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MARCH 20, 2024



  01:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT | 10:00 AM PT | 90 MINUTES

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This program has been approved for 1.5 PDCs toward SHRM certification hours.

The program is pre-approved for 1.5 credit hour under HRCI


In August of 2023 the Department of Labor released a proposal for new rules for
paying overtime to nonexempt employees. Are you familiar with the new rules? Do
you have any questions about implementing the rules? Businesses are also having
audit issues with the way workers are categorized. Do you know all the IRS rules
for how to categorize an employee? Are you familiar with the new rules for
independent contractors?

The landscape of labor laws and regulations governing overtime pay is
continually evolving, reflecting shifts in workforce dynamics, economic
conditions, and societal expectations. In 2024, businesses and employees alike
find themselves amidst a pivotal moment as they navigate the intricacies of
overtime regulations and impending legislative changes. The current and Pending
Legislation initiative represents a timely and critical exploration of the
evolving landscape of overtime regulations, providing stakeholders with valuable
insights, actionable strategies, and a forward-looking perspective on the future
of work and employment standards.

Learning Objectives:

 * Federal and State Minimum wage review to include the most up-to-date changes
 * Discussion on how companies should handle minimum wage for states with higher
   rates than federal
 * Current legislative activity and what it means to employers
 * Review Federal Overtime Requirements
 * Exempt vs. non-exempt
 * Overtime Concerns
 * Regular Rate of Pay why it is important and how to calculate
 * State Overtime Requirements
 * State by State Review
 * Details of federal regulation changes what are they and when we as employers
   need to be ready
 * Impacts of changes to companies and best practices on how to handle them

Who Should Attend:

 * HR Professionals
 * HR Directors
 * Managers
 * In-House Counsel
 * Attorneys
 * Business Owners
 * Accountant/Accounting Professionals


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