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POST /offerings/updates/growmotely-sarah-hawley-biggest-day-on-record-hi-everyone-sharing-some-exciting

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          <div class="fr-element fr-view" dir="auto" contenteditable="true" aria-disabled="false" spellcheck="true" style="min-height: 100px;">
            <p>Hi everyone, sharing some exciting news with you that we had our best single day yet yesterday with five new placements made! Q2 has seen incredible growth on Q1 and I'll have a more comprehensive update fairly shortly, in brief we
              have lots of activity on the job board and in our sales pipeline so heading into Q3 strong. Thanks for being on the journey with us.&nbsp;</p>
        </div><span class="fr-counter" style="bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px;">365</span>
      </div><textarea class="c-input--textarea c-input c-input--required js-offering_update_body" required="required" data-show-video-autoplay-button="false"
        data-file-formats="application/msword application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/pdf application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"
        aria-required="true" placeholder="Description" name="offerings_update[body]" id="offerings_update_form_8142_offerings_update_body"
        style="display: none;">&lt;p&gt;Hi everyone, sharing some exciting news with you that we had our best single day yet yesterday with five new placements made! Q2 has seen incredible growth on Q1 and I'll have a more comprehensive update fairly shortly, in brief we have lots of activity on the job board and in our sales pipeline so heading into Q3 strong. Thanks for being on the journey with us.&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>
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POST /offerings/updates/growmotely-sarah-hawley-we-are-live-woohoo-huge-celebration-today-that-our

<form class="simple_form js-offerings_update_form" id="offerings_update_form_8043_edit_offerings_update_8043" action="/offerings/updates/growmotely-sarah-hawley-we-are-live-woohoo-huge-celebration-today-that-our" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post">
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            data-cmd="clearFormatting"><i class="icon-eraser"></i><span class="fr-sr-only">Clear Formatting</span></button><button id="helperGrid-2" type="button" tabindex="-1" role="button" title="Tags outline"
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          <div class="fr-element fr-view" dir="auto" contenteditable="true" aria-disabled="false" spellcheck="true" style="min-height: 100px;">
            <p>Woohoo! Huge celebration that our campaign has finally gone live last week. Wanted to give a public shoutout to my co-founders Cass and Theo who have worked tirelessly on this. Time to change the world errrrybody! Let's go!
        </div><span class="fr-counter" style="bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px;">226</span>
      </div><textarea class="c-input--textarea c-input c-input--required js-offering_update_body" required="required" data-show-video-autoplay-button="false"
        data-file-formats="application/msword application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/pdf application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"
        aria-required="true" placeholder="Description" name="offerings_update[body]" id="offerings_update_form_8043_offerings_update_body"
        style="display: none;">&lt;p&gt;Woohoo! Huge celebration that our campaign has finally gone live last week. Wanted to give a public shoutout to my co-founders Cass and Theo who have worked tirelessly on this. Time to change the world errrrybody! Let's go! &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>
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POST /offerings/updates/growmotely-sarah-hawley-we-hit-150k-in-gmv-recurring-contract-value-hi-all

<form class="simple_form js-offerings_update_form" id="offerings_update_form_7964_edit_offerings_update_7964" action="/offerings/updates/growmotely-sarah-hawley-we-hit-150k-in-gmv-recurring-contract-value-hi-all" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post">
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      placeholder="Company milestone, monthly update, success stories" type="text" value="We hit $150K+ in GMV (recurring contract value)" name="offerings_update[headline]" id="offerings_update_form_7964_offerings_update_headline"></div>
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            <p>Hi all, excited to announce we've exceeded $150K in recurring GMV! We're actually at $157K today. That's 68% growth on where we were at in March!! I also wanted to share this shot of me pitching yesterday at VC Fast Pitch in Salt Lake
              City, where Chris (CTO) and I spent the day mingling with other founders and investors.&nbsp;</p>
            <p>&nbsp;<img src="" class="fr-fic fr-dib fr-draggable"></p>
        </div><span class="fr-counter" style="bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px;">324</span>
      </div><textarea class="c-input--textarea c-input c-input--required js-offering_update_body" required="required" data-show-video-autoplay-button="false"
        data-file-formats="application/msword application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/pdf application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"
        aria-required="true" placeholder="Description" name="offerings_update[body]" id="offerings_update_form_7964_offerings_update_body"
        style="display: none;">&lt;p&gt;Hi all, excited to announce we've exceeded $150K in recurring GMV! We're actually at $157K today. That's 68% growth on where we were at in March!! I also wanted to share this shot of me pitching yesterday at VC Fast Pitch in Salt Lake City, where Chris (CTO) and I spent the day mingling with other founders and investors.&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&nbsp;&lt;img src="" class="fr-fic fr-dib"&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>
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            <p>We had great outcomes at the conference we attended (with a partner booth) a couple of weeks ago with 24 new companies so far having joined our community. Six with immediate hiring needs! The team are busy!! This partnership is a
              really important and fruitful partnership for us, and we're currently exploring ways to deepen it.</p>
        </div><span class="fr-counter" style="bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px;">328</span>
      </div><textarea class="c-input--textarea c-input c-input--required js-offering_update_body" required="required" data-show-video-autoplay-button="false"
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        aria-required="true" placeholder="Description" name="offerings_update[body]" id="offerings_update_form_7857_offerings_update_body"
        style="display: none;">&lt;p&gt;We had great outcomes at the conference we attended (with a partner booth) a couple of weeks ago with 24 new companies so far having joined our community. Six with immediate hiring needs! The team are busy!! This partnership is a really important and fruitful partnership for us, and we're currently exploring ways to deepen it.&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>
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POST /offerings/updates/growmotely-sarah-hawley-in-real-life-this-beautiful-soul-michelle-nepgen-was-the

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            <div><img src="" class="fr-fic fr-dib fr-draggable"></div>
            <div>This beautiful soul, Michelle Nepgen, was the first ever person discovered and hired through Growmotely. And here we are together today, in person taking selfies at the Freedom Practice Coaching (FPC) quarterly summit. Michelle works
              with FPC as an Operations Professional and has come to San Antonio, TX all the way from Capetown, South Africa!</div>
            <div>This is the magic of Growmotely, the magic of the world of work that’s opened to us, and the magic of human connection in our brave new world.</div>
            <div>I’m beyond elated to be having experiences like hugging Michelle in real life, and hearing her express to me what a dream her remote career with Growmotely and FPC is.&nbsp;</div>
            <div><img alt="🙏" src="" class="fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable"><img alt="" src=""
                class="fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable"><img alt="💫" src="" class="fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable"></div>
        </div><span class="fr-counter" style="bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px;">655</span>
      </div><textarea class="c-input--textarea c-input c-input--required js-offering_update_body" required="required" data-show-video-autoplay-button="false"
        data-file-formats="application/msword application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/pdf application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"
        aria-required="true" placeholder="Description" name="offerings_update[body]" id="offerings_update_form_7777_offerings_update_body"
        style="display: none;">&lt;div&gt;&lt;img src="" class="fr-fic fr-dib"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;div&gt;This beautiful soul, Michelle Nepgen, was the first ever person discovered and hired through Growmotely. And here we are together today, in person taking selfies at the Freedom Practice Coaching (FPC) quarterly summit. Michelle works with FPC as an Operations Professional and has come to San Antonio, TX all the way from Capetown, South Africa!&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;This is the magic of Growmotely, the magic of the world of work that’s opened to us, and the magic of human connection in our brave new world.&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div&gt;I’m beyond elated to be having experiences like hugging Michelle in real life, and hearing her express to me what a dream her remote career with Growmotely and FPC is.&nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;img alt="🙏" src="" class="fr-fic fr-dii"&gt;&lt;img alt="" src="" class="fr-fic fr-dii"&gt;&lt;img alt="💫" src="" class="fr-fic fr-dii"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</textarea>
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POST /offerings/updates/growmotely-sarah-hawley-speaking-at-work-place-culture-in-dubrovnik-croatia-a

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      placeholder="Company milestone, monthly update, success stories" type="text" value="Speaking at Work. Place. Culture. in Dubrovnik, Croatia" name="offerings_update[headline]" id="offerings_update_form_7684_offerings_update_headline"></div>
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            <p>A fun little update for this week... today I had the pleasure of delivering a keynote and sitting on a panel at the Work. Place. Culture. digital nomad conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Lucky for me, most of our Euro-based team have
              joined me in Dubrovnik for a couple of days of co-working together, and conference networking.&nbsp;</p>
            <p>Here's a snap of us together right after my panel!</p>
            <p><img src="" class="fr-fic fr-dib fr-draggable">&nbsp;</p>
        </div><span class="fr-counter" style="bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px;">379</span>
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        aria-required="true" placeholder="Description" name="offerings_update[body]" id="offerings_update_form_7684_offerings_update_body"
        style="display: none;">&lt;p&gt;A fun little update for this week... today I had the pleasure of delivering a keynote and sitting on a panel at the Work. Place. Culture. digital nomad conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Lucky for me, most of our Euro-based team have joined me in Dubrovnik for a couple of days of co-working together, and conference networking.&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Here's a snap of us together right after my panel!&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;img src="" class="fr-fic fr-dib"&gt;&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>
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Republic (OpenDeal Portal LLC, CRD #283874) is hosting this Reg CF securities
offering by Growmotely. View the official SEC filing and all updates:
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Hi everyone, sharing some exciting news with you that we had our best single day
yet yesterday with five new placements made! Q2 has seen incredible growth on Q1
and I'll have a more comprehensive update fairly shortly, in brief we have lots
of activity on the job board and in our sales pipeline so heading into Q3
strong. Thanks for being on the journey with us. 

<p>Hi everyone, sharing some exciting news with you that we had our best single
day yet yesterday with five new placements made! Q2 has seen incredible growth
on Q1 and I'll have a more comprehensive update fairly shortly, in brief we have
lots of activity on the job board and in our sales pipeline so heading into Q3
strong. Thanks for being on the journey with us. </p><p><br></p>
Public Investors only
Jun 28


Hi everyone, sharing some exciting news with you that we had our best single day
yet yesterday with five new placements made! Q2 has seen incredible growth on Q1
and I'll have a more comprehensive... Read more

Sarah Hawley


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Woohoo! Huge celebration that our campaign has finally gone live last week.
Wanted to give a public shoutout to my co-founders Cass and Theo who have worked
tirelessly on this. Time to change the world errrrybody! Let's go!   

<p>Woohoo! Huge celebration that our campaign has finally gone live last week.
Wanted to give a public shoutout to my co-founders Cass and Theo who have worked
tirelessly on this. Time to change the world errrrybody! Let's go!   </p>
Public Investors only
Jun 20


Woohoo! Huge celebration that our campaign has finally gone live last week.
Wanted to give a public shoutout to my co-founders Cass and Theo who have worked
tirelessly on this. Time to change the... Read more

Sarah Hawley


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Hi all, excited to announce we've exceeded $150K in recurring GMV! We're
actually at $157K today. That's 68% growth on where we were at in March!! I also
wanted to share this shot of me pitching yesterday at VC Fast Pitch in Salt Lake
City, where Chris (CTO) and I spent the day mingling with other founders and


<p>Hi all, excited to announce we've exceeded $150K in recurring GMV! We're
actually at $157K today. That's 68% growth on where we were at in March!! I also
wanted to share this shot of me pitching yesterday at VC Fast Pitch in Salt Lake
City, where Chris (CTO) and I spent the day mingling with other founders and
investors. </p><p> <img
class="fr-fic fr-dib"></p>
Public Investors only
Jun 16


Hi all, excited to announce we've exceeded $150K in recurring GMV! We're
actually at $157K today. That's 68% growth on where we were at in March!! I also
wanted to share this shot of me pitching... Read more

Sarah Hawley


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We had great outcomes at the conference we attended (with a partner booth) a
couple of weeks ago with 24 new companies so far having joined our community.
Six with immediate hiring needs! The team are busy!! This partnership is a
really important and fruitful partnership for us, and we're currently exploring
ways to deepen it.

<p>We had great outcomes at the conference we attended (with a partner booth) a
couple of weeks ago with 24 new companies so far having joined our community.
Six with immediate hiring needs! The team are busy!! This partnership is a
really important and fruitful partnership for us, and we're currently exploring
ways to deepen it.</p>
Public Investors only
Jun 15


We had great outcomes at the conference we attended (with a partner booth) a
couple of weeks ago with 24 new companies so far having joined our community.
Six with immediate hiring needs! The team... Read more

Sarah Hawley


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This beautiful soul, Michelle Nepgen, was the first ever person discovered and
hired through Growmotely. And here we are together today, in person taking
selfies at the Freedom Practice Coaching (FPC) quarterly summit. Michelle works
with FPC as an Operations Professional and has come to San Antonio, TX all the
way from Capetown, South Africa!

This is the magic of Growmotely, the magic of the world of work that’s opened to
us, and the magic of human connection in our brave new world.

I’m beyond elated to be having experiences like hugging Michelle in real life,
and hearing her express to me what a dream her remote career with Growmotely and
FPC is. 

class="fr-fic fr-dib"></div><p><br></p><div>This beautiful soul, Michelle
Nepgen, was the first ever person discovered and hired through Growmotely. And
here we are together today, in person taking selfies at the Freedom Practice
Coaching (FPC) quarterly summit. Michelle works with FPC as an Operations
Professional and has come to San Antonio, TX all the way from Capetown, South
Africa!</div><div><br></div><div>This is the magic of Growmotely, the magic of
the world of work that’s opened to us, and the magic of human connection in our
brave new world.</div><div><br></div><div>I’m beyond elated to be having
experiences like hugging Michelle in real life, and hearing her express to me
what a dream her remote career with Growmotely and FPC
is. </div><p><br></p><div><img alt="🙏"
class="fr-fic fr-dii"><img alt=""
class="fr-fic fr-dii"><img alt="💫"
src="" class="fr-fic
Public Investors only
Jun 14


This beautiful soul, Michelle Nepgen, was the first ever person discovered and
hired through Growmotely. And here we are together today, in person taking
selfies at the Freedom Practice Coaching... Read more

Sarah Hawley


Comments (2)
May 14
Raised 200% 🔥
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A fun little update for this week... today I had the pleasure of delivering a
keynote and sitting on a panel at the Work. Place. Culture. digital nomad
conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Lucky for me, most of our Euro-based team have
joined me in Dubrovnik for a couple of days of co-working together, and
conference networking. 

Here's a snap of us together right after my panel!


<p>A fun little update for this week... today I had the pleasure of delivering a
keynote and sitting on a panel at the Work. Place. Culture. digital nomad
conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Lucky for me, most of our Euro-based team have
joined me in Dubrovnik for a couple of days of co-working together, and
conference networking. </p><p>Here's a snap of us together right after my
class="fr-fic fr-dib"> </p>
Public Investors only
May 8


A fun little update for this week... today I had the pleasure of delivering a
keynote and sitting on a panel at the Work. Place. Culture. digital nomad
conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Lucky for... Read more

Sarah Hawley


Comment (1)
Apr 24
Raised 100% 💥
Apr 23
Raised 90% 🏁
Apr 8
Raised 50% 🍹
Apr 4
Raised 30% 🎂
Apr 4
Launched 🚀



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 * Invest in a female-founded, impact startup—redefining work for humanity
 * Remote-work marketplace for full-time roles, focus on culture-matching
 * Gives small companies access to skilled and experienced talent worldwide
 * Hit $103K in gross monthly volume ($1.2M+ ARR) in just 10 months
 * 19K+ professionals and 260+ companies registered (database of 35K+)
 * Employment services market projected to reach $1.667B by 2025
 * Founder has deep knowledge of sector, globally diverse co-founding team








Work is taking on a new meaning, becoming decentralized and uncoupled from
nation-state. It's time the agreements we make to join teams and work together
on what's important for the future be sovereign and expansive.

Growmotely matches conscious companies with aligned talent from our global
community, and then supports their ongoing growth and development.

Job board + Recruitment pipeline + Culture-matching algorithm +  Payroll &
contracts + Benefits marketplace + Culture tools + Community + Events




1. Benefits that make sense
Choose-your-own benefits for global teams. Health insurance, therapy, coaching,

2. Diversity,… Read more


Work is taking on a new meaning, becoming decentralized and uncoupled from
nation-state. It's time the agreements we make to join teams and work together
on what's important for the future be sovereign and expansive.

Growmotely matches conscious companies with aligned talent from our global
community, and then supports their ongoing growth and development.

Job board + Recruitment pipeline + Culture-matching algorithm +  Payroll &
contracts + Benefits marketplace + Culture tools + Community + Events




1. Benefits that make sense
Choose-your-own benefits for global teams. Health insurance, therapy, coaching,

2. Diversity, inclusion, equality
Culturally diverse teams break down unconscious biases. Improved opportunities
for women, close the gender pay gap.

3. Culture-matching
An algorithm that matches companies and professionals based on positive culture
fit. Better work experience and outcomes for everyone.




The world of work has now been blasted open, and we have myriad evidence
of consciousness in business works. It's time to bring the power of anywhere
work and consciousness to business globally.








Until now, all of the above was overwhelming for small business owners, costly,
and required multiple pieces of technology. 







We've achieved significant and consistent traction since our launch in late
April 2021.

 * 20% average revenue growth (month over month)
 * 40% average professional user growth (month over month)*
 * 18% average company user growth (month over month)*
 * 80 active hires, across 30 companies
 * 5.5% churn for 2022
 * Well-resourced, internal team of 24 across 15 countries

*organic growth with no paid advertising since Nov 2021.







Michelle Nepgen
Operations Professional (South Africa)

"I'm extremely thankful for Growmotely. Not only did they match my skills up
with a fantastic company, but they also supported me throughout the entire
process. This is the future of work."


Seth Conger
COO Freedom Practice Coaching (USA)

"As a growing company, focused on creating a global workforce and client base,
this is the best resource and platform I’ve ever used to find and vet great
talent. The dashboard is intuitive, process is simple and compensating our team
members could not be easier. We’ve already made a dream hire through this
platform that would have taken months to find through LinkedIN or through a
state-side recruiter. If you are curious about… Read more


Michelle Nepgen
Operations Professional (South Africa)

"I'm extremely thankful for Growmotely. Not only did they match my skills up
with a fantastic company, but they also supported me throughout the entire
process. This is the future of work."


Seth Conger
COO Freedom Practice Coaching (USA)

"As a growing company, focused on creating a global workforce and client base,
this is the best resource and platform I’ve ever used to find and vet great
talent. The dashboard is intuitive, process is simple and compensating our team
members could not be easier. We’ve already made a dream hire through this
platform that would have taken months to find through LinkedIN or through a
state-side recruiter. If you are curious about creating a remote workforce this
is absolutely the place to start."


Meggie Palmer
CEO & Founder PepTalkHer (USA)

"Problem: I need to grow my remote team, I'm time poor and recruitment is not my
strong suit. Solution: Growmotely. Couldn't be happier with their technology,
support and the community element. This truly is an all in one solution, perfect
for small growing companies."


Adriana Mendoza
Operations / Business Manager (Mexico)

"Alignment and perfect timing, that is how Growmotely found me. When I made the
conscious decision of living in happiness, I was immediately guided to this
amazing community that showed me a new world of possibilities, every single
interaction with the team has been delightful, they are always willing to help
and open to cocreate. I can’t wait to see their next steps!"


Ash Bent
CEO & Co-founder Sketch & Etch (Australia)

"As a fast-growing company that's constantly expanding into new markets, hiring
great talent, quickly, is one of our biggest challenges. Growmotely helps solve
this for us by giving us access to a huge pool of global talent on a platform
that is extremely efficient and easy to use.

Great culture is at the core of our business. It is what allows us to rapidly
grow whilst attracting and obtaining great people. Growmotely allows us to find
more great people from all corners of the globe and offer them a range of
benefits that the individual can then choose from. 

Previously, I'd post an ad up on a job search website and wait for applicants
that lived within an hour’s commute of the office to apply. I was stuck on the
idea of having people in the office as it was what I knew and was comfortable
with. Since working with Growmotely, this opinion has completely changed. How
wrong I was. We now have team members all over the globe and this access and
retention of great, global talent is what has allowed to scale rapidly over the
past 18 months. This is the new way of work and I’m so glad we're a part of it."









Average Annual Payroll: $180K (Monthly: $15K)
Annual Growmotely Take: $21K

 * $1M: 48 companies
 * $10M: 481 companies
 * $50M: 2,407 companies
 * $100M: 4,815 companies

* Click here for important information regarding Financial Projections which are
not guaranteed.























Invest in Growmotely



Valuation cap


The maximum valuation at which your investment converts into equity shares or
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Minimum investment


The smallest investment amount that Growmotely is accepting.
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Maximum investment


The largest investment amount that Growmotely is accepting.
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Funding goal

$25K – $1.07M

Growmotely needs to raise $25K before the deadline. The maximum amount
Growmotely is willing to raise is $25K – $1.07M.
Learn more

September 26, 2022
Growmotely needs to reach their minimum funding goal before the deadline
(September 26, 2022 at 6:59 AM GMT). If they don’t, all investments will be
Learn more
Type of security

Crowd SAFE

A SAFE allows an investor to make a cash investment in a company, with rights to
receive certain company stock at a later date, in connection with a specific
event. · Learn more

Nominee Lead

Chief Executive Officer of the Company (currently Sarah Hawley)

Will direct the Nominee on certain matters like voting, amendments and
conversions affecting the security.
Learn more

How it works


Republic (OpenDeal Portal LLC, CRD #283874) is hosting this Reg CF securities
offering by Growmotely. View the official SEC filing and all updates:
Form C


In addition to your Crowd SAFE, you'll receive perks for investing in
 * Year long free access pass to all Growmotely Masterclasses, Events and Align

Invest $500
 * Signed copy of Sarah Hawley's (our Founder) book, Conscious Leadership - A
   Journey From Ego to Heart.

Invest $1,000
 * Super-awesome Growmotely T-shirt (your size).
 * Signed copy of Sarah Hawley's (our Founder) book, Conscious Leadership - A
   Journey From Ego to Heart.

Invest $1,111
 * Online Q&A session with Founder.
 * Mention and thank you on our website, in our investor constellation page.
 * Signed copy of Sarah Hawley's (our Founder) book, Conscious Leadership - A
   Journey From Ego to Heart.

Invest $10,000
 * Personal, one-on-one session with entire co-founding team.
 * Mention and thank you on our website, in our investor constellation page.
 * Signed copy of Sarah Hawley's (our Founder) book, Conscious Leadership - A
   Journey From Ego to Heart.

Invest $25,000


Legal Name
Aug 2020
Delaware Corporation
Social Media

2810 N Church Street PMB 71440 , Wilmington, DE
2810 N Church Street, PMB 71440, Wilmington, DE, United States 19802-4447

Sarah Hawley
Founder & CEO
Serial entrepreneur, expert in remote work and conscious culture.

Chris Tirpak
Co-founder & CTO
Entrepreneurial senior technology leader with extensive strategic and
operational leadership in all aspects of engineering and operations.

Cass Biyang
Co-founder & COO
Experienced business operations professional, including growing a telco from
startup to $20M ARR.

Theodora Gatin
Co-founder & CMO
Full-spectrum creative and communications professional with a decade of
experience exploring Branding, Marketing, Public Relations, Design, Creative
Directing, and Community Management & Growth.

Apple Eyay
CFO (Phillipines)
Lee Van Staden
Head of Account Management (South Africa)
Carlos Cole
Head of Growth (Georgia)
Joi Paras
Community Growth (Philippines)
Maddie Musculescu
Community Growth (UK)
Korede Edih
Community Guide (Nigeria)
Adriana Mendoza
Community Manager (Mexico)
Rowland Okoli
UX/UI Design (Nigeria)
Faisal Alam
QA Automation Engineer (Pakistan)
Mohamed Abdelhafidh
Back End Engineer (Tunisia)
Omolaja Abubakar
Back End Engineer (Nigeria)
Rudolph de Kock
Software Engineer (South Africa)
Katrina Calpito
Front End Engineer (Philippines)
Claudiu Capraru
Front End Engineer (Romania)
Michelle Kruger
Account Manager
Vanessa Kettner
Creative Writer (USA / France)
Andreea Gatin
Events Manager (Romania)
Nayeli Cruz
Executive Assistant (Mexico)
Jess Rowe
Partnerships Manager
Sarah Williams
Marketing Ops (South Africa)
Meggie Palmer
Advisor (USA / Australia)
Jeff Pulver
Advisor (USA)
Rali Perduhova
Advisor (Puerto Rico)
Reece Tomlinson
Advisor (Canada)
Micah Baylor
Advisor (USA / Mexico)
Lee Lorenzen
Advisor (USA)
27 more team members
Sarah Hawley
Founder & CEO
Chris Tirpak
Co-founder & CTO
Apple Eyay
CFO (Phillipines)
Lee Van Staden
Head of Account Management (South Africa)
Cass Biyang
Co-founder & COO
Carlos Cole
Head of Growth (Georgia)
Theodora Gatin
Co-founder & CMO
Joi Paras
Community Growth (Philippines)
Maddie Musculescu
Community Growth (UK)
Korede Edih
Community Guide (Nigeria)
Adriana Mendoza
Community Manager (Mexico)
Rowland Okoli
UX/UI Design (Nigeria)
Faisal Alam
QA Automation Engineer (Pakistan)
Mohamed Abdelhafidh
Back End Engineer (Tunisia)
Omolaja Abubakar
Back End Engineer (Nigeria)
Rudolph de Kock
Software Engineer (South Africa)
Katrina Calpito
Front End Engineer (Philippines)
Claudiu Capraru
Front End Engineer (Romania)
Michelle Kruger
Account Manager
Vanessa Kettner
Creative Writer (USA / France)
Andreea Gatin
Events Manager (Romania)
Nayeli Cruz
Executive Assistant (Mexico)
Jess Rowe
Partnerships Manager
Sarah Williams
Marketing Ops (South Africa)
Meggie Palmer
Advisor (USA / Australia)
Jeff Pulver
Advisor (USA)
Rali Perduhova
Advisor (Puerto Rico)
Reece Tomlinson
Advisor (Canada)
Micah Baylor
Advisor (USA / Mexico)
Lee Lorenzen
Advisor (USA)


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What must I do to receive my equity or cash in the event of the conversion of my
Crowd SAFE?


Suppose the Company converts the Crowd SAFE as a result of an equity financing.
In that case, you must open a custodial account with the custodian and sign
subscription documentation to receive the equity securities. The Company will
notify you of the conversion trigger, and you must complete necessary
documentation within 30 days of such notice. If you do not complete the required
documentation with that time frame, you will only be able to receive an amount
of cash equal to (or less in some circumstances) your investment amount.
Unclaimed cash will be subject to relevant escheatment laws. For more
information, see the Crowd SAFE for this offering.

If the conversion of the Crowd SAFE is triggered as a result of a Liquidity
Event (e.g. M&A or an IPO), then you will be required to select between
receiving a cash payment (equal to your investment amount or a lesser amount) or
equity.  You are required to make your selection (and complete any relevant
documentation) within 30 days of such receiving notice from the Company of the
conversion trigger, otherwise you will receive the cash payment option, which
will be subject to relevant escheatment laws. The equity consideration varies
depending on whether the Liquidity Event occurs before or after an equity
financing. For more information, see the Crowd SAFE for this offering.

How do I earn a return?


We are using Republic's Crowd SAFE security. Learn how this translates into a
return on investment here.

Still have questions? Check the discussion section.


We have a limited operating history upon which you can evaluate our performance,
and accordingly, our prospects must be considered in light of the risks that any
new company encounters.

The Company is still in an early phase and we are just beginning to implement
our business plan. There can be no assurance that we will ever operate
profitably. The likelihood of our success should be considered in light of the
problems, expenses, difficulties, complications and delays usually encountered
by early-stage companies. The Company may not be successful in attaining the
objectives necessary for it to overcome these risks and uncertainties.

Global crises, such as COVID-19, can have a significant effect on our business
operations and revenue projections.

A significant outbreak of contagious diseases, such as COVID-19, in the human
population could result in a widespread health crisis that could adversely
affect the economies and financial markets of many countries, including the
United States where we principally operate, resulting in an economic downturn
that could reduce the demand for our products and services and impair our
business prospects, including as a result of being unable to raise additional
capital on acceptable terms to us, if at all.

The amount of capital the Company is attempting to raise in this Offering may
not be enough to sustain the Company’s current business plan.

In order to achieve the Company’s near and long-term goals, the Company may need
to procure funds in addition to the amount raised in the Offering. There is no
guarantee the Company will be able to raise such funds on acceptable terms or at
all. If we are not able to raise sufficient capital in the future, we may not be
able to execute our business plan, our continued operations will be in jeopardy
and we may be forced to cease operations and sell or otherwise transfer all or
substantially all of our remaining assets, which could cause an Investor to lose
all or a portion of their investment.

We may face potential difficulties in obtaining capital.

We may have difficulty raising needed capital in the future as a result of,
among other factors, our lack of revenues from sales, as well as the inherent
business risks associated with our Company and present and future market
conditions. Our business currently has limited sales and future sources of
revenue may not be sufficient to meet our future capital requirements. We will
require additional funds to execute our business strategy and conduct our
operations. If adequate funds are unavailable, we may be required to delay,
reduce the scope of or eliminate one or more of our research, development or
commercialization programs, product launches or marketing efforts, any of which
may materially harm our business, financial condition and results of operations.

We may not have enough authorized capital stock to issue shares of common stock
to investors upon the conversion of any security convertible into shares of our
common stock, including the Securities.

Currently, our authorized capital stock consists of 15,000,000 shares of common
stock, of which 10,050,187 shares of common stock are issued and outstanding.
Unless we increase our authorized capital stock, we may not have enough
authorized common stock to be able to obtain funding by issuing shares of our
common stock or securities convertible into shares of our common stock. We may
also not have enough authorized capital stock to issue shares of common stock to
investors upon the conversion of any security convertible into shares of our
common stock, including the Securities.

We may implement new lines of business or offer new products and services within
existing lines of business.

As an early-stage company, we may implement new lines of business at any time.
There are substantial risks and uncertainties associated with these efforts,
particularly in instances where the markets are not fully developed. In
developing and marketing new lines of business and/or new products and services,
we may invest significant time and resources. Initial timetables for the
introduction and development of new lines of business and/or new products or
services may not be achieved, and price and profitability targets may not prove
feasible. We may not be successful in introducing new products and services in
response to industry trends or developments in technology, or those new products
may not achieve market acceptance. As a result, we could lose business, be
forced to price products and services on less advantageous terms to retain or
attract clients or be subject to cost increases. As a result, our business,
financial condition or results of operations may be adversely affected.

We rely on other companies to provide services for our products.

We depend on third party vendors to meet our contractual obligations to our
customers and conduct our operations. Our ability to meet our obligations to our
customers may be adversely affected if vendors do not provide the agreed-upon
services in compliance with customer requirements and in a timely and
cost-effective manner. Likewise, the quality of our services may be adversely
impacted if companies to whom we delegate certain services do not perform to
our, and our customers’, expectations. Our vendors may also be unable to quickly
recover from natural disasters and other events beyond their control and may be
subject to additional risks such as financial problems that limit their ability
to conduct their operations. The risk of these adverse effects may be greater in
circumstances where we rely on only one or two vendors for a particular service.

We rely on various intellectual property rights in order to operate our

The Company relies on certain intellectual property rights, particularly trade
secrets, to operate its business. The Company’s intellectual property rights are
unregistered and may not be sufficiently broad or otherwise may not provide us a
significant competitive advantage. In addition, the steps that we have taken to
maintain and protect our intellectual property may not prevent it from being
challenged, invalidated, circumvented or designed-around, particularly in
countries where intellectual property rights are not highly developed or
protected. In some circumstances, enforcement may not be available to us because
an infringer has a dominant intellectual property position or for other business
reasons, or countries may require compulsory licensing of our intellectual
property. Our failure to obtain or maintain intellectual property rights that
convey competitive advantage, adequately protect our intellectual property or
detect or prevent circumvention or unauthorized use of such property, could
adversely impact our competitive position and results of operations. We also
rely on nondisclosure and noncompetition agreements with employees, consultants
and other parties to protect, in part, trade secrets and other proprietary
rights. There can be no assurance that these agreements will adequately protect
our trade secrets and other proprietary rights and will not be breached, that we
will have adequate remedies for any breach, that others will not independently
develop substantially equivalent proprietary information or that third parties
will not otherwise gain access to our trade secrets or other proprietary rights.
As we expand our business, protecting our intellectual property will become
increasingly important. The protective steps we have taken may be inadequate to
deter our competitors from using our proprietary information. In order to
protect or enforce our intellectual property rights, we may be required to
initiate litigation against third parties, such as infringement lawsuits. Also,
these third parties may assert claims against us with or without provocation.
These lawsuits could be expensive, take significant time and could divert
management’s attention from other business concerns. We cannot assure you that
we will prevail in any of these potential suits or that the damages or other
remedies awarded, if any, would be commercially valuable.

The Company’s success depends on the experience and skill of its executive
officers, [its board of directors], and key employees.

We are dependent on our executive officers, board of directors and key
employees. These persons may not devote their full time and attention to the
matters of the Company. The loss of any or all of our executive officers, board
of directors and key employees could harm the Company's business, financial
condition, cash flow and results of operations.

Although dependent on certain key personnel, the Company does not have any key
person life insurance policies on any such people.

We are dependent on certain key personnel in order to conduct our operations and
execute our business plan, however, the Company has not purchased any insurance
policies with respect to those individuals in the event of their death or
disability. Therefore, if any of these personnel die or become disabled, the
Company will not receive any compensation to assist with such person’s absence.
The loss of such person could negatively affect the Company and our operations.
We have no way to guarantee key personnel will stay with the Company, as many
states do not enforce non-competition agreements, and therefore acquiring key
man insurance will not ameliorate all of the risk of relying on key personnel.

In order for the Company to compete and grow, it must attract, recruit, retain
and develop the necessary personnel who have the needed experience.

Recruiting and retaining highly qualified personnel is critical to our success.
These demands may require us to hire additional personnel and will require our
existing management and other personnel to develop additional expertise. We face
intense competition for personnel, making recruitment time-consuming and
expensive. The failure to attract and retain personnel or to develop such
expertise could delay or halt the development and commercialization of our
product candidates. If we experience difficulties in hiring and retaining
personnel in key positions, we could suffer from delays in product development,
loss of customers and sales and diversion of management resources, which could
adversely affect operating results. Our consultants and advisors may be employed
by third parties and may have commitments under consulting or advisory contracts
with third parties that may limit their availability to us, which could further
delay or disrupt our product development and growth plans.

We need to rapidly and successfully develop and introduce new products in a
competitive, demanding and rapidly changing environment.

To succeed in our intensely competitive industry, we must continually improve,
refresh and expand our product and service offerings to include newer features,
functionality or solutions, and keep pace with changes in the industry.
Shortened product life cycles due to changing customer demands and competitive
pressures may impact the pace at which we must introduce new products or
implement new functions or solutions. In addition, bringing new products or
solutions to the market entails a costly and lengthy process, and requires us to
accurately anticipate changing customer needs and trends. We must continue to
respond to changing market demands and trends or our business operations may be
adversely affected.

The development and commercialization of our products is highly competitive.

We face competition with respect to any products that we may seek to develop or
commercialize in the future. Our competitors include major companies worldwide.
Many of our competitors have significantly greater financial, technical and
human resources than we have and superior expertise in research and development
and marketing approved products and thus may be better equipped than us to
develop and commercialize products. These competitors also compete with us in
recruiting and retaining qualified personnel and acquiring technologies. Smaller
or early stage companies may also prove to be significant competitors,
particularly through collaborative arrangements with large and established
companies. Accordingly, our competitors may commercialize products more rapidly
or effectively than we are able to, which would adversely affect our competitive
position, the likelihood that our products will achieve initial market
acceptance, and our ability to generate meaningful additional revenues from our

Industry consolidation may result in increased competition, which could result
in a loss of customers or a reduction in revenue.

Some of our competitors have made or may make acquisitions or may enter into
partnerships or other strategic relationships to offer more comprehensive
services than they individually had offered or achieve greater economies of
scale. In addition, new entrants not currently considered to be competitors may
enter our market through acquisitions, partnerships or strategic relationships.
We expect these trends to continue as companies attempt to strengthen or
maintain their market positions. The potential entrants may have competitive
advantages over us, such as greater name recognition, longer operating
histories, more varied services and larger marketing budgets, as well as greater
financial, technical and other resources. The companies resulting from
combinations or that expand or vertically integrate their business to include
the market that we address may create more compelling service offerings and may
offer greater pricing flexibility than we can or may engage in business
practices that make it more difficult for us to compete effectively, including
on the basis of price, sales and marketing programs, technology or service
functionality. These pressures could result in a substantial loss of our
customers or a reduction in our revenue.

Damage to our reputation could negatively impact our business, financial
condition and results of operations.

Our reputation and the quality of our brand are critical to our business and
success in existing markets and will be critical to our success as we enter new
markets. Any incident that erodes consumer loyalty for our brand could
significantly reduce its value and damage our business. We may be adversely
affected by any negative publicity, regardless of its accuracy. Also, there has
been a marked increase in the use of social media platforms and similar devices,
including blogs, social media websites and other forms of internet-based
communications that provide individuals with access to a broad audience of
consumers and other interested persons. The availability of information on
social media platforms is virtually immediate as is its impact. Information
posted may be adverse to our interests or may be inaccurate, each of which may
harm our performance, prospects or business. The harm may be immediate and may
disseminate rapidly and broadly, without affording us an opportunity for redress
or correction.

We have not prepared any audited financial statements.

The financial statements attached as Exhibit A to this Form C have been
“reviewed” only and such financial statements have not been verified with
outside evidence as to management’s amounts and disclosures. Additionally, tests
on internal controls have not been conducted. Therefore, you will have no
audited financial information regarding the Company’s capitalization or assets
or liabilities on which to make your investment decision.

Our business could be negatively impacted by cyber security threats, attacks and
other disruptions.

We may face advanced and persistent attacks on our information infrastructure
where we manage and store various proprietary information and
sensitive/confidential data relating to our operations. These attacks may
include sophisticated malware (viruses, worms, and other malicious software
programs) and phishing emails that attack our products or otherwise exploit any
security vulnerabilities. These intrusions sometimes may be zero-day malware
that are difficult to identify because they are not included in the signature
set of commercially available antivirus scanning programs. Experienced computer
programmers and hackers may be able to penetrate our network security and
misappropriate or compromise our confidential information or that of our
customers or other third-parties, create system disruptions, or cause shutdowns.
Additionally, sophisticated software and applications that we produce or procure
from third-parties may contain defects in design or manufacture, including
“bugs” and other problems that could unexpectedly interfere with the operation
of the information infrastructure. A disruption, infiltration or failure of our
information infrastructure systems or any of our data centers as a result of
software or hardware malfunctions, computer viruses, cyber-attacks, employee
theft or misuse, power disruptions, natural disasters or accidents could cause
breaches of data security, loss of critical data and performance delays, which
in turn could adversely affect our business.

Security breaches of confidential customer information, in connection with our
electronic processing of credit and debit card transactions, or confidential
employee information may adversely affect our business.

Our business requires the collection, transmission and retention of personally
identifiable information, in various information technology systems that we
maintain and in those maintained by third parties with whom we contract to
provide services. The integrity and protection of that data is critical to us.
The information, security and privacy requirements imposed by governmental
regulation are increasingly demanding. Our systems may not be able to satisfy
these changing requirements and customer and employee expectations, or may
require significant additional investments or time in order to do so. A breach
in the security of our information technology systems or those of our service
providers could lead to an interruption in the operation of our systems,
resulting in operational inefficiencies and a loss of profits. Additionally, a
significant theft, loss or misappropriation of, or access to, customers’ or
other proprietary data or other breach of our information technology systems
could result in fines, legal claims or proceedings.

The use of individually identifiable data by our business, our business
associates and third parties is regulated at the state, federal and
international levels.

The regulation of individual data is changing rapidly, and in unpredictable
ways. A change in regulation could adversely affect our business, including
causing our business model to no longer be viable. Costs associated with
information security – such as investment in technology, the costs of compliance
with consumer protection laws and costs resulting from consumer fraud – could
cause our business and results of operations to suffer materially. Additionally,
the success of our online operations depends upon the secure transmission of
confidential information over public networks, including the use of cashless
payments. The intentional or negligent actions of employees, business associates
or third parties may undermine our security measures. As a result, unauthorized
parties may obtain access to our data systems and misappropriate confidential
data. There can be no assurance that advances in computer capabilities, new
discoveries in the field of cryptography or other developments will prevent the
compromise of our customer transaction processing capabilities and personal
data. If any such compromise of our security or the security of information
residing with our business associates or third parties were to occur, it could
have a material adverse effect on our reputation, operating results and
financial condition. Any compromise of our data security may materially increase
the costs we incur to protect against such breaches and could subject us to
additional legal risk.

The Company is not subject to Sarbanes-Oxley regulations and may lack the
financial controls and procedures of public companies.

The Company may not have the internal control infrastructure that would meet the
standards of a public company, including the requirements of the Sarbanes Oxley
Act of 2002. As a privately-held (non-public) Company, the Company is currently
not subject to the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, and its financial and disclosure
controls and procedures reflect its status as a development stage, non-public
company. There can be no guarantee that there are no significant deficiencies or
material weaknesses in the quality of the Company's financial and disclosure
controls and procedures. If it were necessary to implement such financial and
disclosure controls and procedures, the cost to the Company of such compliance
could be substantial and could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s
results of operations.

Changes in federal, state or local laws and government regulation could
adversely impact our business.

The Company is subject to legislation and regulation at the federal and local
levels and, in some instances, at the state level. New laws and regulations may
impose new and significant disclosure obligations and other operational,
marketing and compliance-related obligations and requirements, which may lead to
additional costs, risks of non-compliance, and diversion of our management's
time and attention from strategic initiatives. Additionally, federal, state and
local legislators or regulators may change current laws or regulations which
could adversely impact our business. Further, court actions or regulatory
proceedings could also change our rights and obligations under applicable
federal, state and local laws, which cannot be predicted. Modifications to
existing requirements or imposition of new requirements or limitations could
have an adverse impact on our business.

We operate in a highly regulated environment, and if we are found to be in
violation of any of the federal, state, or local laws or regulations applicable
to us, our business could suffer.

We are also subject to a wide range of federal, state, and local laws and
regulations. The violation of these or future requirements or laws and
regulations could result in administrative, civil, or criminal sanctions against
us, which may include fines, a cease and desist order against the subject
operations or even revocation or suspension of our license to operate the
subject business. As a result, we may incur capital and operating expenditures
and other costs to comply with these requirements and laws and regulations.

Affiliates of the Company, including officers, directors and existing
shareholders of the Company, may invest in this Offering and their funds will be
counted toward the Company achieving the Minimum Amount.

There is no restriction on affiliates of the Company, including its officers,
directors and existing shareholders, investing in the Offering. As a result, it
is possible that if the Company has raised some funds, but not reached the
Minimum Amount, affiliates can contribute the balance so that there will be a
closing. The Minimum Amount is typically intended to be a protection for
investors and gives investors confidence that other investors, along with them,
are sufficiently interested in the Offering and the Company and its prospects to
make an investment of at least the Minimum Amount. By permitting affiliates to
invest in the offering and make up any shortfall between what non-affiliate
investors have invested and the Minimum Amount, this protection is largely
eliminated. Investors should be aware that no funds other than their own and
those of affiliates investing along with them may be invested in this Offering.

State and federal securities laws are complex, and the Company could potentially
be found to have not complied with all relevant state and federal securities law
in prior offerings of securities.

The Company has conducted previous offerings of securities and may not have
complied with all relevant state and federal securities laws. If a court or
regulatory body with the required jurisdiction ever concluded that the Company
may have violated state or federal securities laws, any such violation could
result in the Company being required to offer rescission rights to investors in
such offering. If such investors exercised their rescission rights, the Company
would have to pay to such investors an amount of funds equal to the purchase
price paid by such investors plus interest from the date of any such purchase.
No assurances can be given the Company will, if it is required to offer such
investors a rescission right, have sufficient funds to pay the prior investors
the amounts required or that proceeds from this Offering would not be used to
pay such amounts.

In addition, if the Company violated federal or state securities laws in
connection with a prior offering and/or sale of its securities, federal or state
regulators could bring an enforcement, regulatory and/or other legal action
against the Company which, among other things, could result in the Company
having to pay substantial fines and be prohibited from selling securities in the

The Company could potentially be found to have not complied with securities law
in connection with this Offering related to "Testing the Waters".

Prior to filing this Form C, the Company engaged in “testing the waters”
permitted under Regulation Crowdfunding (17 CFR 227.206), which allows issuers
to communicate to determine whether there is interest in the Offering. All
communication sent is deemed to be an offer of securities for purposes of the
antifraud provisions of federal securities laws. Any Investor who expressed
interest prior to the date of this Offering should read this Form C thoroughly
and rely only on the information provided herein and not on any statement made
prior to the Offering. The communications sent to Investors prior to the
Offering are attached as Exhibit E. Some of these communications may not have
included proper disclaimers required for "testing the waters".

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not pass upon the merits of the
Securities or the terms of the Offering, nor does it pass upon the accuracy or
completeness of any Offering document or literature.

You should not rely on the fact that our Form C is accessible through the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR filing system as an approval,
endorsement or guarantee of compliance as it relates to this Offering. The U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission has not reviewed this Form C, nor any
document or literature related to this Offering.

Neither the Offering nor the Securities have been registered under federal or
state securities laws.

No governmental agency has reviewed or passed upon this Offering or the
Securities. Neither the Offering nor the Securities have been registered under
federal or state securities laws. Investors will not receive any of the benefits
available in registered offerings, which may include access to quarterly and
annual financial statements that have been audited by an independent accounting
firm. Investors must therefore assess the adequacy of disclosure and the
fairness of the terms of this Offering based on the information provided in this
Form C and the accompanying exhibits.

The Company's management may have broad discretion in how the Company uses the
net proceeds of the Offering.

Unless the Company has agreed to a specific use of the proceeds from the
Offering, the Company’s management will have considerable discretion over the
use of proceeds from the Offering. You may not have the opportunity, as part of
your investment decision, to assess whether the proceeds are being used

The Company has the right to limit individual Investor commitment amounts based
on the Company’s determination of an Investor’s sophistication.

The Company may prevent any Investor from committing more than a certain amount
in this Offering based on the Company’s determination of the Investor’s
sophistication and ability to assume the risk of the investment. This means that
your desired investment amount may be limited or lowered based solely on the
Company’s determination and not in line with relevant investment limits set
forth by the Regulation CF rules. This also means that other Investors may
receive larger allocations of the Offering based solely on the Company’s

The Company has the right to extend the Offering Deadline.

The Company may extend the Offering Deadline beyond what is currently stated
herein. This means that your investment may continue to be held in escrow while
the Company attempts to raise the Target Offering Amount even after the Offering
Deadline stated herein is reached. While you have the right to cancel your
investment in the event the Company extends the Offering Deadline, if you choose
to reconfirm your investment, your investment will not be accruing interest
during this time and will simply be held until such time as the new Offering
Deadline is reached without the Company receiving the Target Offering Amount, at
which time it will be returned to you without interest or deduction, or the
Company receives the Target Offering Amount, at which time it will be released
to the Company to be used as set forth herein. Upon or shortly after the release
of such funds to the Company, the Securities will be issued and distributed to

The Company may also end the Offering early.

If the Target Offering Amount is met after 21 calendar days, but before the
Offering Deadline, the Company can end the Offering by providing notice to
Investors at least 5 business days prior to the end of the Offering. This means
your failure to participate in the Offering in a timely manner, may prevent you
from being able to invest in this Offering – it also means the Company may limit
the amount of capital it can raise during the Offering by ending the Offering

The Company has the right to conduct multiple closings during the Offering.

If the Company meets certain terms and conditions, an intermediate close of the
Offering can occur, which will allow the Company to draw down on seventy percent
(70%) of the proceeds committed and captured in the Offering during the relevant
period. The Company may choose to continue the Offering thereafter. Investors
should be mindful that this means they can make multiple investment commitments
in the Offering, which may be subject to different cancellation rights. For
example, if an intermediate close occurs and later a material change occurs as
the Offering continues, Investors whose investment commitments were previously
closed upon will not have the right to re-confirm their investment as it will be
deemed to have been completed prior to the material change.

The Securities will not be freely tradable under the Securities Act until one
year from the initial purchase date. Although the Securities may be tradable
under federal securities law, state securities regulations may apply, and each
Investor should consult with their attorney.

You should be aware of the long-term nature of this investment. There is not now
and likely will not ever be a public market for the Securities. Because the
Securities have not been registered under the Securities Act or under the
securities laws of any state or foreign jurisdiction, the Securities have
transfer restrictions and cannot be resold in the United States except pursuant
to Rule 501 of Regulation CF. It is not currently contemplated that registration
under the Securities Act or other securities laws will be effected. Limitations
on the transfer of the Securities may also adversely affect the price that you
might be able to obtain for the Securities in a private sale. Investors should
be aware of the long-term nature of their investment in the Company. Each
Investor in this Offering will be required to represent that they are purchasing
the Securities for their own account, for investment purposes and not with a
view to resale or distribution thereof.

Investors will not have voting rights, even upon conversion of the Securities
and will grant a third-party nominee broad power and authority to act on their

In connection with investing in this Offering to purchase a Crowd SAFE ((Simple
Agreement for Future Equity) investors will designate Republic Investment
Services LLC (f/k/a NextSeed Services, LLC) (“Nominee”) to act on their behalf
as agent and proxy in all respects. The Nominee will be entitled, among other
things, to exercise any voting rights (if any) conferred upon the holder of a
Crowd SAFE or any securities acquired upon their conversion, to execute on
behalf of an investor all transaction documents related to the transaction or
other corporate event causing the conversion of the Crowd SAFE, and as part of
the conversion process the Nominee has the authority to open an account in the
name of a qualified custodian, of the Nominee’s sole discretion, to take custody
of any securities acquired upon conversion of the Crowd SAFE. Thus, by
participating in the Offering, investors will grant broad discretion to a third
party (the Nominee and its agents) to take various actions on their behalf, and
investors will essentially not be able to vote upon matters related to the
governance and affairs of the Company nor take or effect actions that might
otherwise be available to holders of the Crowd SAFE and any securities acquired
upon their conversion. Investors should not participate in the Offering unless
he, she or it is willing to waive or assign certain rights that might otherwise
be afforded to a holder of the Crowd SAFE to the Nominee and grant broad
authority to the Nominee to take certain actions on behalf of the investor,
including changing title to the Security.

Investors will not become equity holders until the Company decides to convert
the Securities into “CF Shadow Securities” (the type of equity securities
issuable upon conversion of the Securities) or until there is a change of
control or sale of substantially all of the Company’s assets.

Investors will not have an ownership claim to the Company or to any of its
assets or revenues for an indefinite amount of time and depending on when and
how the Securities are converted, the Investors may never become equity holders
of the Company. Investors will not become equity holders of the Company unless
the Company receives a future round of financing great enough to trigger a
conversion and the Company elects to convert the Securities into CF Shadow
Securities. The Company is under no obligation to convert the Securities into CF
Shadow Securities. In certain instances, such as a sale of the Company or
substantially all of its assets, an initial public offering or a dissolution or
bankruptcy, the Investors may only have a right to receive cash, to the extent
available, rather than equity in the Company. Further, the Investor may never
become an equity holder, merely a beneficial owner of an equity interest, should
the Company or the Nominee decide to move the Crowd SAFE or the securities
issuable thereto into a custodial relationship.

Investors will not have voting rights, even upon conversion of the Securities
into CF Shadow Securities.

Investors will not have the right to vote upon matters of the Company even if
and when their Securities are converted into CF Shadow Securities (the
occurrence of which cannot be guaranteed). Upon such conversion, the CF Shadow
Securities will have no voting rights and, in circumstances where a statutory
right to vote is provided by state law, the CF Shadow Security holders or the
party holding the CF Shadow Securities on behalf of the Investors are required
to enter into a proxy agreement with its designee to vote their CF Shadow
Securities with the majority of the holder(s) of the securities issued in the
round of equity financing that triggered the conversion right. For example, if
the Securities are converted in connection with an offering of Series B
Preferred Stock, Investors would directly or beneficially receive CF Shadow
Securities in the form of shares of Series B-CF Shadow Preferred Stock and such
shares would be required to be subject to a proxy that allows a designee to vote
their shares of Series B-CF Shadow Preferred Stock consistent with the majority
of the Series B Preferred Stockholders. Thus, Investors will essentially never
be able to vote upon any matters of the Company unless otherwise provided for by
the Company.

Investors will not be entitled to any inspection or information rights other
than those required by law.

Investors will not have the right to inspect the books and records of the
Company or to receive financial or other information from the Company, other
than as required by law. Other security holders of the Company may have such
rights. Regulation CF requires only the provision of an annual report on Form C
and no additional information. Additionally, there are numerous methods by which
the Company can terminate annual report obligations, resulting in no information
rights, contractual, statutory or otherwise, owed to Investors. This lack of
information could put Investors at a disadvantage in general and with respect to
other security holders, including certain security holders who have rights to
periodic financial statements and updates from the Company such as quarterly
unaudited financials, annual projections and budgets, and monthly progress
reports, among other things.

Investors will be unable to declare the Security in “default” and demand

Unlike convertible notes and some other securities, the Securities do not have
any “default” provisions upon which Investors will be able to demand repayment
of their investment. The Company has ultimate discretion as to whether or not to
convert the Securities upon a future equity financing and Investors have no
right to demand such conversion. Only in limited circumstances, such as a
liquidity event, may Investors demand payment and even then, such payments will
be limited to the amount of cash available to the Company.

The Company may never elect to convert the Securities or undergo a liquidity
event and Investors may have to hold the Securities indefinitely.

The Company may never conduct a future equity financing or elect to convert the
Securities if such future equity financing does occur. In addition, the Company
may never undergo a liquidity event such as a sale of the Company or an initial
public offering. If neither the conversion of the Securities nor a liquidity
event occurs, Investors could be left holding the Securities in perpetuity. The
Securities have numerous transfer restrictions and will likely be highly
illiquid, with no secondary market on which to sell them. The Securities are not
equity interests, have no ownership rights, have no rights to the Company’s
assets or profits and have no voting rights or ability to direct the Company or
its actions.

Equity securities acquired upon conversion of the Securities may be
significantly diluted as a consequence of subsequent equity financings.

The Company’s equity securities will be subject to dilution. The Company intends
to issue additional equity to employees and third-party financing sources in
amounts that are uncertain at this time, and as a consequence holders of equity
securities resulting from the conversion of the Securities will be subject to
dilution in an unpredictable amount. Such dilution may reduce the Investor’s
control and economic interests in the Company.

The amount of additional financing needed by the Company will depend upon
several contingencies not foreseen at the time of this Offering. Generally,
additional financing (whether in the form of loans or the issuance of other
securities) will be intended to provide the Company with enough capital to reach
the next major corporate milestone. If the funds received in any additional
financing are not sufficient to meet the Company’s needs, the Company may have
to raise additional capital at a price unfavorable to their existing investors,
including the holders of the Securities. The availability of capital is at least
partially a function of capital market conditions that are beyond the control of
the Company. There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to
accurately predict the future capital requirements necessary for success or that
additional funds will be available from any source. Failure to obtain financing
on favorable terms could dilute or otherwise severely impair the value of the

In addition, the Company has certain equity grants and convertible securities
outstanding. Should the Company enter into a financing that would trigger any
conversion rights, the converting securities would further dilute the equity
securities receivable by the holders of the Securities upon a qualifying

Equity securities issued upon conversion of the Securities may be substantially
different from other equity securities offered or issued by the Company at the
time of conversion.

In the event the Company decides to exercise the conversion right, the Company
will convert the Securities into equity securities that are materially different
from the equity securities being issued to new investors at the time of
conversion in many ways, including, but not limited to, liquidation preferences,
dividend rights, or anti-dilution protection. Additionally, any equity
securities issued at the First Equity Financing Price (as defined in the Crowd
SAFE agreement) shall have only such preferences, rights, and protections in
proportion to the First Equity Financing Price and not in proportion to the
price per share paid by new investors receiving the equity securities. Upon
conversion of the Securities, the Company may not provide the holders of such
Securities with the same rights, preferences, protections, and other benefits or
privileges provided to other investors of the Company.

The foregoing paragraph is only a summary of a portion of the conversion feature
of the Securities; it is not intended to be complete, and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the full text of the Crowd SAFE agreement, which is
attached as Exhibit C.

There is no present market for the Securities and we have arbitrarily set the

The Offering price was not established in a competitive market. We have
arbitrarily set the price of the Securities with reference to the general status
of the securities market and other relevant factors. The Offering price for the
Securities should not be considered an indication of the actual value of the
Securities and is not based on our asset value, net worth, revenues or other
established criteria of value. We cannot guarantee that the Securities can be
resold at the Offering price or at any other price.

In the event of the dissolution or bankruptcy of the Company, Investors will not
be treated as debt holders and therefore are unlikely to recover any proceeds.

In the event of the dissolution or bankruptcy of the Company, the holders of the
Securities that have not been converted will be entitled to distributions as
described in the Securities. This means that such holders will only receive
distributions once all of the creditors and more senior security holders,
including any holders of preferred stock, have been paid in full. Neither
holders of the Securities nor holders of CF Shadow Securities can be guaranteed
any proceeds in the event of the dissolution or bankruptcy of the Company.

While the Securities provide mechanisms whereby holders of the Securities would
be entitled to a return of their purchase amount upon the occurrence of certain
events, if the Company does not have sufficient cash on hand, this obligation
may not be fulfilled.

Upon the occurrence of certain events, as provided in the Securities, holders of
the Securities may be entitled to a return of the principal amount invested.
Despite the contractual provisions in the Securities, this right cannot be
guaranteed if the Company does not have sufficient liquid assets on hand.
Therefore, potential Investors should not assume a guaranteed return of their
investment amount.

There is no guarantee of a return on an Investor’s investment.

There is no assurance that an Investor will realize a return on their investment
or that they will not lose their entire investment. For this reason, each
Investor should read this Form C and all exhibits carefully and should consult
with their attorney and business advisor prior to making any investment

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Ask questions and share feedback with the Growmotely team below. If you have
support related questions for Republic, please contact
Matthew Kuntz
about 2 months ago
I checked out your website. It looks great. It was a little unclear which job
openings are current. There are some jobs that are very recent and others dating
as far back as July 30, 2021. Are the older postings still active? Are the
companies hiring multiple of those roles or have they just not found the right
0 Like Reply

Sarah Hawley @matthew-kuntz Hi Matthew! Catching up after the conference over
the weekend. We had a great outcome, with 24 new companies joining our
community. To answer your question, some of those older postings are where the
company hires multiple people into the position, or where they haven't found the
right person yet. We're implementing a few things to expire postings too to keep
the job board fresh and relevant. :)
Growmotely team
About 1 month ago
1 like
Growmotely team
About 1 month ago

Matthew Kuntz @sarah-riegelhuth-1 Thanks Sarah! That's great. Congratulations on
the great momentum!
About 1 month ago
0 Like
About 1 month ago

Matthew Kuntz
2 months ago
I love this concept. What has been some of the most surprising things about how
the market has embraced your service? Those surprises can be such a cool sign
that you're starting to find product-market fit.
1 like Reply

Sarah Hawley @matthew-kuntz Thanks Matthew - I absolutely love it too, and it's
certainly the future. One surprise that's been awesome is watching companies
grow once they've joined and made their first hire (one of the earlier companies
now has 13 team members). Once they've experienced how easy it is, and how
exciting the global talent pool is they post more and more jobs, and make more
hires. This will have an exponential impact over time. Also how quickly we've
spread across the globe and the surprising pockets where we gain momentum on the
professionals side as they tell their friends about us (Romania being one spot,
and South Africa)!
Growmotely team
2 months ago
Growmotely team
2 months ago

Matthew Kuntz @sarah-riegelhuth-1 This is such a great response. Exactly what I
was looking for. Thank you!
About 2 months ago
0 Like
About 2 months ago

Sarah Hawley @sarah-riegelhuth-1 My pleasure, I can talk about Growmotely all
day, haha! For real though, ask any / as many questions as you like!
Growmotely team
About 2 months ago
1 like
Growmotely team
About 2 months ago

Rudolph de Kock
Growmotely team
3 months ago
As a team member, software developer and user of Growmotely. I am truly excited
about the potential of this company.
3 likes Reply

Sarah Hawley Awwww @rudolph-de-kock - you da best. LOVE having you as a team
mate, building this baby together!
Growmotely team
3 months ago
1 like
Growmotely team
3 months ago

Isaki Wada-Law
3 months ago
What’s the Pre / Post money valuation expectations?
0 Like Reply

Sarah Hawley Hi @isaki-wada-law! We’re using a post-money SAFE with a $20M val
cap. :)
Growmotely team
3 months ago
Growmotely team
3 months ago

Adam Thodey
3 months ago
How do you compare to I noticed they were not listed as a
competitor. What were the reasons you did not list them as a competitor?
0 Like Reply

Sarah Hawley Hi @adam-thodey, great question. Virtual Vocations looks to be a
curated remote job board, so they pull together remote jobs advertised in
various places into a curated list. Growmotely is different in that companies
actually engage their team members through our platform and we handle contracts
and payroll so we're providing a different level of support (from a technology
perspective) than simply putting jobs in front of people. I hope that answers
your question - feel free of course to ask more! :)
Growmotely team
3 months ago
Growmotely team
3 months ago

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