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Will's Micro.Blog
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July 3, 2019

Will Monroe

in reply to: @aaronpk

Trying out this guide to sending webmentions


July 3, 2019

in reply to: @aaronpk

Trying out this guide to sending webmentions


July 3, 2019

in reply to: @aaronpk

Trying out this guide to sending webmentions


July 2, 2019

Will Monroe

in reply to: Jeremy Cherfas

After reading his article on webmention


March 16, 2019

Sarah Pagé is an experimental harpist who has collaborated with many musicians,
including a favorite of mine, the late Lhasa de Sela. But her only full-length
album, the instrumental Dose Curves, is my favorite of her works. The sound is
luxurious but also very austere at times. It is only available on SoundCloud.
This live recording from 2018 will give you an idea of what you are in for.

March 5, 2019

man carrying boy waiting for mardi gras floats

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