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                                      <h2>Cedar Fair to Unveil Esports Gaming Facility in Sandusky on October 6</h2>
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                                      <h2>Cedar Fair and Six Flags to Combine in Merger of Equals, Creating a Leading Amusement Park Operator</h2>
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                                      <h2>Cedar Fair Announces 2023 Third Quarter Results and Provides October Performance Update</h2>
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                          <div class="module-about_intro">
                            <!--<h3>Cedar Fair</h3> has cornered the market on fun, which our ticker symbol reflects (NYSE: FUN). In fact, our primary mission is to make people happy. We are a world leader in operating regional amusement parks and water parks, complemented with resort, hotel and recreational properties dispersed throughout the lower 48 states and near Ontario, Canada.-->
                            <h3>Cedar Fair</h3> has cornered the market on fun, which our ticker symbol reflects (NYSE: FUN). In fact, our purpose is to make people happy, something we have been doing since 1870, when our flagship park, Cedar Point
                            was established in Sandusky, Ohio, on a scenic peninsula in the waters of Lake Erie.<p></p>
                            <p>As one of the largest regional amusement park operators in the world, we are located in 13 markets with entertainment properties that include amusement parks, water parks and resort facilities, dispersed coast-to-coast
                              in the lower 48 states, as well as in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. </p>
                            <p>In 2022, our 15 parks welcomed approximately 27 million guests, generating record levels of net revenues and Adjusted EBITDA. We employ approximately 4,400 full-time associates and nearly 49,000 seasonal and part-time
                          <div class="module-about_fun-fact-container">
                            <!--<div class="module-about_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-about_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="//" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
    <div class="module-about_fun-fact-desc">
        <div  _rdEditor_temp="1">Annually our parks welcome approximately 26 million guests and our company generates revenues of more than $1.3 billion.</div>
                          <!--<div class="module-about_intro">
    <h4>Headquartered in Sandusky, Ohio</h4>, Cedar Fair is organized as a publicly traded partnership (PTP), which allows the partnership to pay out the majority of its earnings to its owners, or unitholders, without first paying significant federal or state income taxes at the entity level, thus avoiding double taxation of our earnings.
<div class="module-about_fun-fact-container">
    <div class="module-about_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-about_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="//" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
    <div class="module-about_fun-fact-desc">
        <div  _rdEditor_temp="1">Cedar Fair has paid to its unitholders cash distributions for over 30 consecutive years totaling more than $2.6 billion.</div>
                          <div class="module-about_intro">
                            <!--<h4>We take FUN seriously.</h4> The strong attendance and demand at all of our parks demonstrates that our offering resonates with our guests. Our mission – --><!-- to become "the place to be for fun" --><!--TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY by providing fun, immersive and memorable experiences – has led us to: -->
                            <h4>We take FUN seriously.</h4> The strong attendance and demand at all our parks demonstrate that our entertainment offerings resonate with guests. Our mission is to inspire lasting connections and lifelong memories for
                            all our guests by delivering amazing experiences. We pursue this by:
                          <ul class="list list--woodstock">
                            <!--<li>Build a portfolio with best-in-class assets and properties</li>
        <li>Provide world class entertainment at a quality and scale unmatched by other regional operators</li>
        <li>Establish widely known regional brands with opportunities to further penetrate targeted markets</li>
        <li>Constantly enhance the appeal of our parks and guest experience</li>-->
                            <li>Maintaining a portfolio of best-in-class assets and family entertainment properties</li>
                            <li>Providing world-class entertainment at a quality and scale unmatched by other regional operators and leisure facilities</li>
                            <li>Acquiring and investing in strong, widely known regional brands with attractive assets in growing markets, where we operate the highest quality, most visually pleasing parks in the industry</li>
                            <li>Constantly elevating the appeal of our parks and the guest experience we deliver</li>
                          <p>Since our public offering in 1987, Cedar Fair has been organized as a publicly traded partnership (PTP), which allows our company to pay out the majority of earnings to investors (unitholders), without first paying
                            significant federal or state income taxes at the entity level, thus avoiding double taxation. Over the last 30+ years, we have returned $2.7 billion of capital to our unitholders through distribution payments alone, by
                            leveraging our consistently strong generation of free cash flow.</p>
                          <div class="module-about_fun-fact-container">
                            <!--<div class="module-about_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-about_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="//" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
    <div class="module-about_fun-fact-desc">
        <div  _rdEditor_temp="1">Schlitterbahn has been the sole recipient of <em>“Amusement Today’s”</em> Golden Ticket Award for BEST WATERPARK in the world.</div>
                          <div class="module-about_intro">
                            <h4>What does FUN mean for investors? </h4>
                            <ul class="list list--woodstock">
                              <!--<li>Ownership in a company with a lengthy track record of successfully creating significant value for investors</li>
        <li>Substantial free cash flow generation enabling payment of stable and growing distributions in a tax-efficient manner</li>
        <li>A successful operating model that is resilient, non-cyclical and largely unaffected by economic gyrations and geopolitical issues</li>
        <li>A long-term track record of investing for long-term growth and profitability</li>
        <li>Guests enjoy our parks and entertainment, while our investors enjoy superior returns</li>-->
                              <li>Ownership in a company with a long track record of successfully creating significant value for investors</li>
                              <li>Substantial free cash flow generation enabling payment of stable and growing distributions in a tax-efficient manner</li>
                              <li>A successful operating model that is resilient, non-cyclical and largely unaffected by economic gyrations and geopolitical issues</li>
                              <li>A long-term track record of investing for long-term growth and profitability</li>
                              <li>Guests enjoy our parks and entertainment, while our investors enjoy superior returns</li>
                          <div class="module-about_fun-fact-container">
                            <!--<div class="module-about_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-about_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="//" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
    <div class="module-about_fun-fact-desc">
        <div  _rdEditor_temp="1">The compounded rate of return on Cedar Fair’s units since going public in 1987 is more than 15%.</div>
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                                <label for="park-select" class="sr-only">Select A Park</label>
                                <select name="park-select" id="park-select" class="dropdown module_park-select">
                                  <option value="Select a park" disabled="" selected="">Select A Park</option>
                                  <option value="0">California's Great America</option>
                                  <option value="1">Canada's Wonderland</option>
                                  <option value="2">Carowinds</option>
                                  <option value="3">Cedar Point</option>
                                  <option value="4">Cedar Point Shores</option>
                                  <option value="5">Dorney Park &amp; Wildwater Kingdom</option>
                                  <option value="6">Kings Dominion</option>
                                  <option value="7">Kings Island</option>
                                  <option value="8">Knott’s Berry Farm</option>
                                  <option value="9">Knott's Soak City</option>
                                  <option value="10">Michigan's Adventure</option>
                                  <option value="11">Schlitterbahn – Galveston</option>
                                  <option value="12">Schlitterbahn – New Braunfels</option>
                                  <option value="13">Valleyfair</option>
                                  <option value="14">Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun</option>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">California's Great America</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/california-ga-bg.jpg" alt="California's Great America"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Santa Clara, California</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>From mild to wild, Great America is bursting with family thrills. Guests discover more than 45 rides; plus interactive children’s areas, show-stopping entertainment, a water park and an array of culinary options
                                    throughout the park. Great America is the Bay Area’s favorite place for families to let loose and enjoy time together.</p>
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                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>With the San Francisco 49ers stadium as its parking lot neighbor, Great America is the official host and sponsor of the NFL team’s pre-game tailgate festivities, known as the <em>Red Zone Rally</em>.</p>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Canada's Wonderland</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/canada-wonderland-bg.jpg" alt="Canada's Wonderland"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Vaughan, Ontario</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>It’s two parks in one … Canada’s Wonderland amusement park, with its Splash Works water park, is Canada’s premier entertainment destination. With more than 50 rides, including an array of world-class roller
                                    coasters and children attractions, this beautiful park is a true gem with lush landscaping and a lofty mountain right in the middle of its midway. Canada’s Wonderland is renowned for its cultural festivals that
                                    spotlight artists from around the world performing on stage in one of the park’s theatres.</p>
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                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>The 2019 addition of Yukon Striker, the tallest, fastest and longest dive roller coaster in the world, brings the parks coaster count to 17, placing Canada’s Wonderland among the world’s top three amusement
                                        parks with the most roller coasters.</p>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Carowinds</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/carowinds-bg.jpg" alt="Carowinds"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Charlotte, North Carolina</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Carowinds is the premier entertainment destination of the Carolinas and two times the fun with its amusement park and Carolina Harbor water park. More than 50 rides, shows and attractions welcome guests, including
                                    a roster of roller coasters, a popular kids’ area and a natural beauty that blends right into the park. Its neighboring campground offers overnight accommodations. Carowinds straddles the North Carolina and South
                                    Carolina state line: one amusement park in two states!</p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>With a height of 325-feet and reaching speeds up to 95 mph, Fury 325, which pierces the sky above the North and South Carolina state lines, has won top honors as the world’s best steel coaster since its debut
                                        in 2015.</p>
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" target="_blank">Contact Park</a></div>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Cedar Point</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/cedar-point-bg.jpg" alt="Cedar Point"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Sandusky, Ohio</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Simply put … Cedar Point is a place like no other. As Cedar Fair’s flagship park, it has a rich history dating back to 1870. Located on a scenic peninsula jutting into the waters of Lake Erie, Cedar Point is a
                                    slice of amusement park and resort paradise. Its skyline is outlined by the world’s largest collection of rides and roller coasters. Children revel in four pint-sized ride areas. Award-winning live shows entertain
                                    audiences of all ages. A strip of white sand beach and boardwalk hug its shoreline. Four hotels, cottages and cabins, RV campground and a full-service marina provide a range of overnight accommodations. Plenty of
                                    restaurants and an adjacent water park round out the offerings that make Cedar Point a complete resort destination.</p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>As the nation’s second oldest operating amusement park, Cedar Point will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2020.</p>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Cedar Point Shores</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/cedar-point-shores-bg.jpg" alt="Cedar Point Shores"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Sandusky, Ohio</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Cedar Point Shores Waterpark features 18 acres of splish-splashin' family fun. Kids love Lakeslide Landing where pint-sized slides, geysers and fountains serve as a water playground while Lemmy, the mythical Lake
                                    Erie monster, is ready to play in his lagoon. Cool off from the summer heat with yummy treats at Beaches &amp; Cream; lounge for a while in the relaxing cabanas; or for a different kind of thrill pop over to the
                                    amusement park just a waterslide away.</p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>The Magnum XL-200 roller coaster, once a Guinness Book of World Records holder as the world’s tallest coaster, originates in Cedar Point Shores’ sister park, Cedar Point. Yet the thrill of its ride, including
                                        the daunting 205-foot incline, amazing views of the Lake Erie shoreline and signature “pretzel turnaround,” all happens right through the middle of Cedar Point Shores to the fascination of the waterpark guests
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Dorney Park &amp; Wildwater Kingdom</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/dorney-park-bg.jpg" alt="Dorney Park &amp; Wildwater Kingdom"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Allentown, Pennsylvania</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>First developed as a summer resort, Dorney Park is one of the largest amusement parks in the Northeastern United States. Best known for its massive water park, Wildwater Kingdom, Dorney Park is also home to an
                                    impressive tally of more than 100 rides, shows and attractions. Its rolling hills and picturesque setting create an old-fashioned charm which fit together perfectly with its present-day thrills.</p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>Dorney Park is home to the world’s eighth oldest, continuously operating roller coaster, Thunderhawk, dating back to 1923.</p>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Kings Dominion</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/kings-dominion-bg.jpg" alt="Kings Dominion"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Doswell, Virginia</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Kings Dominion is a combination amusement and water park with an adjoining camping area for the convenience of staying where you play. Featuring more than 60 rides, shows and attractions, including an amazing
                                    assortment of roller coasters, Kings Dominion is also big on its smaller guests with special sections suited specifically for young children and families.</p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>When Kings Dominion opened in 1975, the park's signature attraction was the Eiffel Tower, which still stands today at 315 feet and is a one-third replica of the original tower in Paris. From its observation
                                        deck on a clear day, guests can see up to 18 miles away from the park.</p>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Kings Island</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/kings-island-bg.jpg" alt="Kings Island"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Kings Island, Ohio</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Kings Island has something for everyone and you feel it the moment you enter the park. One of the most impressive entrance plazas at any amusement park – complete with a replica of the Eiffel Tower, flowing water
                                    fountains, quaint shops and restaurants – greets guests and sets the tone for the day. The park boasts more than 60 rides, including a legendary lineup of roller coasters; plus top-notch entertainment and a
                                    first-rate water park. Its award-winning kids’ area adds a real focus on family fun and has so much to do you won’t know where to start first!</p>
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                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>Kings Island gained national attention when two very popular television sitcoms filmed episodes at the park, <em>The Partridge Family</em> in 1972 and <em>The Brady Bunch</em> in 1973.</p>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Knott’s Berry Farm</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/knotts-berry-bg.jpg" alt="Knott’s Berry Farm"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Buena Park, California</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Long known for its down-home hospitality, Knott’s Berry Farm blends the right mix of thrill rides and family attractions with an Old West flair that has made this year-round amusement park a popular destination
                                    since 1920. Knott’s Berry Farm’s wildly popular celebrations, such as The Haunt at Halloween, set the standard for seasonal in-park events. With more than 40 rides, a hotel just steps away, old-time Ghost Town,
                                    loads of unique shops and eateries, including the famed Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant, this Southern California charmer is more than just an amusement park … it’s an authentic piece of Americana. </p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>Opened in 1934, Knott’s Berry Farm’s legendary Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant serves an average of 1,000 chickens daily, making it the world’s largest, full-service, single-location chicken restaurant,
                                        with seating for 1,000 guests in eight separate dining rooms.</p>
                                <div class="map_link"><a class="button visit-site" href="" target="_blank">Visit Site</a>
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                            <div id="map-popout9" class="map-popout_content">
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Knott's Soak City</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/knotts-soak-bg.jpg" alt="Knott's Soak City"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Buena Park, California</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Knott’s Soak City waterpark is a separately gated, 15-acre water park located next to the Knott's Berry Farm theme park. It is Orange County, California’s largest water park. Soak City’s prime attractions include
                                    23 speed, tube and body slides, a massive wave pool, a relaxing lazy river, a three-story beach house featuring 200 water guns and, for the youngest kids, a hands-on water playground. </p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>Not only is Soak City’s Sunset River the longest lazy river in California, winding for over a third of a mile, but the park’s Tidal Wave Bay wave pool churns a massive 750,000 gallons of water each time it
                                        turns on.</p>
                                <div class="map_link"><a class="button visit-site" href="" target="_blank">Visit Site</a>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Michigan's Adventure</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/michigan-av-bg.jpg" alt="Michigan's Adventure"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Muskegon, Michigan</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Set around a serene lake, Michigan’s Adventure takes you back to the sweet days of summer with a laid-back atmosphere and family feel. More than 50 rides, shows and attractions – plus a giant water park –
                                    entertains guests at this Michigan landmark.</p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>Reaching speeds of up to 65 mph, Michigan Adventure’s Shivering Timbers offers riders plenty of airtime as the fastest and longest wooden roller coaster in the state. It is annually ranked as one of the
                                        world’s best wooden roller coasters by <em>Amusement Today</em> readers.</p>
                                <div class="map_link"><a class="button visit-site" href="" target="_blank">Visit Site</a>
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                            <div id="map-popout11" class="map-popout_content">
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Schlitterbahn Waterpark</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/Schlitterbahn-Galveston.jpg" alt="Schlitterbahn Waterpark"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Galveston, Texas</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>At Schlitterbahn Waterpark Galveston, rivers connect for a mile of fun through three distinct park sections. The water park is home to four high thrill speed slides including Rohr!, Cliffhanger, and the immersive
                                    Screaming Serpents body slide. The world's tallest water coaster MASSIV Monster Blaster can be found in the Blastenhoff section next to the Shipwreck Harbor wave pool -- with a swim up bar! If you are looking for a
                                    way to cool off on Galveston Island, Schlitterbahn offers the hottest, coolest rides around.</p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>At a whopping eight stories tall and as long as two International Space Stations, Infinity Racers deliver a fun, only one-in-the-world, water slide experience that would make NASA proud. Both of the head-first
                                        mat, racing slides are nearly fully enclosed with multi-colored fiberglass that creates unique lighting effects for your entire space-like journey.</p>
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                            <div id="map-popout12" class="map-popout_content">
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Schlitterbahn Waterpark &amp; Resort</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/Schlitterbahn-New-Braunfels.jpg" alt="Schlitterbahn Waterpark &amp; Resort"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">New Braunfels, Texas</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Opened in 1979, Schlitterbahn Waterpark &amp; Resort New Braunfels has earned the distinction as the World’s #1 Waterpark for 21 consecutive years. Comprised of four themed sections spanning 70 acres, the water
                                    park offers 51 attractions, highlighted by the infamous, six-stories-tall Master Blaster Uphill Water Coaster, miles of rivers to float a lazy day away, and plenty of water playgrounds for the youngest park guests.
                                    An ideal vacation destination, Schlitterbahn New Braunfels offers a range of accommodation options for that perfect Texas Hill Country getaway.</p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>As the shortest navigable river in Texas, the spring-fed Comal River flows into the tube slides, chutes and pools of Schlitterbahn New Braunfels, providing guests with a wonderfully cool, 72-degree reprieve
                                        from the sultry Texas heat. Starting and ending within the New Braunfels city limits and measuring just two miles in length, the fresh water of the Comal eventually flows out of the water park’s attractions and
                                        back into its natural banks before moving downstream to join the mightier Guadalupe.</p>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Valleyfair</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/valleyfair-bg.jpg" alt="Valleyfair"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Shakopee, Minnesota</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>With more than 75 rides and attractions, Valleyfair is the Twin Cities’ amusement park where families come to play the Minnesota way! Discover your next adventure on one of eight thrilling coasters, or learn to
                                    love thrills on one of Planet Snoopy’s 16 kid rides. Cool off in the area’s premier waterpark, or enjoy some hang time on Delirious, a seven-story looping thrill ride that completes 10 revolutions in less than a
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>Valleyfair has some serious “cred” when it comes to thrills, landing two years in a row on <em>USA Today’s</em> 10 Best Readers Choice awards as having one of the best new amusement park rides – North Star in
                                        2017 and Delirious in 2018.</p>
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                                <h2 class="map_title">Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun</h2>
                                <p><img src="/files/js/map/bg/worlds-of-fun-bg.jpg" alt="Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun"></p>
                                <h4 class="map_location">Kansas City, Missouri</h4>
                                <div class="map_description">
                                  <p>Worlds of Fun is packed with family entertainment and highlights more than 40 rides, a children’s area and separate water park, Oceans of Fun, the largest in the U.S. Midwest. Right next door, overnighters enjoy
                                    upscale camping with cottages, cabins and an RV campground. This traditional amusement park is one of Kansas City’s most popular family attractions.</p>
                                  <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-container">
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-image-container"><img class="module-parks_fun-fact-image" width="100px" height="70px" src="/files/design/fun-fact-logo.svg" alt="Fun Fact Image"></div>
                                    <div class="module-parks_fun-fact-desc">
                                      <p>Worlds of Fun takes its theme from the Jules Verne book, <em>Around the World in Eighty Days</em>. As such, the park is divided into five major sections – Scandinavia, Africa, Europa, the Orient, and Americana
                                        – with rides, attractions, shows, etc. named according to the section’s geographic theme.</p>
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has cornered the market on fun, which our ticker symbol reflects (NYSE: FUN). In
fact, our purpose is to make people happy, something we have been doing since
1870, when our flagship park, Cedar Point was established in Sandusky, Ohio, on
a scenic peninsula in the waters of Lake Erie.

As one of the largest regional amusement park operators in the world, we are
located in 13 markets with entertainment properties that include amusement
parks, water parks and resort facilities, dispersed coast-to-coast in the lower
48 states, as well as in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

In 2022, our 15 parks welcomed approximately 27 million guests, generating
record levels of net revenues and Adjusted EBITDA. We employ approximately 4,400
full-time associates and nearly 49,000 seasonal and part-time associates.


The strong attendance and demand at all our parks demonstrate that our
entertainment offerings resonate with guests. Our mission is to inspire lasting
connections and lifelong memories for all our guests by delivering amazing
experiences. We pursue this by:
 * Maintaining a portfolio of best-in-class assets and family entertainment
 * Providing world-class entertainment at a quality and scale unmatched by other
   regional operators and leisure facilities
 * Acquiring and investing in strong, widely known regional brands with
   attractive assets in growing markets, where we operate the highest quality,
   most visually pleasing parks in the industry
 * Constantly elevating the appeal of our parks and the guest experience we

Since our public offering in 1987, Cedar Fair has been organized as a publicly
traded partnership (PTP), which allows our company to pay out the majority of
earnings to investors (unitholders), without first paying significant federal or
state income taxes at the entity level, thus avoiding double taxation. Over the
last 30+ years, we have returned $2.7 billion of capital to our unitholders
through distribution payments alone, by leveraging our consistently strong
generation of free cash flow.


 * Ownership in a company with a long track record of successfully creating
   significant value for investors
 * Substantial free cash flow generation enabling payment of stable and growing
   distributions in a tax-efficient manner
 * A successful operating model that is resilient, non-cyclical and largely
   unaffected by economic gyrations and geopolitical issues
 * A long-term track record of investing for long-term growth and profitability
 * Guests enjoy our parks and entertainment, while our investors enjoy superior


Select A Park Select A Park California's Great AmericaCanada's
WonderlandCarowindsCedar PointCedar Point ShoresDorney Park & Wildwater
KingdomKings DominionKings IslandKnott’s Berry FarmKnott's Soak CityMichigan's
AdventureSchlitterbahn – GalvestonSchlitterbahn – New BraunfelsValleyfairWorlds
of Fun and Oceans of Fun



From mild to wild, Great America is bursting with family thrills. Guests
discover more than 45 rides; plus interactive children’s areas, show-stopping
entertainment, a water park and an array of culinary options throughout the
park. Great America is the Bay Area’s favorite place for families to let loose
and enjoy time together.

With the San Francisco 49ers stadium as its parking lot neighbor, Great America
is the official host and sponsor of the NFL team’s pre-game tailgate
festivities, known as the Red Zone Rally.

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It’s two parks in one … Canada’s Wonderland amusement park, with its Splash
Works water park, is Canada’s premier entertainment destination. With more than
50 rides, including an array of world-class roller coasters and children
attractions, this beautiful park is a true gem with lush landscaping and a lofty
mountain right in the middle of its midway. Canada’s Wonderland is renowned for
its cultural festivals that spotlight artists from around the world performing
on stage in one of the park’s theatres.

The 2019 addition of Yukon Striker, the tallest, fastest and longest dive roller
coaster in the world, brings the parks coaster count to 17, placing Canada’s
Wonderland among the world’s top three amusement parks with the most roller

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Carowinds is the premier entertainment destination of the Carolinas and two
times the fun with its amusement park and Carolina Harbor water park. More than
50 rides, shows and attractions welcome guests, including a roster of roller
coasters, a popular kids’ area and a natural beauty that blends right into the
park. Its neighboring campground offers overnight accommodations. Carowinds
straddles the North Carolina and South Carolina state line: one amusement park
in two states!

With a height of 325-feet and reaching speeds up to 95 mph, Fury 325, which
pierces the sky above the North and South Carolina state lines, has won top
honors as the world’s best steel coaster since its debut in 2015.

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Simply put … Cedar Point is a place like no other. As Cedar Fair’s flagship
park, it has a rich history dating back to 1870. Located on a scenic peninsula
jutting into the waters of Lake Erie, Cedar Point is a slice of amusement park
and resort paradise. Its skyline is outlined by the world’s largest collection
of rides and roller coasters. Children revel in four pint-sized ride areas.
Award-winning live shows entertain audiences of all ages. A strip of white sand
beach and boardwalk hug its shoreline. Four hotels, cottages and cabins, RV
campground and a full-service marina provide a range of overnight
accommodations. Plenty of restaurants and an adjacent water park round out the
offerings that make Cedar Point a complete resort destination.

As the nation’s second oldest operating amusement park, Cedar Point will
celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2020.

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Cedar Point Shores Waterpark features 18 acres of splish-splashin' family fun.
Kids love Lakeslide Landing where pint-sized slides, geysers and fountains serve
as a water playground while Lemmy, the mythical Lake Erie monster, is ready to
play in his lagoon. Cool off from the summer heat with yummy treats at Beaches &
Cream; lounge for a while in the relaxing cabanas; or for a different kind of
thrill pop over to the amusement park just a waterslide away.

The Magnum XL-200 roller coaster, once a Guinness Book of World Records holder
as the world’s tallest coaster, originates in Cedar Point Shores’ sister park,
Cedar Point. Yet the thrill of its ride, including the daunting 205-foot
incline, amazing views of the Lake Erie shoreline and signature “pretzel
turnaround,” all happens right through the middle of Cedar Point Shores to the
fascination of the waterpark guests below.

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First developed as a summer resort, Dorney Park is one of the largest amusement
parks in the Northeastern United States. Best known for its massive water park,
Wildwater Kingdom, Dorney Park is also home to an impressive tally of more than
100 rides, shows and attractions. Its rolling hills and picturesque setting
create an old-fashioned charm which fit together perfectly with its present-day

Dorney Park is home to the world’s eighth oldest, continuously operating roller
coaster, Thunderhawk, dating back to 1923.

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Kings Dominion is a combination amusement and water park with an adjoining
camping area for the convenience of staying where you play. Featuring more than
60 rides, shows and attractions, including an amazing assortment of roller
coasters, Kings Dominion is also big on its smaller guests with special sections
suited specifically for young children and families.

When Kings Dominion opened in 1975, the park's signature attraction was the
Eiffel Tower, which still stands today at 315 feet and is a one-third replica of
the original tower in Paris. From its observation deck on a clear day, guests
can see up to 18 miles away from the park.

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Kings Island has something for everyone and you feel it the moment you enter the
park. One of the most impressive entrance plazas at any amusement park –
complete with a replica of the Eiffel Tower, flowing water fountains, quaint
shops and restaurants – greets guests and sets the tone for the day. The park
boasts more than 60 rides, including a legendary lineup of roller coasters; plus
top-notch entertainment and a first-rate water park. Its award-winning kids’
area adds a real focus on family fun and has so much to do you won’t know where
to start first!

Kings Island gained national attention when two very popular television sitcoms
filmed episodes at the park, The Partridge Family in 1972 and The Brady Bunch in

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Long known for its down-home hospitality, Knott’s Berry Farm blends the right
mix of thrill rides and family attractions with an Old West flair that has made
this year-round amusement park a popular destination since 1920. Knott’s Berry
Farm’s wildly popular celebrations, such as The Haunt at Halloween, set the
standard for seasonal in-park events. With more than 40 rides, a hotel just
steps away, old-time Ghost Town, loads of unique shops and eateries, including
the famed Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant, this Southern California
charmer is more than just an amusement park … it’s an authentic piece of

Opened in 1934, Knott’s Berry Farm’s legendary Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner
Restaurant serves an average of 1,000 chickens daily, making it the world’s
largest, full-service, single-location chicken restaurant, with seating for
1,000 guests in eight separate dining rooms.

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Knott’s Soak City waterpark is a separately gated, 15-acre water park located
next to the Knott's Berry Farm theme park. It is Orange County, California’s
largest water park. Soak City’s prime attractions include 23 speed, tube and
body slides, a massive wave pool, a relaxing lazy river, a three-story beach
house featuring 200 water guns and, for the youngest kids, a hands-on water

Not only is Soak City’s Sunset River the longest lazy river in California,
winding for over a third of a mile, but the park’s Tidal Wave Bay wave pool
churns a massive 750,000 gallons of water each time it turns on.

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Set around a serene lake, Michigan’s Adventure takes you back to the sweet days
of summer with a laid-back atmosphere and family feel. More than 50 rides, shows
and attractions – plus a giant water park – entertains guests at this Michigan

Reaching speeds of up to 65 mph, Michigan Adventure’s Shivering Timbers offers
riders plenty of airtime as the fastest and longest wooden roller coaster in the
state. It is annually ranked as one of the world’s best wooden roller coasters
by Amusement Today readers.

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At Schlitterbahn Waterpark Galveston, rivers connect for a mile of fun through
three distinct park sections. The water park is home to four high thrill speed
slides including Rohr!, Cliffhanger, and the immersive Screaming Serpents body
slide. The world's tallest water coaster MASSIV Monster Blaster can be found in
the Blastenhoff section next to the Shipwreck Harbor wave pool -- with a swim up
bar! If you are looking for a way to cool off on Galveston Island, Schlitterbahn
offers the hottest, coolest rides around.

At a whopping eight stories tall and as long as two International Space
Stations, Infinity Racers deliver a fun, only one-in-the-world, water slide
experience that would make NASA proud. Both of the head-first mat, racing slides
are nearly fully enclosed with multi-colored fiberglass that creates unique
lighting effects for your entire space-like journey.

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Opened in 1979, Schlitterbahn Waterpark & Resort New Braunfels has earned the
distinction as the World’s #1 Waterpark for 21 consecutive years. Comprised of
four themed sections spanning 70 acres, the water park offers 51 attractions,
highlighted by the infamous, six-stories-tall Master Blaster Uphill Water
Coaster, miles of rivers to float a lazy day away, and plenty of water
playgrounds for the youngest park guests. An ideal vacation destination,
Schlitterbahn New Braunfels offers a range of accommodation options for that
perfect Texas Hill Country getaway.

As the shortest navigable river in Texas, the spring-fed Comal River flows into
the tube slides, chutes and pools of Schlitterbahn New Braunfels, providing
guests with a wonderfully cool, 72-degree reprieve from the sultry Texas heat.
Starting and ending within the New Braunfels city limits and measuring just two
miles in length, the fresh water of the Comal eventually flows out of the water
park’s attractions and back into its natural banks before moving downstream to
join the mightier Guadalupe.

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With more than 75 rides and attractions, Valleyfair is the Twin Cities’
amusement park where families come to play the Minnesota way! Discover your next
adventure on one of eight thrilling coasters, or learn to love thrills on one of
Planet Snoopy’s 16 kid rides. Cool off in the area’s premier waterpark, or enjoy
some hang time on Delirious, a seven-story looping thrill ride that completes 10
revolutions in less than a minute.

Valleyfair has some serious “cred” when it comes to thrills, landing two years
in a row on USA Today’s 10 Best Readers Choice awards as having one of the best
new amusement park rides – North Star in 2017 and Delirious in 2018.

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Worlds of Fun is packed with family entertainment and highlights more than 40
rides, a children’s area and separate water park, Oceans of Fun, the largest in
the U.S. Midwest. Right next door, overnighters enjoy upscale camping with
cottages, cabins and an RV campground. This traditional amusement park is one of
Kansas City’s most popular family attractions.

Worlds of Fun takes its theme from the Jules Verne book, Around the World in
Eighty Days. As such, the park is divided into five major sections –
Scandinavia, Africa, Europa, the Orient, and Americana – with rides,
attractions, shows, etc. named according to the section’s geographic theme.

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