ready to reform it. At least I
am ready to make the proper suggestions. Such a course as this might be immodest
in another; but I have devoted upward of nine full weeks, first and last, to a
careful and critical study of this tongue, and thus have acquired a confidence
in my ability to reform it which no mere superficial culture could have
conferred upon me.

In the first place, I would leave out the Dative case. It confuses the plurals;
and, besides, nobody ever knows when he is in the Dative case, except he
discover it by accident -- and then he does not know when or where it was that
he got into it, or how long he has been in it, or how he is going to get out of
it again. The Dative case is but an ornamental folly -- it is better to discard
it. In the next place, I would move the Verb further up to the front. You may
load up with ever so good a Verb, but I notice that you never really bring down
a subject with it at the present German range -- you only cripple it.

So I insist that this important part of speech should be brought forward to a
position where it may be easily seen with the naked eye. Thirdly, I would import
some strong words from the English tongue -- to swear with, and also to use in
describing all sorts of vigorous things in a vigorous ways.

Fourthly, I would reorganizes the sexes, and distribute them accordingly to the
will of the creator. This as a tribute of respect, if nothing else.

The place where I feel the most comfortable, and show my personality, is my
bedroom. My room makes me feel comfortable because it is my own space. My house
is always crazy, with my dog barking, and my siblings running around making
noise, my room is the only place in the house where I can come and relax without
caring about everything else, the only place that I can go to clear my mind.

My room has many characteristics of which I share; it has many pictures that I
have taken, about my friends or other interesting things that I have found. It
is the only place that I can make my own, I can be creative and decorate …show
more content…. Another reason that my room makes me feel comfortable is that I
love to dance, but I am embarrassed to do it in front of other people, so
whenever I am in my room I can turn the radio and put on some of my favorite
music and dance my best.

My room is the only place where I will try new things and if I feel confident I
will try them outside of it. I will give it my best and that is how my room
helps me, by doing something there first I believe more in myself. It is the
place where I can concentrate and think about everything that is going on around
me, not only around my city or state, but all over the world.

I get the chance to relax and think in what I want to do with my life, the kind
of future I want to achieve. My room is the place where I can go and do my
homework without getting distracted, where I can write down my feelings and open
my mind to new ideas. Despite the fact that fascism has been recently defeated,
Greene sees the lack of any contemporary values which could provide social
cohesion as providing the potential for its reappearance. This is the climax to
the essay, but the concluding paragraph should generally be a brief paraphrase
or synthesis of the essay.

This also adheres to the generally held view that the conclusion should not
introduce new ideas.

Paragraphs need to be coherent, which will be only achieved through the careful
arrangement of the sentences within them. Staying with an analysis of Graham
Greene's ' The Destructors ', let us see how this can be achieved. This is by no
means a terrible paragraph, but there are weaknesses within it, the chief of
them being that whilst it demonstrates that the student is going beyond
superficial summarising and interpreting the story, the ideas are struggling to
make themselves heard.

Some of the sentences lack detail or are a little ambiguous, and at times there
is a lack of tight connection between several of the sentences. Various ideas
are referred to and introduced without ever being fully explained or analysed.
For example there is no explanation for the introduction of the notions of
happiness and temptation.

To some extent the reader has to guess what the writer is really trying to
express. This is a crucial point: you must present your arguments clearly and
unambiguously, and grades will we lost if the marker has to try to guess what is
being said. First of all, no apple has been mentioned before in the essay and
its introduction here is a little confusing. This is because in the story the
apple is not compared to a house, but it is the house which is compared to an

Furthermore there is no evidence provided for the assertion that the house can
be linked to a church.


Watch music videos, news clips and other authentic media to simultaneously
immerse yourself in the German language and build an understanding of the. Free
German Essays about Myself - Easy German Texts with English Translation Learn
German | Basic German words | German for beginners | German.

In addition, the 'perhaps' does not inspire confidence that the student is fully
on top of the idea. Most importantly there is no clear connection with the
preceding and succeeding sentence. Also, the 'actually' is too informal and,
equally importantly, it suggests that the idea to come has just popped into the
student's mind. The first 'it' is ambiguous, and it is not exactly clear what it
refers to. Finally, the overall idea - that weaknesses within the church make it
vulnerable to attacks from the outside - is not very clearly expressed.

The problem with this paragraph lies in the other sentences. The phrase 'it
refers to Adam and the temptation' is a poor one - it should be 'it refers to
the tempting of Adam'. The main problem with this sentence is that it has become
detached from the first sentence of the paragraph, and one of the problems of
the paragraph is that the theme of temptation is referred to and hinted at
without ever being fully interpreted and analysed.

Where in the story could the religious references suggest that this is a
significant point? Why happiness? The writer shifts the emphasis from Adams's
temptation - which has not been analysed - to Trevor's temptation, without
explanation. There is some dislocation in that whilst there was an earlier
suggestion or hint again unclearly expressed that the church was destroying
itself, now there is a suggestion that Trevor is solely responsible for the
destruction of the church, in the symbolic form of the house. Furthermore, there
is a weakness in the comparison in that Trevor's destruction of the house is in
no way punished.

Introduce yourself in German (for absolute beginners) - Super Easy German (76)

The comparison of Old Misery's house to an apple may recall the Garden of Eden
and the temptation of Adam, given the many religious images in the text and the
fact that T. Perhaps not the house in itself but the prospect of completely
destroying its beauty certainly represents a strong temptation for the new
leader. An important difference is obviously the fact that whilst Adam fell from
a state of grace following his transgression, T. We cannot guarantee that the
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We will try and respond to your request as soon as reasonably practical. When
you receive the information, if you think any of it is wrong or out of date, you
can ask us to change or delete it for you. Death and the word; William conquers
Harold and the English language. Photo courtesy British Library. John McWhorter.
Brought to you by Curio , an Aeon partner.

English speakers know that their language is odd. So do people saddled with
learning it non-natively.


The oddity that we all perceive most readily is its spelling, which is indeed a
nightmare. For a normal language, spelling at least pretends a basic
correspondence to the way people pronounce the words. But English is not normal.
Spelling is a matter of writing, of course, whereas language is fundamentally
about speaking.


1994 ap biology essay Looking for other ways to read this? Ap biology essay
questions answers Choose Your Test

There will be AP Biology style questions that will require higher thinking.

I sometimes give a quiz part way through the unit as a check of understanding
and a study motivator. There will be an occasional pop quiz. Sometimes the
students will self grade using AP Bio answer keys. It is interesting to hear
students say that they wrote a whole page and only got one point. The average
grade on an AP Bio Exam essay question is about 3. Expect one occasionally two
large projects each term.

These will help the students explore biology themes, cover material and continue
to work on skills. Typically a term ends up with about points. I try to maintain
a balance among assignments and try to keep student grades fair. After ecology
we will study: chemistry, cells, biochemistry, cell metabolism, heredity,
molecular genetics, continue evolution, and organismal biology. Properties of
Proteins They dissolve in Water to form colloidal suspensions in which the
particles remain suspended in water.

2015 AP Biology free response 2 a b

Strong acids, bases, detergents and organic solvents also denature proteins.
They are amphoten'c- possess both basic and basic properties. This property
enables them to combine with other non protein substances to form conjugated
proteins such as: Mucus- Protein plus carbohydrate Haemoglobin- Protein plus
iron Functions of proteins a They are structural compounds of the body. Cell
membrane is protein in nature.

Hair, nails and hooves are made up of protein keratin. Hormones are chemical
messengers while enzymes regulate the speed of metabolic reactions. Haemoglobin
molecule plays a crucial role in transportation of respiratory gases. Enzymes
What are enzymes? Are organic catalysts that are protein in nature and regulate
the rate of metabolic reactions.

They speed up or slow down the rate of metabolic reactions but to not get used
up in the process. Types of enzymes a Extracellular : Are produced within the
cells but used outside the cells e. Importance of Enzymes They speed up the rate
of chemical reactions that would otherwise be too slow to support life.
Digestive enzymes breakdown complex food substances into simple foods that can
be utilized by the cells. Some metabolic enzymes such as catalase play a vital
role in detoxification making poisonous substances less harmful. Enzyme
nomenclature Two systems of naming enzymes have been adopted.

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Trivial naming This is where an enzyme is named by the scientist who discovered
it. In trivial naming all enzyme names end in prefix —in. Examples Pepsin
Theodor Schwann, German physiologist Ptyalin Anselme Payen, a French chemist-
Substrates Amylose starch The reaction is then catalyzed and the end products

The enzyme is free to bind with another substrate molecule. The enzymes can be
used again and again. Properties of Enzymes They are protein in nature; hence
affected by temperature and pH. They are substrate specific e. They mostly take
part in reversible reactions. They regulate the rate of metabolic activities but
are not used up. Factors affecting enzyme activity Temperature. Substrate
Concentration. Enzyme Concentration. Enzyme co-factors and co-enzymes; Fe, Mg,
Zn, Cu ions.

Enzyme inhibitors. There are few collisions leading to low enzyme activity. As
temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the enzyme and substrate molecules
increases leading to increased collisions hence increase in enzyme activity.
This is because enzymes get denatured and their active sites get destroyed. Some
enzymes work best under alkaline conditions e.

Some also work better under acidic conditions e. However, most intracellular
enzymes work better under neutral conditions. Altering the pH conditions would
affect enzyme activity. For instance, sucrase enzymes can only breakdown
sucrose. Increase in substrate concentration increases the rate of enzyme
activity since more active sites of the enzymes will be occupied and there will
also be an increase in enzyme- substrate collisions leading to increased
reaction. The reaction increases up to a point at which it becomes constant. At
this point, all active sites are utilized.

The enzymes become the limiting factor of reaction. Increasing enzyme
concentration would increase the rate of enzyme activity. At low enzyme
concentration, rate of enzyme activity is low because there are fewer sites and
also fewer enzyme-substrate collisions that would lead to reactions. Increasing
enzyme concentration increases rate of enzyme activity since there will be an
increase in number of active sites and enzyme-substrate collisions.

At optimum enzyme concentration, substrate concentration is the limiting factor.
Increasing substrate concentration increases the rate of reaction. Without them,
most enzymes would not function properly. Co- factors include mineral ions like
iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc as well as vitamins. They are used
again and again since like enzymes, they do not get used up during the
reactions. Some enzymes will not function without them.

Most co-enzymes are derivatives of vitamins. They are of two types: 1.


Competitive 2. Non- competitive Competitive inhibitors These are chemical
substances which are structural analogs of the substrates i. They bind with the
enzymes and do not disentangle easily they stay in the enzyme active site for a
long time thereby slowing down the rate of enzyme activity. The reaction can be
increased by increasing the substrate concentration.


It has overcome the many weaknesses of the artificial traditional classification
systems. A juvenile stage with distinct may be present in the life-history of a
plant. Test-takers were now permitted to use calculators on the math sections of
the SAT. Ensure that the diaphragm is fully open. Xylem conducts water and
dissolved mineral salts in a plant while phloem conducts food substances in
solution. Mainly composed of cellulose from plant cell walls. Do not destroy the
natural habitat of the specimens. Recognizing the variability in content and
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recently developed and ap biology essay questions answers 1990 quality standards
for AP workshop consultants and AP summer institutes College Board, Their
membranes are continuous with the outer membrane of the nuclear membrane.
Students receive both types of percentiles for their total score as well as
their section scores. Teachers who participate may have widely differing
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3 a With membranous wings

Non competitive inhibitors These are inhibitors that do not resemble the
substrate molecules but they combine with the enzyme at any site other the
active site and alter the structure of the active site of the enzyme. The normal
substrate, therefore, fails to bind to the active site leading to decreased rate
of reaction. Note that these substances do not compete for the active sites of
the enzymes.

The enzymes are destroyed permanently hence the effect cannot be reversed.
Examples of non competitive inhibitors Heavy metals such as lead, mercury,
silver , Cyanide, organophosphates such as malathion. Heterotrophism This is a
mode of nutrition in which organisms take in already manufactured complex food
substances such as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Heterotrophs are
organisms that feed on already manufactured food substances.


These substances are broken down in the bodies of the Heterotrophs into simple
soluble food substances that can be absorbed and be utilized by the cells. Modes
of Heterotrophism There are four main heterotrophic modes on nutrition:
Holozoic- Where organisms ingest, digest and assimilate solid complex food
substances. Saprophytism — Where organisms feed on dead decaying matter causing
decomposition. Parasitism- a feeding association in which one organism parasite
feeds on or obtain nutrients on another organism, the host.

The parasite benefits but the host does not. Some of the parasites cause
diseases to the hosts and damage their tissues thereby weakening them.


Dentition Large animals depend on complex manufactured food substances. These
food substances once ingested must be broken down to simpler forms that can be
utilized by the cells. The breakdown is both physical and chemical. Most of the
large animals have teeth to enhance physical breakdown of the complex food

Dentition refers to the description of types of teeth, their arrangement and
specialization. Types of Dentition Homodont dentition: Teeth arrangement and
description where an organism has teeth of the same size and shape. Fishes and
birds have homodont dentition. Heterodont dentition: where an organism has teeth
of different sizes and shapes that is incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

Heterodont dentition is common with mammals and reptiles. They have one root.
Canines Are conical teeth with sharp pointed edges modified for seizing and
tearing prey among carnivores. They have one root b. Premolar and molar They
have cusps on their surface to suit their grinding action.

Premolars have two roots. Molars have either two or three roots.


Critical Legal Studies Essay How To Create A Winning Essay Introduction On
Jurisprudence Curriculum vitae omschrijving Analytical Jurisprudence Essay
Interesting research paper topic ideas. Essay writing topics list

It seeks to analyse the first principle of law as they exist in the given legal
system. The exponents of analytical school of jurisprudence consider that the
most important aspect of law is its relation to the state.


They treat law as a command emanating from the sovereign, namely, the State.
This school is, therefore, also called the imperative school. Characteristics of
Analytical School of Jurisprudence:. He believed that every law may be
considered in the light of eight different aspects.

Customs ignored — analytical school regard only the command of sovereign and
ignores the history of the evolution of law thus ignoring the important role of
custom. It only takes customs as to me mere source of law. No place for judge
made law —judge made law is the important factors of law in the modern world but
the analytical school completely ignores the value of precedents.

Command over-emphasised —the modern progressive law is nothing but the general
will of people whereas the analytical school over emphasise the command of
sovereign giving a dictator viewpoint. International law is mere morality —one
more point is, that analytical school thinks that international law is mere
morality due to the lack of sanction and enforcing capacity.

No legal system exist in vacuum and hence can not be fully understood by
focusing on law itself.

Modern trends also suggest that bending of socio economic factors is also a part
of jurisprudence. The school whereas, does not take into account the legal
change. It takes for granted the perfection of legal system and proceeds to
explain its fundamentals, however change in the important factor in all aspects
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But it really is weirder than pretty much every other language. Syndicate this
Essay German and Dutch are like that, as are Spanish and Portuguese, upon this
queer usage of do is to realise something odd in oneself.