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This Easy Red Beans and Rice recipe is the perfect shortcut to a famous and
delicious comfort food meal the whole family will enjoy.


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Homemade Peach Cobbler




It’s crazy how you grow into enjoying certain foods you didn’t enjoy when you
were a kid. Like most kids, I hated beans. Any dish that had beans in it, I
hated! Beans aren’t kids friends and I get that now. However, as a grown-up I
really enjoy beans. Having beans in a dish does not prevent me from, at least,
trying it. In fact, I probably am more encouraged just so I can try different
ways to eat beans. So parents, if you are scoping this meal as an option to feed
your family and your kids are under the age, let’s say, 16, you might want to
think of a backup plan.

I have had Red Beans and Rice, from scratch, only a few times in my life. The
times I’ve had it, they took almost a full day and a half to make. Let’s see.
You have to soak the beans overnight and cook them for hours. When I say for
hours I mean from the moment you wake up until around 4 pm that evening. I guess
that is a total of 8 hours to cook, at least.

Or, you can make them like one of my closest friends (Bentley) where she soaks
her beans a couple of times to get rid of all the potential gas, cooks a pound
of bacon, preserve the bacon fat, and cook her veggies (onions, peppers, garlic)
and sausage all in that bacon fat and let me tell you, her recipe is one of the
best Red Beans and Rice recipes I’ve ever had. So I bet you are wondering why
didn’t I post her recipe instead of the one I’m showing you now. The answer is
because I don’t have time and I want to live for a very long time. I can’t do
that if I have a bunch of bacon fat in more arteries.


This recipe, in my opinion, still has all of that amazing flavor but it cuts
down on half of the prep time. In this Red Beans and Rice recipe, I don’t soak
my beans because I used canned beans, including the liquid, and I don’t use any
bacon fat but I do use a ham hock for flavor and cook with andouille sausage. I
use a variety of different seasonings to get that 2-day old flavor. I still let
the beans cook for a few hours, or at least until the meat and fat from the ham
hock start to fall off. Then I serve the beans over fluffy rice with a side of
delicious Skillet Buttery Cornbread.


I don’t know where you are in the world, but here in Cincinnati, OH it is about
1 degree. Yep, it’s pretty cold and there is nothing like my Easy Red Beans and
Rice recipe to warm you from the inside out.  

Check out some of my food blogger friends posts where they are sharing inspiring
recipes with a touch of soul!

Beautiful Eats & Things | Okra, Corn, & Tomato Chicken Stew

Beyond The Bayou Blog | Mackerel Balls With Biscuits & Cane Syrup

Butter Be Ready | Caribbean- Curry Goat with Rice and Peas

Cooks with Soul | Boudin balls

D.M.R. Fine Foods | Spice Roasted Chicken

Dash of Jazz | Soul Food Power Bowl

Dish it with Tisha | Jamaican Curry Chicken

Domestic Dee | Chicken Sliders

Eat.Drink.Frolic. | Bourbon + sweet potato pie

First and Full | Homemade Peach Pie

Food Fidelity  | Nashville Hot Shrimp Sandwich

Food is Love Made Edible | Smothered Okra with Chicken and Smoked Sausage

Foodie In New York  | Chess Pie

Immaculate Bites | Pimento Cheese

Kaluhi’s Kitchen | Pilipili & Rosemary marinated mbuzi choma with Kachumbari

Kenneth Temple | Chicken & Sausage Gumbo

Marisa Moore Nutrition | Sweet and Spicy Roasted Cabbage

Meiko And The Dish | Hot Buttered Rum Biscuits

My Life Runs On Food | Southern Style Caesar Salad

Rosalynn Daniels | Osso Bucco

Savory Thoughts | Haitian Patty

Simply LaKita | Fried Okra

Sweet Tea & Thyme | Spiced Peach Shortcakes

That Girl Cooks Healthy | Scotch Bonnet Pepper Sauce

The Hungry Hutch | Cornbread Dressing

The Seasoning Bottle | Guava Short Ribs

Whisk It Real Gud | Banana Bread

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 * Author: Nicole Nared-Washington from Brown Sugar Food Blog
 * Total Time: 2 hours 55 mins
 * Yield: 6-8 1x

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Make a classic comfort food dish by making this Easy Red Beans and Rice and
serve over white or brown rice with aside of cornbread!



Scale 1x2x3x
 * 4–15 oz. Cans Red Beans
 * 1 medium yellow onion, diced
 * 1 green bell pepper, diced
 * 3 garlic cloves minced
 * 1 tbsp. Olive oil
 * 1 Ham Hock
 * 1 bay leaf
 * ½ tbsp. Salt
 * ½ tsp. Coarse black pepper
 * 1 tsp. Garlic powder
 * 1 tsp. Onion powder
 * ½ tsp. Smoked paprika
 * ¼ tsp. Cayenne pepper
 * 4 Andouille Sausages, sliced
 * 4c. Cooked rice
 * Garnish: Diced green onions

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 1. In a large cooking pot on medium heat, add the olive oil and cook the onions
    and bell pepper and cook until softened, about 5-7 minutes. Add the garlic
    cloves and cook until fragrant, about 2-3 minutes.
 2. Add the ham hock and the beans to the pot. Next add the seasonings, salt,
    pepper, garlic and onion powder, smoked paprika, cayenne pepper, and bay
    leaf. Stir throughout the beans. Cover with lid and let simmer for, at
    least, 2 hours. Remove the ham hock from the pot and, using a sharp knife,
    cut the ham hock roughly and return back to the pot and stir.
 3. Use a potato masher and lightly mash some of the beans and stir. Don’t mash
 4. NOTE: You can also put the ingredients in a crockpot and cook on low for, at
    least, 4 hours.
 5. Take the andouille sausage and add to the pot 30 minutes before serving. Add
    more seasoning if necessary and serve over cooked white or brown rice. Top
    with chopped green onion, if desired.

 * Prep Time: 15 mins
 * Cook Time: 2 hours 40 mins
 * Category: Entree

Keywords: red beans and rice, red beans and rice recipe, easy red beans and
rice, soul food recipes, quick red beans and rice,


Share a photo and tag me @brownsugarfoodblogger.  I can't wait to see what
you've made!


January 30, 2019 · 2 Comments

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 1. GILDA says
    December 4, 2020 at 11:45 am
    Is there any liquid added to the pot before the beans are added?
    * Nicole Nared-Washington says
      December 5, 2020 at 9:58 pm
      No ma’am. Just the liquid from the beans.


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