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Submission: On April 12 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Call us : (833) 703-1253


Enjoy the best of all worlds: Serenity and location. Windwood Apartment Homes is
conveniently located just minutes from...everything! Our apartment community
provides the highest priority for a comfortable living environment and excellent
customer service.

Dining, Shopping, and Entertainment, the Windwood Apartment Homes is simply
miles away from Downtown Riverside, University Village, the Galleria at Tyler
Mall, and so much more. Within walking distance to University California of
Riverside, Windwood Apartment Homes provides all of the conveniences that you
are looking for. Commuting is made easy with nearby access to the 60, 215, and
91 freeways, with the Ontario International Airport only a short distance away.

Our spacious one and two-bedroom apartment homes incorporate open kitchens,
energy efficient appliances, designer flooring, large patios on first floors and
generous closet space. Our residents enjoy convenient amenities such as
refrigerator, dishwasher (in select units), open courtyards, lush landscaping,
Two sparkling swimming pools & Spa, Fitness center, Gas BBQ's, Clubhouse &
lounge with many gaming activities to keep you entertained.

Call today and schedule your tour at Windwood Apartments in Riverside, CA.

At Windwood Apartments...Feel at Home in the Heart of Riverside and near UCR!



apartment search
Beds 1 2


 * Business Center
 * Carport
 * Covered Parking
 * Spa/Hot Tub
 * Spanish Speaking Staff
 * Pool and Spa
 * Gated Community
 * Laundry Facilities
 * Clubhouse
 * On-Site Maintenance
 * TV Lounge
 * Fully Equipped Fitness Center
 * Barbeque and Picnic Areas
 * “Apartment Life Team”
 * Courtesy Patrol
 * On-Site Management
 * Free Wi-Fi

 * Cable Ready
 * Carpeting
 * Ceiling Fan
 * Dishwasher
 * Disposal
 * Efficient Appliances
 * Window Coverings
 * Additional Storage
 * Central Heating and Air Conditioning
 * Patio/Balcony
 * Carport
 * Refrigerator Rental Available
 * Upgraded Appliance Packages
 * Additional Parking Rental


> This is a wonderful residence within easy walking distance of a lot of great
> stores, interesting restaurants and the UCR campus. The residences are well
> kept and the landscaping, which is maintained weekly, is full of lush trees
> that make it easy to forget your proximity to the highway.
> Apartments.com Reviewer

> Windwood Apartments are great apartments for students and families. Windwood
> is down the street from UCR and within ten minutes your on campus. (that's
> walking time, which is GREAT). Windwood also has a CARES program that offers
> you so connect with your neighbors and they hold 2-3 events a month free at
> cost for residents.
> Apartments.com Reviewer



1120 West Linden Street 
Riverside, CA 92507 (951) 787-6263
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(833) 703-1253

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1120 West Linden Street
Riverside, CA 92507


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