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February 9, 2023


Content updated from previous publish date.

M&Ms, Skittles, jelly beans—if you’re thinking about giving your sweetheart or
kids any of these sweet treats for Valentine’s Day (or any other day), think
again! Besides being an unhealthy part of the Standard American Diet, these
candies all contain Red Dye 40. The common use of Red Dye 40 is concerning
because it has been linked to a host of physical and mental health issues,
including ADD/ADHD, allergies, immune disorders, mind-storms (which are issues
with the brain’s wiring or electrical activity), and even inflammatory bowel


Red Dye 40 has been linked to host of physical and mental health issues,
including ADD/ADHD, allergies, immune disorders, mind-storms (which are issues
with the brain’s wiring or electrical activity), and inflammatory bowel
diseases. Click To Tweet


Horrifyingly, the food industry dumps 15 million pounds of artificial dyes into
our food every year—over 40% of which is Red Dye 40, a petroleum-based
substance. Red Dye 40 is the number-one food dye used in the United States,
found in most unnaturally red foods. According to a 2010 article by the Center
for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), consumption of artificial dyes has
increased five-fold since 1955.

There are 9 artificial dyes used in our food supply that are certified by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Even though there are safe and natural alternatives available, artificial food
dyes are a cheap way for manufacturers to make processed foods brighter and more
appealing when you see it on a shelf in the grocery store. Manufacturers also
choose artificial coloring because they provide more uniform colors compared to
natural options.

Artificial dyes are also used to help hide the fact that many processed foods
don’t contain much (or any) of the nutrients or foods they claim to have. For
example, without Red Dye 40, the chocolate instant pudding would actually look
green (because there’s VERY little real chocolate in it).

Although Red Dye 40 has been approved by the FDA for use in food products and
must be listed as an ingredient on labels, it has been banned at one time or
another throughout Australia and most of Europe due to health concerns.


Not all of the foods with Red Dye 40 are red. You will also find it in brown,
blue, green, orange, and even white food products, too. Take pickles for
example. A combination of artificial dyes, including Red Dye 40, are used to
give some pickles a more pronounced yellow-green color.

You can find Red Dye 40 in a wide range of foods and beverages, including:

 * Candy
 * Condiments
 * Snack foods
 * Baked goods
 * Beverages
 * Salad dressings
 * Dairy products
 * Frozen desserts
 * Breakfast cereals
 * Fruit bars
 * Sauces

Food items aren’t the only place you’ll find this artificial coloring. Many
personal care products, such as toothpaste and mouthwash, can be artificially
dyed. Even more disconcerting, some prescription medications may be tinted with
the stuff.


Multiple studies published in journals such as Pediatrics, The Lancet,
and Journal of Pediatrics demonstrate that some children with ADD/ADHD may be
adversely affected by artificial food dyes. Other research indicates that
artificial coloring and flavors, as well as the preservative sodium benzoate,
can make some non-ADD/ADHD kids hyperactive.

Some children who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and are taking medications
for the condition make such an improvement after eliminating Red Dye 40 from
their diet that they are able to stop taking their prescription drugs.

Many parents who notice increased hyperactivity in their children after a sweet
snack mistakenly blame a “sugar rush” for the bad behavior. But often, it’s the
artificial food coloring that’s the real culprit.

Additionally, both adults and children have reported upset stomach, migraines,
jitteriness, nervousness, and inability to concentrate after a high intake of
Red Dye 40. The CSPI released a report that says artificial food dyes pose a
“rainbow of risks,” including everything from allergies to cancer.


Artificial dyes may also trigger “mind-storms,” which are issues with the
brain’s wiring or electrical activity. Your brain is the world’s most powerful
hybrid electrochemical engine. It uses electricity and neurotransmitters to help
you think, feel, and act. Abnormal electrical activity can not only change the
activity of the brain, but it can also change your mind and cause mind-storms
that can be associated with temper outbursts, depression, suicidal thoughts,
panic attacks, distractibility, and confusion.


The downsides of Red Dye 40 also include problems with inflammatory bowel
diseases (IBD). A 2022 study on mice in Nature Communications found that
frequent consumption of artificially colored red foods like Lifesavers, Jell-O,
and Gatorade increases the chances of developing an IBD, such as Crohn’s disease
or ulcerative colitis.

The findings suggest that long-term exposure to the dye in quantities commonly
consumed in food products damages gut health and raises the risk of
inflammation. According to the study, artificial food coloring impairs the gut’s
lining, which typically acts as a barrier, allowing bacteria to permeate the gut
and disrupting the microbiome.

“What we have found is striking and alarming, as this common synthetic food dye
is a possible dietary trigger for IBDs,” said study author Waliul Khan in a
press release. “This research is a significant advance in alerting the public on
the potential harms of food dyes that we consume daily.”


The brain imaging work at Amen Clinics demonstrates that Red Dye 40 can
dramatically affect brain function. Consider the case of Robert, a 15-year-old
who underwent brain SPECT imaging at Amen Clinics. SPECT is a functional brain
imaging tool that measures blood flow and activity in the brain.

His parents noticed that whenever Robert ate or drank something bright red, his
behavior became aggressive and hostile. He would easily cry and storm off in a
huff or throw things. They brought him to Amen Clinics to confirm their
suspicions that he was reacting to these food additives.

As can be seen on this teen’s SPECT scan, his brain showed remarkable overall
increased activity with exposure to Red Dye 40. In the images, blue equals
average activity, red equals the top 15% of brain activity, and white equals the
top 8% of brain activity.

After removing Red Dye 40 from his diet, Robert’s behavior improved
dramatically. His mother strongly believes that their experience is not a unique
one and that Red Dye 40 should be completely banned from our food supply.


A new field called nutritional psychiatry shows how important food is for mental
health, emotional well-being, cognitive function, and behavioral stability.
Knowing that you are what you eat, no discussion about changing your diet can
miss the importance of eliminating this substance!

To rid this artificial coloring from your family’s diet, you need to learn to
scour nutrition labels. Red Dye 40 goes by many names. Look for any of these
ingredients on labels:

 * Allura Red
 * Allura Red AC
 * C.I. 16035
 * C.I. Food Red 17
 * FD&C Red No. 40
 * Red 40
 * Red No. 40

Be aware that even though food manufacturers are required to list the dye on
nutrition labels, they don’t have to specify how much is included. Your best
strategy is to steer clear.


An elimination diet can help you determine if artificial food dyes may be
contributing to bothersome symptoms. For one month, cut out sugar, gluten,
dairy, corn, and soy, as well as artificial dyes, additives, and preservatives
to see if you feel better. Then add these substances back one at a time and be
alert for reactions to them, which would indicate that you should permanently
avoid that food.

Children (and adults) with ADD/ADHD, behavioral problems, or other issues may be
experiencing sensitivity to artificial dyes like Red Dye 40 in their diet. At
Amen Clinics, full evaluations include brain imaging as well as looking into the
biological (including nutrition and diet), psychological, social, and spiritual
factors that may be contributing to symptoms.

Amen Clinic offers in-clinic brain scanning and appointments, as well as mental
telehealth, remote clinical evaluations, and video therapy for adults, children,
and couples. Find out more by speaking to a specialist today at 888-288-9834. If
all our specialists are busy helping others, you can also schedule a time to


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 1.  Great info! Fortunately, I avoid foods such as those mentioned.
     Comment by Zoomarjr1 — June 15, 2016 @ 2:21 AM

 2.  OMG, you quote a commie food police non-science left wing hacks, Center for
     Science in the Public Interest. They have zero expertise, there run by
     ambulance chasing lawyers, you expect me to believe a word, there lawyers
     say, please try a credible source next time.
     Comment by Daz — June 15, 2016 @ 3:26 AM

 3.  Looks like I will have to drop the nachos but it is the only one I have
     Comment by Dennis Wenthold — June 15, 2016 @ 4:17 AM

 4.  Daz… first learn that “there” is a place and their shows ownership. Also
     start your sentences with a capital letter and end with a period. Not that
     red dye caused your grammatical errors…..Just sayin!!!
     Comment by Ronna Berezin — June 15, 2016 @ 5:43 AM

 5.  Where do you get this ridiculous idea that Center for Science in the Public
     Interest is a commie outfit. Sounds like you have some serious brain
     processing issues, when it comes to sane judgment.
     Comment by Hanno Kirk — June 15, 2016 @ 6:30 AM

 6.  These facts about Red Dye 40 have been known for at least 30 years. It is
     unfortunate that our FDA is so spineless. They are under heavy pressure
     from the food industry not to ban a munch of substances that have been
     demonstrated by solid research to have disruptive effects on brain
     Another food additive that should be banned is Aspartame. It is in all diet
     drinks. It can be considered a neurotoxin. It is addictive, i.e. you keep
     wanting to have more. The soft drink industry knows that. When Pepsi
     temporarily changed to Stevia, sales plunged. So they changed back to
     Comment by Hanno Kirk — June 15, 2016 @ 6:40 AM

 7.  Powerful! Thank you for sharing!
     Comment by Ryan Michelle Jacobson — June 15, 2016 @ 7:15 AM

 8.  Thank you for those words of wisdom!! I will for sure be checking food
     labels for Red Dye #40.
     Comment by Lori Welander — June 15, 2016 @ 8:13 AM

 9.  I think this was a great article with some information for people to stop
     and seriously think about, and hopefully they will be inspired to do their
     own research.
     So, Daz, are you stating you are IN FAVOR of having potentially hazardous
     food dyes added to our foods, or just flaming the one source (of the four
     sources listed in the same paragraph)?
     Comment by BurghBrawler — June 15, 2016 @ 10:22 AM

 10. We noticed our son had a reaction to red dye when we adopted him at 5. We
     saw aggressive, hostile and self harming behavior – which he did because he
     thought his brain was on fire. (He used to bang his head hard to get the
     pain to stop. His SPECT scan results showed that his brain was “hammered”
     on all sides.) We learned that any food that looks the same way every time,
     has artificial food coloring in it, because if it is natural, it is going
     to look different. Nature Valley Sweet and Salty bars used to not have red
     dye, and then they added it. We asked why, and they said because they got
     so many complaints about the color changing. I haven’t checked back in the
     past few years, but it used to be that all Tylenol and all prescription
     cough syrups had red dye. Our dentist had to hand mix the fluoride
     treatment for our son’s teeth. It really is in a lot of things.
     Comment by Mary — June 15, 2016 @ 10:29 AM

 11. Do food products list this as “red dye #40” in their ingredients?
     Comment by Crissie — June 15, 2016 @ 12:07 PM

 12. Ronna, are u aware that language, both spoken and written, is always
     and who are u to dictate how people should start and end there sentences
     and why do u care
     Did Daz ask u to be his censor or proof reader?
     Wouldn’t it be better if we all focus on content and aid each other in our
     journey rather than try to put down those we disagree with?
     Comment by Peter — June 15, 2016 @ 12:22 PM

 13. Don’t agree! My criticism is not a put down any more than your reprimanding
     me is a put down; Excuse me , but I did focus on his comment, which would
     carry more weight if it were grammatically correct instead of seeming not
     well thought out. And … do you think Daz was not a censor or proof reader
     of what he considered to be bad content? Think again instead odf being so
     touchy in a public discussion where we all have the right to express our
     Comment by Ronna Berezin — June 15, 2016 @ 2:34 PM

 14. I feel very lucky to know this information in advance. I have always been
     in a habit of checking food labels. My kids know that they will never get a
     colorful fruity cereal because it has lots of artificial colors , sugar and
     preservatives that are bad or other foods that has tons of artificial
     ingredients. Not only red color 40 is bad but also TBHQ, high fructose corn
     syrup, hydrogenated oils, MSG etc. A simple food like a cereal or chips
     have long unwanted list of ingredients. Simple rule is if a food has more
     than 4-5 ingredients don’t buy it. Something you can’t pronounce don’t buy
     it. Train yourself and your family in a way that they have no craving for
     artificial foods. Instead of candy and snacks offer fruits, instead of
     soda, offer good juices, water etc. Little changes make a huge difference
     in our overall attitude. We are what we eat and our body survives well on
     pure foods and ingredients rather than artificial foods.
     Comment by Sonia — June 16, 2016 @ 7:12 AM

 15. The best way to avoid food dyes is to eat organic fruits and vegetables.
     Just stop buying the junk. Prepare your food at home. Think of an apple as
     fast food. It’s just a shift in thinking – it’s not hard.
     Comment by Julie — June 16, 2016 @ 11:27 AM

 16. Same here
     Comment by OT — August 13, 2016 @ 1:50 PM

 17. Yes
     Comment by OT — August 13, 2016 @ 1:51 PM

 18. I am 61 years old and have a profound heart reaction to Red dye #40 and a
     few others. It took me years to find out what was causing my heart to go
     into A-fib and tachycardia randomly. Now that I have discovered the
     connection to Red dye #40 and Yellow #5 &#6, I am able to function without
     these episodes haunting me. I have completely eliminated dyes from my diet.
     None of them are good for you. We just add them here in the U.S. for
     esthetics. They are banned in all countries except the U.S. and the U.K.
     Maybe we should think less how things look and more about what effect they
     have on us.
     Comment by Pamela Philip Eide — May 8, 2017 @ 6:39 AM

 19. i am 10 years old and i have adhd and red 40 causes me to act out you know.
     hi world.
     Comment by adam towe — April 26, 2018 @ 8:50 AM

 20. hi
     Comment by adam towe — April 26, 2018 @ 8:50 AM

 21. hi how are you.
     Comment by adam towe — April 26, 2018 @ 8:52 AM

 22. same here
     Comment by adam towe — April 26, 2018 @ 8:54 AM

 23. Can I possibly get the bibliography of all the resources/journals/articles
     mentioned here?
     Comment by Hodaya — May 21, 2018 @ 8:47 AM

 24. We took all artificial colors out of our diets about thirteen years ago,
     and it transformed our lives!
     Our youngest son’s behavior changed overnight! He was no longer
     “Dr.Jekyl/Mr. Hyde” – sweet and cuddly normally, and then unexpectedly out
     of control. Also, his issues with attention improved amazingly! (He is now
     a mechanical engineer, and a great guy, besides!) Our other son wasn’t
     affected by getting angry or frustrated, but he was still struggling with
     bedwetting at the age of 12. We had tried “everything”, and nothing worked.
     One week after taking artificial dyes out of his diet, he never had an
     incident again — until he took a Nyquil capsule at age 17, which had red 40
     in it. No more red dye for him! As a consequence of these great results,
     our older daughters began to take note. The oldest found that her temper
     (which could be pretty intense) was definitely affected by red 40, and the
     second one found that her migraines almost completely went away when red 40
     was removed from her diet. Neither of them had any type of ADD, nor did our
     older son. These dyes can affect anyone. I had one pediatrician scoff at my
     concerns regarding red 40 in medications, calling it a placebo effect. I
     let him know that even when my son didn’t know that the red 40 was in
     something, he would tell me that he felt bad from a food. I would look, and
     indeed! There it was! The other pediatrician applauded us for removing it
     from our diets. I certainly wish that the FDA would ban red 40.
     Comment by Mommamac — July 20, 2018 @ 4:30 AM

 25. Our adult twin daughters have anaphylactic allergic reactions to it. A
     memorable time was after the two had visited a well known Mexican fast
     food” restaurant”. They thought it was the colored taco chips in the taco
     salad. Both have to always carry an epipen in case…
     Comment by Wendy — July 20, 2018 @ 11:37 AM

 26. Can food dye be related to depression or bipolar illnesses?
     Comment by Lisa Dean — July 21, 2018 @ 4:14 AM

 27. The list of food provided here to have Red Dye 40 is only a sample. i
     wonder where to find a complete list of food that has this artificial
     ingredients such red dye 40? Any one could guide me where to find this
     list? i am 72 not much of a researcher. Many thanks for anyone’s help,
     please. Anyone to start a petition to send to FDA to completely ban Red 40
     from food?Blessings and greetings to all of you who shared their
     experiences of Red Dye# 40.
     Comment by Rosemary — July 21, 2018 @ 7:19 AM

 28. Red dye 40 would not digest/ absorb in his stomach! About an hour after he
     fell asleep he would wake up sweating and puke. It didn’t matter what time
     of day he consumed it. We tried eliminating it from his diet as much as
     possible. He even got to where he could eat/drink something with it and
     could tell you
     Comment by Jamie — July 21, 2018 @ 7:59 AM

 29. Hello Ronna,
     Well said. You are 1000% right!
     Comment by CriselNy — July 21, 2018 @ 12:23 PM

 30. Maybe. You will not know until you try.
     After a lifetime of being considered a hypochondriac, at age 63 I stopped
     eating anything made with wheat, barley or rye (all forms of wheat).
     Incredibly, within a week my sleep apnea improved, and I started to be
     comfortable breathing through the nose. In three months my prostate
     hypertrophy shrank (diagnosed back in 1972, no cure). and I dropped the
     fifteen pounds I had recently gained. All in all there are more than 18
     different complaints I had, all determined to have no cause so not real
     therefore not treatable, that no longer bother me. I went a year on my last
     pair of contacts because there is no more protein buildup so I never take
     them out. Cataract in my left eye is clear after 3 years of no wheat and
     Can-See eyedrops. Night vision improved almost immediately. Long time
     addiction to alcohol went away in the first week wheat free. Hair is
     growing back.
     Vitamin D3 at 10,000 iu. a day cured my lifetime of sadness and depression
     and I stopped needing antianxiety Buspirone in order to walk outside to the
     mailbox, Zanex made my legs twitch . A friend of mine being treated for
     bipolar found his lipid panels improved and they were able to adjust his
     bipolar meds down about half over the last 2 years after he started D3.
     I wonder if the foods that bother you, with Red Dye 40 also have wheat or
     wheat gluten also? Twizzlers do.
     Comment by Paul Mammen — July 23, 2018 @ 9:16 AM

 31. It gives me panic attacks….
     Comment by Nichole — August 13, 2018 @ 6:29 PM

 32. ok; instead in ” what to avoid” I would prefeer to know what is the “other
     choice” .to replace all the list of food in the top….
     thank you
     Comment by Jose — August 14, 2018 @ 6:25 AM

 33. I’ve been a teacher for almost 20 years.
     This is a great article. It’s also very true. I can see the difference soon
     after it’s ingested. There’s no focus and it’s hard to sit still without
     Comment by Jhampton — September 4, 2018 @ 6:20 AM

 34. Hi my grandson who i am raiseing was just told he has dmdd and odd and we
     were told today by a school worker that his sons have similar behaviors and
     that they cut out anything with red dye in it and their behavior inproved
     their doctor told them to stop it. So i am trying to find out where to go
     to find a list of food and drinks with red dye in the them i need a print
     out of them anyone have one or know where to lool to get one thanks
     Comment by Angela — September 25, 2018 @ 5:35 PM

 35. I’m sorry but I’ve tested out those artificial colors and flavors including
     that high fructose corn syrup and to me it doesn’t belong in any foods etc!
     Because for one it can make you sick especially if your allergic to these
     additives, and I have had a nasty allergic reaction to those ingredients.
     Try hives and red rashes not including sever asthma! And there is a major
     difference versus the American candy to the European candy industry! For
     one there is no artificial colors and flavors including that high fructose
     corn syrup in anything that is candy!
     Comment by Chris — September 27, 2018 @ 5:28 PM

 36. After our daughter ate some popular candy-coated chocolate candy that I’ll
     just call “N&N’s” to avoid getting sued, we noticed her behavior was
     aggressive/confrontation and she was just MEAN. I looked at the ingredients
     just to note what was in the candy, RED40 was there. Then a little while
     later we gave her some strawberry ice cream, I didn’t think to look at the
     ingredients, but the exact same horrible behavior came back. I checked the
     ingredients and RED40 again. We have since listed this as an “allergy” and
     screen products we give her for this specific color. Other RED numbers
     don’t seem to bother her though. Aldi’s has some great products that do not
     have RED40, we seek them out now. It’s interesting to note that in Europe
     it’s not as common to see this colorant in food, I guess the government
     there stands up to $$$$$$$ coming from the big food companies and actually
     looks out for the health of their citizens. I have cousins whose kids
     they’ve put on ADHD medicine, etc and I can’t help but wonder if it’s it’s
     an issue with food coloring, since kids these days in America seem to eat
     all kinds of junk.
     Comment by Scott Vaughan — February 14, 2019 @ 5:59 AM

 37. Do you have a list of all foods that have red dye in them
     My son has adhd and im going to stop giving him food that has red dye in it
     thank you
     Comment by Ralph — February 18, 2019 @ 8:10 AM

     Comment by RAYMOND L SNYDER — March 31, 2019 @ 11:01 AM

 39. Hanno,
     I like that you mentioned Aspartame in your comment because I too agree
     that that is one of the worst things that is found in so many of the things
     that Americans are offered to eat- especially pointed at our teenagers.
     Sugarless gum, soda, energy drinks, etc. It seems as though the rise in the
     number of cancer patients is in sync with the continuously growing number
     of products these kinds of garbage additives are put into. Hmmm…
     Hope things change!!
     Comment by Suzanne — May 5, 2019 @ 9:26 PM

 40. Hanno, you are 100% correct on your comment. They have known about this for
     many years but have done nothing to correct it. The Aspartame is absolutely
     terrible for us too. I’ve been trying to get my friends to stop their use
     of it as well.
     Comment by Connie — July 16, 2019 @ 10:53 PM

 41. Bingo, Cherry drinks and hard candy both with red food dye was/is suspected
     of my worst panic/anxiety attacks ever, over 12 hours long. I wouldn’t of
     known but I saw a coincidence with red colored sweet things I consumed and
     panic attacks, looked up on the internet and Bingo, there was the smoking
     gun. More study needed but no more artificial red eatables.
     Thank you with God’s Blessings,
     Comment by Ken Mason — September 16, 2019 @ 11:31 PM

 42. thanks this was a big help on my school project
     Comment by Bobby shizkins — October 14, 2019 @ 4:23 PM

 43. Hey Ralph,
     I personally am allergic to the dye there’s a website
     http://www.red40.com/pages/foods/index.html this website is a good tool in
     seeing what foods have the dye, I personally have used it for many years
     and it is very accurate.
     Hope this helps!
     Madison Honeyman
     Comment by Madison Honeyman — October 25, 2019 @ 8:02 PM

 44. Rosemary we have been eliminating all dyes not just red 40. I haven’t found
     a list of food, but as companies are always changing and new foods come out
     any list would probably not be very helpful. We read labels it really
     doesn’t take long to figure out what to buy. We went to Aldi a few days ago
     and found a flavor drink mix with no dyes.
     Comment by Karen — October 31, 2019 @ 4:25 PM

 45. Eliminating all dyes has really made a difference in my grandchildren and I
     am doing a lot better too. I don’t know of a list. We read the label on
     everything before we buy. Also be careful about restaurant food.
     Comment by Karen — October 31, 2019 @ 4:39 PM

 46. I had to laugh at ur last comment. U seem to be aware of red 40, u had ur
     dentist make up special fluoride for ur kid. Drum roll please!!!! Look up
     fluoride!! Almost every country has now banned it except in the USA. It’s a
     waste product of fertilizer. It has been linked to many health issues. In
     GB it took 10 yrs to get it out of their water supply. And for those who
     don’t know, the FDA was sold to the pharmaceutical companies under Obama’s
     admin. Look it up it’s a matter of public record. So who is protecting us??
     Comment by Pigmom — December 27, 2019 @ 5:58 PM

 47. Allura Red
     Allura Red AC
     C.I. 16035
     C.I. Food Red 17
     FD&C Red No. 40
     Red 40
     Red No. 40
     This is what #40 red comes up on in the labels. It has a hole bunch of
     names . Look for these.
     Comment by Shantel — January 5, 2020 @ 8:24 PM

 48. Are you for real? Someone is taking their time to help children and you’re
     gonna pick at a spot?
     Comment by Joy — January 7, 2020 @ 3:52 PM

 49. Language is changing, but grammatical rules do not. If you don’t know, or
     take the time to learn, which their, they’re, or there; or which your or
     you’re to use, the information you are sharing, no matter how accurate,
     will be viewed worth some skepticism because the intelligence of the person
     is questioned. Whether it’s fair or not door’s not matter. If you are
     paying professional information, it should look professional.
     Comment by Michelle — January 17, 2020 @ 5:24 AM

 50. Lol, autocorrect helped prove a point. That’s with, not worth!
     Comment by Michelle — January 17, 2020 @ 5:25 AM

 51. fluoride is a byproduct from uranium hexafloride processing people
     seriously want to put nuclear wasted in their bodies?
     Comment by Andyp — February 7, 2020 @ 8:12 AM

 52. Look I am just a small town girl with a small town outlook on life, mostly
     due to not taking the opportunity to live outside my comfort zone. But I
     suffer from ADHD and my daughter, who is 5, suffers from it as well. We are
     both full of wonder, life, and joyful in all we do. However, when we add
     red food dye 40 to our diet, or any processed sugar or additives, it is a
     complete 180 and nothing gets accomplished or if it does, it wasn’t pretty.
     Our bodies was not meant to ingest this artificial flavors, colors and
     additives that we Americans can’t seem to do without. Think about why? If
     we know it’s bad for us, why won’t we just adjust? Bc we feel as though we
     are entititled to have our metaphorical cake w the red food dye in the
     batter and frosting, and eat it too with no consequences. When all we
     should want to do is be grateful there’s a bag or apples or even the
     possibility of a small garden (even for city folk) so we can make healthier
     choices. We just don’t want to.
     Comment by Jenna — March 13, 2020 @ 5:39 AM

 53. Really the grammar police… do you really think that is super helpful Karen
     Comment by Anne-Marie Jean MacDonald — August 2, 2020 @ 10:05 AM

 54. Exactly Peter. Who are you Ronna to belittle someone because their content
     didn’t meet your grammatical standards.
     Comment by Anne-Marie Jean MacDonald — August 2, 2020 @ 10:06 AM

 55. Is there a list of foods that DO NOT contain red dye 40?
     Marrishion cherries are very bad to.
     Thank you
     Comment by Darlene — January 23, 2022 @ 10:47 AM

 56. OUTSTANDING! Well written, clearly explained & easy to understand.
     Comment by USA Vein Clinics — July 13, 2022 @ 6:23 AM

 57. This is wonderfully written. I have migraines from red dye #40, but I have
     also learned that many things that we think don't have it or are healthy do
     have the food color in it. Salmon, caramel, packaged fruits, and even
     bakery chocolates are some expamples. I learned to read labels, and if I am
     not sure, I leave it alone. I do the same thing with homemade items. I know
     places are getting better with taking artificial food colorings out, but
     not everyone is doing it. Just be vigilant. Migraines are not fun.
     Comment by Leah — February 5, 2023 @ 4:15 PM

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