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Submitted URL: http://www.joelhschwartz.com/
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Submission: On February 17 via api from US — Scanned from NL

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No Pressure. Just Answers.

Brain Injury


Motorcycle Accident


Truck Accident


Auto Accident


Double Amputation


Rear-End Collision



Brain Injury


Motorcycle Accident


Truck Accident


Auto Accident


Double Amputation


Rear-End Collision


There’s No Substitute for Experience.
-Play Video to Learn More

Joel H. Schwartz, P.C. has been one of the most widely recognized and respected
names in personal injury law for more than 55-years. Our partners and associates
bring more than 185 years of combined litigation experience to your potential
claim. With our longevity and vast experience, we have successfully resolved
more than 30,000 claims and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our
clients in the Boston metro area and beyond.

Whether you’re looking for a Boston personal injury attorney, a legal
professional to help take on a slip-and-fall case, a greater Boston car accident
attorney, a social security disability advocate, or a law expert to assist you
with many other complicated legal situations, our accomplished staff is on-hand
to provide you with the professional legal representation you need to get back
on your feet.

Why Choose
Joel H. Schwartz
There’s No Substitute.
Our record of winning settlements for our clients pretty much speaks for itself.
Numerous multi-million dollar victories. But your injury claim is the only one
that matters. We consistently obtain maximum offers from the insurance companies
and will do the same for you.
There’s No Substitute.
You need a personal injury lawyer on your side who has experience with your
specific type of injury. During our 55-years of personal injury law practice, we
have dealt with every type of injury imaginable, including yours.
There’s No Substitute.
We only get paid IF we win your case. Our fee comes from your insurance proceeds
at the very end of your claim. You will never have to reach into your pocket and
ever pay us anything along the way. We assume all the risk.
There’s No Substitute.
We are happy to meet you wherever you like. Once we represent you, we take care
of everything. Your only job is to get the treatment you need and to focus on
your recovery. No more headaches or stress.
There’s No Substitute.
Named 100 Top Trial Lawyers. Honored as one of Boston’s Top Rated Lawyers. AV
Rated “Preeminent.” Avvo Rating “10.” Over the years, many other lawyers, even
other personal injury lawyers, have entrusted their personal injury cases to us.
You can, too.
There’s No Substitute.
From the very first phone call or consultation, you’ll see that with Joel H.
Schwartz it’s about so much more than the settlement – it’s about being there
for you every step of the way and helping you get your life back. You are not
alone, we will be in your corner at all times.

There’s No Substitute.
Our record of winning settlements for our clients pretty much speaks for itself.
Numerous multi-million dollar victories. But your injury claim is the only one
that matters. We consistently obtain maximum offers from the insurance companies
and will do the same for you.

There’s No Substitute.
You need a personal injury lawyer on your side who has experience with your
specific type of injury. During our 55-years of personal injury law practice, we
have dealt with every type of injury imaginable, including yours.

There’s No Substitute.
We only get paid IF we win your case. Our fee comes from your insurance proceeds
at the very end of your claim. You will never have to reach into your pocket and
ever pay us anything along the way. We assume all the risk.

There’s No Substitute.
We are happy to meet you wherever you like. Once we represent you, we take care
of everything. Your only job is to get the treatment you need and to focus on
your recovery. No more headaches or stress.

There’s No Substitute.
Named 100 Top Trial Lawyers. Honored as one of Boston’s Top Rated Lawyers. AV
Rated “Preeminent.” Avvo Rating “10.” Over the years, many other lawyers, even
other personal injury lawyers, have entrusted their personal injury cases to us.
You can, too.

There’s No Substitute.
From the very first phone call or consultation, you’ll see that with Joel H.
Schwartz it’s about so much more than the settlement – it’s about being there
for you every step of the way and helping you get your life back. You are not
alone, we will be in your corner at all times.


Call For A Free Consultation


Our approach is simple: we use the latest technology, like specially designed
software, combined with painstaking research and personal care, to make the
legal process as hassle-free as possible for you. While our devoted team members
understand that you need relentless legal services, you also need personalized
advice that takes each detail into account.

Our skilled personal injury attorneys in Boston, Brockton, Framingham and beyond
take care of everything for you, including facilitating medical care, advisement
regarding your rights and responsibilities, handling all calls and paperwork,
collecting evidence, evaluating your claim, and determining how much money you
may be entitled to. We serve all of Massachusetts, and if it is more convenient
for you, we are happy to visit you at your home, office, or any other place of
your choosing.

Areas Of
Car Accidents

Being in a car accident may not only hurt physically, but also financially. Our
team of personal injury attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve
for injuries you sustained in a car crash.

Motorcycle Accidents

Expensive medical bills and a long road to recovery are often a reality
following a motorcycle accident. We have the experience required to get you
compensation.Let us help you get back on your feet so you can focus on what is
really important.

Bicycle Accidents

Leisure activities can become a nightmare when negligence is involved. If you
were in a bicycle accident, we can help you seek damages for all the areas in
your life that have been affected, including the addition of medical expenses,
lost wages, and more.

Truck Accidents

Are you suffering from serious injuries you sustained in a truck accident? You
may be at a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with trucking and insurance
companies. Let us help you recover damages for your injuries so you can get back
to your life in no time.

Pedestrian Accidents

Serious injuries, lost wages from work, and expensive medical bills can alter
your life plans soon after being involved in a pedestrian accident. We can work
towards getting you the financial compensation you need to bounce back.

Construction Site Accidents

No one should have to suffer the consequences of being injured at a construction
site, especially if it was due to someone else’s negligence. Let us make things
right by fighting on your behalf to get you the compensation you deserve.


As one of the leading causes of accidents in the country, slip and falls can be
excruciating to deal with, both physically and financially. We can fight for you
to get you the help you need following your accident.

Dog Bites

No matter how well trained a dog is, there’s always a chance of a serious injury
from a dog bite. With scars that can last a lifetime, it’s important to receive
the legal help you need to fight for the compensation that is rightfully yours.

Workers Compensation

Being injured on the job can be difficult to handle and can put stress on you
and your family. Let our law firm handle the specifics of your worker’s
compensation case so we can ensure that you are treated fairly.

Workplace Sexual Harrassment

If you have been disrespected and violated by another individual at your job,
you deserve justice. Our team can put together a case on your behalf to get you
properly compensated for the inappropriate actions committed against you.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury, no matter how seemingly small it appears at first, has
the potential to grow into a serious health issue for you. Get the compensation
you need so you can take care of yourself now and moving forward.

Social Security Disability

Are you suffering from an injury or health condition that requires significant
medical attention? Even if you don’t have the means to pay for your treatment,
we may be able to help you secure the social security benefits you need to cover
your costs.


Car Accidents

Being in a car accident may not only hurt physically, but also financially. Our
team of personal injury attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve
for injuries you sustained in a car crash.

Motorcycle Accidents

Expensive medical bills and a long road to recovery are often a reality
following a motorcycle accident. We have the experience required to get you
compensation.Let us help you get back on your feet so you can focus on what is
really important.

Bicycle Accidents

Leisure activities can become a nightmare when negligence is involved. If you
were in a bicycle accident, we can help you seek damages for all the areas in
your life that have been affected, including the addition of medical expenses,
lost wages, and more.

Truck Accidents

Are you suffering from serious injuries you sustained in a truck accident? You
may be at a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with trucking and insurance
companies. Let us help you recover damages for your injuries so you can get back
to your life in no time.

Pedestrian Accidents

Serious injuries, lost wages from work, and expensive medical bills can alter
your life plans soon after being involved in a pedestrian accident. We can work
towards getting you the financial compensation you need to bounce back.

Construction Site Accidents

No one should have to suffer the consequences of being injured at a construction
site, especially if it was due to someone else’s negligence. Let us make things
right by fighting on your behalf to get you the compensation you deserve.


As one of the leading causes of accidents in the country, slip and falls can be
excruciating to deal with, both physically and financially. We can fight for you
to get you the help you need following your accident.

Dog Bites

No matter how well trained a dog is, there’s always a chance of a serious injury
from a dog bite. With scars that can last a lifetime, it’s important to receive
the legal help you need to fight for the compensation that is rightfully yours.

Workers Compensation

Being injured on the job can be difficult to handle and can put stress on you
and your family. Let our law firm handle the specifics of your worker’s
compensation case so we can ensure that you are treated fairly.

Workplace Sexual Harassment

If you have been disrespected and violated by another individual at your job,
you deserve justice. Our team can put together a case on your behalf to get you
properly compensated for the inappropriate actions committed against you.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury, no matter how seemingly small it appears at first, has
the potential to grow into a serious health issue for you. Get the compensation
you need so you can take care of yourself now and moving forward.

Social Security Disability

Are you suffering from an injury or health condition that requires significant
medical attention? Even if you don’t have the means to pay for your treatment,
we may be able to help you secure the social security benefits you need to cover
your costs.

See More Specialties


Call For A Free Consultation


If you need a Greater Boston accident attorney or are looking for legal advice
to help settle claims related to car accidents, bicycle accidents, motorcycle
accidents and more, Joel H. Schwartz, P.C. is the law firm to call first.

We can also provide legal services related to wrongful death, medical
malpractice, dog bites, nursing home injuries, Social Security disability,
mesothelioma compensation, construction site accidents, traumatic brain injuries
and many other life-threatening or lifestyle-compromising circumstances. If you
have experienced any of these occurrences, you may be entitled to back-pay,
future lost earnings, attorney’s fees and costs, and other reparations. Remember
that with many cases, timing is essential. If you lost wages, suffered emotional
damage, or sustained any form of injury or impairment, contact us immediately so
we can file your claim within the Massachusetts statute of limitations.You can
access our newsletter archive for helpful tips on how to keep your home safe.



Brain Injury
Brain Injury from Porch Collapse
Personal Injury
18 Month-Old Scalded in Bathtub by Babysitter
Truck Accident
Delivery Man Pinned Against Truck – Double Leg Amputation
Pedestrian Truck Accident
Skull Fracture and Brain Trauma
Brain Injury
Auto Accident – Brain Injury
Slip & Fall
Fall: Urethral Disruption/Erectile Dysfunction of Penis
Brain Injury
Man Jumps Out Window During Fire
Car Accident
Failed Lumbar Fusion – Auto Accident
Car Accident
Rearend Collision – Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Product Liability
Defective Product – Permanent Back Injury
Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle Accident – Femoral Arterial Bleed
Workplace Injury
Workplace Incident – Severe Spinal Cord Injury

Brain Injury
Brain Injury from Porch Collapse
Personal Injury
18 Month-Old Scalded in Bathtub by Babysitter
Truck Accident
Delivery Man Pinned Against Truck – Double Leg Amputation
Pedestrian Truck Accident
Skull Fracture and Brain Trauma
Brain Injury
Auto Accident – Brain Injury
Slip & Fall
Fall: Urethral Disruption/Erectile Dysfunction of Penis
Brain Injury
Man Jumps Out Window During Fire
Car Accident
Failed Lumbar Fusion – Auto Accident
Car Accident
Rearend Collision – Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Product Liability
Defective Product – Permanent Back Injury
Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle Accident – Femoral Arterial Bleed
Workplace Injury
Workplace Incident – Severe Spinal Cord Injury
See More Winning Settlements


Joel H. Schwartz, P.C. is a proud sponsor of Belmond’s Wish, a non-profit


Belmond, Managing Partner Steven Schwartz’s son, and his family went to Los
Angeles a couple of years ago. There, Belmond saw people living in tents and
begging for food, which he had never seen before. When Belmond and his family
returned to Massachusetts, he was still troubled by what he had seen and decided
he was going to do everything he could to help others in similar situations
within his community.

After a number of ideas were thrown about, Belmond decided that he wanted to do
food donations for those in need. His birthday was in November, and in lieu of
birthday gifts, he asked only for food donations. He reached out to friends,
classmates, family, and even local businesses for help. Companies like WalMart,
Target, and various grocery stores helped out with donations. Just before
Thanksgiving of 2021, he was able to donate months worth of food to local food

Belmond knew he wanted to keep the tradition alive for years to come, and as a
result, created “Belmond’s Wish”, a nonprofit organization

The non-profit held their first charity event on October 16, 2022 at Camp
Maplewood in Easton, featuring activities for kids of all ages including food
trucks, boating, sports, pedal karts, face painting, balloon animals, a petting
zoo, and more. The event was a huge success and as a result, Belmond and his
team were able to deliver over 4,000 lbs of food to local food pantries.

The movement has sparked interest among multiple news outlets, securing coverage
on ABC World News Tonight from New York, Boston.com, and more. Belmond is set to
receive further recognition for his work at a ceremony in Boston under the aegis
of the Association of Funding Professionals.

The plan is to do this every year and spread the word that little children can
make a difference in this world just like Belmond. To support Belmond’s Wish,
please donate here.

Winning for Our Clients
-Since 1965.
We are Proud to have received 100’s of 5 Star Reviews

“I want to thank you for doing such a superb job presenting my case. I am happy
about the settlement you were successful in getting for me, after(...)

Doris Van Heukelon
North Andover, MA

“It was very nice doing business with you. I am very happy with the turnout of
this case, and very impressed, on multiple counts, with the timeliness(...)

Irene Kantor
Framingham, MA

“You were my first experience working with an attorney after an accident. When I
first approached your law firm for representation, the only thing(...)

Amon Mavingire
Charlestown, MA

Review All Testimonials
Contact Us
Today For a Free Consultation

Fill Out The Short Form Below & One of Our
Attorney Specialists Will Contact You Within an Hour

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Type of Case*
Type of Case*Auto AccidentDiscriminationGeneral LiabilityMedical
MalpracticeSocial Security DisabilityDog BiteMotorcycle AccidentNursing Home
NegligencePedestrian AccidentPersonal InjurySexual HarassmentSlip and
FallWorkers CompensationOther
Brief description of case*

GA Campaign
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When you choose Joel H. Schwartz, P.C. as your legal counsel, you will never
feel overlooked. That’s because we place the utmost value on our client’s
satisfaction and pursue settlements on their behalf with uncommon vigilance –
we’re confident that you won’t find a firm that’s as dedicated to your case as
we will be. We wholeheartedly stand behind each one of our clients and provide
them with the sort of uncompromising treatment that other law firms are either
unwilling or incapable of providing. We will pour over all of the details of
your case and explore every potential legal avenue to ensure that you receive
maximum compensation for your injuries. In addition, you will be updated
regularly on your case so can be well-informed throughout the process. You’re
certain to benefit from our immense legal resources, decades of experience and
dedication to our clients.

Download a Free Copy of
Fighting for Justice
Featured Author: Steven A. Schwartz


Or Email Us to Request a Free Hard Copy

Call For A Free Consultation


When you’ve been injured due to another’s negligence or wrongdoing, there’s no
need to suffer in silence. The Law Offices of Joel H. Schwartz will be your
outspoken advocate, wholly dedicated to your best interests. If you’ve suffered
physical, mental or financial setbacks as a result of a trauma, you deserve to
be justly compensated.

When you receive our above-and-beyond care, you’ll know that you made the right
choice in choosing Joel H. Schwartz, P.C. as your personal injury lawyers. We
know what you’re going through and are here to help. Call us today for a free
consultation. As always, there is no fee unless we win.

Meet the
Ryan Devlin


View Profile
Patrick Hartwig

Of Counsel

Graham N. Wright

Of Counsel

Matthew Lallier

Associate Attorney

Christopher M. Dailey

Associate Attorney

View Profile
Joel Schwartz


View Profile
Steve Schwartz

Managing Partner

View Profile
John M. Vlassakis

Senior Associate

View Profile
Constance Toomey

Senior Associate

View Profile
Megan Burak

Senior Associate

View Profile
Ryan Devlin


View Profile
Patrick Hartwig

Of Counsel

Graham N. Wright

Of Counsel

Matthew Lallier

Associate Attorney

Christopher M. Dailey

Associate Attorney

View Profile
Joel Schwartz


View Profile
Steve Schwartz

Managing Partner

View Profile
John M. Vlassakis

Senior Associate

View Profile
Constance Toomey

Senior Associate

View Profile
Megan Burak

Senior Associate

View Profile

Frequently Asked


The amount of money you may be eligible to receive for a personal injury claim
may depend on what type of injury you have sustained, how that injury has
affected your life, and how the injury may affect you in the future. For
example, if you have sustained a broken leg that requires surgery, it is
possible that your medical expenses for the procedure will be costly, you may
need significant time off from work to recover, which can lead to lost wages,
and the time and energy it takes to rehab your injury may take a toll on you
mentally. All of those aspects may factor into how much compensation you are
awarded when the time comes.


Many people rely on their physical abilities to work in their field. For a
carpenter, using their hands is essential to getting their job done. If you have
sustained a serious injury that permanently damages a part of your body that you
used to work in a particular field, you may be compensated for current and
long-term lost wages. However, the best way to secure your future through a
personal injury claim is by contacting our law firm so we can argue and fight
for the damages you are owed.


While being compensated for medical expenses and lost wages is commonplace for a
personal injury claim, getting damages for “pain and suffering” may be less
sought after but still worthy to claim. If your injury has caused you extensive
mental turmoil due to the fact you aren’t able to do certain things you have
enjoyed or you have experienced significant pain that has affected your daily
life, you may be able to get damages for “pain and suffering.” Proving “pain and
suffering” may require additional evidence and can be trickier to prove but with
the help of our personal injury attorneys, we can get you and your family well
taken care of.


A personal injury attorney that can get you the results you need should have a
great deal of experience and a vast amount of knowledge on personal injury law.
More importantly, a quality personal injury attorney should be able to empathize
with their clients and provide them with the support they need throughout the
process. Our law firm can do all that and more for you. We understand how
impactful receiving compensation for your injury can be and we will do whatever
it takes to get you the best possible outcome for your case.

If you have questions, we feel confident that we have the answers. Browse
through our selection of commonly asked questions and blogs to better
familiarize yourself with the personal injury process and gain the confidence
you need to move forward with your case with our help.
See All Blog


Joel Schwartz   February 3, 2024

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Joel Schwartz   January 7, 2024

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Joel Schwartz   December 13, 2023

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Joel Schwartz   November 11, 2023

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Joel Schwartz   October 11, 2023

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Joel Schwartz   September 11, 2023

Read More


Call For A Free Consultation


With years of experience and a vast team of legal professionals at the ready,
our law firm is primed to get you the compensation you rightfully deserve. No
one deserves to suffer the consequences of someone else’s reckless and negligent
behavior. Let us fight on your behalf and help you and your family get back on
track. Covering many practice areas within personal injury law, no matter what
your injury or accident entails, trust us to get the job done for you.

Our Boston law office is located less than 1 mile from Boston Public Garden,
about 3 miles away from Fenway Park, and about 10 minutes away from Boston
University. We are located less than 15 minutes away from Boston Logan
International Airport (BOS). With such a convenient location, come see us if you
are in the area. If you would rather speak with us prior to meeting in person,
reach out at 508-850-0342 to schedule a free consultation.

Proudly Helping Injured Victims
Throughout Massachusetts
Offering Convenient Service With 28 Locations Throughout Massachusetts!
Orgullosos de ayudar a las víctimas lesionadas
En todo Massachusetts
¡Ofrece un servicio conveniente con 28 ubicaciones en todo Massachusetts!

Call Us Now

 * Phone:Teléfono: 508-850-0342
 * Toll free:Gratuito: 800-660-2270
 * Fax: 617-742-3237
 * info@joelhschwartz.com


 * 1 Washington Mall #16
   Boston, MA 02108
 * (617) 742-1170

Office Information
Oficina Información


 * 450 Pleasant St 2nd Floor
   Brockton, MA 02301
 * 508-715-3127

Office Information
Oficina Información


 * 945 Concord St
   Framingham, MA 01701
 * 508-625-9161

Office Information
Oficina Información

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Policy | Sitemap | Marketing By: Social Firestarter, LLC

Joel H. Schwartz, P.C. is a proud sponsor of Belmond's Wish, a non-profit
organization. Donate hereLearn More

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No Obligation Case Evaluation

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Type of Case*
Type of Case*Auto AccidentDiscriminationGeneral LiabilityMedical
MalpracticeSocial Security DisabilityDog BiteMotorcycle AccidentNursing Home
NegligencePedestrian AccidentPersonal InjurySexual HarassmentSlip and
FallWorkers CompensationOther
Brief description of case*

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Fighting for Justice

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