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Tue, May 14, 2024, 5:24 PM GMT+32 min read
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BudSense is proud to announce the launch of its automated solution, the 'Order
Receive Report', streamlining product knowledge creation and dissemination for

Introducing the 'Order Receive Report': a much needed simplification to day to
day Cannabis Product Knowledge for Dispensary Frontline Staff

BudSense is proud to announce the launch of its automated solution, the 'Order
Receive Report', streamlining product knowledge creation and dissemination for

New York, NY, May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The pace of the cannabis industry
is relentless. Keeping up with the never-ending stream of new cannabis products
can be a daunting task for dispensary frontline staff, especially those who are
part-time. Ensuring budtenders stay informed about the latest offerings in an
industry characterized by its ever-evolving product offering can often feel like
an uphill battle. Recognizing this challenge, BudSense, a leading merchandising
solution for cannabis retailers offering digital, web, and print menus, is proud
to announce the launch of its automated solution, the 'Order Receive Report',
streamlining product knowledge creation and dissemination for budtenders.

BudSense is a forward-thinking technology company dedicated to revolutionizing
the cannabis industry.


Traditionally, dispensaries have employed various methods to communicate new
product information to their teams, ranging from emails to binder updates.
However, these methods often require significant manual effort and can become
cumbersome to manage over time. Not to mention keeping management from other
high-value tasks they could be doing. Listening to their customers' challenges,
BudSense has developed the 'Order Receive Report' as a simple yet effective
automotive solution to address this issue.

"One of the more recent features that I've really enjoyed, and one that I found
a lot of benefit from not just for myself, but for the rest of the team, are the
order to review reports.", said Jeff Usherwood, at Farmer Jane, a multi-store
operator in Canada. "It's a small little quality of life update with a lot of
impact I think in store for staff, and kind of, what that translates over to the
customer experience as well.".

By efficiently distributing critical product information to frontline staff,
Farmer Jane can ensure their team remains well-informed and equipped to provide
exceptional customer service. This enhances internal processes and fosters a
more seamless and enjoyable purchasing journey for customers, ultimately driving
satisfaction and loyalty.

BudSense offers a comprehensive platform beyond mere menus, encompassing a range
of diverse features such as Smart Playlists, Badges and Labels, and Smart
Filters. These elements provide customers with easily understandable
information, guiding their cannabis journey and enhancing their purchasing
experience. By seamlessly integrating the 'Order Receive Report' into BudSense's
suite of tools, dispensaries can optimize their operations and propel customer
satisfaction to unprecedented levels.

Story continues

Key features of the 'Order Receive Report' include:

 * Automated delivery of product information directly to frontline staff.

 * Location-specific customization to cater to the unique needs of each

 * Seamless integration with existing workflows, minimizing disruption and
   maximizing efficiency.

BudSense invites dispensaries to explore the advantages of the 'Order Receive
Report' and improve the process of ensuring that their dispensary's
voice—budtenders—are kept informed about the ever-changing product offerings.

About BudSense:

BudSense is a forward-thinking technology company dedicated to revolutionizing
the cannabis industry. With a focus on innovation, compliance, and exceptional
customer service, BudSense provides cutting-edge solutions designed to empower
dispensaries and elevate the cannabis shopping experience.


Media Contact

Jessica Eren



 * Introducing the 'Order Receive Report': a much needed simplification to day
   to day Cannabis Product Knowledge for Dispensary Frontline Staff

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