www.hotelfjordgaarden.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://hotelfjordgaarden.com/
Effective URL: https://www.hotelfjordgaarden.com/
Submission: On March 10 via api from US — Scanned from DK

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

GET /search

<form method="get" action="/search">
  <div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" name="query" class="form-control search__form__input" placeholder="Search">
    <span class="input-group-btn">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary search__form__btn" style="padding:11px 20px;">
        <span class="icon search__form__icon"></span>

POST /gdpr/widgets/save

<form method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" action="/gdpr/widgets/save">
  <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content">
    <div id="tab-info" class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab active">
      <h2>What are cookies?</h2>
      <p>A cookie is a file that the browser puts on your computer. It makes it possible to recognize your computer and remember the options you previously have made on the website. A cookie cannot spread computer viruses or other malware. Cookies
        delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are renewed after each visit. The cookie can not see who you are, what you are called, where you live or if your computer is used by one or more people. However, if you
        provide personal information to a website, a cookie may be used to remember you the next time you visit the website.</p>
    <div id="tab-0" class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab">
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox disabled">
        <label for="vm-gdpr-checkbox-0" class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__switch__label">
          <span class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__switch__text" data-toggle="Fra">Til</span>
          <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__switch">
            <input type="hidden" name="vm-gdpr[function]" value="1">
            <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="vm-gdpr[function]" id="vm-gdpr-checkbox-0" value="1">
            <span class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__slider"></span>
      <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__title">Cookie settings</h4>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> vm-gdpr - 1 Month </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Used to remember the choices taken under Cookie Settings. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> vm-gdpr-accept - 1 Month </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Specifies whether cookie settings have been reviewed / accepted. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> CookieInformationConsent - 365 dage </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Husker hvor vidt man har givet tilladelse til cookies </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Shop_UserUUID </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> Shop_UserUUID - 1 month </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Describes the unique basket </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> _gcl_au </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _gcl_au - 3 måneder </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Formålet med denne cookie er at optimere funktionaliteten på hjemmesiden </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> lastHash </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> lastHash - 1 Year </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Saves the last hash value in the url </p>
      <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__title">Website</h4>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> vmcms - Is deleted when the browser is closed. </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> The website uses this cookie to identify the visitor across pages under the visit. </p>
      <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__title">Matomo</h4>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _pk_ses* - Session based </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Stores an unique user id </p>
    <div id="tab-1" class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab">
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox ">
        <label for="vm-gdpr-checkbox-1" class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__switch__label">
          <span class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__switch__text" data-toggle="Til">Fra</span>
          <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__switch">
            <input type="hidden" name="vm-gdpr[statistic]" value="0">
            <input type="checkbox" name="vm-gdpr[statistic]" id="vm-gdpr-checkbox-1" value="1">
            <span class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__slider"></span>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Google analytics </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _ga - Expires after 2 years </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> This cookie from Google is used to monitor traffic on our site and track the number of visits of each visitor, the time of the first visit, the previous visit and the current
          visit. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Google analytics </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _gid - Expires after browser session has ended </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> This cookie is used to track how long the visitor spends on a web placement: when a visit starts and when it ends. If you notice cookie changes (such as using a firecookie), you
          will see regular changes. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Google Analytics </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _gat_* - Expires after browser session has ended </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Used to reduce the amount of queries to Google. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> _gac_UA-* </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _gac_UA-* - 90 days </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> The functionality is: to store and count pageviews. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> _dc_gtm_UA-* </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _dc_gtm_UA-* - 1 minute </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> The functionality is: to store number of service requests. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Google analytics </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> __utma - 2 år </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Denne cookie fra Google bruges til overvågning af trafik på vores hjemmeside og sporing af hver besøgendes antal besøg, tidspunktet for det første besøg, tidligere besøg og det
          aktuelle besøg. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Google analytics </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> __utmc - 2 år </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Registrerer et tidsstempel med det præcise tidspunkt, hvor brugeren forlader hjemmesiden. Anvendes af Google Analytics til at beregne hvor lang tid et besøg på hjemmesiden varer
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Google analytics </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> __utmz - 180 dage </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Denne cookie fra Google bruges til overvågning af trafik på vores hjemmeside og sporing af hver besøgendes antal besøg, tidspunktet for det første besøg, tidligere besøg og det
          aktuelle besøg </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Google analytics </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> __utmt - 2 år </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Anvendes til at drosle hastigheden på antallet af forespørgsler til serveren. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Google analytics </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> __utmb - Slettes efter session udløbstid </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Denne cookie bruges til at spore, hvor lang tid den besøgende tilbringer på en webplacering: når et besøg starter og når det næsten ender. Hvis du observerer cookieændringer
          (f.eks. Ved brug af firecookie), vil du se regelmæssige ændringer. </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> _ga_* </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _ga_* - 1 year </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> The functionality is: to store and count pageviews. </p>
      <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__title">Hotjar</h4>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _hjid - 1 year </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Stores an unique user ID </p>
      <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__title">Matomo</h4>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _pk_ref* - 6 months </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Stores referes IDs </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _pk_id* - 13 months </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Stores a unique user id </p>
    <div id="tab-2" class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab">
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox ">
        <label for="vm-gdpr-checkbox-2" class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__switch__label">
          <span class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__switch__text" data-toggle="Til">Fra</span>
          <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__switch">
            <input type="hidden" name="vm-gdpr[marketing]" value="0">
            <input type="checkbox" name="vm-gdpr[marketing]" id="vm-gdpr-checkbox-2" value="1">
            <span class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__checkbox__slider"></span>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Facebook _fbp </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _fbp - 90 days </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Used to distinguish and keep track of your unique users </p>
      <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section">
        <h4 class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__title"> Facebook _fbc </h4>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__sub-title"> _fbc - 90 dage </p>
        <p class="vm-gdpr__settings__tabs__content__tab__section__text"> Når en bruger ankommet til websitet fra annonce med fbclid i URL </p>
  <input type="hidden" name="vm-gdpr-accept" id="vm-gdpr-accept" value="true">
  <div class="vm-gdpr__settings__bottom">
    <button type="submit" class="vm-gdpr__settings__save ">Gem cookie-indstillinger</button>
    <span class="vm-gdpr__settings__bottom__copyright"></span>

Text Content

powered by: Cookie Information


Some are used for statistical purposes and others are set up by third party
services. By clicking ‘Accept all’, you accept the use of cookies. About cookies
Decline all Save settings Accept all
Show details Hide details


Strictly necessary cookies help make a website navigable by activating basic
functions such as page navigation and access to secure website areas. Without
these cookies, the website would not be able to work properly.
Data Processor: Cloudflare
Purpose: Supports the website's technical functions.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Cloudflare - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: a month
Name: prism_xxx
Provider: prism.app-us1.com
Data Processor: Cookie Information
Purpose: Supports the website's technical functions.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Cookie Information - Data Processor Privacy
Expiry: a year
Name: CookieInformationConsent
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.de


Functional cookies make it possible to save information that changes the way the
website appears or acts. For instance your preferred language or region.
Data Processor: Mailchimp
Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website,
which is used to deliver personalized customer service and content.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Mailchimp - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: a year
Name: _abck
Provider: .tripadvisor.com
Data Processor: Mailchimp
Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website,
which is used to deliver personalized customer service and content.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Mailchimp - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 4 hours
Name: bm_sz
Provider: .tripadvisor.com


Statistical cookies help the website owner understand how visitors interact with
the website by collecting and reporting information.
Data Processor: Google Analytics
Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website
for analytics and reporting purposes.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Google Analytics - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 2 years
Name: _ga
Provider: .hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor: Google Analytics
Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website
for analytics and reporting purposes.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Google Analytics - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: a few seconds
Name: _gat_UA-xxx-xxx
Provider: .hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor: Google Analytics
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Google Analytics - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 2 years
Name: _ga_xxx
Provider: .hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor: Piwik Pro
Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website
for analytics and reporting purposes.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Piwik Pro - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: a year
Name: _pk_idxxx
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor: Google Analytics
Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website
for analytics and reporting purposes.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Google Analytics - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: a day
Name: _gid
Provider: .hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor: Piwik Pro
Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website
for analytics and reporting purposes.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Piwik Pro - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 30 minutes
Name: _pk_sesxxx
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.de


Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is
to display ads that are relevant and interesting to the individual user and thus
more valuable for publishers and third-party advertisers.
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 10 years
Provider: .www.tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 6 months
Provider: .www.tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: Facebook
Purpose: Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to
promote products through partners and other platforms.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Facebook - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: Session
Provider: www.facebook.com
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 30 minutes
Name: SRT
Provider: .www.tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: Google Marketing Platform
Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and
their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to
the user across different channels and devices.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Google Marketing Platform - Data Processor
Privacy Policy
Expiry: a year
Name: IDE
Provider: .doubleclick.net
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: Session
Name: TASession
Provider: .tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 2 years
Name: TAUnique
Provider: .tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 5 days
Name: TART
Provider: .www.tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 14 days
Name: TATravelInfo
Provider: .tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: Google
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website to
deliver targeted advertising.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Google - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 3 months
Name: _gcl_au
Provider: .hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: Session
Name: ServerPool
Provider: .tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 2 years
Name: PMC
Provider: .www.tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: Facebook
Purpose: Identifies browsers for the purposes of providing advertising and site
analytics services.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Facebook - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 3 months
Name: _fbp
Provider: .hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor: TripAdvisor
Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: TripAdvisor - Data Processor Privacy Policy
Expiry: 14 days
Name: TAUD
Provider: .tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor: Google Marketing Platform
Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and
their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to
the user across different channels and devices.
Data Processor Privacy Policy: Google Marketing Platform - Data Processor
Privacy Policy
Expiry: 15 minutes
Name: test_cookie
Provider: .doubleclick.net


We are in the process of classifying unclassified cookies together with the
providers of the individual cookies.
Data Processor:
Expiry: 30 minutes
Provider: .www.tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor:
Expiry: a year
Name: Booking.UserUUID
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor:
Expiry: 14 days
Name: newsletterCookie
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor:
Expiry: a year
Name: datadome
Provider: .tripadvisor.dk
Data Processor:
Expiry: Session
Name: vmcms
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.de
Data Processor:
Expiry: Session
Name: vmcms
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.com
Data Processor:
Expiry: a year
Name: Booking.UserUUID
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.com
Data Processor:
Expiry: 14 days
Name: newsletterCookie
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.com
Data Processor:
Expiry: Session
Name: vmcms
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.dk
Data Processor:
Expiry: 14 days
Name: newsletterCookie
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.dk
Data Processor:
Expiry: a year
Name: Booking.UserUUID
Provider: www.hotelfjordgaarden.dk
Strictly necessary
powered by: Cookie Information


Your consent applies to the following domains: hotelfjordgaarden.de,
hotelfjordgaarden.com, hotelfjordgaarden.dk Cookie declaration last updated on
Privacy Controls Accept all


A cookie is a small datafile that is saved on your computer, tablet or mobile
phone. A cookie is not a program that can contain harmful programs or viruses.


Cookies are necessary for the homepage to function. Cookies help us get an
overview of your visit to the homepage so that we can continually optimise and
adjust the homepage to your requirements and interests. For example, cookies
remember what you might have added to a shopping cart, if you have previously
visited the page, if you are logged in and what languages and currency you want
displayed on the homepage. We also use cookies to target our ads to you on other
homepages. On a very general level, cookies are used as part of our services in
order to show content that is as relevant as possible to you.


How long cookies are saved on your device can vary. The time when they are
scheduled to expire is calculated from the last date you visited the homepage.
When cookies expire, they are automatically deleted. You can view a complete
list of cookies below.


You can always reject cookies on your computer, tablet or phone by changing your
browser settings. Where these settings can be found depends on the type of
browser you are using. If you do change the settings, please be aware that there
will be some functions and services that you cannot use because they rely on the
homepage being able to remember the choices you have made.
You can choose to not receive cookies from Google Analytics here.


You can delete cookies that you have previously accepted. If you are using a PC
with a recent version of a browser, you can delete your cookies by using these
shortcut keys: CTRL + SHIFT + Delete.

If the shortcut keys do not work and/or you are using an Apple computer, you
must find out what browser you are using and then click on the relevant link:

 * Internet Explorer
 * Microsoft Edge
 * Mozilla Firefox
 * Google Chrome
 * Opera
 * Safari
 * Flash cookies
 * Apple
 * Android
 * Windows 7

Remember: If you are using several different browsers, you must delete the
cookies in all of them.


Should you have any questions or comments in connection with this information
and/or our processing of personal data, you are welcome to get in touch with us.
The cookie declaration itself is updated every month via Cookie Information. If
you have any questions regarding the Cookie Information, you can send an email
to info@cookieinformation.com.

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   * Spa Breaks
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 * Spa & Gourmet Breaks
   * Spa Breaks
   * Gourmet Breaks
 * About
   * Rooms
   * Directions
   * Gallery
   * Useful Information
   * Contact
   * Whistleblower
 * 




Spa days and spa stays & Rituals and treatments


Welcome to our restaurant


Book an unforgettable experience


About Fjordgaarden


Think of Fjordgaarden as the calm spot in the hurricane's eye. Despite the
whistling winds of the west and the roaring ocean waves, here it is always
quiet, peaceful and warm. Serene tranquillity that is perfect for escaping the
noise of everyday life.

Book your stay today

Se stort billede

Se stort billede

Se stort billede

Se stort billede

Se stort billede

Se stort billede

Se stort billede

Se stort billede

Se stort billede

Se stort billede
Vester Kær 28
DK-6950 Ringkøbing
Tel:: (+45) 9732 1400
Mail: rec@fjordgaarden.dk

 * 
 * 
 * 




© Copyright 2020 |   Hotel Fjordgården   |   All Rights Reserved

This site uses cookies to function, for traffic measurement and optimization of
page content, as well as targeting marketing. By using our site, you agree to
the use of cookies for these purposes. About cookie policy
Cookie settings


A cookie is a file that the browser puts on your computer. It makes it possible
to recognize your computer and remember the options you previously have made on
the website. A cookie cannot spread computer viruses or other malware. Cookies
delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are
renewed after each visit. The cookie can not see who you are, what you are
called, where you live or if your computer is used by one or more people.
However, if you provide personal information to a website, a cookie may be used
to remember you the next time you visit the website.



vm-gdpr - 1 Month

Used to remember the choices taken under Cookie Settings.

vm-gdpr-accept - 1 Month

Specifies whether cookie settings have been reviewed / accepted.

CookieInformationConsent - 365 dage

Husker hvor vidt man har givet tilladelse til cookies


Shop_UserUUID - 1 month

Describes the unique basket


_gcl_au - 3 måneder

Formålet med denne cookie er at optimere funktionaliteten på hjemmesiden


lastHash - 1 Year

Saves the last hash value in the url


vmcms - Is deleted when the browser is closed.

The website uses this cookie to identify the visitor across pages under the


_pk_ses* - Session based

Stores an unique user id



_ga - Expires after 2 years

This cookie from Google is used to monitor traffic on our site and track the
number of visits of each visitor, the time of the first visit, the previous
visit and the current visit.


_gid - Expires after browser session has ended

This cookie is used to track how long the visitor spends on a web placement:
when a visit starts and when it ends. If you notice cookie changes (such as
using a firecookie), you will see regular changes.


_gat_* - Expires after browser session has ended

Used to reduce the amount of queries to Google.


_gac_UA-* - 90 days

The functionality is: to store and count pageviews.


_dc_gtm_UA-* - 1 minute

The functionality is: to store number of service requests.


__utma - 2 år

Denne cookie fra Google bruges til overvågning af trafik på vores hjemmeside og
sporing af hver besøgendes antal besøg, tidspunktet for det første besøg,
tidligere besøg og det aktuelle besøg.


__utmc - 2 år

Registrerer et tidsstempel med det præcise tidspunkt, hvor brugeren forlader
hjemmesiden. Anvendes af Google Analytics til at beregne hvor lang tid et besøg
på hjemmesiden varer


__utmz - 180 dage

Denne cookie fra Google bruges til overvågning af trafik på vores hjemmeside og
sporing af hver besøgendes antal besøg, tidspunktet for det første besøg,
tidligere besøg og det aktuelle besøg


__utmt - 2 år

Anvendes til at drosle hastigheden på antallet af forespørgsler til serveren.


__utmb - Slettes efter session udløbstid

Denne cookie bruges til at spore, hvor lang tid den besøgende tilbringer på en
webplacering: når et besøg starter og når det næsten ender. Hvis du observerer
cookieændringer (f.eks. Ved brug af firecookie), vil du se regelmæssige


_ga_* - 1 year

The functionality is: to store and count pageviews.


_hjid - 1 year

Stores an unique user ID


_pk_ref* - 6 months

Stores referes IDs

_pk_id* - 13 months

Stores a unique user id



_fbp - 90 days

Used to distinguish and keep track of your unique users


_fbc - 90 dage

Når en bruger ankommet til websitet fra annonce med fbclid i URL

Gem cookie-indstillinger