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How to get started in the field of digital forensics



APRIL 19, 2022



When you think of different career paths in the field of cyber you might not
always notice the field of digital forensics. However, if you have a passion for
all things digital and keen attention to detail this field could be the perfect
place for you where a job is not to work, but something you enjoy. Many people
might also explore this field as an option after retiring from a career in the
military or law enforcement and want to start a “second life”. No matter where
you come from you will need some specific strengths and skillsets to be
successful in the field.

What is digital forensics?

In the broader scope, digital forensics is the investigation of anything digital
to prove or disprove an allegation. What it is when it comes to a career is more
focused on different areas of investigation.

Each area seen above can be a specialty when it comes to digital forensics. If
you find you have an interest and natural talent for mobile devices you might
want to work to get the skills to specialize in that area. If you find working
through the minutia of the data as your passion working in databases and having
coding skills in Python could be the best fit. If you like everything you will
need to make sure you find an organization that requires you to do it all. Each
individual area for investigation requires commitment and continuing education
about those areas you are investigating. One of the hardest aspects of digital
forensics is that it is a field that always is experiencing change.

What jobs are there in digital forensics?

Digital forensics as a component of cyber as a whole means that it is the
investigative side of cyber. Typically, an investigation would involve anything
from figuring out how Malware got into a system and its transfer vector to
finding out what a past employee might have stolen and removed. No matter what
the scenario you investigate something that involves data. If you are a fan of a
good mystery with difficult clues the digital forensics field is the perfect
field for you.

Some common job titles might include:

 * Computer Forensics Investigator
 * Computer Forensics Technician
 * Information Security Analyst
 * Information Systems Security Analyst
 * Forensic Computer Analyst
 * Security Consultant
 * Computer forensics examiner
 * Security consultant
 * Computer crime investigator

Often digital forensic investigators might also venture into neighboring fields
such as eDiscovery and penetration testing. Each of those fields has specific
skill sets that can be augmented with a knowledge and understanding of digital
forensics. With all areas of cyber, there is always room for growth in a career
from analyst to the director. It is important to keep in mind when exploring job
opportunities in the field that they exist in both the public sector side as
well as the private sector side. Depending on which area the day-to-day
activities will vary and so will the job requirements.

Often the term “expert” is used in the field of digital forensics. This term
comes into play in the field when testimony is given regarding the findings of
an investigation. There are many qualifiers that can make someone an expert from
job experience, certifications, and education. Each of these areas can be a
building block for the ideal expert that is well balanced and knowledgeable
about the area they are working in. It is important to note that no one is an
expert in all things and there is always room for growth and knowledge.

What skills are needed?

When it comes to skills there are different opinions on what makes a good
digital investigator. There are some skills that can be taught such as the
knowledge of file systems, computers, mobiles, and the like. Other skills are
those that are natural for a person such as curiosity, creativity, and
problem-solving. Finding a balance of both the hard and soft skill sets will
prove to have a well-balanced digital forensic investigator.

The most common question brought up by many is if a college degree is required
to be a digital forensic professional and qualify as the “expert” in the field.
Digital forensics is an interesting science field that evolved not from a
traditional educational background, but from the necessity of the data that
needed to be found. With that in mind, a college degree is not always a
requirement but can give you a solid foundation and understanding of the field.
Many people are very successful in the field with degrees that are not directly
digital forensic related. Someone with a background in psychology can give great
insight into the motive and people behind the data but will need to add digital
skills for working with the data. All can enter the field if they can refine the
skills needed to do the work.

What is required is the skills that can accomplish the day-to-day investigative
needs of the organization. These can include the basics such as maintaining a
chain of custody, imaging computers, media, and smartphones to diving into the
data that each of these sources holds.

Before starting a college degree exploring some of the professional
certifications out there might give you a better starting point if you want to
continue in the field through formal education. With many of the professional
certifications, there will be fees for the courses and this pre-investment will
tell you if you are going to find the love of your life in the field or just
want to break up. Examples of the professional certifications can include:

 * CHFI Certified Hacking Forensic Investigator
 * CFCE Certified Forensic Computer Examiner
 * CCE Certified Computer Examiner
 * CSFA Cyber Security Forensic Analyst.
 * GIAC Certified Forensic Examiner (GCFE)
 * GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA)
 * GIAC Reverse Engineering Malware (GREM)
 * GIAC Network Forensic Analyst (GNFA)
 * GIAC Advanced Smartphone Forensics (GASF)
 * GIAC Cyber Threat Intelligence (GCTI)

These certifications are only to get you started in the field and are followed
by a variety of technology-based certifications from the tool providers in the
field of digital forensics. The learning process never ends and there is always
a move to another certification. However, they will give you a feel for what is
involved in the work in the field prior to spending the time and money on a
4-year degree.

In addition to these certifications are other skills that are needed to ensure
you are successful in the field. These include good written and verbal
communication, and problem-solving. It does not matter if you work in the public
or private sector you will be presenting the details of your findings to someone
for review. Having the ability to express potentially very technical data to a
non-technical audience is a skill and it requires good written and verbal
communication. The ability to be concise and precise can ensure that your
investigative objective is clearly stated to all the parties involved. In
addition, the ability to problem solve is one of the core needs of every digital
forensic investigator. Reviewing data that has been used and worked through
requires the ability to think through solutions. It is rare that everything goes
well in the different steps of the digital forensic process. Being able to think
on your feet and work through the process and document your solutions is all
part of the digital forensic process.

Practical Experience

The area of practical experience is a difficult barrier to overcome as it
requires employment to receive it, and if you can’t get employed how do you get
the experience. It is a difficult area that is true for all professions.
Ideally, the role of an internship would give you some experience on top of the
certifications that you have worked on. However, there are not as many
internships as there are people entering the field so what do you do?

There are a couple of options and one of them might be to look at your
experience in the form of an apprenticeship instead of an internship. When you
become an apprentice, you agree to work for a certain amount of time at a lower
wage to enter the field under the guidance of an experienced professional. This
compromise on the wage for the value of their time to give you experience ends
up getting both parties what they want. However, this terminology is not common
in the technology field but is due for a resurgence to help with the experience
problem that happens in the world of cyber. It is time to be bold as you enter
the field and propose this option to potential employers so you can get your
foot in the door and get that required experience.

How do you stay active?

The field of digital forensics is a very active space where there are new
techniques, issues, and technology every day. Many people that have a difficult
time with focus love the field of digital forensics because it is different
every day. Even with standard foundational principles, you can still get the
variety that many crave in a career.

One of the keys to staying active in the field is participating in technology.
Although many people do not like to participate in things such as social media
you cannot be expected to be a good investigator of something you have never
done. As an example, how can you describe what a chocolate chip cookie tastes
like if you have never had a bite? One of the key components in the career path
of a digital forensic investigator is to experience the technology. If you are
working on a smartphone case and it is on an Android, and you only use Apple how
can you be expected to understand how the data works on an Android. Training can
only take you so far to understand the ones and zeros but to understand the user
behind those pieces of data you need to understand how it is used.

One of the other areas that allow you to keep on the edge of the field is
membership in different organizations and groups. Finding a group of like-minded
professionals that you can seek out answers with is helpful with every career.
Some of the more popular organizations such as IACIS not only offer
organizational membership but training as well. Others offer areas where you can
seek out experts and other professionals such as Cyber Social Hub in a friendly
social environment. Each of the different groups can give you a unique
perspective and support that are critical when it comes to a career in the

Finally get involved in events in the space. There is always a call for papers
or options to get published in the field. Putting yourself out there will only
improve what your overall career experience and satisfaction will be. Join
events both in person and online and invest in your networking. Events such as
PFIC are open to all levels and has an open call for papers each year. Look for
scholarships to events or simply politely asked you will be pleasantly surprised
on the response of support from the industry. 

What is the downside?

With all careers, there is a downside, and it is not all feeling like a
superhero for catching the bad guy. The field of digital forensics can be
emotionally difficult field. When looking through an investigation you are
looking for data that is proving or disproving an act. In that process of
looking through data, you will see a wide range of data that can affect your
psychological state. That can be difficult if you don’t build into your process
a coping mechanism that will help to silo that information off from the rest of
your life.

The other side is the stress associated with a  field that is always set on “red
alert” and everyone has a sense of urgency. Working through data is not always a
fast process, but it is always a stressful one. Make sure part of your career
process is learning how to cope with the stress management that is needed
working in a field that is always on alert.

Where is the field going?

The field of digital forensics has great prospects moving forward with more and
more data being generated every day there is always going to be a need for
someone who can dive in. Cyber will always have growth as more and more of our
lives go online and digital so finding your own area in that larger area to hang
your hat can secure your career offerings for a lifetime.  Digital forensics
offers consistency and variety all in one so it can be the perfect balance for
those who like to look for the details. There are prospects that allow you to
work in both the public and private sectors as well as in-person or virtually.
Overall, the field of digital forensics is well balanced and looking for the
same type of professional.

In addition to the field being open for different people it is open to the new
technology that has surged to the top of our needs with cloud becoming common in
all types of investigations, and the need for knowledge on smartphones and
mobiles. There will always be a new piece of technology that pushes to the top
that is waiting for the next digital forensic professional to grab onto and get
into the data.


You can reference other perspectives on the field with their review at the
following sites:



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