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This season, transform your interior space into a winter forest with the most
realistic artificial Christmas evergreens like this beautiful cedar greenery
branch. Create a branch arrangement with this fresh-looking faux cedar foliage
for a simple but elevated design that instills a permanent feeling of nature.
Or, add these cedar branches to flower centerpieces and garlands to effortlessly
style your mantel and make your home festive for the holidays.

 * 34" Tall
 * Overall Foliage Portion, 17" Tall x 16.5" Wide
 * Stems with Foliage, 9.5-12.5" Tall x 6.5-7" Wide
 * 45% Plastic, 35% Wire, 20% Paper
 * Fully Wired Stems with Foliage, bend or cut with wire cutters
 * Main Branch Not Wired

*Ethically made in China.

Complete the look
 * Artificial Natural Touch Cedar Pine - 10"
   Artificial Natural Touch Cedar Pine - 10"
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 * Fake Cedar Greenery Branch - 28"
   Fake Cedar Greenery Branch - 28"
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 * Fake Cedar Mantle Swag Garland - 48"
   Fake Cedar Mantle Swag Garland - 48"
   Regular price $58.00
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 * Natural Touch Cedar Hanging Branch - 43"
   Natural Touch Cedar Hanging Branch - 43"
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 * Real Touch Lebanon Cedar Holiday Table Garland - 48"
   Real Touch Lebanon Cedar Holiday Table Garland - 48"
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Artificial Winter Cedar Branch - 34"

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I have been ordering from AFloral for a while now and I can't help but notice
the quality and performance of some of the items is lacking currently. Sure they
were on the Winners list with The Norfolk Pine collection that has become Oh so
very popular on U-tube but some of the other items have been quite
disappointing. I ordered a few cypress branches and honestly I have found better
color variance and detail in one of the bargain Box stores for half the price. I
will keep the two branches I ordered and use them for outside decor because it
is easier than making the return but I will Not purchase any additional holiday
greenery from here. I like my items to look similar to something real. The
cypress was flat looking in color, no color variations, a very flat and plastic
looking stem and a bit too shinny for my taste. Very cheap looking. Yes, it is a
softer touch but not worth the trade off. I will be ordering twice a many from
my other source for the same price. Sorry.... A floral but this is very subpar.
I think you can and should do better.

Artificial Winter Cedar Branch - 34"


United States


Hello, Thank you for taking the time to review this item. We are sorry to hear
that the quality of the product did not meet your expectations. At Afloral,
quality, and customer satisfaction are of utmost importance. Your feedback will
be taken into consideration as we search for a better replacement stem. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Our customer service
manager will be in touch with you soon to make things right. Thank you, Afloral

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   Regular price $38.00
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 * Fake Cedar Greenery Branch - 28"
   Fake Cedar Greenery Branch - 28"
   Regular price $22.55
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   Artificial Natural Touch Cedar Pine - 10"
   Regular price $9.00
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   Tall Burgundy Green Faux Chestnut Leaf Branch - 47"
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