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Text Content

University of Liverpool
Digital Innovation Facility
 * About us
 * Innovation & Enterprise
 * Facilities

 * About
 * Innovation & Enterprise
 * Facilities

 * Contact Us
 * News & Views

slide 2 of 6


Verifying & enhancing autonomy

Explore Facility


The laboratory of the future

Explore Facility


Industrial MR Innovation

Explore Facility


Multisensory VR

Explore Facility


Robotic perception & vision

Explore Facility


Aerial & land-based robotic

Explore Facility


Verifying & enhancing autonomy

Explore Facility


The laboratory of the future

Explore Facility
slide 2 of 4

 * Who we work with
   We help companies realise the potential of their ambitions and overcome
   technical hurdles and innovation challenges for unlocking their digital
   transformation. We help our partners to accelerate and de-risk the
   development and delivery of new products, processes and services across all
   industry sectors whilst accessing new opportunities and markets.
   Explore I

 * The Digital Innovation Facility's Mission
   The Digital Innovation Facility is the UK’s leading centre for the
   development and industrial application of next-generation digital
   technologies for Industry.
   Explore I

 * What we deliver
   We help companies overcome barriers to deliver innovative products and
   services built on the technologies of immersive simulation, visualisation,
   big data, artificial intelligence, robotics, and autonomous systems.
   Explore I

 * How we work
   We have developed a new paradigm for industry and university interaction; A
   dedicated facility that houses six state-of-the-art development laboratories
   with the latest equipment. Spearheaded by a translational and commercially
   led team, the Digital Innovation Facility is backed by some of the UK’s
   leading researchers and experts within their field.
   Explore I

 * Who we work with
   We help companies realise the potential of their ambitions and overcome
   technical hurdles and innovation challenges for unlocking their digital
   transformation. We help our partners to accelerate and de-risk the
   development and delivery of new products, processes and services across all
   industry sectors whilst accessing new opportunities and markets.
   Explore I

 * The Digital Innovation Facility's Mission
   The Digital Innovation Facility is the UK’s leading centre for the
   development and industrial application of next-generation digital
   technologies for Industry.
   Explore I


The Digital Innovation Facility brings together leading experts from
engineering, computer science and chemistry to bring inter-disciplinary
expertise to real-world industrial challenges.
Meet the Experts I

World Class Facilities

 * Autonomous Chemistry Laboratory
 * The Mixed-Reality Laboratory
 * Immersive Laboratory
 * SmARTLab
 * Extreme Environment Lab
 * Trustworthy Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory

The DIF is leading the application of autonomous robotics & AI to deliver the
Laboratory of the Future. Building on the capabilities of the Leverhulme
Research Centre for Functional Materials Design, the team pair the latest
advancement in AI-driven chemistry.

Explore I

The DIF’s Mixed Reality Laboratory hosts Europe’s most advanced large-scale
Virtual Reality (VR) Powerwall providing up to three independent viewers with
their own accurate head-tracked perspective.

Explore I

The Immersive Laboratory of Collaborative Multisensory VR, part of the
University of Liverpool’s “Advanced Network Research Group” which also
researches network security and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Explore I

Teaching industrial robots and autonomous systems to be more perceptive
and sensitive.

Explore I

A unique space to validate the next generation of UAV’s for business

The DIF’s Extreme Environment Lab is a purpose-built multi-storey indoor
facility dedicated to the design, manufacture, analysis, and testing of both
aerial and land-based drones.

Explore I

The Trustworthy Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory is focused on
developing theories, algorithms, and tools to detect, verify, and enhance the
safety and security of learning-enabled autonomous systems.

Explore I


Applied industrial innovation is at the heart of our approach. Whether you are a
multi-national business, a scaling SME, or a new startup, the Digital Innovation
Facility will help you explore the capability of digital technology to realise
your business ambitions.

Explore I
Sign up to our newsletter for all the latest activities across the DIF

By signing up, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. You can
unsubscribe at any time.

 * Privacy Policy
 * Contact
 * Design by Studio Coact

University of Liverpool
Digital Innovation Facility
