www.met.police.uk Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/vr/vehicle-recovery/
Submission: On December 20 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB

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If your vehicle's been seized or impounded by the police and is at a police
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how you can claim it back or dispose of it.

   Why your vehicle's been seized and how to reclaim it

   What to do if your vehicle's been impounded

   How we deal with the stolen vehicles we find

   Information about the Met's two vehicle pounds

   Who you need to contact to complain and what will happen next

   What to do if your vehicle has been immobilised


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"proactive_poupup_chat_now_button", "Chat Now"), btn_chat_now_close:
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undefined) { _IMIchat_callback_dic['imichat-widget:custom_chat_fields_init']();
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event.data.value); } if (event.data.action == 'browserstorage') {
document.getElementById("divicw").innerHTML = "
\n \n \nError:
Cookies Disabled

We use cookies to enable best chat experience. Follow these directions to
re-enable cookies specific to your browser type or re-open this website in a
cookie-enabled browser.

"; console.log("Local storage not supported"); } } } catch (e) { } }, resize:
function () { try { var destination =
destination.postMessage({ action: 'resize', width: window.outerWidth
//window.innerWidth//screen.width // document.body.clientWidth }, "*");
IMIGeneral.checkmobile(); } catch (e) { } }, LaunchProactiveMsgManager: function
(domainName, callback) { try { var widget_styles = localStorage.getItem("style_"
+ document.getElementById("divicw").getAttribute("data-bind") + "_" +
window.location.hostname); if (widget_styles == null &&
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document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; var script =
document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src =
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body.appendChild(script); script.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
console.log('proactive manager loaded;'); var destination =
destination.postMessage({ action: 'proactive-manager-loaded', attrkey:
document.getElementById("divicw").getAttribute("data-bind"), host:
window.location.hostname }, "*"); callback(); }); } catch (e) {
console.log("LaunchProactiveMsgManager:" + e.msg); } }, processAbandonedChats:
function (type) { var browser_fingerprint = localStorage.getItem("fingerprint");
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Math.random().toString(16).slice(2)); if (_IMIchat_IsValidNavigation !==
undefined && !_IMIchat_IsValidNavigation) {
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callback; break; } }, checklocalStorage: function () { var test = 'test'; try {
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again"); return false; } } }; }(); if (IMIChatInit.checklocalStorage()) {
IMIChatInit.init(); } else { document.getElementById("divicw").innerHTML = "
\n \n \nError:
Cookies Disabled

We use cookies to enable best chat experience. Follow these directions to
re-enable cookies specific to your browser type or re-open this website in a
cookie-enabled browser.

"; console.log("Local storage not supported"); } var imichatwidget = { // get
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