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                <ul id="navigation">
                  <li class="services" id="p118590"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=118590" title="Services">Services</a>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221387" title="3-1-1">3-1-1</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Dial 3-1-1 to access information on city services and more</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221389" title="Animal Care &amp; Control">Animal Care &amp; Control</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Resources for having or finding animals in Knoxville</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=268843" title="City Council">City Council</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">City Council is the Legislative body for the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=15896487" title="CTV Videos, Live Streaming">CTV Videos, Live Streaming</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Community Television Knoxville provides videos and live streaming</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=209148" title="Fire Department">Fire Department</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Fire Department provides fire protection and rescue services for the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=130588" title="Garbage, Recycling &amp; Yard Waste">Garbage, Recycling &amp; Yard Waste</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Garbage &amp; recycling services provided by the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=733597" title="Impound Lot">Impound Lot</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Vehicles impounded by the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=227404" title="Knoxville Area Transit">Knoxville Area Transit</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">KAT provides transportation in the City through numerous bus routes and downtown trolleys</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=246014" title="Knoxville-Knox County Planning">Knoxville-Knox County Planning</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Planning, zoning and land use regulations for Knoxville and Knox County</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=130600" title="Maps">Maps</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Maps of Knoxville and the surrounding area</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=130581" title="Neighborhood Services">Neighborhood Services</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Services available for City neighborhoods</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221388" title="Parks, Recreation &amp; Greenways">Parks, Recreation &amp; Greenways</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">The City's Parks, Greenways &amp; Centers provide many recreational opportunities for Knoxvillians </blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=246590" title="Police Advisory &amp; Review Committee (PARC)">Police Advisory &amp; Review Committee (PARC)</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">PARC helps strengthen the relationship between KPD and citizens through an independent review of police actions </blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=191707" title="Police Department">Police Department</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Police Department provides public safety for the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=203991" title="Special Events">Special Events</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">The City hosts many events - Christmas in the City, Concerts on the Square, Festival on the 4th</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=12932661" title="Streets, Traffic &amp; Transit">Streets, Traffic &amp; Transit</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Information on street closures, TDOT traffic cams, KAT and other transit options</blockquote>
                  <div class="featuredimage"><img src=""></div>
                  <blockquote class="description-rollover">Knoxville prides itself in providing the best citizen services in the area including a 311 Call Center to track requests</blockquote>
                  <li class="residents" id="p127065"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=127065" title="Residents">Residents</a>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221395" title="Accessibility">Accessibility</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Accessibility resources in Knoxville</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221394" title="Animal Care &amp; Control">Animal Care &amp; Control</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Resources for having or finding animals in Knoxville</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=268838" title="City Council">City Council</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">City Council is the Legislative body for the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=15896485" title="CTV Videos, Live Streaming">CTV Videos, Live Streaming</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Community Television Knoxville provides videos and live streaming</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221398" title="Garbage, Recycling &amp; Yard Waste">Garbage, Recycling &amp; Yard Waste</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Garbage &amp; recycling services provided by the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221399" title="Health &amp; Human Services">Health &amp; Human Services</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Local services to aid citizens of Knoxville with health, living and enjoying the area</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221402" title="Home Improvement">Home Improvement</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Programs available to aid in home improvement</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=243462" title="Neighborhoods">Neighborhoods</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Information on Neighborhoods in the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221405" title="Newcomer Information">Newcomer Information</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Hey newcomer, here's a starting point to help you learn about Knoxville</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221608" title="Parks, Recreation &amp; Greenways">Parks, Recreation &amp; Greenways</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Locate a park, greenway or community center near you</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221609" title="Police Department">Police Department</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Police Department provides public safety for the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221619" title="Property Taxes">Property Taxes</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Property tax rates &amp; info, search &amp; pay online</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221620" title="Public Safety">Public Safety</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Safety services and resources for Knoxville citizens and visitors</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=12598857" title="Public Service Department">Public Service Department</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Public Service provides the majority of services to City residents</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221624" title="Streets, Traffic &amp; Transit">Streets, Traffic &amp; Transit</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Airports, bus, trolleys, streets &amp; traffic concerns, impound lot, maps, parking, tickets</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221627" title="Utilities">Utilities</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Electric, water/sewage, gas, trash, telephone, and cable utilities info for Knoxville area</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221632" title="Volunteer Opportunities">Volunteer Opportunities</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Volunteer opportunities in the Knoxville area</blockquote>
                  <div class="featuredimage"><img src=""></div>
                  <blockquote class="description-rollover">Residents of Knoxville enjoy a beautiful city with an abundance of activities and wonderful City services</blockquote>
                  <li class="business" id="p127068"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=127068" title="Business">Business</a>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221636" title="Bid/Contracting Opportunities">Bid/Contracting Opportunities</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Current bid opportunities with the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221637" title="Business Development">Business Development</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Redevelopment, grants, chamber, entrepreneurship, and other sources to aid in business development</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221654" title="Business License/Tax Office">Business License/Tax Office</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Business License Tax Office handles business licenses, permits, inspections and taxes</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=268841" title="City Council">City Council</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">City Council is the Legislative body for the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221641" title="Doing Business with the City">Doing Business with the City</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Bid opportunities, auctions, contracts, development incentives, equal business opportunity</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=246015" title="East Tennessee Index">East Tennessee Index</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">A Community Indicator Project for East Tennessee</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221644" title="Licenses, Permits, Inspections">Licenses, Permits, Inspections</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Licenses, permits and inspection requirements for local businesses</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221647" title="Business Support">Business Support</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Business Support Office connects local businesses with the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=11078512" title="Diversity Business Directory">Diversity Business Directory</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">List of Diversity Businesses</blockquote>
                  <div class="featuredimage"><img src=""></div>
                  <blockquote class="description-rollover">Knoxville provides wonderful business opportunities with its location, City assistance, and growth possibilities</blockquote>
                  <li class="visitors" id="p127071"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=127071" title="Visitors">Visitors</a>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221658" title="Visit Knoxville">Visit Knoxville</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Knoxville's Visitor's Center</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=246016" title="East Tennessee Index">East Tennessee Index</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">A Community Indicator Project for East Tennessee</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221664" title="Emergency Info">Emergency Info</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Police Department, Fire Department, hospitals and maps</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221668" title="Knoxville Info">Knoxville Info</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Demographics, history of Knoxville, media, maps, volunteer info, chamber and visitor's center</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=15475804" title="Knoxville's Urban Wilderness">Knoxville's Urban Wilderness</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Outdoor adventure area where you can hike, bike, climb, paddle in the woods in the heart of the city</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221671" title="Outdoor Recreation">Outdoor Recreation</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Get busy outdoors with Knoxville's abundance of recreational opportunities</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221677" title="Things to Do">Things to Do</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Things to do in Knoxville for residents and visitors</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=227641" title="Streets, Traffic &amp; Transit">Streets, Traffic &amp; Transit</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none"> Airports, bus, trolleys, traffic concerns, impound lot, maps, parking, tickets</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=248061" title="Weather Forecast">Weather Forecast</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Weather for the Knoxville area</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=15765648" title="Air Quality Forecast">Air Quality Forecast</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Air quality data and forecasts from TDEC</blockquote>
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                  <blockquote class="description-rollover">Visitors enjoy outdoor recreation, music, shopping, amazing food and more while in Knoxville</blockquote>
                  <li class="government" id="p131048"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=131048" title="Government">Government</a>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=131050" title="Mayor's Office">Mayor's Office</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Bio &amp; photo of Knoxville's Mayor, organizational chart, operating budget, proclamation requests, and history of the Mayors of Knoxville</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=131053" title="City Council">City Council</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">City Council is the legislative body for the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=148901" title="Boards &amp; Commissions">Boards &amp; Commissions</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">A list of City affiliated Boards &amp; Commissions</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221684" title="Budget">Budget</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Operating Budget information for the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221686" title="City Court">City Court</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">City Court deals with traffic citations and parking tickets</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=176286" title="City Departments &amp; Offices">City Departments &amp; Offices</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">A list of Departments &amp; Offices in the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221688" title="City Employment">City Employment</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Civil Service Department is the employment office for the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221685" title="City Ordinances &amp; Charter">City Ordinances &amp; Charter</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">The Code of Ordinances for the City of Knoxville</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221696" title="Community Empowerment">Community Empowerment</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Community Relations Department aids in the connection of the City with community organizations</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=15896453" title="CTV Videos, Live Streaming">CTV Videos, Live Streaming</a>
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                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221692" title="Grant Applications">Grant Applications</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Applications for various grants offered by the City</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=7240314" title="Open Data">Open Data</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Information and data about City operations and services</blockquote>
                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="_blank" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=14430502" title="Organizational Chart [PDF]">Organizational Chart [PDF]</a>
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                      <li class="rollover-list"><a target="" href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=221689" title="Public Improvement Projects">Public Improvement Projects</a>
                        <blockquote style="display:none">Current construction and design projects associated with the City</blockquote>
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                  <blockquote class="description-rollover">Knoxville is governed by a Mayor and nine member City Council</blockquote>
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                      <a href="/cms/One.aspx?portalId=109562&amp;pageId=17227625" title="My Knoxville App Info" target="_blank">• My Knoxville App</a><br>
                      <a href="tel:8652154311">• Call 311 for Help</a><br>
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Text Content

 * Expand menu item ServicesServices
   * 3-1-1
   * Expand menu item Animal Care & ControlAnimal Care & Control
     * Animal Control Board
     * Animal Control Permits
     * City of Knoxville Animal Codes
     * Young Williams Animal Center
   * City Council
   * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
   * Fire Department
   * Garbage, Recycling & Yard Waste
   * Impound Lot
   * Knoxville Area Transit
   * Knoxville-Knox County Planning
   * Expand menu item MapsMaps
     * KGIS Mapping
     * Park Downtown Knoxville
     * Downtown Parking Map [PDF]
     * KAT Google Transit Trip Planner
   * Neighborhood Services
   * Parks, Recreation & Greenways
   * Police Advisory & Review Committee (PARC)
   * Police Department
   * Special Events
   * Streets, Traffic & Transit
 * Expand menu item ResidentsResidents
   * Expand menu item AccessibilityAccessibility
     * ADA Grievance Procedure
   * Animal Care & Control
   * City Council
   * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
   * Garbage, Recycling & Yard Waste
   * Health & Human Services
   * Home Improvement
   * Neighborhoods
   * Newcomer Information
   * Parks, Recreation & Greenways
   * Police Department
   * Property Taxes
   * Public Safety
   * Public Service Department
   * Streets, Traffic & Transit
   * Expand menu item UtilitiesUtilities
     * Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB)
     * Lenoir City Utilities Board (LCUB)
   * Expand menu item Volunteer OpportunitiesVolunteer Opportunities
     * Volunteer East Tennessee
 * Expand menu item BusinessBusiness
   * Bid/Contracting Opportunities
   * Business Development
   * Business License/Tax Office
   * City Council
   * Doing Business with the City
   * East Tennessee Index
   * Licenses, Permits, Inspections
   * Business Support
   * Diversity Business Directory
 * Expand menu item VisitorsVisitors
   * Visit Knoxville
   * East Tennessee Index
   * Emergency Info
   * Knoxville Info
   * Knoxville's Urban Wilderness
   * Expand menu item Outdoor RecreationOutdoor Recreation
     * Knoxville's Urban Wilderness
   * Expand menu item Things to DoThings to Do
     * Knoxville's Urban Wilderness
   * Streets, Traffic & Transit
   * Weather Forecast
   * Air Quality Forecast
 * Expand menu item GovernmentGovernment
   * Expand menu item Mayor's OfficeMayor's Office
     * Biography of Mayor
     * Photo of Indya Kincannon
     * Organizational Chart [PDF]
     * Expand menu item Inauguration Dec. 21, 2019Inauguration Dec. 21, 2019
       * Expand menu item Speech from InaugurationSpeech from Inauguration
         * En español
       * Press Release from Inauguration
       * Inauguration Poem by Poet Laureate Marilyn Kallet
       * Program from Inauguration [PDF]
       * Photo Gallery of Inauguration on Facebook
       * Video of Inauguration -
       * Video of Inauguration - Facebook Live
     * Expand menu item Year In ReviewYear In Review
       * Expand menu item Archives of Year in ReviewArchives of Year in Review
         * Looking Back on 2020
     * Operating Budget
     * Expand menu item Proclamation RequestsProclamation Requests
       * Proclamation Request Form Online
       * Proclamation Request Form [PDF]
       * Proclamation Examples [PDF]
       * Certificate Example [PDF]
     * History of Mayors
     * Expand menu item Affordable Care ActAffordable Care Act
       * www.CuidadoDeSalud.Gov
     * Black History
     * Expand menu item CensusCensus
       * Census Frequently Asked Questions [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Local Joint Complete Count CommitteeLocal Joint
         Complete Count Committee
         * Knox Complete Count Committee Census Resources [PDF]
         * Partnering Locally with the Census Bureau [PDF]
       * Local Jobs
       * Shape Your Future: 2020 Census
       * Counting Children
       * City Council Resolution on 2020 Census [PDF]
     * Expand menu item COVID-19 (Coronavirus)COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
       * COVID-19 Vaccine & Booster
       * COVID-19 Testing
       * COVID-19 Help
       * Business Resources
       * Expand menu item Stress and CopingStress and Coping
         * CDC Stress & Coping During Pandemic
         * Expand menu item KnoxWellKnoxWell
           * Blog Posts
           * Expand menu item General Adult ResourcesGeneral Adult Resources
             * Kid & Parent Resources
             * Recursos en español
             * Blog Posts
           * Expand menu item Kid & Parent ResourcesKid & Parent Resources
             * General Adult Resources
             * Recursos en español
             * Blog Posts
           * Recursos en español
           * Stress & Coping Information
           * KnoxWell on Facebook
           * KnoxWell on Twitter
         * Taking Care of Your Mental Health in Face of Uncertainty
       * Expand menu item Recursos en españolRecursos en español
         * Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades
       * Expand menu item CARES ActCARES Act
         * What Small Businesses Need to Know
         * Expand menu item CARES Act Webinar SeriesCARES Act Webinar Series
           * Register for Webinars
       * Expand menu item COVID-19 Memorial MuralCOVID-19 Memorial Mural
         * Pandemic Memorial to be 'Place of Solace and Healing' (05-13-21)
         * City and County Mayors Unveil COVID-19 Memorial (12-30-20)
       * Expand menu item Daily Data & ChartsDaily Data & Charts
         * Knox County Case Tracking by KCHD
         * Tennessee Case Tracking by THD
         * Tennessee Case Tracking by UTK/TNSDC
         * Global Case Tracking by Johns Hopkins University
         * Daily Case Information 2022
         * 2021 Archived Data
         * 2020 Archived Data
         * Additional Charts
     * Expand menu item LGBTQ+ Equality in KnoxvilleLGBTQ+ Equality in Knoxville
       * Knoxville Police Department LGBT Liaison
       * Statement from Mayor Rogero on LGBTQ+ Equality 06/13/19
     * Expand menu item Poet LaureatePoet Laureate
       * Poet Laureate Program
       * Expand menu item Rhea CarmonRhea Carmon
         * Expand menu item Poems & ReadingsPoems & Readings
           * Home is Knoxville
           * Clothe Yourself with a Vote
           * Conversations
       * Expand menu item Marilyn KalletMarilyn Kallet
         * Marilyn Kallet Named as City's New Poet Laureate
         * Kallet Stays Busy, Engaged as Poet Laureate
         * Expand menu item Poems & Poetry ReadingsPoems & Poetry Readings
           * 225, and Beginning!
           * Before (September 10)
           * Beggar
           * Climate Elegy and Ode
           * Comfort Song in a Time of Peril
           * Complaint
           * Fireflies
           * Friends Wear Masks!
           * Good Dog Tales: Mister Clooney
           * How to Reply to a Major General
           * I Want You Here
           * Inauguration Ode
           * Knoxville Love Song
           * Last Words
           * Let Freedom Ring
           * Love Poem for the Ageless
           * Ode to Knoxville and its Founders
           * Poems about K-9 Officer Bruno
           * Race Against Racism
           * Saying Goodbye
           * Sometimes
           * State of the City: Green, Greener
           * That Chicken
           * The Girl I Carried
           * The Marathon
           * The State of Our City
           * The Tree of Life
           * This Green
           * University of Tennessee Memorial Poem
           * Violins of Hope, Knoxville
           * Why Not Blossom Instead?
           * Comfort Songs during COVID-19
       * Expand menu item R.B. MorrisR.B. Morris
         * Mayor Rogero Names R.B. Morris as Knoxville's First Poet Laureate
         * On the Occasion of Knoxville's 225th Anniversary
         * Narration for "Hymn to the Fallen" at Festival on the 4th
         * Wordscapes
         * Experience R.B. Morris’ Agee Play at KMA
         * Expand menu item Poem for Mayor Rogero's 2017 State of the City
           AddressPoem for Mayor Rogero's 2017 State of the City Address
           * Poet Laureate
           * Listen to Poem by R.B. Morris [MP3]
         * Expand menu item Poem for Mayor Rogero's 2018 State of the City
           AddressPoem for Mayor Rogero's 2018 State of the City Address
           * Poet Laureate
           * Listen to Poems by R.B. Morris & Isaiah Whaley [MP3]
     * Substance Misuse Efforts and Resources
   * Expand menu item City CouncilCity Council
     * Expand menu item Beer Board InfoBeer Board Info
       * Beer Board Agenda & Minutes
       * Expand menu item Beer Board Minutes ArchiveBeer Board Minutes Archive
         * Beer Board Agenda & Minutes
       * City Council Forum
       * Beer Permit Info
       * Beer Permit Application [PDF]
       * Special Event Beer Permit [PDF]
       * Background Check Procedures [PDF]
       * Guidelines for Server Compliance Plans [PDF]
       * Meeting Schedule
     * City Council Agenda & Minutes
     * City Council Committees, Task Forces
     * City Council Districts
     * City Council Forum
     * Expand menu item City Council MembersCity Council Members
       * Tommy Smith - 1st District
       * Expand menu item Andrew Roberto - 2nd DistrictAndrew Roberto - 2nd
         * City Council Districts
         * City Council Members
       * Expand menu item Seema Singh - 3rd DistrictSeema Singh - 3rd District
         * City Council Districts
         * City Council Members
       * Expand menu item Lauren Rider - 4th DistrictLauren Rider - 4th District
         * City Council Districts
         * City Council Members
       * Charles Thomas - 5th District
       * Expand menu item Gwen McKenzie - 6th DistrictGwen McKenzie - 6th
         * City Council Districts
         * City Council Members
       * Lynne Fugate - At Large Seat A
       * Janet Testerman - At Large Seat B
       * Amelia Parker - At Large Seat C
       * City Council Districts
     * Legislative Organizational Chart [PDF]
     * Expand menu item Meeting ScheduleMeeting Schedule
       * City Council Agenda & Minutes
       * Beer Board Agenda & Minutes
     * City Ordinances & Charter
     * Expand menu item History of Council MembersHistory of Council Members
       * History of Knox County Commissioners
     * Expand menu item Community Improvement (202) FundsCommunity Improvement
       (202) Funds
       * FAQs
       * Examples of Documentation
       * Past Fund Spending
     * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
     * 2021 Redistricting
   * Expand menu item Boards & CommissionsBoards & Commissions
     * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
     * African American Equity Resolution Task Force
     * Expand menu item Animal Control BoardAnimal Control Board
       * Animal Care & Control
       * Animal Control Permits
       * Basic City Ordinances for Animals [PDF]
       * Full List of City Ordinances for Animals
       * Young-Williams Animal Center
     * Beer Board
     * Expand menu item Better Building Board & Public Officer HearingBetter
       Building Board & Public Officer Hearing
       * Current Better Building Board Agenda [PDF]
       * Current Better Building Board Hearing Results [PDF]
       * Current Public Officer Hearing Agenda [PDF]
       * Current Public Officer Hearing Results [PDF]
       * Public Officer Hearing Results Archive
     * Expand menu item Board of Environmental AppealsBoard of Environmental
       * Rules of Procedure [PDF]
     * Expand menu item Board of Zoning AppealsBoard of Zoning Appeals
       * Expand menu item Agendas & MinutesAgendas & Minutes
         * 2018 Meeting Packets
         * 2019 Meeting Packets
         * 2020 Meeting Packets
         * 2021 Meeting Packets
       * Expand menu item Application PacketsApplication Packets
         * 2022 Meeting Packets
         * 2021 Meeting Packets
         * 2020 Meeting Packets
         * Expand menu item 2019 Meeting Packets2019 Meeting Packets
           * Agendas & Minutes
         * Expand menu item 2018 Meeting Packets2018 Meeting Packets
           * Agendas & Minutes
         * Agendas & Minutes
       * Meeting Schedule, Deadlines & Fees Info [PDF]
       * Administrative Rules [PDF]
       * Authority of the Building Official and BZA
       * City of Knoxville Zoning Code
       * Standards and Requirements for a Variance
     * Expand menu item Business Advisory CouncilBusiness Advisory Council
       * Business Advisory Council Application [PDF]
       * Office of Business Support
     * Expand menu item City Tree BoardCity Tree Board
       * City's Urban Forestry Division
       * Final Tree Inventory and Management Plan [PDF]
       * Knoxville's Tree Ordinance
       * Tree Board History
       * Tree Board Meeting Notes
       * Tree Board Programs & Links of Interest
       * Tree Board Strategic Plan & Consultant's Report [PDF]
       * Committees and Responsibilities
     * Expand menu item Civil Service Merit BoardCivil Service Merit Board
       * Civil Service Department
       * Current Meeting/Hearing Agenda [PDF]
       * Civil Service Merit Board Rules [PDF]
     * Expand menu item Community Health CouncilCommunity Health Council
       * Meeting Minutes
     * Expand menu item Community TelevisionCommunity Television
     * Construction Appeals Board
     * Deferred Compensation Committee
     * Expand menu item Design Review BoardDesign Review Board
       * Agendas, Minutes, Guidelines & More
     * Expand menu item Development Corporation of Knox CountyDevelopment
       Corporation of Knox County
     * Expand menu item Diversity Business Advisory CommitteeDiversity Business
       Advisory Committee
       * Diversity Business Directory
     * Expand menu item Downtown Knoxville Alliance (formerly CBID)Downtown
       Knoxville Alliance (formerly CBID)
       * Board of Directors
       * Board Meetings
     * Expand menu item East Tennessee Development DistrictEast Tennessee
       Development District
       * ETDD Meeting Calendar
     * Expand menu item East Tennessee Historical SocietyEast Tennessee
       Historical Society
     * Expand menu item East Tennessee Human Resources Agency Policy CouncilEast
       Tennessee Human Resources Agency Policy Council
     * Election Commission
     * Expand menu item Emergency Communications DistrictEmergency
       Communications District
       * Fire Department
       * Police Department
     * Employee Benefits Advisory Committee
     * Expand menu item Food Policy CouncilFood Policy Council
       * Food Policy Council Website
     * Expand menu item Greenways CommissionGreenways Commission
       * City Greenways
     * Expand menu item Historic Zoning CommissionHistoric Zoning Commission
       * Minutes / Agendas
     * Expand menu item Ijams Nature Center Board Ijams Nature Center Board
       * Ijams Nature Center Board Website
     * Expand menu item Industrial Development BoardIndustrial Development Board
     * Expand menu item KGIS Policy BoardKGIS Policy Board
     * Expand menu item Knox County Air Pollution Control BoardKnox County Air
       Pollution Control Board
       * Knox County Air Pollution Control Board Website
       * Air Quality Management
     * Expand menu item Knox County Board of EqualizationKnox County Board of
       * Knox County Property Assessor
     * Expand menu item Knoxville Affordable Housing Fund Advisory
       CommitteeKnoxville Affordable Housing Fund Advisory Committee
       * Affordable Housing in Knoxville
     * Expand menu item Knoxville City Golf Course Advisory CommitteeKnoxville
       City Golf Course Advisory Committee
       * City Golf Courses
     * Expand menu item Knoxville-Knox County Planning (formerly
       MPC)Knoxville-Knox County Planning (formerly MPC)
     * Expand menu item Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization
       (TPO) Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO)
       * Knoxville Regional TPO Executive Board
     * Expand menu item Knoxville Transportation AuthorityKnoxville
       Transportation Authority
       * KTA Meeting Minutes
     * Expand menu item Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB)Knoxville Utilities Board
       * KUB Board of Commissioners Website
       * KUB Board Meetings
       * 2012 State Comptroller Report on KUB Proposed Refundings [PDF]
     * Expand menu item Knoxville Volunteer Emergency Rescue Squad
       BoardKnoxville Volunteer Emergency Rescue Squad Board
     * Expand menu item Knoxville's Community Development CorporationKnoxville's
       Community Development Corporation
     * Mayor's Climate Council
     * Expand menu item Mayor's Council On Disability IssuesMayor's Council On
       Disability Issues
       * Bylaws 11/2019 [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Members InfoMembers Info
         * Officer / New Member Nomination Form [PDF]
         * Officer / New Member Nomination Form [DOC]
       * Meeting Minutes
       * Expand menu item Meeting TapingsMeeting Tapings
         * Community Television of Knoxville (CTV)
       * Disability Services Office
       * Communication Card [PDF]
       * Employment Matters Series
       * Frequently Asked Questions
       * Acronyms & Abbreviations
       * Expand menu item CODI 2019 Mayoral ForumCODI 2019 Mayoral Forum
         * CART Transcript
         * Video from Mayoral Forum
       * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
       * CODI 2021-2022 Strategic Plan [DOCX]
     * Mayor's Maker Council
     * Expand menu item Metro Drug CoalitionMetro Drug Coalition
     * Expand menu item Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority Board of
       CommissionersMetropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority Board of
       * Meeting Minutes
       * McGhee Tyson Airport
       * Online Flight Tracker
     * Expand menu item Neighborhood Advisory CouncilNeighborhood Advisory
       * Expand menu item Appointments to the Neighborhood Advisory
         CouncilAppointments to the Neighborhood Advisory Council
         * Neighborhood Advisory Council Application Form [PDF]
         * Office of Neighborhoods
       * Office of Neighborhoods
       * Past NAC Members
     * Expand menu item O'Connor Senior Center Advisory BoardO'Connor Senior
       Center Advisory Board
       * John T. O'Connor Senior Citizen Center
     * Expand menu item Pension BoardPension Board
     * Expand menu item Police Advisory & Review Committee (PARC)Police Advisory
       & Review Committee (PARC)
       * Upcoming Meeting Details
       * Meeting Agendas
       * Meeting Minutes
       * Case Lists
       * Executive Director's Reports
       * Operations Reports
       * Annual Reports
       * PARC Recordings by CTV
       * Expand menu item How to File a Complaint & FAQsHow to File a Complaint
         & FAQs
         * Citizen Complaint Form Online
         * Citizen Complaint Form Printable [PDF]
       * Expand menu item PARC 20th AnniversaryPARC 20th Anniversary
         * Event Program [PDF]
         * Event Photo Gallery on Facebook
         * Presentation by Carol Scott [PDF]
         * History of PARC [PDF]
       * Resources
     * Expand menu item Public Arts CommitteePublic Arts Committee
       * Public Arts Committee Website
       * Public Arts Committee Facebook Page
       * Expand menu item Art Projects RFPsArt Projects RFPs
         * Public Art Collection
       * Public Art Collection
       * Public Art 2016-2018
       * Downtown Mural Walking Tour
     * Expand menu item Public Building AuthorityPublic Building Authority
     * Expand menu item Public Property Naming CommitteePublic Property Naming
       * Honorary Street Name Application [PDF]
       * Public Properties & Facilities Naming Application [PDF]
     * Expand menu item Regional Solid Waste BoardRegional Solid Waste Board
       * Knox County Solid Waste
       * City Waste & Resources Management
     * Richard L. Bean Juvenile Service Center Board of Trustees
     * Expand menu item Sports Authority BoardSports Authority Board
       * Proposed Publicly-owned Sports and Entertainment Stadium
       * Sports Authority Board on Visit Knoxville
     * Expand menu item Visit KnoxvilleVisit Knoxville
     * Expand menu item Wrecker Services CommissionWrecker Services Commission
       * Expand menu item Booting CompaniesBooting Companies
         * Booting Ordinance [PDF]
         * Booting Application [PDF]
       * Motorist Bill of Rights
       * Expand menu item Wrecker Services Used by the CityWrecker Services Used
         by the City
         * Wrecker Rotation Schedule [PDF]
         * Wrecker Rotation Zone List [PDF]
         * Wrecker Zone Map [PDF]
         * Wrecker Rotation Rules and Regulations [PDF]
         * Wrecker Ordinance [PDF]
       * Wrecker Rotation Schedule [PDF]
       * Wrecker Rotation Zone List [PDF]
       * Wrecker Zone Map [PDF]
       * Wrecker Rotation Rules and Regulations [PDF]
       * Wrecker Ordinance
     * Zoning Ordinance Update - Public Stakeholder Advisory Committee
     * Expand menu item Zoo KnoxvilleZoo Knoxville
       * Zoo Knoxville Website
   * Budget
   * City Court
   * Expand menu item City Departments & OfficesCity Departments & Offices
     * Expand menu item 3-1-13-1-1
       * Expand menu item Submit an Online RequestSubmit an Online Request
         * Pothole
         * Trash/Recycling Pickup
         * Roll Off Dumpsters
         * Dead Animal Pickup
         * Streetlight Outage
         * Miscellaneous Request
       * Brush Pickup Schedule
       * Report Trash / Recycling Pickup Missed
       * Chatbot: COVID-19 & Social Services Info
       * 2-1-1 TN Services Community Help Line
       * Performance Measures
     * Expand menu item Business SupportBusiness Support
       * Business Advisory Council
       * Business Resource Guide
       * Business Resource Guide [PDF]
       * Guide to City Departments [PDF]
       * City's Organizational Chart [PDF]
       * Diversity Business Advisory Committee
       * Guide to City Departments
       * Knoxville Business Support Network [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Mobile Food Vendor ProgramMobile Food Vendor Program
         * Mobile Food Vendor Pilot Program [PDF]
         * Mobile Food Vendor Application [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Mobile Food Vendors List & ScheduleMobile Food
           Vendors List & Schedule
         * Mobile Food Zones [PDF]
         * Mobile Food Zones Map [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Mobile Food Unit Proposed OrdinanceMobile Food Unit
           Proposed Ordinance
           * Mobile Food Vendors List & Schedule
           * Mobile Food Vendor Pilot Program
           * Mobile Food Unit Ordinance [PDF]
           * FAQs for Mobile Food Unit Ordinance [PDF]
           * Permit Application for Mobile Food Unit [PDF]
           * Rules and Maps for Operation in City Parks [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Mobile Food UnitsMobile Food Units
         * Expand menu item List & Schedule of Mobile Food Units in
           KnoxvilleList & Schedule of Mobile Food Units in Knoxville
           * Central Filling Station Food Park
         * Mobile Food Unit Ordinance [PDF]
         * Permit Application for Mobile Food Unit [PDF]
         * FAQs for Mobile Food Unit Ordinance [PDF]
         * Rules and Maps for Operation in City Parks [PDF]
         * So You Want to Start a Food Truck Business? [PDF]
       * Satisfaction Survey
       * test
       * Professional Business Associations
       * Small Business & Diversity Outreach
       * List of Chambers of Commerce & Business/Professional Organizations
       * Expand menu item Electric ScootersElectric Scooters
         * Expand menu item Electric Scooters FAQsElectric Scooters FAQs
           * Ride with Spin
           * Ride with VeoRide
           * View Proposed Scooter Map
         * View Proposed Scooter Map [PDF]
         * Do's & Don'ts
         * Do's and Don'ts
         * Proposed Scooter Map
         * Scooter Safety Video
         * Program Background
         * Ride with Link
         * Ride with VeoRide
         * Scooter Safety
         * test
         * Take the E Scooter Survey
       * Startup Knox Ecosystem Guide [PDF]
     * Expand menu item City CourtCity Court
       * Citation Fine Amounts
       * Expand menu item How to Pay a TicketHow to Pay a Ticket
         * Parking Tickets - FAQ's
         * Submit Online Payment
       * Submit Online Payment
       * City Court Payment Plan Rules
       * Expand menu item Parking Tickets - FAQsParking Tickets - FAQs
         * How to Pay a Ticket
         * Submit Online Payment
       * City Code of Ordinances
       * Goals & Mission Statement
       * ADA & Local Judiciary Process
     * Expand menu item Civic FacilitiesCivic Facilities
       * Knoxville Civic Auditorium & Coliseum
       * Chilhowee Park & Exposition Center
       * Knoxville Convention Center
       * Chilhowee Park & Exhibition Center Strategic Plan
       * KCAC Feasibility Study
     * Expand menu item Civil ServiceCivil Service
       * Current Job Openings
       * How to Apply for a Job
       * How to Apply for Firefighter
       * Expand menu item How to Apply for Police OfficerHow to Apply for Police
         * Expand menu item Employment InformationEmployment Information
           * Preparation for Job Testing [PDF]
           * Frequently Asked Questions [PDF]
           * Basic Info for Becoming a Police Officer
           * Basic Info for Becoming a Police Cadet
       * How to Check the Status of Your Job Application
       * Expand menu item Register and Set Up ProfileRegister and Set Up Profile
         * Applicant User Manual [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Manage Your AccountManage Your Account
         * Applicant User Manual [PDF]
       * Login to Career Center
       * Frequently Asked Questions
       * Civil Service Merit Board
       * Expand menu item Civil Service Merit Board RulesCivil Service Merit
         Board Rules
         * Civil Service Merit Board
         * Civil Service Merit Board Rules [PDF]
     * Expand menu item CommunicationsCommunications
       * News Releases
       * City Blog
       * Expand menu item Public Records PolicyPublic Records Policy
         * Public Records Request [PDF]
       * Public Records Request [PDF]
       * Proclamation Requests
       * Logos & Seals
       * Expand menu item Social MediaSocial Media
         * Social Media Policy for Employees
         * Terms of Service
     * Expand menu item Community EmpowermentCommunity Empowerment
       * Police Advisory & Review Committee
       * Expand menu item Title VITitle VI
         * Title VI Annual Report Archive
         * Expand menu item Title VI Online TrainingTitle VI Online Training
           * Title VI Training Tutorial [PDF]
           * Title VI Online Pass/Fail Test
       * Neighborhoods
       * Expand menu item Empower KnoxEmpower Knox
         * National Youth Violence Prevention Week
         * Expand menu item Summer In The City InternsSummer In The City Interns
           * Summer in the City Online Application
           * Summer in the City PDF Application
         * Mayor's Youth Council
         * Summer Youth Opportunity Grant Impact Report
       * Office of Community Safety
       * Affordable Care Act Enrollment
       * Reimagining Public Safety
     * Expand menu item Community SafetyCommunity Safety
       * Knoxville Fire Department
       * Knoxville Police Department
       * Expand menu item Spring Break Opportunity Youth Engagement
         Micro-GrantSpring Break Opportunity Youth Engagement Micro-Grant
         * Application for Spring Break Opportunity Youth Micro-Grant [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Youth Violence Prevention Week Micro-GrantYouth
         Violence Prevention Week Micro-Grant
         * Application for Youth Violence Prevention Week Micro-Grant [PDF]
     * Expand menu item Economic & Community DevelopmentEconomic & Community
       * Annexation Policy
       * Design Review Board
       * Downloadable Forms
       * Downtown & Urban Corridors
       * Opportunity Zones Map
       * Expand menu item Project AreasProject Areas
         * Archived Materials
         * Proposed Publicly-Owned Sports and Entertainment Stadium
         * Washington Pike from I-640 to Murphy Road Project
       * Expand menu item Tools for Closing Development Financing GapsTools for
         Closing Development Financing Gaps
         * Development Assistance Application [PDF]
         * City Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Projects [PDF]
         * KCDC TIF Policies & Procedures [PDF]
         * IDB Pilot Program Knoxville
         * Opportunity Zones Map
     * Expand menu item Employee BenefitsEmployee Benefits
       * Annual Enrollment
       * The Center
       * Civil Service Department
       * Expand menu item Dental PlanDental Plan
         * BCBST Dental Blue Member Guide [PDF]
         * BCBST Dental Base Plan [PDF]
         * BCBST Dental Low Plan [PDF]
         * BCBST Dental High Plan [PDF]
         * CIGNA DHMO Provider Search
         * CIGNA DHMO Schedule of Fees [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Deferred Compensation PlanDeferred Compensation Plan
         * Deferred Compensation Documents
         * Deferred Compensation Committee
       * Expand menu item Employee Assistance ProgramEmployee Assistance Program
         * City EAP Guide [PDF]
         * Personal Assistant Services Info [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Flexible Spending AccountsFlexible Spending Accounts
         * FSA Quick Start Guide [PDF]
         * FSA Summary Plan Description [PDF]
         * WageWorks
         * HRA Quick Start Guide [PDF]
         * HRA Summary Plan - Employees [PDF]
         * HRA Summary Plan - Retirees [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Health PlanHealth Plan
         * Health Benefit Plan Evidence of Coverage for All Plans [PDF]
         * Locate Network Doctors and Hospitals on BCBST
         * Pharmacy List & Benefits from OptumRX
         * Pharmacy List from OptumRX [PDF]
         * Pharmacy Vendor for 2022
         * Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Life InsuranceLife Insurance
         * Group Term Life Certificate of Insurance [PDF]
         * Minnesota Life Portability of Coverage [PDF]
         * Basic and Supplemental Life Plan Summary [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Other BenefitsOther Benefits
         * Annual Leave
         * Vacation Sell
         * Bereavement Leave
         * Expand menu item Employee Bus Pass ProgramEmployee Bus Pass Program
           * Bus Pass Application [PDF]
         * Family Medical Leave
         * Paid Holidays
         * Expand menu item Long Term Disability PlanLong Term Disability Plan
           * Long Term Disability Plan [PDF]
         * Longevity Pay
         * Military Leave
         * Parental Leave
         * Sick Leave
         * Sick Leave Bank
         * Tuition Reimbursement
         * YMCA Membership Discount
       * Pension Plan
       * Expand menu item Vision PlanVision Plan
         * EyeMed Base Summary of Benefits [PDF]
         * EyeMed Buy-Up Summary of Benefits [PDF]
         * EyeMed Provider Locator Link
       * Expand menu item Voluntary InsuranceVoluntary Insurance
         * Accident Insurance [PDF]
         * Accident Claim Form [PDF]
         * Accident Coverage Details [PDF]
         * Critical Illness Insurance [PDF]
         * Critical Illness Claim Form [PDF]
         * Critical Illness Health Screening Form [PDF]
         * Critical Illness Rider 1 [PDF]
         * Critical Illness Rider 2 [PDF]
         * Lifetime Benefit Term [PDF]
         * MyBenefits Info [PDF]
         * Short-Term Disability [PDF]
         * Wellness Claim Form [PDF]
       * City Employees Portal
       * Expand menu item My Health Wellness PortalMy Health Wellness Portal
         * My Health Wellness Portal Website
         * My Health Q & A [PDF]
       * New Hire Information
     * Expand menu item EngineeringEngineering
       * Expand menu item Civil Engineering DivisionCivil Engineering Division
         * Capital Improvements Projects
         * Expand menu item Civil Engineering PermitsCivil Engineering Permits
           * Central Business District Utilities [PDF]
           * Right-of-Way Construction Notes [PDF]
           * Right-of-Way Construction Permit [PDF]
           * Site Development for Utility Construction Permit [PDF]
           * Wireless Facilities in the ROW Application [PDF]
         * Sidewalk Requests
         * Standard Details
         * Expand menu item Street PavingStreet Paving
           * Maintaining the Streets through the Seasons
         * Expand menu item Survey Control PointsSurvey Control Points
           * About Survey Control Points
         * Technical Specifications
         * Expand menu item Sidewalk StudySidewalk Study
           * Draft Sidewalk Study Executive Summary [PDF]
           * Draft Sidewalk Study [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Stormwater Engineering DivisionStormwater Engineering
         * Expand menu item Land Development ManualLand Development Manual
           * Section 1 - Main Text of Land Development Manual
           * Section 2 - Forms
           * Section 3 - Ordinances
           * Section 4 - Policies
         * Expand menu item Best Management Practices (BMP) ManualBest
           Management Practices (BMP) Manual
           * BMP Manual - Section 1
           * BMP Manual - Section 2
           * BMP Manual - Section 3
           * BMP Manual - Section 4
           * BMP Manual - Section 5
           * BMP Manual - Section 6
           * BMP Manual - Section 7
         * Brochures and Links
         * Floodplains
         * Monitoring Stations
         * Expand menu item NPDES ProgramNPDES Program
           * NPDES (EPA)
           * Expand menu item NPDES ReportsNPDES Reports
             * NPDES (EPA)
           * BMP Manual
           * Land Development Manual
           * Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
         * Expand menu item Plans ReviewPlans Review
           * Land Development Manual
           * Knoxville BMP Manual
           * Zoning Ordinance
           * Standard Details
           * Technical Specifications
           * Stormwater Ordinance
           * Streets & Sidewalks Ordinance
           * Subdivision Regulations
           * TDOT Standard Roadway Drawings
           * Tennessee ONE-CALL
         * Plat Review
         * Rainfall Data
         * Request for Service (Stormwater Drainage)
         * Expand menu item Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs)Sanitary Sewer
           Overflows (SSOs)
           * SSOs (EPA)
           * Clean Water Act
           * NPDES Program
           * Posted Streams
         * Stormwater and Street Ordinance
         * Technical Services (Engineering Records, Plat Review, GIS Mapping)
         * Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
         * KGIS Mapping
       * Expand menu item Traffic Engineering DivisionTraffic Engineering
         * Expand menu item Bicycle Facilities PlanBicycle Facilities Plan
           * Bicycle Facilities Plan 2015 [PDF]
           * Bicycle Facilities Plan 2015 Appendix [PDF]
           * League of American Bicyclists Suggestions [PDF]
           * 2016 Concept Designs [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Downtown Circulation & Mobility StudyDowntown
           Circulation & Mobility Study
           * 04/24/2015 Downtown Circulation & Mobility Study [PDF]
         * KGIS Mapping
         * On Street Parking
         * Parking Meter Bagging & Single Event Parking Permit [PDF]
         * Requests for Service
         * Expand menu item School Zone SignalsSchool Zone Signals
           * Current Knox County Schools Flasher Schedule
         * SP730K Revisions
         * Expand menu item Streetlight Design and InstallationStreetlight
           Design and Installation
           * FAQs for Streetlights
           * FAQs for the Streetlight Conversion
           * Streetlight Outage Form
         * Temporary Traffic Control Permit
         * Traffic Count Data
         * Traffic Links
         * Traffic Signals
         * TDOT Smartway Traffic Cameras
         * Community Decorative Painting Application [PDF]
       * Contact Information
       * Expand menu item Capital Improvements ProjectsCapital Improvements
         * View Projects on Google Maps
       * Project Meetings
       * BMP Manual
       * Land Development Manual
       * KGIS Mapping
       * Utility Maintenance and Construction Policy [PDF]
       * Community Decorative Painting Application [PDF]
     * Expand menu item FinanceFinance
       * Accomplishments
       * Expand menu item BudgetBudget
         * 2021-2022 Budget
         * 2021-2022 Adopted Annual Operating Budget [PDF]
         * 2021-2022 Proposed Annual Operating Budget [PDF]
         * 2022-2027 Capital Improvement Program [PDF]
         * 2020-2021 Six Month Financial Report [PDF]
         * 2021 Budget Retreat
         * Budget Archive
         * Expand menu item American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) FundsAmerican Rescue
           Plan Act (ARPA) Funds
           * Full List of ARPA Funds Allocation [PDF]
           * 2021-2022 Budget
       * Expand menu item Business License / Tax OfficeBusiness License / Tax
         * Expand menu item Beer Permit InfoBeer Permit Info
           * Beer Board
           * Beer Permit Application [PDF]
           * Special Event Beer Permit [PDF]
           * Background Check Procedures [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Dogs on PatiosDogs on Patios
           * Dogs on Patios Permit [PDF]
           * Restaurants that Allow Dogs on Patios
         * Expand menu item Liquor License InfoLiquor License Info
           * Procedures for New Applicants [PDF]
           * Certificate of Compliance Application [PDF]
           * Certificate of Compliance Renewal Application [PDF]
           * KPD Release Form - Background Check [PDF]
           * Beer Permit Info
         * Expand menu item Short Term RentalsShort Term Rentals
           * Short Term Rental Unit Application [PDF]
           * Short Term Rental FAQs [PDF]
           * History of Short Term Rental Ordinance Process
         * Taxi & Limo Services
       * Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
       * Expand menu item Property TaxesProperty Taxes
         * City Property Tax Search/Pay Online
         * Expand menu item Property Tax Sale InfoProperty Tax Sale Info
           * Tax Sale 10 Properties [PDF]
         * County Property Tax Information
       * Purchasing
       * American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds
     * Expand menu item Fire DepartmentFire Department
       * Fire Chief Bio
       * Fire & Explosion Investigation Unit
       * Expand menu item Fire Prevention BureauFire Prevention Bureau
         * Activities Requiring Fire Code Inspections
         * Current Fire Code
         * EMS Report Requests [PDF]
         * Fire Alarm Systems
         * Fire / Incident Report Requests [PDF]
         * Frequently Asked Questions
         * Key Access (Knox Box)
         * Expand menu item Links of InterestLinks of Interest
           * International Code Council
         * Permit Applications
         * Plans Reviews
         * Site Assessment Requests [PDF]
         * Smoke Alarm Program
         * Sprinkler Systems
         * Tennessee Open Records Act Requests
       * Expand menu item Fire EducationFire Education
         * Safety Tips
         * Safety City
       * Expand menu item Fire StationsFire Stations
         * KFD Stations on Google Maps
       * Emergency Medical Services
       * ISO Ratings
       * Past Fire Chiefs
       * Response
       * Safety Tips
       * Smoke Alarm Program
       * History of Fire Department
       * Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service
       * Join the Knoxville Fire Department
     * Expand menu item Fleet ServicesFleet Services
       * Expand menu item Impoundment Lot InfoImpoundment Lot Info
         * List of Impounded Vehicles [PDF]
       * List of Impounded Vehicles [PDF]
       * Vehicle Auctions
     * Expand menu item Housing and Neighborhood DevelopmentHousing and
       Neighborhood Development
       * Expand menu item Current Grant OpportunitiesCurrent Grant Opportunities
         * Emergency Solutions Grant Program Guidelines
         * Community Development Block Grant Program Guidelines
         * Super Circular
         * Section 3
         * The OMB Super Circular: What the New Rules Mean for Nonprofit
           Recipients of Federal Awards
       * Expand menu item Disability Services OfficeDisability Services Office
         * ADA & Local Judiciary Process
         * ADA U.S. Code Title 42
         * ADA Grievance Procedure
         * Expand menu item Acronyms & AbbreviationsAcronyms & Abbreviations
           * Acronyms & Abbreviations [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions
           * Frequently Asked Questions [PDF]
         * KAT LIFT Program
         * Mayor's Council On Disability Issues (CODI)
         * Articles of Interest
         * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
         * Celebrating 30 Years of the ADA
       * Expand menu item Façade Improvement ProgramFaçade Improvement Program
         * Facade Improvement Program Policies and Procedures [PDF]
         * Facade Improvement Application [PDF]
         * Before and After Photos
       * Expand menu item Fair HousingFair Housing
         * U.S. Dept of Justice Fair Housing
       * Expand menu item Homemakers ProgramHomemakers Program
         * Available Home Lots [PDF]
         * Homemakers Program Description [PDF]
         * Homemakers Application, part 1 [PDF]
         * Homemakers Application, part 2 [PDF]
         * Before and After Photos
       * Expand menu item Housing ProgramsHousing Programs
         * Expand menu item Blighted Property Redevelopment ProgramBlighted
           Property Redevelopment Program
           * BPRP Policies and Procedures
           * BPRP Application
         * Downpayment Assistance Program
         * Expand menu item Owner-Occupied Home RehabilitationOwner-Occupied
           Home Rehabilitation
           * Owner-Occupied Home Rehab Brochure [PDF]
           * Homeowner Rehab Guide [PDF]
           * Owner-Occupied Home Rehab Application [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Rental Rehabilitation ProgramRental Rehabilitation
           * Rental Rehab Program Description [PDF]
           * Rental Rehab Application [PDF]
           * Rental Rehab Application Process [PDF]
           * Tenant Packet [PDF]
         * Purchase An Affordable Home
         * Expand menu item Affordable Rental Development ProgramAffordable
           Rental Development Program
           * Affordable Rental Development Guidelines [PDF]
           * Affordable Rental Development Fund Application [PDF]
           * Affordable Housing in Knoxville
         * Housing Affordability Presentation [PDF]
         * Housing Policies
       * Expand menu item Office on HomelessnessOffice on Homelessness
         * Expand menu item Homeless FAQsHomeless FAQs
           * Community Dashboard on Homelessness
           * Knoxville-Knox County Homeless Coalition
           * KnoxHMIS
           * 211 Resource Directory
           * CHAMP
       * Expand menu item COVID-19 Housing Assistance ProgramCOVID-19 Housing
         Assistance Program
         * COVID-19 Housing Assistance Flyer [PDF]
         * COVID-19 Housing Assistance Flyer in Spanish [PDF]
         * COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program FAQ [PDF]
         * Programa de Asistencia de Viviendas COVID [PDF]
       * Opportunity Zones Map
       * Reports and Plans
       * Section 3 Information / Certified Businesses
       * Expand menu item Knoxville Lead-Safe and Healthy Homes ProgramKnoxville
         Lead-Safe and Healthy Homes Program
         * Pre-Screening Application Online
         * Pre-Screening Application [PDF]
         * U.S. HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes
       * Historic Preservation Fund
       * Expand menu item NCDA Training ConferenceNCDA Training Conference
         * Conference Registration [PDF]
         * Agenda
         * Speakers
         * Expand menu item Projects Bus TourProjects Bus Tour
           * Façade Improvement Program
           * Façade Improvement Program Before and After Photos
         * Sponsors
         * Expand menu item CDBG Basic Primer Course InfoCDBG Basic Primer
           Course Info
           * Registration for CDBG Basic Primer Course
         * National Community Development Association
       * Office of Neighborhood Empowerment
     * Expand menu item Human ResourcesHuman Resources
       * Expand menu item Administrative RulesAdministrative Rules
         * Administrative Rules [PDF]
         * Executive Order March 2020 [PDF]
       * Expand menu item New Hire InformationNew Hire Information
         * Guide to Your New Hire Benefits [PDF]
     * Information Systems
     * Expand menu item Knoxville Area Transit (KAT)Knoxville Area Transit (KAT)
       * KAT Main System Map [PDF]
       * KAT Trolley Map [PDF]
       * KAT Snow Routes
       * KAT Google Transit Trip Planner
       * Sign Up For KAT Text Alerts
       * KAT Blog
       * KAT GTFS Feed
       * Rides to Wellness w/KAT & 211
     * Knoxville Convention Center
     * Knoxville-Knox Co. Emergency Management Agency
     * Expand menu item LawLaw
       * City Code of Ordinances
       * City Council Agendas and Minutes
       * Quitclaim Deed Application [PDF]
       * New Marker Proposed
     * Expand menu item Neighborhood EmpowermentNeighborhood Empowerment
       * About
       * Expand menu item Activities and ProgramsActivities and Programs
         * Emergency Preparedness Program
         * Expand menu item Good Neighbor of the Year AwardGood Neighbor of the
           Year Award
           * Diana Conn Good Neighbor of the Year Nomination Form [PDF]
           * Jim Conn's Remarks
           * Diana Conn's Life of Service
         * Guest Speakers Guide
         * Leadership Training Class
         * Neighborhood Achievement Awards
         * Expand menu item Neighborhood Conference Neighborhood Conference
           * Expand menu item 2022 Neighborhood Conference2022 Neighborhood
             * Booths
             * Door Prizes
             * Good Neighbor of the Year Award
             * Neighborhood Achievement Awards
             * Parking and Transportation
             * Sponsors
             * Workshops
           * Expand menu item 2020 Neighborhood Conference2020 Neighborhood
             * Booths
             * Door Prizes
             * Good Neighbor of the Year Award
             * Neighborhood Achievement Awards
             * Parking and Transportation
             * Sponsors
             * Workshops
           * Expand menu item 2019 Neighborhood Conference2019 Neighborhood
             * Booths
             * Door Prizes
             * Good Neighbor of the Year Award
             * Neighborhood Achievement Awards
             * Parking and Transportation
             * Sponsors
             * Workshops
           * Expand menu item 2018 Neighborhood Conference2018 Neighborhood
             * Booths
             * Door Prizes
             * Good Neighbor of the Year Award
             * Neighborhood Achievement Awards
             * Parking and Transportation
             * Sponsors
             * Workshops
         * Neighborhood Signs
         * Expand menu item Neighborhood Small Grants ProgramNeighborhood Small
           Grants Program
           * Application: 2022 Neighborhood Small Grants Program [PDF]
           * Guidelines: 2022 Neighborhood Small Grants Program [PDF]
           * Previous Grant Recipients [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Neighborhood Traffic SafetyNeighborhood Traffic
           * NTSP Program Guide [PDF]
           * NTSP Petition [PDF]
           * Instructions for Obtaining Petition Signatures [PDF]
           * NTSP Application [PDF]
           * Education Toolbox
           * Major Road Plan [PDF]
           * Slow Down in K-Town
         * Expand menu item Slow Down in K-TownSlow Down in K-Town
           * Neighborhood Traffic Safety
           * Anti-Speeding Campaign Guide & Appendices [PDF]
         * Officer Liaison of the Year Award
       * Contact Information
       * Maps of Neighborhood Boundaries
       * Neighborhood Advisory Council
       * Neighborhood Conference
       * Expand menu item The Neighborly Notice NewsletterThe Neighborly Notice
         * Newsletter Archives
         * Newsletter Documents
       * Expand menu item Neighborhood DirectoryNeighborhood Directory
         * Neighborhoods by City Council District
         * Neighborhoods by Knoxville-Knox County Planning Planning Sector
       * Expand menu item Register Your NeighborhoodRegister Your Neighborhood
         * Application for Recognition by the Office of Neighborhoods [PDF]
         * Procedures for Recognizing New Neighborhood Organizations [PDF]
       * Resources for Neighborhoods
       * Workshops
       * Expand menu item Community Wildlife HabitatsCommunity Wildlife Habitats
         * Certified NWF Community Wildlife Habitat Communities
         * Bats: East Tennessee's Favorite Flying Mammal
         * Expand menu item Native Flowers of KnoxvilleNative Flowers of
           * Native Flowers of Knoxville Handout [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Native Shrubs of KnoxvilleNative Shrubs of Knoxville
           * Native Shrubs of Knoxville Handout [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Native Trees of KnoxvilleNative Trees of Knoxville
           * Native Trees of Knoxville Handout [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Native Vines and Ground Cover of KnoxvilleNative
           Vines and Ground Cover of Knoxville
           * Native Vines and Ground Cover of Knoxville Handout [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Backyard Birds of Knoxville Backyard Birds of
           * Backyard Birds of Knoxville [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Invasive Plants in Knoxville: How to Combat
           ThemInvasive Plants in Knoxville: How to Combat Them
           * Invasive Plants in Knoxville: How to Combat Them [PDF]
     * Expand menu item OperationsOperations
       * Civic Facilities
       * Employee Benefits
       * Engineering
       * Finance
       * Fleet Services
       * Information Systems
       * Parks & Recreation
       * Plans Review & Inspections
       * Public Service
       * Purchasing
       * Real Estate
       * Risk Management
     * Expand menu item Parks & RecreationParks & Recreation
       * Aquatics
       * Arts & Crafts Center
       * Athletics
       * Expand menu item BluewaysBlueways
         * Outdoor Knoxville Paddling Info
         * Blueways Maps from Great Smoky Mtns. Regional Greenway Council
         * Pellissippi Blueway
         * TN Valley Water Trails
         * TVA French Broad River Map [PDF]
       * Community Centers
       * Community Programming
       * Contact Information
       * Expand menu item EventsEvents
         * Reserve City Facilities
         * Host a Special Event & Calendar
       * Facilities
       * Expand menu item Greenways & TrailsGreenways & Trails
         * Bicycle Route Maps
         * Expand menu item Trail Closures and DetoursTrail Closures and Detours
           * Greenways & Trails
           * Greenways Commission
           * Planning & Development
           * Programs in the Parks
         * Greenways Commission
         * Parks & Greenways Map
         * Knox County Greenways
         * Knoxville's Urban Wilderness
         * Outdoor Knoxville
         * Parks
         * Planning & Development
         * Greenway Corridor Feasibility & Assessment Study
         * Park Aerial Imagery
       * Knoxville's Urban Wilderness
       * Expand menu item ParksParks
         * Expand menu item Dog ParksDog Parks
           * Greenways & Trails
           * Park Shelter Reservations
           * Parks
           * Mardi Growl Dog Parade
         * Playgrounds
         * Greenways & Trails
         * Parks & Greenways Map
         * Park Shelter Reservations
         * Community Centers
         * Planning & Development
         * Knoxville's Urban Wilderness
         * Knox County Parks
         * Outdoor Knoxville
         * Tennessee State Parks
         * Great Smoky Mountains National Park
         * Park Aerial Imagery
       * Expand menu item Planning & DevelopmentPlanning & Development
         * Greenways & Trails
         * Parks
         * Trail Closures and Detours
         * Expand menu item Greenway Corridor Feasibility & Assessment
           StudyGreenway Corridor Feasibility & Assessment Study
           * Expand menu item Corridor ACorridor A
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor BCorridor B
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor CCorridor C
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor DCorridor D
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor ECorridor E
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor FCorridor F
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor GCorridor G
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor HCorridor H
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor ICorridor I
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor JCorridor J
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor KCorridor K
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor LCorridor L
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Corridor MCorridor M
             * Context Map [PDF]
           * Context Map [PDF]
           * City Greenways & Trails
       * Recreation Challenge Grant
       * Senior Centers
       * Expand menu item SportsSports
         * Expand menu item Athletics DepartmentAthletics Department
           * Adult Baseball
           * Adult Basketball
           * Adult Kickball
           * Adult Softball
           * Adult Volleyball
           * Pickleball
           * Youth Baseball / Softball
           * Youth Basketball
           * Youth Football
           * Girls 14U Middle School Softball
           * Field Reservations
           * Sign Up for Athletics E-Newsletter
           * Youth Sport Coaches
         * Sign Up for Athletics E-Newsletter
       * Guides & Maps to Recreation
       * Park Aerial Imagery
       * Job Opportunities
       * Rules / Ordinances
     * Expand menu item Plans Review & InspectionsPlans Review & Inspections
       * Expand menu item Building Permits & InspectionsBuilding Permits &
         * Building Permit Application [PDF]
         * Pre-Submittal Conference Info [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Current Construction CodesCurrent Construction Codes
         * International Codes Online
       * Fast Fact Sheets
       * Expand menu item Forms, Permits & ApplicationsForms, Permits &
         * Building Permit Fee Schedule [PDF]
         * State Licensing Board
       * Licensing
       * Interactive Voice Response Info [PDF]
       * Expand menu item KnoxPlansKnoxPlans
         * KnoxPlans New User Info [PDF]
         * KnoxPlans User Guide [PDF]
         * Login to KnoxPlans
       * Expand menu item Neighborhood Codes EnforcementNeighborhood Codes
         * Abandoned Vehicles
         * Dilapidated Buildings
         * Dirty or Overgrown Lots
         * Illegal Dumping
       * Plans Review & Inspections Boards
       * Plans Review & Permit Inquiry
       * State Licensing Board
       * Expand menu item Zoning Ordinance & InquiriesZoning Ordinance &
         * Expand menu item Zoning Code UpdateZoning Code Update
           * Current Zoning Ordinance
           * Expand menu item 2016 Review of Zoning Ordinance2016 Review of
             Zoning Ordinance
             * Current Zoning Ordinance
             * City Asks MPC to Modernize Zoning Ordinance
             * RFP Released to Assist City and MPC Update City’s Zoning Code
             * View RFP for Update of Zoning Code [PDF]
           * Recode Knoxville FAQs
         * KGIS Maps
         * Board of Zoning Appeals
         * Expand menu item Sign Permits & InspectionsSign Permits & Inspections
           * Expand menu item Sign Ordinance InformationSign Ordinance
             * Sign Ordinance [PDF]
             * Sign Ordinance Task Force
             * Sign Ordinance Fact Sheet [PDF]
       * Daily Inspections Schedule
       * Pay by Credit Card
     * Expand menu item Police DepartmentPolice Department
       * Expand menu item Chief of Police OfficeChief of Police Office
         * Police Chief's Bio
         * Internal Affairs Unit
         * Public Information Officer
         * KPD Mission Statement
         * Chief Search
       * Chief Search
       * Expand menu item Criminal InvestigationsCriminal Investigations
         * Chaplain Corps
         * Expand menu item Crime Analysis UnitCrime Analysis Unit
           * Crime Analysis Citizens Request Form [PDF]
           * Crime Stats & Information
           * List of KPD's Current Calls for Service
         * Forensics Unit
         * Gang/Intelligence Unit
         * Expand menu item Internet Crimes Against Children UnitInternet Crimes
           Against Children Unit
           * Tennessee ICAC Task Force
         * Organized Crime Unit
         * Property Crimes Unit
         * Expand menu item Special Crimes UnitSpecial Crimes Unit
           * Expand menu item Domestic Violence HelpDomestic Violence Help
             * How to Help
             * Legal Information
             * Devising a Safety Plan
             * Cycle of Violence
             * Signs to Look for in an Abusive Personality
             * Why the Victim Stays
         * Expand menu item Satisfaction SurveySatisfaction Survey
           * Survey for Victims of Crime [PDF]
         * Unsolved Murder Cases
         * Expand menu item Violent Crimes UnitViolent Crimes Unit
           * Unsolved Murder Cases
       * KPD Phone List
       * KPD News and Alerts
       * Expand menu item Management Services DivisionManagement Services
         * Expand menu item Accreditation UnitAccreditation Unit
           * Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies
         * Citizen's Police Academy
         * Audits & Inspections
         * Expand menu item Recruitment / Job OpportunitiesRecruitment / Job
           * Apply for Police Officer Position
           * Basic Info for Becoming a Police Officer
           * Basic Info for Becoming a Police Cadet
           * Preparation for Job Testing [PDF]
           * Frequently Asked Questions [PDF]
           * Police Officer Physical Ability Test Preparation & Study Guide
         * Expand menu item Safety City KnoxvilleSafety City Knoxville
           * More About Safety City
           * Shoney's KidCare Photo ID Program
           * Child Safety Seat Checkpoint
         * Expand menu item Safety Education UnitSafety Education Unit
           * Expand menu item Child Safety Seat CheckpointChild Safety Seat
             * More Info on Child Safety Seat Rules
             * TN Child Passenger Safety Laws
           * Expand menu item More Info on Child Safety Seat RulesMore Info on
             Child Safety Seat Rules
             * TN Child Passenger Safety Laws
           * Safety City Knoxville
           * School Resource Officer Program
           * Expand menu item Go Big! Knoxville ProjectGo Big! Knoxville Project
             * Big Brothers Big Sisters Programs
             * Enroll a Child for Program
         * Police Records & Accident Reports
         * Expand menu item T.R.A.C.K. Driving ProgramT.R.A.C.K. Driving Program
           * T.R.A.C.K. Registration Form [PDF]
           * T.R.A.C.K. Liability Form [PDF]
         * Training Unit
         * Volunteers in Police Services
       * Expand menu item Patrol DivisionPatrol Division
         * Expand menu item Animal ControlAnimal Control
           * Animal Control Board
         * Expand menu item Cadet ProgramCadet Program
           * Basic Info for Becoming a Police Cadet
         * Crisis Negotiation Unit
         * Honor Guard
         * Expand menu item Inspections UnitInspections Unit
           * Booting Companies
           * Expand menu item Dealer License InformationDealer License
             * Dealer License Form [PDF]
           * Expand menu item Taxi & Limo ServicesTaxi & Limo Services
             * Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
             * Application for Driver Permit Vehicle for Hire [PDF]
             * City Ordinance for Vehicles for Hire
             * Driver Permit Process
             * Preparation for Taxi, Limo, Shuttle Registration & Inspection
           * Wrecker Services Commission
           * Wrecker Services Used by City
         * Police Explorers
         * Red Light Cameras
         * Special Operations Squad (SWAT)
         * Teleserve Unit
       * Police Advisory and Review Committee (PARC)
       * Recruitment / Job Opportunities
       * Satisfaction Survey
       * Expand menu item Support ServicesSupport Services
         * Citizen Services (PARC)
       * Expand menu item KPD Open Records PageKPD Open Records Page
         * KPD's Current Calls For Service
     * Police Advisory & Review Committee
     * Expand menu item PolicyPolicy
       * 311 / 211
       * Communications
       * Community Empowerment
       * Knoxville Area Transit
       * Neighborhoods
       * Redevelopment
       * Special Events
       * Sustainability
     * Expand menu item Public ServicePublic Service
       * Facility Services
       * Greenway Crew
       * Horticulture
       * Expand menu item Snow and Ice RemovalSnow and Ice Removal
         * Snow & Ice Removal Plan [PDF]
         * What is Salt Brine? [PDF]
         * Level I Streets Map [PDF]
         * Level I & II Streets Map [PDF]
         * TN Dept of Transportation (TDOT)
       * Maintenance Warehouse
       * Operations Center
       * Recycling
       * Expand menu item Neighborhood ServicesNeighborhood Services
         * Expand menu item Public Service CentralPublic Service Central
           * Map of Service Areas [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Public Service SouthPublic Service South
           * Map of Service Areas [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Public Service EastPublic Service East
           * Map of Service Areas [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Public Service NorthPublic Service North
           * Map of Service Areas [PDF]
         * Expand menu item Public Service WestPublic Service West
           * Map of Service Areas [PDF]
         * Map of Service Areas [PDF]
       * Expand menu item Street MaintenanceStreet Maintenance
         * Maintaining the Streets through the Seasons
       * Expand menu item Urban ForestryUrban Forestry
         * Canopy Assessment
         * City Tree Board
         * Expand menu item Contractor Specs & BMPsContractor Specs & BMPs
           * Planting Specifications [PDF]
           * Soil Specifications [PDF]
           * BMP Tree Preservation and Maintenance [PDF]
           * BMP Tree Protection Fencing [PDF]
           * BMP Root Pruning [PDF]
           * BMP Tree Planting and Staking [PDF]
           * BMP Selected Tree Species for Planting [PDF]
         * State of the Urban Forest Reports
         * Tree Ordinance & Permit
         * Tree FAQs
         * Tree Inventory & Management Plan
         * City of Knoxville Tree Inventory
         * University of Tennessee Tree Inventory
         * Tree List [PDF]
         * Natives of Knoxville [PDF]
         * Trees to Consider before Planting [PDF]
         * Tennessee Invasive Species
         * Tree Mitigation Bank
       * Waste and Resources Management
       * Submit an Online Request
     * Expand menu item PurchasingPurchasing
       * Expand menu item Bid / Contracting OpportunitiesBid / Contracting
         * Current Sealed Submission Solicitations & Requests for Quotes
         * Diversity Business Directory
       * Expand menu item Doing Business with the CityDoing Business with the
         * Small Business & Diversity Outreach
         * Bid / Contracting Opportunities
       * City Surplus
       * Expand menu item Small Business & Diversity OutreachSmall Business &
         Diversity Outreach
         * Expand menu item Small Business Connections NewslettersSmall Business
           Connections Newsletters
           * Bid / Contracting Opportunities
         * Annual Business Breakfast
         * Expand menu item Diversity Business Enterprise Awards
           CeremonyDiversity Business Enterprise Awards Ceremony
           * Expand menu item 2016 DBE Awards Ceremony2016 DBE Awards Ceremony
             * View Facebook Photo Gallery of Awards Ceremony
           * Expand menu item 2017 DBE Awards Ceremony2017 DBE Awards Ceremony
             * View Facebook Photo Gallery of Awards Ceremony
           * 2018 DBE Awards Ceremony
           * 2019 DBE Awards Ceremony
           * 2020 DBE Awards Ceremony
           * 2021 DBE Awards Ceremony
         * Diversity Business Expo
         * Diversity Business Directory
         * Bid / Contracting Opportunities
         * Training Videos
         * Knoxville's Black Business Directory
       * Staff Contacts
       * Payment Portal
       * Expand menu item Vendor RegistrationVendor Registration
         * Vendor Registration System
     * Expand menu item Real EstateReal Estate
       * Expand menu item Brownfield Redevelopment DivisionBrownfield
         Redevelopment Division
         * Expand menu item EPA Cleanup GrantsEPA Cleanup Grants
           * McClung Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives 09/14/18 [PDF]
           * McClung Phase II ESA 09/14/18 [PDF]
           * Sanitary Laundry Phase II ESA Additional Assessment 09/14/18 [PDF]
           * Sanitary Laundry Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives
             04/03/19 [PDF]
       * Opportunity Zones
     * Expand menu item Risk ManagementRisk Management
       * Transfer of Risk Guide Contracts [PDF]
       * Transfer of Risk Guide Special Events [PDF]
     * Expand menu item Special EventsSpecial Events
       * Expand menu item Special Events Forms & GuidesSpecial Events Forms &
         * Crisis Management Emergency Plan Form [PDF]
       * Event Locations Contact Info
       * Expand menu item Market Square InfoMarket Square Info
         * Concerts on the Square
         * Market Square Layout [PDF]
       * Special Events Meetings
       * Expand menu item Christmas in the CityChristmas in the City
         * Knoxville's Holidays on Ice
         * Regal Celebration of Lights
         * Christmas Drive-In at Chilhowee
         * New Year's Eve at the Sunsphere
       * Expand menu item Knoxville's Holidays on IceKnoxville's Holidays on Ice
         * Skating Liability Waiver for Adults [PDF]
         * Skating Liability Waiver for Minors [PDF]
         * Frequently Asked Questions
         * Follow Knoxville's Holidays on Ice on Facebook
       * Celebration of the 4th
       * Expand menu item Concerts in the ParkConcerts in the Park
         * Concert Cancellation Updates
       * Kid A' Riffic Fun in the Park
       * Expand menu item Mardi GrowlMardi Growl
         * 2012 Photo Gallery on Facebook
         * 2014 Photo Gallery on Facebook
         * 2017 Photo Gallery on Facebook
       * Drive-in at the Midway
       * Senior'iffic Fun in the Park
     * Expand menu item SustainabilitySustainability
       * Climate Change
       * Greenhouse Gas Emissions
       * Expand menu item Mayor's Climate CouncilMayor's Climate Council
         * Council Members
         * Working Groups
         * Council Meetings
       * Expand menu item Clean EnergyClean Energy
         * DOE Better Buildings Challenge
         * Go Solar
         * Solar America Cities
       * Expand menu item TransportationTransportation
         * Electric Vehicles
         * Electric Scooters
         * Transportation and Development
         * Knoxville Area Transit (KAT)
         * Knoxville Smart Trips
         * SACE Electrify the South
       * Expand menu item BuildingsBuildings
         * City Building Performance
         * LED Streetlights
         * Expand menu item Savings in the HouseSavings in the House
           * Savings in the House - Energy Resource Guide [PDF]
           * Savings in the House - Energy Resource Guide (Spanish) [PDF]
           * Savings in the House - Water Resource Guide [PDF]
         * Smarter Cities Partnership: Home Energy Efficiency
         * Knoxville Extreme Energy Makeover
       * Expand menu item WasteWaste
         * City Waste and Resources Management
       * Resilient Landscapes
       * Agriculture
       * Natural Environment
       * Expand menu item History and DocumentsHistory and Documents
         * Draft 2021 Energy & Sustainability Work Plan
         * Expand menu item Citizen's Guide to SustainabilityCitizen's Guide to
           * Air Quality & Transportation
           * Energy Strategies
           * Land Use & Landscaping
           * Recycling & Waste Reduction
           * Sustainable Food
           * Water Quality & Conservation
           * Zero Waste Event Planning
   * City Employment
   * City Ordinances & Charter
   * Community Empowerment
   * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
   * Grant Applications
   * Open Data
   * Organizational Chart [PDF]
   * Expand menu item Public Improvement ProjectsPublic Improvement Projects
     * City Engineering Capital Improvements Projects
     * City Parks & Recreation Planning & Development
     * City Economic & Community Development Project Areas
     * Groundbreakers Major Projects in Knox County
     * Knox County Engineering Projects
     * TDOT Projects


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 * Services
   * 3-1-1
     > Dial 3-1-1 to access information on city services and more
   * Animal Care & Control
     > Resources for having or finding animals in Knoxville
   * City Council
     > City Council is the Legislative body for the City
   * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
     > Community Television Knoxville provides videos and live streaming
   * Fire Department
     > Fire Department provides fire protection and rescue services for the City
   * Garbage, Recycling & Yard Waste
     > Garbage & recycling services provided by the City
   * Impound Lot
     > Vehicles impounded by the City
   * Knoxville Area Transit
     > KAT provides transportation in the City through numerous bus routes and
     > downtown trolleys
   * Knoxville-Knox County Planning
     > Planning, zoning and land use regulations for Knoxville and Knox County
   * Maps
     > Maps of Knoxville and the surrounding area
   * Neighborhood Services
     > Services available for City neighborhoods
   * Parks, Recreation & Greenways
     > The City's Parks, Greenways & Centers provide many recreational
     > opportunities for Knoxvillians
   * Police Advisory & Review Committee (PARC)
     > PARC helps strengthen the relationship between KPD and citizens through
     > an independent review of police actions
   * Police Department
     > Police Department provides public safety for the City
   * Special Events
     > The City hosts many events - Christmas in the City, Concerts on the
     > Square, Festival on the 4th
   * Streets, Traffic & Transit
     > Information on street closures, TDOT traffic cams, KAT and other transit
     > options

   > Knoxville prides itself in providing the best citizen services in the area
   > including a 311 Call Center to track requests

 * Residents
   * Accessibility
     > Accessibility resources in Knoxville
   * Animal Care & Control
     > Resources for having or finding animals in Knoxville
   * City Council
     > City Council is the Legislative body for the City
   * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
     > Community Television Knoxville provides videos and live streaming
   * Garbage, Recycling & Yard Waste
     > Garbage & recycling services provided by the City
   * Health & Human Services
     > Local services to aid citizens of Knoxville with health, living and
     > enjoying the area
   * Home Improvement
     > Programs available to aid in home improvement
   * Neighborhoods
     > Information on Neighborhoods in the City
   * Newcomer Information
     > Hey newcomer, here's a starting point to help you learn about Knoxville
   * Parks, Recreation & Greenways
     > Locate a park, greenway or community center near you
   * Police Department
     > Police Department provides public safety for the City
   * Property Taxes
     > Property tax rates & info, search & pay online
   * Public Safety
     > Safety services and resources for Knoxville citizens and visitors
   * Public Service Department
     > Public Service provides the majority of services to City residents
   * Streets, Traffic & Transit
     > Airports, bus, trolleys, streets & traffic concerns, impound lot, maps,
     > parking, tickets
   * Utilities
     > Electric, water/sewage, gas, trash, telephone, and cable utilities info
     > for Knoxville area
   * Volunteer Opportunities
     > Volunteer opportunities in the Knoxville area

   > Residents of Knoxville enjoy a beautiful city with an abundance of
   > activities and wonderful City services

 * Business
   * Bid/Contracting Opportunities
     > Current bid opportunities with the City
   * Business Development
     > Redevelopment, grants, chamber, entrepreneurship, and other sources to
     > aid in business development
   * Business License/Tax Office
     > Business License Tax Office handles business licenses, permits,
     > inspections and taxes
   * City Council
     > City Council is the Legislative body for the City
   * Doing Business with the City
     > Bid opportunities, auctions, contracts, development incentives, equal
     > business opportunity
   * East Tennessee Index
     > A Community Indicator Project for East Tennessee
   * Licenses, Permits, Inspections
     > Licenses, permits and inspection requirements for local businesses
   * Business Support
     > Business Support Office connects local businesses with the City
   * Diversity Business Directory
     > List of Diversity Businesses

   > Knoxville provides wonderful business opportunities with its location, City
   > assistance, and growth possibilities

 * Visitors
   * Visit Knoxville
     > Knoxville's Visitor's Center
   * East Tennessee Index
     > A Community Indicator Project for East Tennessee
   * Emergency Info
     > Police Department, Fire Department, hospitals and maps
   * Knoxville Info
     > Demographics, history of Knoxville, media, maps, volunteer info, chamber
     > and visitor's center
   * Knoxville's Urban Wilderness
     > Outdoor adventure area where you can hike, bike, climb, paddle in the
     > woods in the heart of the city
   * Outdoor Recreation
     > Get busy outdoors with Knoxville's abundance of recreational
     > opportunities
   * Things to Do
     > Things to do in Knoxville for residents and visitors
   * Streets, Traffic & Transit
     > Airports, bus, trolleys, traffic concerns, impound lot, maps, parking,
     > tickets
   * Weather Forecast
     > Weather for the Knoxville area
   * Air Quality Forecast
     > Air quality data and forecasts from TDEC

   > Visitors enjoy outdoor recreation, music, shopping, amazing food and more
   > while in Knoxville

 * Government
   * Mayor's Office
     > Bio & photo of Knoxville's Mayor, organizational chart, operating budget,
     > proclamation requests, and history of the Mayors of Knoxville
   * City Council
     > City Council is the legislative body for the City
   * Boards & Commissions
     > A list of City affiliated Boards & Commissions
   * Budget
     > Operating Budget information for the City
   * City Court
     > City Court deals with traffic citations and parking tickets
   * City Departments & Offices
     > A list of Departments & Offices in the City
   * City Employment
     > Civil Service Department is the employment office for the City
   * City Ordinances & Charter
     > The Code of Ordinances for the City of Knoxville
   * Community Empowerment
     > Community Relations Department aids in the connection of the City with
     > community organizations
   * CTV Videos, Live Streaming
   * Grant Applications
     > Applications for various grants offered by the City
   * Open Data
     > Information and data about City operations and services
   * Organizational Chart [PDF]
   * Public Improvement Projects
     > Current construction and design projects associated with the City

   > Knoxville is governed by a Mayor and nine member City Council



> General Services rollover text that comes preloaded into the "Services" menu.


I Want To hi
select... City JobBuilding PermitBusiness LicenseBeer Permit Please select...
Service Request (311) Streetlight OutagePolice ReportSuspicious Activity Public
Records Request Please select... Bid OpportunitiesBrush/Leaf Pickup SkedCity
DepartmentsImpounded Vehicle Please select... City Court/Parking Fine City
Property TaxesCounty Property TaxesDriver’s License RenewalParks & Rec
Registration Please select... Covid-19ParksGarbage/Recycling/Yard WasteTDOT
Traffic CamsMy Knoxville AppGo

Mayor's Office hi
 * Mayor's Office
 * Mayor's Bio
 * Press Releases


City BlogHi

 * January 13, 2022
   Nominations Open for Annual Good Neighbor Award

 * January 17, 2022
   MLK Memorial March Parade

City Info

 * • My Knoxville App
   • Call 311 for Help


 * © City of Knoxville
   400 Main Street
   Knoxville, TN 37902
   View Map / Site Map

City of Knoxville on Facebook City of Knoxville on Twitter


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