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Distributed Control Systems


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As the heart of plant-level digitalization, ABB's Distributed Control Systems
(DCS) are designed to transform your multi-faceted, 24/7 process operations. Our
market-leading control architecture constantly monitors and drives plant
productivity, maximizing asset utilization, process efficiency and production
quality. A focus on availability, safety and cyber security ensures the
protection of your people, assets and equipment. And by maintaining tight
controls over raw material consumption, plant energy levels and waste
by-products, ABB DCS solutions help to significantly reduce environmental


Latest news




Distributed Control Systems
ABB Ability System 800xA

A modern collaborative process automation platform for distributed process
control (DCS), electrical control and monitoring (ECS), safety (SIS), modular
automation orchestration and more.

Distributed Control Systems
ABB Ability Symphony Plus

A simple, scalable, seamless and secure DCS that delivers total automation with
a flexible architecture for central and geographically distributed applications.

Distributed Control Systems
Freelance Distributed Control System

Combines the advantages of DCS and PLC: the small footprint of a PLC, together
with the full functionality of a DCS.



Process Automation Systems of the future will empower industries to compete in a
fast-changing world by delivering adaptable, reliable, integrated, modular and
secure automation solutions with flexible, simpler and faster project
engineering execution and commissioning. ABB’s System vision will allow existing
and new customers to adopt new innovations while maximizing their current
investment, at their pace and as needs dictate.


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Energy and water. Medicines and chemicals. Metals and cement. Paper and
plastics. Today’s energy and process industries bring us many of the
fundamentals of modern living — but only when supported by trusted automation
technologies. As the heart of automation control, ABB’s DCS solutions monitor
and manage every aspect of plant operations 24/7, helping our customers ensure
the safety of people and equipment, the quality and efficiency of production,
and a reduced environmental impact.


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22 years

Consecutive years ABB has led the
global distributed control systems
(DCS) market.


35 000

ABB distributed control systems
(DCS) installed - across more than
100 countries.


100 000

Workstations connected to ABB
distributed control systems (DCS)


100 000 000

Input/output points connected to
ABB distributed control systems
(DCS) at customer sites worldwide.



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ABB Ability Symphony® Plus SCADA

Compact Product Suite

PLC Automation

Safety Systems

Modular Automation

24/7 control room design and furniture

Manufacturing Operations Management

ABB Ability Genix industrial analytics and AI suite

ABB Ability Edgenius Operations Data Manager




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Press release
ABB and Red Hat partner to deliver further scalable digital solutions across
industrial edge and hybrid cloud

The forces reshaping tomorrow’s distributed control system

Press release
ABB global market leadership in DCS confirmed for 22nd consecutive year

External story
Cutting-edge ABB Ability™ Symphony® Plus DCS to help Enel on its digital
transformation journey

Press release
ABB helps make fashion industry more sustainable with innovative technology


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