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              <li>The choices available to you, as a Website visitor, regarding collection, use and sharing of Personally Identifiable Information</li>
              <li>The security procedures that AMA has in place for Personally Identifiable Information under our control</li>
            <p>By visiting this Website, and/or using the Website’s services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy as they may be amended from time to time. As we update and expand our services, this Privacy Policy may change, so check back
              to this page from time to time. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and part of, the AMA Website Terms of Use, which governs your use of and access to this Website in general. This Privacy Policy <u>does not</u> apply to
              information that you may provide to us, or that we may obtain, other than through our Website, such as over the phone, by mail, or in person.</p>
            <p>Advertisements displayed to you on this Website and on other sites on the Web may be customized to your interests, based on the terms that you search for on the Web, the Web pages that you visit on our Website and other Websites and
              other information about you and your usage of our Website and other Websites. We work with third parties, such as Google, to make this happen, and to do so these third parties may employ cookies, clear GIFs, tracking pixels and/or other
              tracking technologies. <strong>To opt-out of this, follow the instructions <a href="http://optout.networkadvertising.org/#!/" target="_blank">here&nbsp;</a></strong>
              <strong>or&nbsp;<a href="http://www.aboutads.info/choices/" target="_blank">here&nbsp;</a>.&nbsp; If you do want to opt out using these tools, you need to opt out separately for each of your devices and for each Web browser you use
                (like Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari) on each device. </strong><strong>However, if you opt out, we may still suggest offerings to you on our Website based on your history at our Website. </strong>You may also click here to
              individually opt out of Google’s use of your information in this way. For more information about Google's applicable privacy policy, visitwww.google.com/privacy_ads.html. </p>
            <p><strong>Unless you opt-out, you consent to the use of tracking technologies in this way and as described in more detail below.</strong> <strong>For more information about third party advertisers and how to prevent them from using your
                information, visit the NAI’s consumer Web site at http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/ or the DAA’s consumer Web site at http://www.aboutads.info/choices/.</strong></p>
            <p><strong>You may opt out of our sharing of your Personally Identifiable Information with third parties for marketing purposes, by following the directions in the Sharing Personally Identifiable Information section below.</strong></p>
            <p><strong>Collection and Use</strong><br> AMA collects Personally Identifiable Information from you when you expressly volunteer the information. This includes when you:</p>
              <li>Register for a seminar, become a Member, purchase or download an AMA product or service.</li>
              <li>Request information (electronically) about AMA’s products and services, subscribe to newsletters, or enter a promotional contest.</li>
              <li>Use or participate in various services or features made available on the Website (including, for example and without limitation, blogs and other user communities).</li>
              <li>Use various tools to select AMA products and services that are suitable for your Website visit.</li>
              <li>Request contact with an AMA sales representative.</li>
              <li>Provide AMA with comments, questions or feedback about AMA products and services or your Website experience.</li>
            <p>“Personally Identifiable Information” includes, for example, your name; home or business address; e-mail address; telephone, wireless and/or fax number; short message service or text message address or other wireless device address;
              instant messaging address; credit card and other payment information; employment information and work experience; demographic information and/or other information that may identify you as an individual or allow online or offline contact
              with you as an individual.</p>
            <p>AMA will not sell, share, or rent Personally Identifiable Information other than as disclosed in this Privacy Policy. AMA does not sell, share with or rent to others e-mail addresses solely for the purpose of third party marketing,
              other than as disclosed in this Privacy Policy, but we may include third party advertisements within e-mails that we may send to you.</p>
            <p>Among other things, we may use your Personally Identifiable Information to respond to your requests and inquiries; to provide you with the services, products and features offered on or through the Website; to customize our Website to
              your interests and history with us; to protect our rights and property; and for other purposes disclosed when Personally Identifiable Information is submitted to us. We may also use your Personally Identifiable Information to tailor ads
              displayed to you on our Website and elsewhere to your interests and history with us and to communicate timely information and special offers (for example, in the form of e-mails, mailings, and the like) about products, services,
              companies and events, sponsored by us and others, that we think might interest you.<strong> You may choose not to receive our promotional e-mails and mailings by e-mailing customerservice@amanet.org&nbsp;or by calling AMA Customer
                Service at 1-877-566-9441.</strong>&nbsp;Please understand that if you choose not to receive such promotional correspondence from us, we may still contact you in connection with your relationship, activities, transactions and
              communications with us.</p>
            <p>If you register for a seminar or pay for products and services using a credit card, Personally Identifiable Information (such as your name and shipping address) and financial information (such as your credit card number and expiration
              date) may be required. This information may be used for billing purposes and to fill orders. If we have trouble processing an order, this contact information may be used to get in touch with you. Personally Identifiable Information also
              may be collected when you apply for a position with AMA or a program sponsored by AMA. In these cases, Personally Identifiable Information is used only for the purpose of processing and evaluating the application.</p>
            <p>The Personally Identifiable Information you give us via the Website and information about your order may be combined with other Personally Identifiable Information (such as demographic information and past purchase history) and Website
              Usage Information available from our records and other sources (including, without limitation, our worldwide databases and third parties). This information may be used to make our future marketing efforts more efficient and will help us
              to improve the operations and maintenance of our Website and business.</p>
            <p>Any or all of the above activities with regard to Personally Identifiable Information may be performed by us or on our behalf by our service providers or partners.</p>
            <p><strong>When You Refer a Friend/Colleague</strong><br> AMA respects the privacy of your friends and coworkers. AMA will not keep or maintain names or e-mail addresses when you use our refer-a-friend function. The refer-a-friend
              function is solely to provide your friends and coworkers with the information you have requested we pass along to them.</p>
            <p><strong>Webcasts, Online “Meetings” and Similar Services</strong><br> Users may be able to access or participate in Webcasts, online “meetings” or similar services on the Website, certain of which may be hosted or operated by our
              service provider, ON24 Incorporated (“On24”). In some cases, users may be able to register for such Webcasts and services directly with ON24, and any such Personally Identifiable Information collected by ON24 in connection with such
              registration and such user’s participation in the services thereafter may be shared with AMA, and will also be subject to ON24 privacy policy, located at&nbsp;https://www.on24.com/about-us/privacy-policy. In other cases, some users may
              be able to access Webcasts, online “meetings” or similar services hosted by ON24 on the Website by registering with AMA, and in such situations, any Personally Identifiable Information that may be disclosed during participation in such
              services would be collected by ON24 on AMA’s behalf but would be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy.</p>
            <p><strong>Sharing Personally Identifiable Information</strong><br> AMA may share Personally Identifiable Information collected electronically through its Website in the following ways:</p>
              <li>AMA or AMA partners may use third parties to provides services for AMA (or on its behalf), such as an outside shipping company to ship orders, and/or a credit card processing company to bill for goods and services purchased through
                the AMA Website, and AMA will share Personally Identifiable Information with those entities.</li>
              <li>From time to time, AMA works with business partners, service providers and sponsors to provide or offer specific products and services, such as jointly developed and marketed products and services. When you sign up for or utilize
                such products or services, we will share Personally Identifiable Information necessary for the partner/sponsor to provide these products or services to you.</li>
              <li>AMA does provide certain third parties with its postal mailing address list (which includes names and postal addresses) on a rental basis, and, in some cases, AMA may also provide third parties with information about you and your
                order so that they can more easily identify and communicate offers that may interest you.&nbsp;<strong>If you wish to be excluded from such lists and from receiving third party mailings, or if you prefer that we do not share your
                  information with third parties for their own marketing purposes, please e-mail&nbsp;customerservice@amanet.org&nbsp;or call AMA Customer Service at&nbsp;1-877-566-9441. </strong>To stop receiving promotional messages from third
                parties who already have your contact information, please contact them directly.</li>
              <li>AMA may provide Personally Identifiable Information obtained from non-U.S. individuals to its licensee located in the country or region where the individual is located, and our licensee may use this information to communicate with
                the user. <strong>If you prefer that we do not provide your information to our licensee, please e-mail&nbsp;customerservice@amanet.org&nbsp;or call AMA Customer Service at 1-877-566-9441.</strong></li>
              <li>E-mailings of AMA newsletters and other materials, as well as various operations of the Website, are handled both in-house and by outside service companies (such as e-mail service providers, address list hosting companies,
                distribution companies, suppliers and other service providers, such as Caspio, Inc.). On occasion, where AMA contracts with a service provider for this purpose, it may request or it may be necessary that the provider collect and/or
                provide information (including Personally Identifiable Information) directly from our customers on our behalf. In all such situations, AMA restricts how these suppliers and other service providers may access, use and disclose
                Personally Identifiable Information. AMA does not permit these suppliers and other service providers to sell<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Personally Identifiable Information to third parties except as permitted by this Privacy Policy. If you
                receive information through AMA or through a third party supplier about AMA that you prefer not to receive, you should request to be removed from the active mailing list by e-mailing&nbsp;customerservice@amanet.org&nbsp;or by calling
                AMA Customer Service at 1-877-566-9441.</li>
              <li>When you contribute to a public area or feature of our Website, such as one of our online communities, messaging services, chat services, bulletin boards, message boards, blogs or other such open forums, the information that you
                submit will be made available to the general public. For this reason, we recommend that you exercise caution in the submission of Personally Identifiable Information to these areas of our Website as it will be publicly accessible.
              <li>We may disclose to third parties aggregate, non-personally identifiable data regarding user behavior, such as overall patterns or demographic reports, as a measure of interest in, and use of, our Website, e-mails and other messaging
              <li>We may use or disclose Personally Identifiable Information in order to investigate any claim or suspicion of a violation of our Website Terms of Service, to assist with law enforcement investigations, or as otherwise required by
            <p>AMA may transfer Personally Identifiable Information to a third party in the event of a sale of stock, merger or consolidation, reorganization, or other transfer of all or a portion of the assets of AMA, whether voluntarily or by
              operation of law. In addition, such a transfer may mean that your Personally Identifiable Information is transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). In using the Website and the various features and services
              made available thereon, you consent to such transfer of your Personally Identifiable Information.</p>
            <p><strong>Website Usage information—Not Linked to Personally Identifiable Information</strong></p>
            <p><strong>Cookies</strong><br> A cookie is a piece of data that is stored on a visitor’s hard drive. AMA uses information from cookies, for example, to analyze trends, track visitors' movements and gather broad demographic information
              for aggregate use. If a visitor rejects the cookie, the visitor may be limited in some areas of the Website. Most Web browsers can be set to inform you when a cookie has been sent to you and provide you with the opportunity to refuse
              that cookie. You should consult your Web browser to choose the appropriate setting to accept or reject cookies.&nbsp;<br>
              <br> In addition, AMA uses various third party service providers and third party provided services that use cookies, including, for example, a service provided by Marketo, which uses sophisticated cookie technology to measure site
              traffic and visitor behavior in aggregate. These cookies may remain on your hard drive after the conclusion of your site visit. To find out more about these practices as related to services provided by Marketo, please visit
              the&nbsp;Marketo Privacy Policies.
            <p><strong>Clear GIFs</strong><br> We may use “clear GIFs” (aka “Web beacons” or “pixel tags”) or similar technologies in the Website and/or in our communications with you. A clear GIF is typically a one-pixel, transparent image (although
              it can be a visible image as well), located on a Web page or in an e-mail or other type of message, which is retrieved from a remote site on the Internet enabling the verification of an individual’s viewing or receipt of a Web page or
            <p><strong>IP Address and Clickstream Data</strong><br> Additionally, when you visit the Website, our server automatically collects data about your server’s IP Address, which is a number that’s automatically assigned to your computer by
              your Internet service provider whenever you’re on the Internet. When you request pages from our Website, our servers may log your IP Address and sometimes your domain name. Our server may also record the referring page that linked you
              to us (e.g., another Website or a search engine); the pages you visit on this Website; the Website you visit after this Website; the ads you see and/or click on; other information about the type of Web browser, computer, platform,
              related software and settings you are using; any search terms you have entered on this Website or a referral site; and other Web usage activity and data logged by our Web servers. We use this information for internal system
              administration, to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Website. Such information may also be used to gather broad demographic information, such as country of origin and Internet service provider.</p>
            <p>Among other things, this information enables us to generate analytics reports on the usage of our Website.&nbsp; To opt-out of your Website usage being included in our Google analytics reports, you may follow these
              instructions.<strong>&nbsp; </strong><br> These technologies enable us to assign a unique number to you, and relate your Website Usage Information to other information about you, including your Personally Identifiable Information. These
              technologies also enable us to recognize you when you access our Website using different Web browsers and different computers or devices.&nbsp; <br> We may use and share your Website Usage Information for all of the purposes that we may
              use and share Personally Identifiable Information as described in this Privacy Policy.&nbsp; Any or all of the above-described activities with regard to Website Usage Information and tracking technologies may be performed by us or on
              our behalf by our service providers or partners.&nbsp; </p>
            <p><strong>Third-Party Ad Servers and Networks</strong></p>
            <p>We use third-party advertising companies to select and serve ads to you.&nbsp; These companies may use information about your visits to this Website and other Websites, the region of the country or world where your IP address indicates
              you are located, as well as other information about you in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.&nbsp; These advertisements may appear on this Website and on other Websites.&nbsp; These companies
              may employ cookies, clear GIFs and other tracking technologies to cause relevant ads to be displayed to you.&nbsp; We encourage you to read these businesses’ privacy policies to learn about how they treat your information.&nbsp;
              <strong>For more information about third-party advertisers and how to prevent them from using your information, visit the NAI’s consumer Web site at http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/ or Aboutads.info at
            <p><strong>Do Not Track Disclosures</strong><br> Some web browsers may transmit “do-not-track” (DNT) signals to the websites with which the user communicates.&nbsp; Because of differences in how web browsers incorporate and activate this
              feature, it is not always clear whether users intend for these signals to be transmitted, or whether they even are aware of them.&nbsp; We currently do not change our tracking practices (which are explained in more detail under the
              Website Usage Information section above) in response to DNT settings in your web browser.&nbsp; <br> Our third party partners, such as web analytics companies and third party ad networks, collect information about your online activities
              over time and across our Website and other online properties. These third parties may not change their tracking practices in response to DNT settings in your web browser and we do not obligate these parties to honor DNT settings. </p>
            <p><strong>Social Media</strong><br> We use several social networking and blogging platforms to communicate with our customers, some of which are operated by third parties, such as Facebook or Twitter.&nbsp; This Privacy Policy applies to
              our use of information you submit to us through social networking platforms and features, but it does not apply to what those third party platforms do with your information that they receive from us or from you directly.&nbsp; Those
              platforms have their own privacy policies, and we encourage you to read them.</p>
            <p><strong>Links</strong><br> AMA’s Website contains links to other sites. Some links are to sites of AMA’s partners that offer AMA customers and Members a variety of special products and services. Please be aware that AMA is not
              responsible for the content, security or privacy practices on or of such other sites. We trust that you are aware when you leave the AMA Website, and we encourage you to read the privacy statements of each site to which ours is linked.
            <p>The AMA Website also may contain links to AMA’s international offices or affiliates. This Privacy Policy does not apply to those Websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of our international offices or affiliates that
              control their collection and use of Personally Identifiable Information.&nbsp;<br>
              <br> This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by or on the Website.
            <p><strong>Security</strong><br> AMA endeavors to protect Personally Identifiable Information submitted to AMA via its Website. However, because the Internet is an open global communications vehicle, we cannot guarantee that information,
              during transmission through the Internet or while stored on our system or otherwise in our care, will be safe from intrusion by others, such as hackers. </p>
            <p> You may be able to create an account on our Website with a username and password. If so, you are responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality and security of your account password, and you are responsible for any access to
              or use of the Website through your password or account, whether or not such access or use has been authorized by or on behalf of you, and whether or not such person or entity is your employee or agent. You agree to (a) immediately
              notify AMA of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security and (b) ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. When you desire to cancel your account on this Website, it is your
              responsibility to notify AMA. We will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this provision.</p>
            <p>In the unlikely event that we believe that the security of your Personally Identifiable Information in our possession or control may have been compromised, we may seek to notify you of that development. If a notification is
              appropriate, we would try to do so as promptly as possible under the circumstances, and, if we have your e-mail address, we may notify you by e-mail.&nbsp;<strong>You consent to our use of e-mail as a means of such
                notification.</strong>&nbsp;<strong>If you prefer for us to use another method to notify you in this situation, please e-mail us at customerservice@amanet.org&nbsp;with the alternative contact information you would like us to
                use.</strong><br> If you have any questions about privacy at the AMA Website, please send an e-mail to customerservice@amanet.org.</p>
            <p><strong>Correction/Updating Personal Information</strong><br> If your Personally Identifiable Information changes (such as a zip code), or if you no longer desire to use or access our Website or services, we will provide a way to
              correct, update or remove your Personally Identifiable Information. This can be done through the Website at www.amanet.org/service or by calling AMA Customer Service at 1-877-566-9441. AMA Members can also access and update Personally
              Identifiable Information from the “Your Member Account” page.</p>
            <p>If you wish to review the data we have on file about you, please send a written request with a check payable to American Management Association for $10 (handling fee) to Database Services Center, P.O. Box 319, Saranac Lake, NY 12983.
            <p><strong>Consent to Worldwide Transfer and Processing of Personal Data</strong><br> AMA is a global enterprise, with branch offices, affiliates and licensees worldwide. When you give your Personally Identifiable Information to AMA, it
              may be processed by AMA and its affiliates and licensees in other countries, for the purposes of, for example, processing your requests, providing you services, and sending you correspondence.<strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong>AMA is the
              data controller with respect to your Personally Identifiable Information collected by AMA outside of the context of service offerings arranged and scheduled by your employer, if applicable. Each of these countries has different privacy
              laws that afford varying levels of protection for your Personally Identifiable Information, and such laws may not be as comprehensive as those that exist in the country in which you reside. Regardless of the laws in place in these
              countries, AMA will treat the privacy of your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.&nbsp;<strong>By providing your Personally Identifiable Information to AMA, you consent to AMA's and its
                affiliates' and licensees' transmission to, and processing of your information in, any jurisdiction, in accordance with AMA's Privacy Policy.<em>&nbsp;</em></strong>You can get details of the companies and countries to which your data
              has been transferred by contacting us at: American Management Association, Customer Service, 600 AMA Way, Saranac Lake, NY 12983, or at&nbsp;customerservice@amanet.org.</p>
            <p><strong>Notification of Changes</strong><br> If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes in the Privacy Policy accessible from the home page of the Website so that you are always aware of what information we
              collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. Any changes or updates will be effective when posted. Under certain circumstances, we may also elect to notify you of, or request your consent to, changes or
              updates to our Privacy Policy by additional means, such as posting a notice on the front page of our Website or sending you an e-mail.</p>
            <p><strong>Problems or Complaints</strong><br> If you have questions or comments about our privacy practices, or if you believe that there has been a violation of this Privacy Policy, please contact us at&nbsp;customerservice@amanet.org.
              We will investigate and take appropriate action and report back to you within a reasonable period of time.</p>
            <p><em>Last updated July 25, 2017</em>
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This Website (“Website”), located at amanet.org, including any services and
features available on or through the Website such as blogs and user communities,
is published and maintained by American Management Association
International (“AMA”). AMA is referred to in this Privacy Policy as “we,” “us,”
“our,” or other similar pronouns.

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) covers AMA’s privacy practices with
respect to “Personally Identifiable Information” (as further defined below) that
is transmitted electronically to or collected by AMA via this Website and
addresses the following items:

 * How AMA collects and uses Personally Identifiable Information
 * With whom AMA may share Personally Identifiable Information
 * The choices available to you, as a Website visitor, regarding collection, use
   and sharing of Personally Identifiable Information
 * The security procedures that AMA has in place for Personally Identifiable
   Information under our control

By visiting this Website, and/or using the Website’s services, you agree to the
terms of this Privacy Policy as they may be amended from time to time. As we
update and expand our services, this Privacy Policy may change, so check back to
this page from time to time. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and part
of, the AMA Website Terms of Use, which governs your use of and access to this
Website in general. This Privacy Policy does not apply to information that you
may provide to us, or that we may obtain, other than through our Website, such
as over the phone, by mail, or in person.

Advertisements displayed to you on this Website and on other sites on the Web
may be customized to your interests, based on the terms that you search for on
the Web, the Web pages that you visit on our Website and other Websites and
other information about you and your usage of our Website and other Websites. We
work with third parties, such as Google, to make this happen, and to do so these
third parties may employ cookies, clear GIFs, tracking pixels and/or other
tracking technologies. To opt-out of this, follow the instructions here 
or here .  If you do want to opt out using these tools, you need to opt out
separately for each of your devices and for each Web browser you use (like
Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari) on each device. However, if you opt out,
we may still suggest offerings to you on our Website based on your history at
our Website. You may also click here to individually opt out of Google’s use of
your information in this way. For more information about Google's applicable
privacy policy, visitwww.google.com/privacy_ads.html.

Unless you opt-out, you consent to the use of tracking technologies in this way
and as described in more detail below. For more information about third party
advertisers and how to prevent them from using your information, visit the NAI’s
consumer Web site at http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/ or the DAA’s
consumer Web site at http://www.aboutads.info/choices/.

You may opt out of our sharing of your Personally Identifiable Information with
third parties for marketing purposes, by following the directions in the Sharing
Personally Identifiable Information section below.

Collection and Use
AMA collects Personally Identifiable Information from you when you expressly
volunteer the information. This includes when you:

 * Register for a seminar, become a Member, purchase or download an AMA product
   or service.
 * Request information (electronically) about AMA’s products and services,
   subscribe to newsletters, or enter a promotional contest.
 * Use or participate in various services or features made available on the
   Website (including, for example and without limitation, blogs and other user
 * Use various tools to select AMA products and services that are suitable for
   your Website visit.
 * Request contact with an AMA sales representative.
 * Provide AMA with comments, questions or feedback about AMA products and
   services or your Website experience.

“Personally Identifiable Information” includes, for example, your name; home or
business address; e-mail address; telephone, wireless and/or fax number; short
message service or text message address or other wireless device address;
instant messaging address; credit card and other payment information; employment
information and work experience; demographic information and/or other
information that may identify you as an individual or allow online or offline
contact with you as an individual.

AMA will not sell, share, or rent Personally Identifiable Information other than
as disclosed in this Privacy Policy. AMA does not sell, share with or rent to
others e-mail addresses solely for the purpose of third party marketing, other
than as disclosed in this Privacy Policy, but we may include third party
advertisements within e-mails that we may send to you.

Among other things, we may use your Personally Identifiable Information to
respond to your requests and inquiries; to provide you with the services,
products and features offered on or through the Website; to customize our
Website to your interests and history with us; to protect our rights and
property; and for other purposes disclosed when Personally Identifiable
Information is submitted to us. We may also use your Personally Identifiable
Information to tailor ads displayed to you on our Website and elsewhere to your
interests and history with us and to communicate timely information and special
offers (for example, in the form of e-mails, mailings, and the like) about
products, services, companies and events, sponsored by us and others, that we
think might interest you. You may choose not to receive our promotional e-mails
and mailings by e-mailing customerservice@amanet.org or by calling AMA Customer
Service at 1-877-566-9441. Please understand that if you choose not to receive
such promotional correspondence from us, we may still contact you in connection
with your relationship, activities, transactions and communications with us.

If you register for a seminar or pay for products and services using a credit
card, Personally Identifiable Information (such as your name and shipping
address) and financial information (such as your credit card number and
expiration date) may be required. This information may be used for billing
purposes and to fill orders. If we have trouble processing an order, this
contact information may be used to get in touch with you. Personally
Identifiable Information also may be collected when you apply for a position
with AMA or a program sponsored by AMA. In these cases, Personally Identifiable
Information is used only for the purpose of processing and evaluating the

The Personally Identifiable Information you give us via the Website and
information about your order may be combined with other Personally Identifiable
Information (such as demographic information and past purchase history) and
Website Usage Information available from our records and other sources
(including, without limitation, our worldwide databases and third parties). This
information may be used to make our future marketing efforts more efficient and
will help us to improve the operations and maintenance of our Website and

Any or all of the above activities with regard to Personally Identifiable
Information may be performed by us or on our behalf by our service providers or

When You Refer a Friend/Colleague
AMA respects the privacy of your friends and coworkers. AMA will not keep or
maintain names or e-mail addresses when you use our refer-a-friend function. The
refer-a-friend function is solely to provide your friends and coworkers with the
information you have requested we pass along to them.

Webcasts, Online “Meetings” and Similar Services
Users may be able to access or participate in Webcasts, online “meetings” or
similar services on the Website, certain of which may be hosted or operated by
our service provider, ON24 Incorporated (“On24”). In some cases, users may be
able to register for such Webcasts and services directly with ON24, and any such
Personally Identifiable Information collected by ON24 in connection with such
registration and such user’s participation in the services thereafter may be
shared with AMA, and will also be subject to ON24 privacy policy, located
at https://www.on24.com/about-us/privacy-policy. In other cases, some users may
be able to access Webcasts, online “meetings” or similar services hosted by ON24
on the Website by registering with AMA, and in such situations, any Personally
Identifiable Information that may be disclosed during participation in such
services would be collected by ON24 on AMA’s behalf but would be treated in
accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Sharing Personally Identifiable Information
AMA may share Personally Identifiable Information collected electronically
through its Website in the following ways:

 * AMA or AMA partners may use third parties to provides services for AMA (or on
   its behalf), such as an outside shipping company to ship orders, and/or a
   credit card processing company to bill for goods and services purchased
   through the AMA Website, and AMA will share Personally Identifiable
   Information with those entities.
 * From time to time, AMA works with business partners, service providers and
   sponsors to provide or offer specific products and services, such as jointly
   developed and marketed products and services. When you sign up for or utilize
   such products or services, we will share Personally Identifiable Information
   necessary for the partner/sponsor to provide these products or services to
 * AMA does provide certain third parties with its postal mailing address list
   (which includes names and postal addresses) on a rental basis, and, in some
   cases, AMA may also provide third parties with information about you and your
   order so that they can more easily identify and communicate offers that may
   interest you. If you wish to be excluded from such lists and from receiving
   third party mailings, or if you prefer that we do not share your information
   with third parties for their own marketing purposes, please
   e-mail customerservice@amanet.org or call AMA Customer Service
   at 1-877-566-9441. To stop receiving promotional messages from third parties
   who already have your contact information, please contact them directly.
 * AMA may provide Personally Identifiable Information obtained from non-U.S.
   individuals to its licensee located in the country or region where the
   individual is located, and our licensee may use this information to
   communicate with the user. If you prefer that we do not provide your
   information to our licensee, please e-mail customerservice@amanet.org or call
   AMA Customer Service at 1-877-566-9441.
 * E-mailings of AMA newsletters and other materials, as well as various
   operations of the Website, are handled both in-house and by outside service
   companies (such as e-mail service providers, address list hosting companies,
   distribution companies, suppliers and other service providers, such as
   Caspio, Inc.). On occasion, where AMA contracts with a service provider for
   this purpose, it may request or it may be necessary that the provider collect
   and/or provide information (including Personally Identifiable Information)
   directly from our customers on our behalf. In all such situations, AMA
   restricts how these suppliers and other service providers may access, use and
   disclose Personally Identifiable Information. AMA does not permit these
   suppliers and other service providers to sell Personally Identifiable
   Information to third parties except as permitted by this Privacy Policy. If
   you receive information through AMA or through a third party supplier about
   AMA that you prefer not to receive, you should request to be removed from the
   active mailing list by e-mailing customerservice@amanet.org or by calling AMA
   Customer Service at 1-877-566-9441.
 * When you contribute to a public area or feature of our Website, such as one
   of our online communities, messaging services, chat services, bulletin
   boards, message boards, blogs or other such open forums, the information that
   you submit will be made available to the general public. For this reason, we
   recommend that you exercise caution in the submission of Personally
   Identifiable Information to these areas of our Website as it will be publicly
 * We may disclose to third parties aggregate, non-personally identifiable data
   regarding user behavior, such as overall patterns or demographic reports, as
   a measure of interest in, and use of, our Website, e-mails and other
   messaging campaigns.
 * We may use or disclose Personally Identifiable Information in order to
   investigate any claim or suspicion of a violation of our Website Terms of
   Service, to assist with law enforcement investigations, or as otherwise
   required by law.

AMA may transfer Personally Identifiable Information to a third party in the
event of a sale of stock, merger or consolidation, reorganization, or other
transfer of all or a portion of the assets of AMA, whether voluntarily or by
operation of law. In addition, such a transfer may mean that your Personally
Identifiable Information is transferred to countries outside the European
Economic Area (“EEA”). In using the Website and the various features and
services made available thereon, you consent to such transfer of your Personally
Identifiable Information.

Website Usage information—Not Linked to Personally Identifiable Information

A cookie is a piece of data that is stored on a visitor’s hard drive. AMA uses
information from cookies, for example, to analyze trends, track visitors'
movements and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. If a
visitor rejects the cookie, the visitor may be limited in some areas of the
Website. Most Web browsers can be set to inform you when a cookie has been sent
to you and provide you with the opportunity to refuse that cookie. You should
consult your Web browser to choose the appropriate setting to accept or reject

In addition, AMA uses various third party service providers and third party
provided services that use cookies, including, for example, a service provided
by Marketo, which uses sophisticated cookie technology to measure site traffic
and visitor behavior in aggregate. These cookies may remain on your hard drive
after the conclusion of your site visit. To find out more about these practices
as related to services provided by Marketo, please visit the Marketo Privacy

Clear GIFs
We may use “clear GIFs” (aka “Web beacons” or “pixel tags”) or similar
technologies in the Website and/or in our communications with you. A clear GIF
is typically a one-pixel, transparent image (although it can be a visible image
as well), located on a Web page or in an e-mail or other type of message, which
is retrieved from a remote site on the Internet enabling the verification of an
individual’s viewing or receipt of a Web page or message.

IP Address and Clickstream Data
Additionally, when you visit the Website, our server automatically collects data
about your server’s IP Address, which is a number that’s automatically assigned
to your computer by your Internet service provider whenever you’re on the
Internet. When you request pages from our Website, our servers may log your IP
Address and sometimes your domain name. Our server may also record the referring
page that linked you to us (e.g., another Website or a search engine); the pages
you visit on this Website; the Website you visit after this Website; the ads you
see and/or click on; other information about the type of Web browser, computer,
platform, related software and settings you are using; any search terms you have
entered on this Website or a referral site; and other Web usage activity and
data logged by our Web servers. We use this information for internal system
administration, to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our
Website. Such information may also be used to gather broad demographic
information, such as country of origin and Internet service provider.

Among other things, this information enables us to generate analytics reports on
the usage of our Website.  To opt-out of your Website usage being included in
our Google analytics reports, you may follow these instructions. 
These technologies enable us to assign a unique number to you, and relate your
Website Usage Information to other information about you, including your
Personally Identifiable Information. These technologies also enable us to
recognize you when you access our Website using different Web browsers and
different computers or devices. 
We may use and share your Website Usage Information for all of the purposes that
we may use and share Personally Identifiable Information as described in this
Privacy Policy.  Any or all of the above-described activities with regard to
Website Usage Information and tracking technologies may be performed by us or on
our behalf by our service providers or partners. 

Third-Party Ad Servers and Networks

We use third-party advertising companies to select and serve ads to you.  These
companies may use information about your visits to this Website and other
Websites, the region of the country or world where your IP address indicates you
are located, as well as other information about you in order to provide
advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.  These
advertisements may appear on this Website and on other Websites.  These
companies may employ cookies, clear GIFs and other tracking technologies to
cause relevant ads to be displayed to you.  We encourage you to read these
businesses’ privacy policies to learn about how they treat your information. 
For more information about third-party advertisers and how to prevent them from
using your information, visit the NAI’s consumer Web site at
http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/ or Aboutads.info at

Do Not Track Disclosures
Some web browsers may transmit “do-not-track” (DNT) signals to the websites with
which the user communicates.  Because of differences in how web browsers
incorporate and activate this feature, it is not always clear whether users
intend for these signals to be transmitted, or whether they even are aware of
them.  We currently do not change our tracking practices (which are explained in
more detail under the Website Usage Information section above) in response to
DNT settings in your web browser. 
Our third party partners, such as web analytics companies and third party ad
networks, collect information about your online activities over time and across
our Website and other online properties. These third parties may not change
their tracking practices in response to DNT settings in your web browser and we
do not obligate these parties to honor DNT settings.

Social Media
We use several social networking and blogging platforms to communicate with our
customers, some of which are operated by third parties, such as Facebook or
Twitter.  This Privacy Policy applies to our use of information you submit to us
through social networking platforms and features, but it does not apply to what
those third party platforms do with your information that they receive from us
or from you directly.  Those platforms have their own privacy policies, and we
encourage you to read them.

AMA’s Website contains links to other sites. Some links are to sites of AMA’s
partners that offer AMA customers and Members a variety of special products and
services. Please be aware that AMA is not responsible for the content, security
or privacy practices on or of such other sites. We trust that you are aware when
you leave the AMA Website, and we encourage you to read the privacy statements
of each site to which ours is linked.

The AMA Website also may contain links to AMA’s international offices or
affiliates. This Privacy Policy does not apply to those Websites. We encourage
you to read the privacy statements of our international offices or affiliates
that control their collection and use of Personally Identifiable Information. 

This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by or on the

AMA endeavors to protect Personally Identifiable Information submitted to AMA
via its Website. However, because the Internet is an open global communications
vehicle, we cannot guarantee that information, during transmission through the
Internet or while stored on our system or otherwise in our care, will be safe
from intrusion by others, such as hackers.

You may be able to create an account on our Website with a username and
password. If so, you are responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality
and security of your account password, and you are responsible for any access to
or use of the Website through your password or account, whether or not such
access or use has been authorized by or on behalf of you, and whether or not
such person or entity is your employee or agent. You agree to (a) immediately
notify AMA of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other
breach of security and (b) ensure that you exit from your account at the end of
each session. When you desire to cancel your account on this Website, it is your
responsibility to notify AMA. We will not be responsible or liable for any loss
or damage arising from your failure to comply with this provision.

In the unlikely event that we believe that the security of your Personally
Identifiable Information in our possession or control may have been compromised,
we may seek to notify you of that development. If a notification is appropriate,
we would try to do so as promptly as possible under the circumstances, and, if
we have your e-mail address, we may notify you by e-mail. You consent to our use
of e-mail as a means of such notification. If you prefer for us to use another
method to notify you in this situation, please e-mail us at
customerservice@amanet.org with the alternative contact information you would
like us to use.
If you have any questions about privacy at the AMA Website, please send an
e-mail to customerservice@amanet.org.

Correction/Updating Personal Information
If your Personally Identifiable Information changes (such as a zip code), or if
you no longer desire to use or access our Website or services, we will provide a
way to correct, update or remove your Personally Identifiable Information. This
can be done through the Website at www.amanet.org/service or by calling AMA
Customer Service at 1-877-566-9441. AMA Members can also access and update
Personally Identifiable Information from the “Your Member Account” page.

If you wish to review the data we have on file about you, please send a written
request with a check payable to American Management Association for $10
(handling fee) to Database Services Center, P.O. Box 319, Saranac Lake, NY

Consent to Worldwide Transfer and Processing of Personal Data
AMA is a global enterprise, with branch offices, affiliates and licensees
worldwide. When you give your Personally Identifiable Information to AMA, it may
be processed by AMA and its affiliates and licensees in other countries, for the
purposes of, for example, processing your requests, providing you services, and
sending you correspondence. AMA is the data controller with respect to your
Personally Identifiable Information collected by AMA outside of the context of
service offerings arranged and scheduled by your employer, if applicable. Each
of these countries has different privacy laws that afford varying levels of
protection for your Personally Identifiable Information, and such laws may not
be as comprehensive as those that exist in the country in which you reside.
Regardless of the laws in place in these countries, AMA will treat the privacy
of your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with this Privacy
Policy. By providing your Personally Identifiable Information to AMA, you
consent to AMA's and its affiliates' and licensees' transmission to, and
processing of your information in, any jurisdiction, in accordance with AMA's
Privacy Policy. You can get details of the companies and countries to which your
data has been transferred by contacting us at: American Management Association,
Customer Service, 600 AMA Way, Saranac Lake, NY 12983, or
at customerservice@amanet.org.

Notification of Changes
If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes in the
Privacy Policy accessible from the home page of the Website so that you are
always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what
circumstances, if any, we disclose it. Any changes or updates will be effective
when posted. Under certain circumstances, we may also elect to notify you of, or
request your consent to, changes or updates to our Privacy Policy by additional
means, such as posting a notice on the front page of our Website or sending you
an e-mail.

Problems or Complaints
If you have questions or comments about our privacy practices, or if you believe
that there has been a violation of this Privacy Policy, please contact us
at customerservice@amanet.org. We will investigate and take appropriate action
and report back to you within a reasonable period of time.

Last updated July 25, 2017

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