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                <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase">HIGHEST and best use feasibility study</h1>
                <p class="heading-tescription lead text-left"> Bank upon our trusted site survey and market analysis to identify optimum development mix to ensure highest returns. </p>
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              <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase">Content of the report</h1>
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                                           Detailed site analysis involves
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                        <li> Studying key business centres in the catchment area and understanding their degree of influence on the subject site. </li>
                        <li> Assessment of built-up potential on site, based on development control regulations (DCR) </li>
                        <li> Identifying proposed infrastructure plans and recognising its impact on the site area </li>
                        <li> Assessing social and physical infrastructure accessible from the site and carrying out potential need gap analysis </li>
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                                           Assessment of Demand and Supply basesd on prevailing market dynamics and future assessment
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                        <p> This involves: Understanding prevailing and future potential of real estate markets for residential, commercial and retail sectors in terms of demand, supply, price movement and offtake percentages. </p>
                      <div class="col-md-6">
                          <img src="" alt="" title="">
                        <p> This involves: Evaluating current market offerings and expected market changes with respect to product size, product type, product configuration, ticket size, specification, amenities, etc. Studying patterns of launches to
                          determine the potential market share a project can achieve. </p>
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                                               Recommendation on development mix, pricing, amenities and specifications
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                      <p>With the help of data analytics, we identify ideal product mix, pricing, and sales absorption/velocity, to suggest the price and requisite amenities. Our services include advice on:</p>
                      <div class="col-md-6">
                        <p>Best development mix</p>
                        <p>Price determination through algorithmic calculation</p>
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                        <p>Product mix with sizes</p>
                        <p>Recommending requisite amenities and specifications</p>
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                                                     Financial Viability and sensitivity analysis of various development options
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                      <p>Detailed cash flow analysis to ascertain the best performing option along with optimum timeline and phasing of development. Our financial modeling presents scenarios with different outright and lease rates.</p>
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              <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase">Sample report</h1>
              <!--Sample Report-->
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                  <a href="assets/pdf/sample-reports/Sample-best-use-study-and-design-brief-for-a-plot-in-Mumbai-suburbs.pdf" target="_blank">
                                            <span><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>    Sample best use study and design brief for a plot in Mumbai suburbs
                  <a href="assets/pdf/sample-reports/Sample-product-assessment-and-urban-design-guidelines-study.pdf" target="_blank">
                                          <span><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> Sample product assessment and urban design guidelines study
                  <a href="assets/pdf/sample-reports/Sample-best-use-study-in-a-tier-II-city.pdf" target="_blank">
                                        <span><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> Sample best use study in a tier II city
                  <a href="assets/pdf/sample-reports/Sample-best-use-study-for-a-plot-located-in-the-outskirts-of-the-city.pdf" target="_blank">
                                        <span><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> Sample best use study for a plot located in the outskirts of the city
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              <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase">URBAN PLANNING</h1>
              <p class="heading-tescription lead text-left">Count on our experts to prepare detailed city development plans and financing strategies to unlock the potential of urban regions.</p>
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              <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase">We provide an in-depth analysis on</h1>
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                <li> Current and expected future demographic patterns, land use and built up area density studies that explain expanding geographies and uses. </li>
                <li> Gaps between the demand and supply of physical and social infrastructure in the region like - housing, water supply, roads, street lights, schools, hospitals, etc. </li>
                <li> City investment plans, priority of investment needed to implement planning visions and alternative financing strategies. </li>
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              <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase">Consumer and Intermediary Survey</h1>
              <p class="heading-tescription lead text-left"> Use our structured field research to understand the spatial and location needs of your consumers. </p>
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              <h2 class="heading-title text-uppercase">Consumer survey study is broadly structured into two segments</h2>
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              <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase">Product Viability </h1>
              <p class="heading-tescription lead text-left"> We will help you ascertain feasibility of your project and circumvent the risks involved in its development. </p>
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              <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase">Preparing a Design Brief </h1>
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                <p>Extending beyond the best-use prognosis, we write uncluttered, contextual design briefs for master planners/architects. Beyond the basic elements governed by the local laws and DCR, the research work we undertake while designing
                  township looks into the esteemed factors that make the difference in the character of the land parcel. </p>
                <p> Apart from making recommendations based on local laws and DCRs, we offer planning and design solutions that would ensure a vibrant built environment. Our objective is to communicate clearly to architects and planners about the
                  product, development mix and target consumers, while maintaining a balance between ‘vision’ and economic prudence. Our recommendations are drawn from extensive case-study research of successful international and national examples.
                  Thorough research is undertaken on the best practices being adopted nationally and internationally. </p>
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                <h2 class="heading-title text-uppercase text-white">Sample report</h2>
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                    <a href="assets/pdf/sample-reports/Sample-design-brief-for-gated-community.pdf" target="_blank">
                                              <span><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>Sample design brief for gated community
                    <a href="assets/pdf/sample-reports/Sample-design-brief-for-second-home-township-and-tourist-destination.pdf" target="_blank">
                                          <span><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> Sample design brief for second home township and tourist destination
                    <a href="assets/pdf/sample-reports/Vision-plan-for-integrated-city-development.pdf" target="_blank">
                                           <span><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>  Vision plan for integrated city development
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              <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase">MICRO MARKET REPORTS</h1>
              <p> Risk Reports are carried out primarily to assess the state of the market and measure the price correction during oversupply scenario or default risks in the market. The approach followed is: </p>
          <!--Services Head-->
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                <li>Firstly to gauge the market dynamics and price behaviour</li>
                <li>To analyse the market trends with regard to demand, supply and price movements</li>
                <li>The scientific equations are established to determine the price patterns of the geography</li>
              <p> Offtake velocities, market efficiencies, affordability and the prevailing price metrics are used to ascertain the fair price and gaps and thereby prevailing rates and scope of corrections are determined. The overall report has four
                sections: </p>
              <ul class="ressex-list">
                <li> Assessment of the prevailing market</li>
                <li> Assessment of market risks</li>
                <li>Assessment of future outlook</li>
                <li>Gradation and Mapping of the competitive projects on the basis of their value offerings and price</li>
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          <div class="service-header">Structured approach</div>
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              <div class="timeline-heading">
                <h4 class="timeline-title"><b>Site assessment</b></h4>
              <div class="timeline-body">
                <p> Physical survey of catchment area, land use analysis, infrastructure networks (present &amp; future), transport connectivity, demographic profile and economic density. </p>
            <div class="structured-approach-card">
              <div class="time-img-wrap">
                <img src="assets/img/timeline/2.png">
              <div class="timeline-heading">
                <h4 class="timeline-title"><b>Market Dynamics</b></h4>
              <div class="timeline-body">
                <p> Micro/road level analysis of supply, demand, sales and other metrics of development profiles and product ranges in the catchment area. </p>
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              <div class="time-img-wrap">
                <img src="assets/img/timeline/3.png">
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                <h4 class="timeline-title"><b>Price Determination</b></h4>
              <div class="timeline-body">
                <p> Prices of all products are derived through scientific theories. The prices so determined will provide optimum velocity to a project. </p>
            <div class="structured-approach-card">
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                <img src="assets/img/timeline/4.png">
              <div class="timeline-heading">
                <h4 class="timeline-title"><b>Determination of Development/Product Mix</b></h4>
              <div class="timeline-body">
                <p> Development mix is calculated as per present and expected demand in the catchment area using ‘magnet theory’. </p>
            <div class="structured-approach-card">
              <div class="time-img-wrap">
                <img src="assets/img/timeline/5.png">
              <div class="timeline-heading">
                <h4 class="timeline-title"><b>Financial Analysis</b></h4>
              <div class="timeline-body">
                <p> The product mix is then financially tested to analyse the impact of RoE, IRR and equity invested. The analysis also involves testing of cost and revenue assumptions. </p>
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            <h1 class="heading-title text-uppercase text-f3f3f3">Backbone of our advisory services</h1>
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                  <img src="assets/img/icon/scientific-framework.svg">
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                  <p class="head-services"> Scientific Framework </p>
                  <p class="service-head-meta"> We use high level of econometrics and tested<br> regression models to assess viability of products <br> and development mix, including pricing. </p>
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                  <img src="assets/img/icon/gis-data.svg">
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                  <p class="head-services"> GIS Integrated Data </p>
                  <p class="service-head-meta"> GIS enabled data forms the core of our multi-scalar <br> feasibility studies, which allows for focused <br> investigations of land-use, demographics, and infrastructure-market dynamics </p>
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                  <img src="assets/img/icon/balanced-data.svg">
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                  <p class="head-services"> Balanced Financials </p>
                  <p class="service-head-meta"> Various viable options are explored through a discounting cash flow (DCF) model where the products,along with their gestation period in sales and achievable pricing are analysed in order to choose the
                    best option that offers the highest returns in optimum time. </p>
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Our robust data, cutting-edge IT analytics and team of experts will provide you
the best risk, advisory and valuation services in the market

HIGHEST & best use feasibility study




Preparing a Design Brief



Bank upon our trusted site survey and market analysis to identify optimum
development mix to ensure highest returns.



 * Studying key business centres in the catchment area and understanding their
   degree of influence on the subject site.
 * Assessment of built-up potential on site, based on development control
   regulations (DCR)
 * Identifying proposed infrastructure plans and recognising its impact on the
   site area
 * Assessing social and physical infrastructure accessible from the site and
   carrying out potential need gap analysis


This involves: Understanding prevailing and future potential of real estate
markets for residential, commercial and retail sectors in terms of demand,
supply, price movement and offtake percentages.

This involves: Evaluating current market offerings and expected market changes
with respect to product size, product type, product configuration, ticket size,
specification, amenities, etc. Studying patterns of launches to determine the
potential market share a project can achieve.


With the help of data analytics, we identify ideal product mix, pricing, and
sales absorption/velocity, to suggest the price and requisite amenities. Our
services include advice on:

Best development mix

Price determination through algorithmic calculation

Product mix with sizes

Recommending requisite amenities and specifications


Detailed cash flow analysis to ascertain the best performing option along with
optimum timeline and phasing of development. Our financial modeling presents
scenarios with different outright and lease rates.


 * Sample best use study and design brief for a plot in Mumbai suburbs
 * Sample product assessment and urban design guidelines study
 * Sample best use study in a tier II city
 * Sample best use study for a plot located in the outskirts of the city


Count on our experts to prepare detailed city development plans and financing
strategies to unlock the potential of urban regions.


 * Current and expected future demographic patterns, land use and built up area
   density studies that explain expanding geographies and uses.
 * Gaps between the demand and supply of physical and social infrastructure in
   the region like - housing, water supply, roads, street lights, schools,
   hospitals, etc.
 * City investment plans, priority of investment needed to implement planning
   visions and alternative financing strategies.


Use our structured field research to understand the spatial and location needs
of your consumers.



We will help you ascertain feasibility of your project and circumvent the risks
involved in its development.


Extending beyond the best-use prognosis, we write uncluttered, contextual design
briefs for master planners/architects. Beyond the basic elements governed by the
local laws and DCR, the research work we undertake while designing township
looks into the esteemed factors that make the difference in the character of the
land parcel.

Apart from making recommendations based on local laws and DCRs, we offer
planning and design solutions that would ensure a vibrant built environment. Our
objective is to communicate clearly to architects and planners about the
product, development mix and target consumers, while maintaining a balance
between ‘vision’ and economic prudence. Our recommendations are drawn from
extensive case-study research of successful international and national examples.
Thorough research is undertaken on the best practices being adopted nationally
and internationally.


 * Sample design brief for gated community
 * Sample design brief for second home township and tourist destination
 * Vision plan for integrated city development


Risk Reports are carried out primarily to assess the state of the market and
measure the price correction during oversupply scenario or default risks in the
market. The approach followed is:

 * Firstly to gauge the market dynamics and price behaviour
 * To analyse the market trends with regard to demand, supply and price
 * The scientific equations are established to determine the price patterns of
   the geography

Offtake velocities, market efficiencies, affordability and the prevailing price
metrics are used to ascertain the fair price and gaps and thereby prevailing
rates and scope of corrections are determined. The overall report has four

 * Assessment of the prevailing market
 * Assessment of market risks
 * Assessment of future outlook
 * Gradation and Mapping of the competitive projects on the basis of their value
   offerings and price

Structured approach


Physical survey of catchment area, land use analysis, infrastructure networks
(present & future), transport connectivity, demographic profile and economic


Micro/road level analysis of supply, demand, sales and other metrics of
development profiles and product ranges in the catchment area.


Prices of all products are derived through scientific theories. The prices so
determined will provide optimum velocity to a project.


Development mix is calculated as per present and expected demand in the
catchment area using ‘magnet theory’.


The product mix is then financially tested to analyse the impact of RoE, IRR and
equity invested. The analysis also involves testing of cost and revenue


Scientific Framework

We use high level of econometrics and tested
regression models to assess viability of products
and development mix, including pricing.

GIS Integrated Data

GIS enabled data forms the core of our multi-scalar
feasibility studies, which allows for focused
investigations of land-use, demographics, and infrastructure-market dynamics

Balanced Financials

Various viable options are explored through a discounting cash flow (DCF) model
where the products,along with their gestation period in sales and achievable
pricing are analysed in order to choose the best option that offers the highest
returns in optimum time.

About us
 * About Liases Foras
 * Edge
 * Our Team
 * Core Capabilities
 * Our Journey

 * RESSEX Online Data Portal
 * Desktop Feasibility Solution (DFS)
 * Desktop Valuation
 * CRYSTAL Valuation Workflow Tool
 * Developers Rating
 * OPPS Opportunity Identification Tool
 * Real Estate Trends

Valuation Services
 * Technical Valuation
 * Retail Valuation
 * Portfolio Valuation

Advisory Services
 * Highest and Best Use Feasibility Study
 * Urban Planning
 * Consumer and Intermediary Survey
 * Product Viability
 * Preparing a Design Brief
 * Micro Market Report

 * Video
 * News

Knowledge Hub
 * Research Paper
 * Blog


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