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Effective from 15.02.2022

 I.     General Provisions
        1. Subject to subsection I.2. below, these General Terms & Conditions of
           Delivery Hero relating to the Purchase of Goods ("T&Cs") shall govern
           all business relations between (i) Delivery Hero SE, having its
           registered address at Oranienburger Straße 70, 10117 Berlin, Germany
           ("DH SE") or its affiliates (according to Section 15 of the German
           Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz)) designated on the order
           documents referencing these T&Cs (each individually "Delivery Hero") 
           and (ii) its business partners, sellers, and suppliers (each a
           "Supplier" and together the "Suppliers"). Delivery Hero and
           Supplier(s) may be referred to individually as a "Party" or
           collectively as the "Parties". For each time these T&Cs are
           applicable, either DH SE  or the ordering affiliate of DH SE will be
           the sole party to these T&Cs and shall be solely liable for the
           particular transaction made by such entity under the T&Cs. For the
           avoidance of doubt, DH SE has the possibility to conclude ordering
           documents for the benefit of its affiliates.
        2. These T&Cs only apply if the Supplier is (a) an entrepreneur, i.e., a
           natural or legal person or a partnership with legal personality who
           or which, when entering into a legal transaction with Delivery Hero,
           acts in exercise of their trade, business, or profession, (b) a legal
           entity under public law or (c) a special fund under public law.
        3. These T&Cs shall apply to all supplies delivered to Delivery Hero, in
           particular for contracts on the sale and/or delivery of products or
           other deliverables (hereinafter also referred to as "Goods")
           irrespective of whether the Supplier manufactures the Goods itself or
           outsources them from any subcontractor.
        4. These T&Cs apply both to sales contracts for standard off-the-shelf
           products and work (supply) contracts for products specifically
           manufactured or customised by Supplier for Delivery Hero. In doubt,
           the Goods shall be considered individual work products.
        5. The then-current version of the T&Cs shall also serve as a framework
           agreement for future purchase and/or work (supply) contracts with the
           same Supplier, without Delivery Hero having to refer to them again in
           any individual case. Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent
           there is an individual framework agreement on the purchase of Goods
           in place between Delivery Hero and the Supplier, such framework
           agreement shall prevail over these T&Cs.
        6. The Supplier shall grant the same prices and conditions agreed with
           Delivery Hero to every other of its affiliates for the same or
           comparable Goods, unless significant and reasonable changes have
           occurred that justify an adjustment of the prices and/or conditions.
        7. These T&Cs shall apply exclusively. Deviating, contrary or
           supplementary terms and conditions from the Supplier shall only
           become part of the contract upon Delivery Hero's express written
        8. Declarations and notices by the Supplier which are of legal relevance
           must be made in writing and in English or German language in order to
           be valid.
 II.    Conclusion of the Contract
        1. Conclusion of the contract between Delivery Hero and the Supplier
           requires the acceptance of an offer. In case the Supplier provides an
           offer, Delivery Hero may accept such offer up to the time when
           Supplier may reasonably expect to receive the reply from Delivery
           Hero, unless the Supplier’s offer states a different time period for
           the acceptance. The offer shall be considered accepted by Delivery
           Hero upon written confirmation to the Supplier by its authorised
        2. In case Delivery Hero provides an offer to the Supplier by sending a
           purchase order, Delivery Hero shall be bound by its offer for a
           period of one (1) week ("Acceptance Period"), unless Delivery Hero
           declares otherwise. The date on which Delivery Hero receives the
           declaration of acceptance from the Supplier shall determine whether
           or not the Delivery Hero's offer is accepted on time.
        3. Any acceptance of the offer after the Acceptance Period has elapsed
           shall be deemed as  a rejection of Delivery Hero’s offer and shall be
           considered as a new offer by the Supplier. The same shall also be
           applicable for any acceptance with amendments, limitations, or other
           alterations. Delivery Hero shall not be under any obligation to
           accept the Supplier's new offer.
        4. These T&Cs and any order documentation (in particular, offer and
           acceptance or purchase order and order confirmation, any
           specifications to the extent available and applicable) are an
           integral part of any contract between the Parties that these T&Cs are
           referred to.
        5. With regard to continuing obligations there shall be no extension or
           automatic renewal of the terms of the contract unless otherwise
           agreed in writing by the Parties.
 III.   Right to Determine Performance
        1. Delivery Hero reserves the right to change when and where the
           delivery of the Goods is to take place, as well as the nature of the
           packaging, at its discretion, by means of written notification (text
           form suffices), at least five (5) Business Days (as defined below)
           prior to the agreed delivery date. The same shall apply to changes to
           product specifications for the Goods provided they can be implemented
           within the scope of the Supplier's normal production process without
           any considerable additional expense. "Business Day" means any day
           (other than a day which is a Saturday, Sunday or legal or bank
           holiday in Germany) on which retail banks are open to the public for
           business in Germany.
        2. Delivery Hero will reimburse the Supplier for any verified and
           reasonable expense caused directly by the change/s mentioned above,
           which was approved by Delivery Hero in advance, subject to subsection
           III.3. below. Should these changes result in unavoidable delays in
           delivery date(s) originally agreed shall be updated accordingly with
           the mutual agreement of the Parties. For the purpose of this clause,
            a delay shall be considered "unavoidable" if it cannot be avoided in
           line with the the Supplier's normal production and trading
           activities, provided that the Supplier has taken reasonable efforts
           to avoid such delay.The Supplier shall undertake to inform Delivery
           Hero of the likely additional costs and/or delays in delivery
           forthwith, albeit not later than three (3) Business Days after
           receipt of the change notification from Delivery Hero.
 IV.    Lead Time and Delay in Delivery
        1. The agreed deadlines and dates are fixed  dates ("Fixtermine"). In
           the event of non-compliance, the Supplier shall be liable in
           accordance with the terms agreed between the Parties, or in lack of
           such terms, statutory regulations. Section III. shall remain
        2. The Supplier shall undertake to immediately notify Delivery Hero of
           likely delays in delivery, in text form, irrespective of the reasons
           for such delays.
        3. In case of a delay in delivery, The Supplier shall be automatically
           in default without having received a reminder.
        4. Deliveries before the agreed delivery dates will only be accepted
           with prior written approval by Delivery Hero.
 V.     Performance, Delivery, Passing of Risk, Default in Acceptance
        1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Goods shall be delivered to
           Delivery Hero's place of business. The place of performance shall be
           the respective delivery address.
        2. The consignment shall come complete with a delivery note specifying
           the shipping date, the object being delivered, citing the item number
           and the quantity of Goods, as well as Delivery Hero's order code
           (date and number). If the delivery note is missing or incomplete,
           Delivery Hero shall not be responsible for resulting delays in the
           processing and settling of the invoice.
        3. The Supplier shall inform Delivery Hero immediately as soon as the
           delivery is available and ready for shipment. The shipment of the
           delivery by the Supplier shall be reported to Delivery Hero
           immediately in any case by stating the number of units, the
           dimensions and the weights of the delivery so that Delivery Hero can
           make the corresponding preparations for the acceptance of the
           delivery. Delivery Hero is not obliged to accept or remunerate
           surplus deliveries.
        4. The Supplier shall bear all costs and the risk of accidental loss and
           accidental deterioration of the Goods up to the time of handover at
           the place of performance.
        5. Notwithstanding any statutory regulations, a default of Delivery Hero
           to accept the Goods will require the Supplier to expressly offer the
           performance of any contributory action from Delivery Hero. This shall
           be required even if a specific or defined timeframe has been set for
           such contributory action of Delivery Hero.
 VI.    Prices and Payment Terms
        1. The price specified in the order shall be binding; section III. shall
           remain unaffected. All prices shall be quoted inclusive of the
           statutory rate of value- added tax if this is not shown separately.
        2. Unless otherwise agreed in any individual case, the price shall
           include all services and additional services performed by the
           Supplier (for example and without limitation, assembly, or
           installation), as well as all ancillary costs (such as correct
           packaging, transport costs, including any transport and third-party
           liability insurance as well as banking fees). The Supplier shall be
           required to take back packaging materials at Delivery Hero's request,
           free of charge.
        3. Unless agreed otherwise in text form, the agreed price shall be
           payable by Delivery Hero within forty-five (45) calendar days of
           complete delivery and performance (including any agreed acceptance
           inspection), as well as receipt of a correct invoice, subject to
           Section VI. 4. below.
        4. Each invoice issued by the Supplier must: (i) state the name of the
           department or of the individual from Delivery Hero who instructed the
           Supplier. (ii) include an order number as provided by or on behalf of
           Delivery Hero (order numbers shall be sent to the Supplier
           automatically by Delivery Hero once an engagement is confirmed; (iii)
           be in compliance with the applicable VAT law (iv) be emailed to the
           department or of the individual from Delivery Hero who instructed the
           Supplier, as well as the following mailbox:
        5. If and to the extent that withholding taxes are due, they shall be
           withheld by Delivery Hero and deducted from the payment of the
           invoiced amount unless Supplier provides a valid tax exemption
           certificate authorised by the appropriate taxing authority in
        6. To the extent Delivery Hero owes interest under mandatory statutory
           law, the interest rate shall be limited to the minimum amount
           permissible under the applicable law. The Supplier must have issued a
           written reminder before Delivery Hero can be considered to be in
           default with its payment.
        7. Delivery Hero reserves the right to withhold due payments if it has
           outstanding claims against the Supplier for incomplete or defective
 VII.   Ownership; Reservation of Title
        1. The Supplier shall grant Delivery Hero ownership of the Goods to be
           transferred permanently to Delivery Hero upon their creation and in
           their respective processing status. The Supplier is obliged to
           transfer ownership of the Goods to Delivery Hero on the delivery date
           free from all kinds of liens and third-party rights under any
           applicable law.
        2. Should the Supplier retain title to the Goods until such time as the
           agreed price has been paid in full, this reservation of title shall
           only apply until the price owed in connection with the delivery of
           the Goods has been settled.
 VIII.  Acceptance
        1. To the extent the Supplier shall create a work or if the acceptance
           of the Goods is explicitly agreed upon between Delivery Hero and the
           Supplier in an order document, the Goods are subject to formal
           acceptance which must be declared by Delivery Hero in written form.
           The Supplier may request partial acceptances only insofar these have
           been agreed between the Parties in written form and the nature of the
           Goods is suitable for partial acceptance.
        2. To the extent that Delivery Hero does not accept the works, or the
           Goods provided by the Supplier, the Supplier shall promptly remedy
           any defects that prevent acceptance and shall resubmit its works or
           the Goods for acceptance. The above acceptance provisions shall apply
           accordingly to such resubmissions.
 IX.    Warranty and Defects
        1. The Supplier warrants („gewährleistet") that (i) the Goods meet the
           specifications agreed in the order or other document relating to the
           contract, and (ii) the Goods comply with all applicable German and
           European industry standards and safety or technical regulations, and
           (iii) the Goods have been approved by the competent authorities at
           the delivery destination. The Supplier shall be liable for any
           incorrect or inaccurate advice or information given to Delivery Hero
           relating to the Goods.
        2. Delivery Hero's commercial duty to conduct inspections shall be
           limited to defects which come to light during the incoming Goods
           inspection by way of an external assessment, including a check of the
           delivery notes, as well as in quality spot checks (such as damage in
           transit, incorrect and short deliveries) and in quantity of the
        3. In case there is any deviation as instructed above and/or any hidden
           defect found, the Supplier shall be obliged to rectify such
           deviation/defect within a reasonable time period, both the method of
           rectification and the time period shall be set by Delivery Hero at
           its sole discretion (and in no event shall be unreasonable). If the
           Supplier fails to discharge its duty to provide a rectification - be
           it by repairing the defect (repair/Nachbesserung) or by supplying an
           object which is free from defects (replacement/Ersatzlieferung),
           Delivery Hero shall reserve the right to rectify the defect itself
           and to demand reimbursement of the costs involved and/or of an
           appropriate advance. Delivery Hero shall also be entitled to request
           any out-of-pocket costs that it made to rectify such defects.
        4. If the cure provided by the Supplier fails or is unacceptable to
           Delivery Hero (for example, owing to particular urgency, risk to
           operational reliability or to the threat that disproportionate damage
           or loss may occur), Delivery Hero shall not be required to set a time
           limit for rectification. Delivery Hero, however, may notify the
           Supplier if Delivery Hero will rectify the defect itself and seek
           payment of the costs incurred.
        5. Delivery Hero may cancel individual or still outstanding partial
           deliveries without any obligation if the Supplier breaches an
           essential provision of the contract, including these T&Cs, in
           particular in relation to any substantial changes in quality,
           substantial delays in delivery, and/or Goods with substantial
        6. The Supplier shall be liable for all consequences of such
           cancellation, including any consequential damages („Folgeschäden").
           Delivery Hero’s statutory rights for breach of contract or
           performance defects remain unaffected.
 X.     Recourse in the Supply-Chain
        1. In addition to warranty claims, Delivery Hero shall have the
           unlimited right to assert claims for recourse within the supply
           chain. Delivery Hero shall be entitled, in particular, to ask the
           Supplier to provide the type of cure (repair or replacement) which
           Delivery Hero owes to its customer in any individual case. This shall
           not limit Delivery Hero’s right to choose the type of cure with
           respect to subsequent performance (repair or replacement).
        2. The right of Delivery Hero to take recourse against the Supplier
           shall not be waived if the Goods have been further processed by
           Delivery Hero or by a purchaser of Delivery Hero, e.g., by
           incorporation into another product, prior to their sale to a consumer
           of Delivery Hero.
 XI.    Liability
        1. Supplier is liable for all damages of DH SE and its affiliates caused
           by the Supplier and/or its subcontractors, organs, employees and
           other personnel, representatives, agents and other third parties
           engaged by the Supplier, provided that such damage is due to the
           breach of a guarantee ("Garantie") or a warranty ("Gewährleistung")
           or a breach of a contractual or statutory duty by the Supplier
           (including, in particular, consequential damages („Folgeschäden")
           caused by a defect and financial loss). If the damages are based on a
           breach of a contractual or statutory duty, the Supplier shall not be
           liable if the Supplier can prove that the Supplier is not responsible
           for such breach of duty.
        2. Without limiting the foregoing, the Supplier shall assume liability
           for all claims asserted by third parties due to injury to people and
           damage to property and shall hold D H SE and its affiliates harmless
           from any such claims unless the Supplier and/or its subcontractors,
           organs, employees and other personnel, representatives, agents and
           other third parties engaged by the Supplier does not bear
           responsibility for the damage or loss.
        3. The Supplier further shall bear all costs incurred by DH SE and/or
           its affiliates in connection with a goods recall required under
           statutory laws on product liability.
        4. The Supplier shall be required to take out and maintain a commercial
           general liability insurance which covers property damage, bodily
           injury, and product liability with a flat-rate cover of at least one
           (1) million Euros per injury/damage claim. On request, the Supplier
           shall send Delivery Hero a copy of the liability insurance policy.
 XII.   Intellectual Property Rights; Indemnification
        1. D H SE and its affiliates reserve all intellectual property and other
           property rights, including ownership and copyrights, to the technical
           specifications, figures, drawings, calculations, samples, and other
           documents made available to the Supplier; these may not be made
           available to third parties without the prior express written consent
           of DH SE and/or its affiliates. Such documents and information shall
           be used exclusively for the manufacturing and delivery of the Goods
           and shall be returned to DH and/or its affiliates after completion of
           delivery, in any event no later than after termination of the
           contract, and any copies shall be destroyed or deleted.
        2. To the extent the Goods are manufactured for DH and/or its affiliates
           and are protected by copyrights of the Supplier, the Supplier hereby
           grants DH SE and/or  its affiliates the exclusive, irrevocable,
           transferable, and sub-licensable unrestricted right to use and
           exploit the Goods, unlimited in time, territory and content, in any
           type of use, including the right to edit, translate, duplicate,
           distribute broadcast and make available to the public.
        3. Rights of use for works that have been granted remain unaffected by
           cancellation, rescission, or termination of the contract. In the
           event of rescission, the Supplier is entitled to reasonable
           remuneration for the usage rights remaining with DH SE to works
           already created, insofar as Delivery Hero does not waive the use of
           these rights. The same shall apply in the case of termination,
           insofar as the Supplier has not yet received a corresponding pro rata
        4. The Supplier guarantees ("garantiert") that the Goods do not infringe
           upon third-party intellectual property or other property rights and
           that the use or sale of the Goods by Delivery Hero do not infringe
           upon such third-party rights.
        5. The Supplier shall fully indemnify and hold harmless DH SE and its
           affiliates against any claims asserted by third parties in connection
           with an infringement of intellectual property or other property
           rights, including any fees and costs incurred by DH SE and any other
           DH SE affiliate in connection with mounting a defence against a
           third-party claim (in particular, prosecution and litigation costs
           and fees).
        6. Delivery Hero will notify the Supplier forthwith if Delivery Hero
           becomes aware of any claims by third parties.
        7. The Supplier shall do its utmost to support Delivery Hero in
           defending against claims by third parties.
 XIII.  Confidentiality and Data Protection
        1. The Supplier shall treat as confidential the terms and conditions of
           the contractual details agreed between Supplier and Delivery Hero, as
           well as information and documentation received in connection with the
           execution of the contract (apart from information in the public
           domain), including after the end of the contract and shall only use
           the same for the execution of the contract.
        2. The Supplier shall undertake to return or dispose of the confidential
           information and documentation to Delivery Hero without delay when
           asked to do so, as soon as it no longer requires this for the
           execution of the contract.
        3. The Supplier shall commit its subcontractors to observe
           confidentiality in accordance with this Section XIII.
        4. Personal data processing shall be carried out in accordance with the
           applicable data protection laws, in particular the General Data
           Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR"). Whereas processing
           activities are carried out on behalf of Delivery Hero and such
           processing activities fall within the scope of Art. 28 GDPR, a
           separate contract (Data Processing Agreement) for processing on
           behalf of Delivery Hero must be attached to this contract in
           accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. If the parties jointly determine the
           purposes and means of processing personal data, a separate agreement
           must be concluded in accordance with Art. 26 GDPR.
 XIV.   Subcontractors
        The Supplier may only engage subcontractors upon prior written approval
        of Delivery Hero at its sole discretion. The Supplier must pass on the
        obligations imposed on it to the subcontractor in written form and shall
        provide proof thereof to Delivery Hero upon request. The Supplier shall
        carefully select, instruct and monitor the subcontractors; the Supplier
        shall be fully liable for the subcontractors, i.e., to the same extent
        as for his own fault. The Supplier shall have the sole right to issue
        instructions to the subcontractors; the Supplier shall independently
        organise the latter’s deployment. The Supplier is obliged to immediately
        terminate the use of subcontractors at Delivery Hero’s request, in
        particular if the subcontractor does not have the necessary
        qualifications or has violated safety regulations. The Supplier shall
        hold harmless and indemnify Delivery Hero against all claims asserted
        against it by third parties arising as a result of the Supplier failing
        to comply with this provision, unless the Supplier is not responsible
        for this.

 XV.    Assignment
        The Supplier shall not assign its rights or obligations under the
        contractual relationship to third parties without the prior written
        approval of Delivery Hero.

 XVI.   Limitation of Actions
        1. The Parties' claims against each other shall elapse in accordance
           with statutory regulations unless otherwise agreed below.
        2. Claims for defects shall become time-barred after three (3) years.
        3. The period of limitation for claims arising from recourse to
           subcontractors of the Supplier in accordance with Section IX above
           shall be at least two (2) months after the end of the period of
           limitation for corresponding third-party claims asserted against
           Delivery Hero.
        4. Extra-contractual claims for compensation, including claims based on
           tort, shall be subject to the statutory limitation of claims under
           applicable law, unless a longer period arises from the application of
           the extended period of limitation according to subsection XIV above.
 XVII.  Code of Conduct
        1. Delivery Hero conducts its business in a socially responsible manner,
           to protect the labor rights and safety of persons involved in the
           production, manufacturing, and provision of services, and to
           eradicate and/or prevent any form of slavery or human trafficking in
           the supply chain. Delivery Hero expects the Supplier to conduct its
           business in a similar manner. Delivery Hero has adopted the Supplier
           Code of Conduct available at
           http://www.deliveryhero.com/supplier-code-of-conduct (the "Code")
           which is incorporated by this reference into these T&C, The Supplier
           agrees to comply with the Code at all times or warrants to comply and
           abide by their own code of conduct based on the standards at least
           equivalent to the Code.
 XVIII. Final Provisions
        1. Delivery Hero may grant the Supplier its written permission to use
           its name and logo in its marketing materials upon the prior written
           request of the Supplier. Delivery Hero, at its sole discretion, is
           entitled to revoke the permission at any time without justification.
        2. These T&Cs and all legal relations between Delivery Hero and the
           Supplier shall be solely governed by the law of the Federal Republic
           of Germany, excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for
           the International Sales of Goods (CISG).
        3. The exclusive place of jurisdiction, both nationally and
           internationally, for all disputes arising out of the contractual
           relationship shall be the commercial domicile of Delivery Hero.
           However, Delivery Hero reserves the right to take legal action at the
           Supplier's commercial domicile.
        4. Ancillary verbal agreements have not been made and shall be
           considered invalid. Addenda and amendments to the contract shall be
           put in writing. This shall also apply to waiving the requirement to
           use the written form.
        5. The Supplier may only exercise a right to offset where its claim is
           legally established or undisputed. The same shall apply to the right
           to withhold which may also only be exercised effectively if the
           counterclaim by the Supplier is based on the same supply contract.
        6. Delivery Hero reserves the right to change these T&Cs regarding
           continuing obligations. In case of an amendment of these T&Cs,
           Delivery Hero will notify the Supplier of the amendments in text form
           (e.g., by email) ("Amendment Notification"). The amendment shall
           become effective, and the contractual relationship shall continue
           under the amended terms and conditions if the Supplier does not
           object to the amendment within two (2) weeks after receipt of the
           Amendment Notification in written form. The timely dispatch of the
           objection to Delivery Hero shall be sufficient to meet this deadline.
           The amendment in the T&Cs shall become effective if the Supplier does
           not object in writing or by email within the period of two (2) weeks
           (beginning with the receipt of the Amendment Notice) and Delivery
           Hero has informed the Supplier of this legal consequence in the
           Amendment Notice.

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