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            <div class="htpSubTitle"><i class="fa fa-user-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i> Register</div> Complete the registration form to obtain your Username &amp; Password. <div class="disclaimer" style="display:none;">(Must be 21 or older to
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            <div class="htpSubTitle"><i class="fa fa-check-circle-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> Schedule Prediction</div> From now until April 30<sup>th</sup>, submit your prediction of the 2022 New York Jets schedule. Correctly predict the exact order
            of all 17 games - including the bye week - and you win!
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Text Content

Make Picks Leader Board

How to play:
Complete the registration form to obtain your Username & Password.
(Must be 21 or older to participate & play.)

Schedule Prediction
From now until April 30th, submit your prediction of the 2022 New York Jets
schedule. Correctly predict the exact order of all 17 games - including the bye
week - and you win!
Visit our leaderboard after the schedule is announced for standings.





Please make sure of the following:

 * Cookies are required for this site. Make sure your browser has 3rd party
   cookies enabled. Instructions for enabling cookies can be found in your
   browser's help resources or on the web. Here is a site that has instructions
   for various browsers. Please be aware that firewalls and internet security
   software can also disallow cookies for particular sites.
 * Another thing to try is to refresh the page in your browser.
 * If you continue to have issues, you may want to try installing a new browser
   on your computer or trying a different computer on a different network. ie.
   If you are having issues with your work computer, you may want to try logging
   in on your home computer.