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   8.  (h) Only one promotion code can be used per order.
   9.  (i) Free same day delivery promotion codes are only valid for deliveries
       within Sydney metropolitan areas and for orders over $300.
   10. (j) We reserve the right to refuse any orders that do not meet the above
 * 5.7 When we receive a high value order or have reason to suspect an order may
   be fraudulent we will follow our company procedures to confirm whether the
   order is legitimate, which may include requesting a scan or photograph of
   your credit card and identification document such as a driver’s licence. We
   do this in an effort to protect the card holder and the company from fraud,
   and we reserve the right to cancel an order if we suspect fraud, whether
   verification steps were carried out or not.


 * 6.1 The prices of any product displayed on the Site, delivery, and any other
   charges are in Australian dollars only (AUD$).
 * 6.2 We reserve the right to change the prices for any item or product
   displayed on the Site from time to time.
 * 6.3 The prices for any item or product displayed on the Site do not include
   delivery charges or any other charges.
 * 6.4 All prices, including prices for any item or product displayed on the
   Site, delivery, and any other charges include GST.


 * 7.1 You must pay to us the purchase price of the items or products that you
   have ordered including any other applicable fees or charges, such as delivery
   charges, as set out in our tax invoice.
 * 7.2 We accept payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and American
   Express), PayPal, direct bank deposit, internet transfer, money order, or
 * 7.3 We will not process your order until we have received full and cleared
   payment from you. Please note that payment via direct bank deposit, internet
   transfer, or cheque may take several days to be processed.


 * 8.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, we will supply to
   you the items and products indicated in your order confirmation.
 * 8.2 We will withhold delivery of any item or product until you have paid
   everything owing to us. Please note that payment via direct bank deposit,
   internet transfer, or cheque may take several days to be processed.
 * 8.3 We will use best endeavours to deliver to you the products on or before
   the delivery date indicated in your order confirmation; however you
   acknowledge that the delivery date indicated in your order confirmation is an
   estimate only.
 * 8.4 We will deliver the items or products indicated in your order
   confirmation to the address nominated to us for the delivery of your product,
   as provided by you when you use the Services ("the Delivery Address").
 * 8.5 If you have registered an "Authority to Leave" with either us or our
   deliveryman, the items or products shall be delivered to the Delivery Address
   noted on your "Authority to Leave" document, and shall be left there in
   accordance with your instructions.
 * 8.6 Unless otherwise stated, we will deliver large or bulky items or products
   (for example, large televisions, furniture, whitegoods, and wine fridges) to
   the front door of the ground floor only. Our standard delivery service does
   not include product assembly. We do not offer any kind of installation
   services such as mounting products onto walls or installing products into
 * 8.7 If you visit any place where the items or products are stored to inspect
   or to collect your items or products, you must comply with:
   1. (a) any law relating to occupational health and safety; and
   2. (b) any directions or warnings we have given about the items or products;
   3. (c) any directions or warnings given to you by us or anyone authorised by
      us when inspecting, collecting, or removing any items or products from any
 * 8.8 If you visit any place where the items or products are stored you
   acknowledge that you do so at your own risk.
 * 8.9 We reserve the right to charge you for any additional costs incurred in
   the re-delivery of the item or products indicated in your order confirmation
   1. (a) after confirming the delivery date with you, there is no person at the
      Delivery Address to receive the item or product or no person at the
      Delivery Address that is able to sign any consignment note indicating that
      the item or product has been received;
   2. (b) through no fault of our deliveryman, our deliveryman is not able to
      unload or deliver the item or product ordered to the Delivery Address; or
   3. (c) the Delivery Address is incorrect.
 * 8.10 If an item or product is to be collected or we are not able to deliver
   the item or product due to your unavailability, if the item or product is not
   collected from our offices or warehouses within 14 days of the sale, we
   reserve the right to either dispose of or sell the item on terms that we
   determine to be reasonable. If this occurs, we shall refund to you the
   proceeds of the sale, less our storage costs of $5.00 per day of storage, our
   administrative fees of $40.00, and/or any delivery costs incurred by us.
 * 8.11 We will not deliver any item or product:
   1. (a) to any location outside of Australia; or
   2. (b) on weekends or after normal working hours.
 * 8.12 You may cancel an order by contacting us by telephone during our
   business hours. Orders cannot be cancelled via e-mail, chat or any other
   formats due to our dispatch team not being accessible on these channels or
   outside business hours. The following charges will apply depending on the
   status of your order:
   1. (a) If your order has started processing but has not been dispatched from
      our warehouse a $30 cancellation fee will apply
   2. (b) If your order has already been dispatched from our warehouse a
      shipping fee plus a return fee of an equal amount will apply. This
      includes items sold on a free delivery basis.


 * 9.1 Title in any items or products will only pass to you when we receive full
   payment all amounts specified in our tax invoice.
 * 9.2 The risk in any items or products delivered will pass to you when it is
 * 9.3 If you have registered an "Authority to Leave" with either us or our
   deliveryman, the risk in the items or products delivered will pass to you at
   the time that the items or products are delivered to the address noted on the
   "Authority to Leave" in accordance with the instructions contained on your
   "Authority to Leave".
 * 9.4 The risk in any items or products collected by you from our premises will
   pass to you when you collect the items or products.


 * 10.1 These products come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the
   Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a
   major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or
   damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the
   products fail to be acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a
   major failure.
 * 10.2 Any additional warranties offered for a particular item or product
   displayed on the Site will appear on that product's product information page.
 * 10.3 The warranties given to you under this agreement are in addition to any
   other statutory rights, remedies, conditions, or warranties, and nothing in
   this agreement excludes the application of those statutory rights, remedies,
   conditions, or warranties.
 * 10.4 We warrant that the items or products:
   1. (a) matches the description provided on the Site;
   2. (b) is fit for the purpose as described on the Site; or
   3. (c) is of merchantable quality.
 * 10.5 The period during the above warranty will be in effect will depend on
   the item or product and will commence from the date that the product is
   delivered to you. The product warranty periods are contained on the
   individual product page as well as the warranty information sheet provided to
   you on the delivery of the product.
 * 10.6 If you wish to make a claim for the breach of any warranty, including
   any breach of any additional warranty, you must:
   1. (a) notify us in writing; and
   2. (b) provide us with proof of purchase.
 * 10.7 A notice to us may be sent to us at the following address:
   1. Luxo Living
   2. Returns Department
   3. 160 Newton Road
   4. Wetherill Park NSW 2164
   5. Or via e-mail to support@luxoliving.com.au
 * 10.8 You may also contact us in relation to your warranty claim at our
   telephone number at 02 8999 1114 or our e-mail address at
 * 10.9 Following a receipt for your claim under this warranty, we will assess
   your claim and will send to you a returns advice form that will advise you
   where the items or products must be returned to.
 * 10.10 If we send to you a returns advice form and do not receive a response
   from you or receive the returned items or products from you within 30 days,
   you will not be entitled to reject the items or products, subject to any
   rights you may have under the Australian Consumer Law.
 * 10.11 Following the receipt of your claim under this warranty and/or the
   return of your items or products, we will assess your claim and if we
   determine that your claim is valid:
   1. (a) if the products can be repaired and the failure to comply with the
      warranty is not a major failure, we will, at our discretion, either repair
      the defect, replace any defective part of the defective product, or
      replace the defective product; and
   2. (b) if the products cannot be repaired or the failure to comply with the
      warranty is a major failure, you may reject the products, return the
      products (if you have not done so already), and at your election, seek the
      replacement of the products, the repair of the products, or a refund of
      any money you have paid for the product.
 * 10.12 If, in accordance with the warranty under this agreement, a repair is
   approved for the item or product and that repair may be effected by the
   simple replacement of a particular part or component of the item or product,
   then we may, at our discretion, send you the replacement part or component to
   repair the item or product, at our own cost.
 * 10.13 If any item or product is returned to us for refund, repair, or
   replacement, you must return it to us, at your own cost, and ensure that the
   item or product is properly packaged to prevent any damage during transit. We
   will not be responsible for any damage to the item or product during transit.
   A return authorisation number will need to be requested from us and attached
   to the item(s) before sending to us. All returns must be sent to our service
   centre at the following address:
   1. Luxo Living
   2. Returns Department
   3. 160 Newton Road
   4. Wetherill Park NSW 2164
 * 10.14 If, after examining or assessing the item or product, we determine that
   there has been no breach of our warranty:
   1. (a) we reserve the right to charge you for any reasonable costs incurred
      in the examination or assessment of any item or product, including but not
      limited to any costs incurred in sending an on-site technician to examine
      or assess the item or product; and
   2. (b) we reserve the right to charge you for any re-delivery costs incurred
      to return the item or product to you.


 * 11.1 To the extent permitted by law, the warranties provided in clause 10
   does not apply where our products have been subjected to:
   1. (a) misuse, abuse, neglect, or accident; and/or
   2. (b) alteration or improper alteration by the Client or any other third
      party; and/or
   3. (c) non-observance with use and maintenance instructions; and/or
   4. (d) damage or malfunction due to normal use or fair wear and tear, such as
      the discolouration of glass frosting, or colour fading; and/or
   5. (e) use in trade or commercial situations such as in a restaurant, bar,
      gym or day spa


 * 12.1 All our items or products come with a thirty (30) day money back
   guarantee ("the 30-day Money Back Guarantee"). If you, for any reason
   whatsoever, are not satisfied with the item or product supplied to you, you
   may, within thirty (30) days of the item or product being delivered to you,
   return the item or product to us for a full refund of the purchase price of
   the item or product. The full refund of the purchase price of the item or
   product does not include fees paid for any delivery, shipping, or handling
   charges, and shipping costs will be deducted from the refund of items sold on
   a free delivery basis where we have incurred shipping charges.
 * 12.2 If you exercise your rights under the 30-day Money Back Guarantee, you:
   1. (a) must notify us in writing of the exercise of your rights under the
      30-day Money Back Guarantee and return the item to us within thirty (30)
      days of the item or product being delivered to you;
   2. (b) must provide us with proof of purchase;
   3. (c) must return the item or product to us in its original condition and in
      its original packaging;
   4. (d) must return the item or product to us at your own cost;
   5. (e) must pay a 10% restocking fee which will be deducted from the refund
      amount; and
   6. (f) are not entitled to make any claim for the breach of any warranty.


 * 13.1 We will arrange transit insurance, at our expense, for the delivery of
   all our items or products to you.
 * 13.2 If you consider that an item or product delivered to you has been
   damaged during the delivery process you must:
   1. (a) notify us within twenty-four (24) hours after the item or product has
      been delivered;
   2. (b) provide to us sufficient information for us to determine if the item
      or product delivered has been damaged during the delivery process,
      including providing us with photographic evidence of the item or product
      and the packaging it was received in;
   3. (c) provide to us a copy of the delivery or consignment note signed at
      delivery, indicating that the item or product was received in a damaged
      condition; and
 * 13.3 If we determine that an item or product delivered to you has been
   damaged during the delivery process:
   1. (a) we may, at our discretion refund, repair, or replace that item or
      product; and
   2. (b) if the item or product is to be returned to us, we will organise for
      the collection of the item or product from the Delivery Address.
 * 13.4 If we have determined that an item or product delivered to you has been
   damaged during the delivery process and that repair may be effected by the
   simple replacement of a particular part or component of the item or product,
   then we may, at our discretion, send you the replacement part or component to
   repair the item or product, at our own cost.
 * 13.5 If any item or product is returned to us for refund, repair, or
   replacement, you must return it to us in its original condition, along with
   all original packaging.
 * 13.6 If you or our deliveryman provides to us a signed delivery or
   consignment note that does not indicate that the item or product was received
   in a damaged condition:
   1. (a) we reserve the right to refuse to refund, repair, or replace the
      returned product;
   2. (b) we reserve the right to charge you for any collection and re-delivery
      costs incurred in collecting the item or product from you and/or returning
      the item or product to you.


 * 14.1 If you have registered an "Authority to Leave" with either us or our
   deliveryman, we will not be liable for any loss, expenses, costs or any
   special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of our compliance
   with your instructions contained on that "Authority to Leave".
 * 14.2 We will not be liable for any loss, expenses, costs or any special,
   incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the
   use of the Services or the sale of any item or product.
 * 14.3 We will not be liable for any loss, expenses, losses, costs,
   consequential losses, or direct or indirect damage suffered by you where your
   credit card has been fraudulently used or has been used in an unauthorised
 * 14.4 Our maximum liability for any item or product supplied to you is limited
   to a maximum total aggregate sum of the amount payable by you in respect to
   the item or product in question.
 * 14.5 You will at all times indemnify us from any claims, loss, damage,
   liabilities, expenses, costs or demands including legal fees made by any
   third party due to or arising out of a breach of this agreement by you or
   arising out of your negligent act or omission.


 * 15.1 Our privacy statement is available on the Site and we will use all
   reasonable efforts to ensure that any information or data collected from you
   is stored and used in accordance with this privacy statement.
 * 15.2 By registering an account with us for the use of the Services you agree
   that we may store, process, and use any information or data collected from
   you in accordance with our privacy statement.


 * 16.1 We reserve all intellectual property rights including but not limited to
   any trade marks and copyright in material and/or services provided by us.
 * 16.2 Nothing in this agreement permits you or gives you any rights to use any
   of our marketing materials, copyrighted material (including website layout),
   trade marks, business names, logos, photographs, or domain names.
 * 16.3 Any trade marks used on the Site belonging to third parties are used
   with permission and remain the intellectual property of such third party.


 * 17.1 We will not be liable for any delay in performing any of our obligations
   under this agreement if such delay is caused by circumstances beyond our
   reasonable control.
 * 17.2 If any part of this agreement is found to be void, unlawful or
   unenforceable, then that part shall be deemed severable from the balance of
   this agreement and the severed part will not affect the validity and
   enforceability of any remaining provisions.
 * 17.3 This agreement is governed by and will be construed according to the law
   of New South Wales, Australia, and the parties submit to the exclusive
   jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of New South Wales in relation to any
   dispute under or about this agreement.


 * 18.1 Winners of competitions are selected randomly and will be contacted
   directly via email. Drawing will be held no later than two weeks after the
   competition end date.  
 * 18.2 Entry into any Sign-up competition includes the following conditions:
    1.  (a) To enter the giveaway, you must provide your first name, email
        address and mobile number
    2.  (b) The prize is given as a gift card, which can only be redeemed on the
        Luxo Living Online Store and cannot be exchanged for cash. 
    3.  (c) The prize can be applied to products only. Shipping fees and other
        handling fees would not be covered by the voucher. Additional services
        are not included.
    4.  (d) By entering the competition, you agree to receive promotional
        content both via email and sms marketing
    5.  (e) By entering the competition, you agree to have your first name and
        first initial of your last name shared in any winner announcement(s)
        like via email or social media. No contact details will be shared as
        part of this announcement.
    6.  (f) The giveaway is open to residents of Australia only.
    7.  (g) You must be 18 years or older to enter
    8.  (h) The winner will be chosen at random, and notified by phone or email
        within two weeks of the end of the giveaway.
    9.  (i) The prize is not transferable or exchangeable for cash.
    10. (j) Luxo Living reserves the right to cancel or modify the giveaway at
        any time without notice.
    11. (k) By entering the giveaway, you acknowledge that you have read and
        understood these terms and conditions, and agree to be bound by them.


 * 19.1 The Luxo Living mobile message service (the "Service") is operated by
   Luxo Living (“Luxo Living”, “we”, or “us”). Your use of the Service
   constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions (“Mobile Terms”). We
   may modify or cancel the Service or any of its features without notice. To
   the extent permitted by applicable law, we may also modify these Mobile Terms
   at any time and your continued use of the Service following the effective
   date of any such changes shall constitute your acceptance of such changes.
 * 19.2 By consenting to Luxo Living’s SMS/text messaging service, you agree to
   receive recurring SMS/text messages from and on behalf of Luxo Living through
   your wireless provider to the mobile number you provided, even if your mobile
   number is registered on any state or federal Do Not Call list. Text messages
   may be sent using an automatic telephone dialling system or other technology.
   Service-related messages may include updates, alerts, and information (e.g.,
   order updates, account alerts, etc.). Promotional messages may include
   promotions, specials, and other marketing offers (e.g., cart reminders).
 * 19.3 You understand that you do not have to sign up for this program in order
   to make any purchases, and your consent is not a condition of any purchase
   with Luxo Living. Your participation in this program is completely voluntary.
 * 19.4 We do not charge for the Service, but you are responsible for all
   charges and fees associated with text messaging imposed by your wireless
   provider. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. Check
   your mobile plan and contact your wireless provider for details. You are
   solely responsible for all charges related to SMS/text messages, including
   charges from your wireless provider.
 * 19.5 You may opt out of the Service at any time. Text the single keyword
   command STOP to LuxoLiving or click the unsubscribe link (where available) in
   any text message to cancel. You'll receive a one-time opt-out confirmation
   text message. No further messages will be sent to your mobile device unless
   initiated by you. If you have subscribed to other Luxo Living mobile message
   programs and wish to cancel, except where applicable law requires otherwise,
   you will need to opt-out separately from those programs by following the
   instructions provided in their respective mobile terms.
 * 19.6 For Service support or assistance, text HELP to LuxoLiving or email
 * 19.7 We may change any shortcode or telephone number we use to operate the
   Service at any time and will notify you of these changes. You acknowledge
   that any messages, including any STOP or HELP requests, you send to a short
   code or telephone number we have changed may not be received and we will not
   be responsible for honouring requests made in such messages.
 * 19.8 The wireless carriers supported by the Service are not liable for
   delayed or undelivered messages. You agree to provide us with a valid mobile
   number. If you get a new mobile number, you will need to sign up for the
   program with your new number.
 * 19.9 To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that we will not be
   liable for failed, delayed, or misdirected delivery of any information sent
   through the Service, any errors in such information, and/or any action you
   may or may not take in reliance on the information or Service.
 * 19.10 We respect your right to privacy. To see how we collect and use your
   personal information, please see our Privacy Notice.




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Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating


Review by SONAL K. on 17 Oct 2023 review stating Beautiful
We brought the white mother pearl coffee table. It has been my best buy so far
for our house. It looks LUXO😎 means luxurious I must say.

On Abelene 91cm Mother of Pearl Inlay Coffee Table
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Michelle T.
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5.0 star rating

Excellent customer service. Great quality

Review by Michelle T. on 14 Oct 2023 review stating Excellent customer service.
Great quality
Excellent customer service. Great quality for price. Definitely shop with this
company again!

On Seneca Upholstered Velvet Bed - Sandy White (Save $100)
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Kate B.
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5.0 star rating

As described

Review by Kate B. on 11 Oct 2023 review stating As described
Beautiful, just as described and not difficult to assemble. Modern industrial!

On Earl Nesting Coffee Table (Set of 2)
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mohit s.
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5.0 star rating

Very nice carpet.

Review by mohit s. on 2 Oct 2023 review stating Very nice carpet.
Very nice carpet.

On Mysen Abstract Indoor Floor Rug
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Jerica D.
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5.0 star rating

Amazing boucle ottoman

Review by Jerica D. on 9 Sep 2023 review stating Amazing boucle ottoman
This ottoman looks so nice and matches the couch as well. Would recommend.
Shipping is quick

On The DIY Decorator Toni 55cm Bouclé Ottoman - Cream White
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