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Submitted URL: https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001yxgU2xZoXI-cdKxI9jaXo20AL1nOrp2L0c5Cp-C5amMZb1om3zD-3gopwUzTQg4VDoOnXVgvVqFFynH7zCav...
Effective URL: https://www.sustainablejerseyschools.com/certification/2024-certification-cycle/
Submission: On December 07 via manual from ES — Scanned from ES

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Sustainable Jersey for Schools operates on a once a year application cycle, with
three submission dates. See the chart below for details on the structure and
timing of the application cycle. To maximize the potential for feedback and
ultimately achieve certification, it is highly recommended to submit an
application with documentation for at least two rounds of review. Applicants who
wait until the final deadline to submit an initial application will have to wait
until the next year's certification cycle to address any issues identified
during the review process.

Request a help session with our staff to make progress on your certification
application. Someone from our staff will reach out to finalize a time for a Zoom
meeting or phone call. 

Request a Help Session



First RoundSecond RoundThird RoundSubmission DeadlineFirst RoundJanuary 12Second
RoundMarch 22Third RoundJune 13Return DateFirst RoundLate FebruarySecond
RoundEarly MayThird RoundLate August




Timeline & Submission/Resubmission RequirementsSept. 1

New Program Year Starts

 * Schools seeking certification in 2024 start working on applications.
 * Schools with certification expiring in August/September 2024 begin working on
 * School and District green teams work on completing actions and uploading
   documentation to their applications.

Tip: Submit initial applications in January and March and use reviewers'
feedback to help achieve certification.
Jan. 12

First Online Application Submission Deadline

 * District/school applicant prepares an initial application by uploading
   available action documentation. Actions marked as “Completed” will be

 * Additional documentation may be uploaded during the second and final
   submission review cycles.

Late February

First-Round Review Comments Provided

 * Each reviewed action will be marked as “Approved” or “Must Revise” with
   comments provided.

 * Applicants have the opportunity to complete required activities and/or
   documentation to receive credit for actions marked as “Must Revise.”

March 22

Second Online Application Deadline

 * Districts and Schools that submitted applications in January have a second
   opportunity to provide documentation and update actions that were marked
   “Must Revise” or to complete new actions. Initial applications may also be
   submitted at this time.

 * Actions should be marked as “Completed” then submitted for review.

Early May

Second-Round Review Comments Provided

 * Each reviewed action will be marked as "Approved" or "Must Revise" with
   comments provided
 * Applicants have a final opportunity to complete required activities and/or
   documentation to receive credit for actions marked as "Must Revise"

June 13

Final Decision on Pending Applications

 * This is the final opportunity for districts and schools to submit
   documentation for "Must Revise" or new actions
 * All actions submitted should contain documentation to fully meet action
 * NOTE: For applications submitted for the first time in June, the next
   opportunity to update the application based on reviewer feedback would be
   January 2025, for 2025 certification.

Late August

Final Certification Notifications to Schools

 * All schools that have met the certification requirements will be considered
   certified at the bronze or silver level based on the accumulated points total
   and considered for the Sustainable Jersey for Schools annual awards.
 * Certified schools and annual award winners will be recognized at the
   Sustainable Jersey for Schools Awards to be held at the NJSBA Workshop in


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