www.racheljacksonlondon.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://www.racheljacksonlondon.com/collections/amulets-birthstones/products/personalised-birthstone-gold-bangle
Effective URL: https://www.racheljacksonlondon.com/collections/amulets-birthstones/products/personalised-birthstone-gold-bangle?view=personalised
Submission: On November 14 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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        <option value="39559780204607"> Garnet - $253.00</option>
        <option value="39980582666303"> Amethyst - $253.00</option>
        <option value="39980582895679"> Aquamarine - $253.00</option>
        <option value="39980583190591"> Citrine - $253.00</option>
        <option value="39980583321663"> Emerald - $253.00</option>
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        <option value="39980584796223"> Sapphire - $253.00</option>
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7.7832 2.06641C7.69206 2.32161 7.57357 2.44922 7.42773 2.44922C7.35482 2.44922 7.29102 2.42643 7.23633 2.38086C7.19076 2.32617 7.16797 2.26237 7.16797 2.18945C7.16797 2.16211 7.21354 2.04818 7.30469 1.84766C7.40495 1.63802 7.45508 1.45573 7.45508 1.30078ZM18.6523 6.1543C18.5247 6.20898 18.3516 6.28646 18.1328 6.38672C17.9232 6.47786 17.5085 6.64648 16.8887 6.89258C16.278 7.12956 15.6901 7.34375 15.125 7.53516C14.569 7.71745 13.9538 7.88151 13.2793 8.02734C12.6139 8.18229 12.0488 8.25977 11.584 8.25977C11.1009 8.25977 10.7409 8.16406 10.5039 7.97266C10.2578 7.77214 10.1348 7.51237 10.1348 7.19336C10.1348 6.81966 10.3717 6.46419 10.8457 6.12695C11.3105 5.78971 11.8802 5.62109 12.5547 5.62109C12.9102 5.62109 13.0879 5.70312 13.0879 5.86719C13.0879 6.07682 12.8874 6.18164 12.4863 6.18164C12.459 6.18164 12.4453 6.16797 12.4453 6.14062C12.4453 6.1224 12.459 6.09049 12.4863 6.04492C12.5228 5.99935 12.541 5.96745 12.541 5.94922C12.541 5.8763 12.5046 5.83984 12.4316 5.83984C11.9395 5.83984 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   * Initial Necklaces
   * Birthstone Necklaces
   * Zodiac Necklaces
   * Spinner Necklaces
   * Chains
 * Bracelets
   * Bangles
   * Chain Bracelets
 * Earrings
   * Hoop Earrings
   * Stud Earrings
   * Statement Earrings
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 * Rings
   * Adjustable Size Rings
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 * New In: RJ x Dawn O'Porter
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Birthstone Necklaces




 * New In: RJ x Dawn O'Porter
 * Trending: Stellar
 * RJ x Scamp & Dude
 * Gemma Styles For Choose love
 * Citrine: November Birthstone





 * Love
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 * Aquarius
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 * Garnet (January)
 * Amethyst (February)
 * Aquamarine (March)
 * Rock Crystal (April)
 * Emerald (May)
 * Moonstone (June)
 * Ruby (July)
 * Peridot (August)
 * Sapphire (September)
 * Tourmaline (October)
 * Citrine (November)
 * Tanzanite (December)

Birthstone Amulets


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Birthstone Jewellery

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Choose a variant Garnet - $253.00 Amethyst - $253.00 Aquamarine - $253.00
Citrine - $253.00 Emerald - $253.00 Peridot - $253.00 Rock Crystal - $253.00
Moonstone - $253.00 Ruby - $253.00 Sapphire - $253.00 Tourmaline - $253.00
Tanzanite - $253.00 Birthstone: Garnet
Rock Crystal
Create your treasure
Choose Birthstone:

January - Garnet

February - Amethyst

March - Aquamarine

April - Rock Crystal

May - Emerald

June - Moonstone

July - Ruby

August - Peridot

September - Sapphire

October - Tourmaline

November - Citrine

December - Tanzanite
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Set your agenda. Stack and style this contemporary Birthstone Bangle and keep
loved ones stylishly close. This sleek design with a chamfered edge and smooth
tapered ends can be worn plain or engraved. Reversible in design, simply slip
over the side of the wrist and turn. 

Evolving from our signature Amulets, our Birthstone Bangles stylishly capture
treasured moments with a vibrant display of colour and symbolism. Wear your
heart on your sleeve with this personalised piece ablaze with meaning and
sentimentality. Launch a charm offensive with complementing Birthstone Huggie
Hoops and empower your everyday.

January is Garnet - Energy and Courage
February is Amethyst - Protection and Healing
March is Aquamarine - Calm and Harmony
April is Rock Crystal - Healing and Clarity
May is Emerald - Prosperity and Love, 55th Wedding Anniversaries
June is Moonstone - Wisdom and Luck
July is Ruby - Prosperity and Passion, 40th Wedding Anniversaries
August is Peridot - Balance and Clarity
September is Sapphire - Love and Loyalty, 65th Wedding Anniversaries
October is Tourmaline - Happiness and Luck
November is Citrine - Positivity and Abundance
December is Tanzanite - Wisdom and Protection


Metal: 22 carat gold plated sterling silver
Dimensions: Inner dimensions 5.8cm x 4.2cm. Bangle width 0.5cm
Engraving: Up to 12 characters on flat section

Returns Note

Due to the personalised nature of this product it can not be returned. Please be
sure to check you have selected the correct stones and engraving. 

Design Description

Set your agenda. Stack and style this contemporary Birthstone Bangle and keep
loved ones stylishly close. This sleek design with a chamfered edge and smooth
tapered ends can be worn plain or engraved. Reversible in design, simply slip
over the side of the wrist and turn. 

Evolving from our signature Amulets, our Birthstone Bangles stylishly capture
treasured moments with a vibrant display of colour and symbolism. Wear your
heart on your sleeve with this personalised piece ablaze with meaning and
sentimentality. Launch a charm offensive with complementing Birthstone Huggie
Hoops and empower your everyday.

January is Garnet - Energy and Courage
February is Amethyst - Protection and Healing
March is Aquamarine - Calm and Harmony
April is Rock Crystal - Healing and Clarity
May is Emerald - Prosperity and Love, 55th Wedding Anniversaries
June is Moonstone - Wisdom and Luck
July is Ruby - Prosperity and Passion, 40th Wedding Anniversaries
August is Peridot - Balance and Clarity
September is Sapphire - Love and Loyalty, 65th Wedding Anniversaries
October is Tourmaline - Happiness and Luck
November is Citrine - Positivity and Abundance
December is Tanzanite - Wisdom and Protection


Metal: 22 carat gold plated sterling silver
Dimensions: Inner dimensions 5.8cm x 4.2cm. Bangle width 0.5cm
Engraving: Up to 12 characters on flat section

Returns Note

Due to the personalised nature of this product it can not be returned. Please be
sure to check you have selected the correct stones and engraving. 

Gift Bag
All Wrapped Up: Simply add gift wrap at cart (£3.95) and we’ll send you our
signature branded gift bag.. minimal design for maximum impact.

Planet Friendly: Our contemporary gift bags are plastic free, made from
sustainably sourced materials and are 100% recyclable, that’s including the
ribbon handle which is made from woven paper.

Forever Treasure: Our collectable jewellery boxes come in three colours and are
made from sustainably sourced materials. Whilst they’re also 100% recyclable, we
hope you will use them for a lifetime.. a safe place for you to store your
treasure, and take with you wherever you go.
Delivery & Returns


FREE DELIVERY | We offer Free Standard Delivery on all orders over
£100 delivering to the UK. Orders will be delivered within 2 to 4 working
days when delivering to the UK

STANDARD DELIVERY | Our standard delivery charge is £3.50. Orders will be
delivered within 2 to 4 working days when delivering to the UK

NEXT WORKING DAY | We offer a next day service for £4.95 for orders placed
before 3pm when delivering to the UK



Europe - £10  (5-7 working days)*

Rest of the World - £10   (7-10 working days)*

*Duties and taxes are not included in the total at checkout. They are determined
by the customs agency within the destination country

For next day and Saturday services, orders must be received before 2pm
For our Full Delivery Policy visit our Delivery Page 


Free 30 days, for our full policy visit our Returns & Refunds Page here



People & Planet

The RJ team know we are part of something much bigger and more important than
ourselves and we have a heartfelt desire to drive change, for both people and
planet. We know we have a lot to do but we are committed to this journey and we
are learning at pace. Here are some of the actions we’ve taken so far:

 * Social Impact: Since our launch in 2016 we’ve been raising awareness and
   thousands of pounds for people that need help. This year we collaborated with
   Dawn O Porter on a limited edition necklace which went on to raise over
   £40,000 for ‘Choose Love’, but that’s just the start of it…watch this space
   for more.
 * Our Gold & Silver: By nature, the industry recycles most materials due to
   their high value. Any off-cuts from castings in the workshops go back into
   the raw materials mix and are used to create another treasure. We aim to do
   more than this by transitioning to fully recycled jewellery, a phased process
   but one that is well underway.
 * Our Diamonds: We’ve made the conscious decision to change from mined diamonds
   to lab-grown, cultured diamonds. The process involves replicating the way
   that diamonds are grown in the earth and produces the same chemical
   properties as natural diamonds. Cultured diamonds are a symbol of innovation
   as much as they are eternal beauty, in fact there are almost none of the
   imperfections that you find in naturally found diamonds. Cultured diamonds
   are kind to people - conflict free, no child labour, and there is no exposure
   to the harmful substances found in some mines.
 * Our Gemstones: Two of our three jewellery workshops are certified members of
   the Responsible Jewellery Council and our third workshop is on track for this
   year. This represents a commitment to keeping the origins and chain of
   custody as transparent as possible.
 * Our Packaging: Much like our jewellery our gift boxes and pouches are
   designed to last a lifetime, a safe place for you to store your treasure and
   take wherever you go. Our jewellery boxes and outer-packaging are all also
   100% sustainably sourced, plastic free and 100% recyclable.
 * Replate with us: We offer a re-plating service so that you can give your gold
   jewellery a new lease of life, any time you think you need it. For more
   information send us an email at recycling@racheljacksonlondon.com.
 * Upcycle with us: Our upcycling service encourages you to get involved by
   sending us any unwanted, hallmarked sterling silver and solid gold jewellery
   (from any brand) for us to recycle for you. For 1-2 pieces, you’ll receive a
   £15 Rachel Jackson voucher. Explore the details here.

Explore our full journey about our ethical and sustainable future here
Care & Warranty




All Rachel Jackson jewellery is either sterling silver, 22 carat gold plated
sterling silver or 9ct gold. When not being worn, we recommend that you store
your jewellery in the box that it came in. This will minimise the effects of
sunlight and the environment, and prevent chains from getting tangled. Avoid
contact with water, body lotions, perfumes, sun creams, cleaning products and
make-up as these will affect the plating.

To keep your jewellery sparkling, polish it gently with a soft jewellery cloth.


All Rachel Jackson jewellery is either sterling silver, 22 carat gold plated
sterling silver or 9ct gold. When not being worn, we recommend that you store
your jewellery in the box that it came in. This will minimise the effects of
sunlight and the environment, and prevent chains from getting tangled. Avoid
contact with water, body lotions, perfumes, sun creams, cleaning products and
make-up as these will affect the plating.

To keep your jewellery sparkling, polish it gently with a soft jewellery cloth.


Every Rachel Jackson treasure is covered by a one-year warranty. We will replace
or repair any piece of jewellery that has broken due to manufacturing defects
subject to normal conditions of wear and tear, excluding accidental damage or

Please notify us with proof of purchase from www.racheljacksonlondon.com within
12 months of receipt of the goods and we will provide you with a repair service
free of charge

After 1 year, depending on whether the item is still in stock and the nature of
the damage, we will do our very best to fix the item, however there will be a
charge for this service. Please email hello@racheljacksonlondon.com to make
arrangements for this service.

If you have any further questions about our returns policy, please email
hello@racheljacksonlondon.com or call us on 020 7375 0505. Our office hours are
Monday – Friday, 9am – 5.30pm (GMT)


If you have any further questions about your jewellery then please do not
hesitate to contact us on:



TEL: +44 (0) 207 375 0505

EMAIL: hello@racheljacksonlondon.com


Monday to Friday, 10am—2pm (GMT)

Size Guide




Most of our Standard Rings adhere to the following sizes:


Small/ Medium rings are the equivalent of a UK size N

Medium/ Large rings are the equivalent of a UK size P


Our Pinky Signet Rings are usually sized as follows:


Small/ Medium rings are the equivalent of a UK size F

Medium/ Large rings are the equivalent of a UK size J


 * Please use our print at home size guide to assist with sizing




 * 1. Measure your ring size at the end of the day when fingers are at their


 * 2. Consider the width of the band, a particularly wide or statement ring will
   feel tighter than a thin band so you may want to buy a full size larger than
   your normal ring size.


3. Do not measure your hands when they are cold, they may have shrunk up to half
a size.


 * 4. Choose a ring that sits comportably on the finger of your choice and place
   it over the sizing circles until you find the one that aligns with the inner
   rim of your ring.

   5. CLICK HERE to print the ring sizer page on an A4 sheet of paper ensuring
   that you do NOT have "Fit to page/printable area" selected.


 * 6. If you have a ring sizer, ensure that it fits comfortably. Snug enough so
   that it will not fall off, but loose enough to slide over your knuckle














































































































TEL: +44 (0) 207 375 0505

EMAIL: hello@racheljacksonlondon.com


Monday to Thursday, 10am—2pm (GMT)

Please refer to the individual product page for specific necklace and chain
dimensions, which are unique to each product and are provided in centimetres.



TEL: +44 (0) 207 375 0505

EMAIL: hello@racheljacksonlondon.com


Monday to Friday, 9am—5.00pm (GMT)

Please refer to the individual product page for specific bracelet and bangle
dimensions, which are unique to each product and are provided in centimetres.



TEL: +44 (0) 207 375 0505

EMAIL: hello@racheljacksonlondon.com


Monday to Friday, 9am—5.00pm (GMT)

Please refer to the individual product page for specific earring dimensions and
how they close, which are unique to each product and are provided in



TEL: +44 (0) 207 375 0505

EMAIL: hello@racheljacksonlondon.com


Monday to Friday, 9am—5.00pm (GMT)


A little birdie tells us that... has their eye on our Personalised Birthstone
Bangle from Rachel Jackson

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Birthstone Huggie Hoop Earrings 22 Carat Gold Plated Sterling Silver $116.00
Small Love Mixed Birthstone Amulet Necklace 22 Carat Gold Plated Sterling Silver

Small Love Birthstone Amulet Necklace Sterling Silver $181.00

Small Love Mixed Birthstone Amulet Necklace Sterling Silver $181.00

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Gift Wrap Available

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Complimentary Engraving


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