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By Cherie Zaslawsky On Mar 23, 2021
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Consider just a few of the many dozens of drugs various pharmaceutical companies
have had to recall once it became clear they’d done more harm than good—and
especially those that resulted in deaths. Photo credit ShutterStock.com,

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – In the early days of the controversial China Virus
“pandemic,” President Trump was asked by a typically hostile MSM reporter, “How
many deaths from Covid-19 are acceptable?” Trump, uncharacteristically snookered
by the damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t question, answered, “None!” Of
course you can’t prevent all deaths from any naturally occurring illness.

But now let’s ask a more relevant question, since you can prevent deaths from a
medical intervention if it proves deleterious, simply by ceasing to use it: How
many deaths from Covid-19 vaccines should be allowed?

Let’s zero in on just a few of the people who listened to the experts and got
their “safe and effective” experimental Covid vaccines.

 * From a headline: ”Boxing Great Marvin Hagler Dies – According to Reports He
   Was Struggling in ICU on Saturday After Taking Vaccine”
 * Kassidi Kurill, a 39-year-old mother of one from Ogden, received the vaccine
   due to her work as a surgical tech for several plastic surgeons. Four days
   after receiving the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, Kurill died.
 * A 28-year-old physical therapist died 2 days after being injected with an
   experimental Covid vaccine. Says her mother, “My 28 year old daughter took
   the vaccine on a Tuesday and was dead by Thursday.”
 * Tim Zook, 60, an x-ray technologist, proudly displayed his vaccination card
   right after getting his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Two hours later,
   he had troubling symptoms, and four days later, hospitalized and in intensive
   care with massive organ failure, he died.
 * Florida’s Dr. Gregory Michael died of a rare blood disease after getting
   Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. Dr. John Spivak, an expert on blood disorders from
   Johns Hopkins, calls it “a medical certainty” that the vaccine caused Dr.
   Michael’s death.
 * 58-Year-Old Woman Drene Keyes Died Hours After Getting First Dose of Pfizer
   Vaccine. A “gifted singer and grandmother of six,” Drene was unable to
   breathe and began vomiting within a couple hours of being vaccinated.
 * Norwegian Medicines Agency links 13 deaths to vaccine side effects. Those who
   died were frail and old. A total of 23 deaths have been reported in Norway in
   connection with the corona vaccination. 
 * Four people in Utah died shortly after receiving a Covid vaccine injection.
 * A Nebraska man in his 40s with underlying health issues died a week after
   receiving the vaccine.
 * A 56-year-old man in Placer County died shortly after receiving a Covid
 * A 41-year-old health worker in Portugal died two days after she got the
   Pfizer vaccine.
 * A 60-year-old Danish woman died from a blood clot after getting the
   AstraZeneca vaccine
 * Baseball great Hank Aaron, who proudly got his Moderna vaccine in public to
   encourage the Black population to do likewise, died 2 weeks later. He had
   tweeted: “I was proud to get the Covid vaccine earlier today at Morehouse
   School of Medicine. I hope you do the same!” The fact the this baseball
   legend died so soon after his injection sends a very different message to the
   community.  Was his death vaccine-related? Big Pharma and its media shills
   say no. In this case, we may never know for sure, but I feel it’s worth a
   mention in this list.




As of March 5th, according to VAERS—the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
in America—there have been 1,524 deaths, 5,507 serious injuries and 390 reports
of Bell’s Palsy resulting from Covid vaccines. In all, a total of  31,079
adverse Covid vaccine events have been reported to VAERS thus far. Keep in mind
that this is over the course of barely three months, and by the time you read
this, these numbers will undoubtedly be higher.


To put things in perspective, let’s consider just a few of the many dozens of
drugs various pharmaceutical companies have had to recall once it became clear
they’d done more harm than good—and especially those that resulted in deaths.

 * Duract (Bromfenac) Cause for recall: 4 deaths; 8 patients requiring liver
   transplants; 12 patients with severe liver damage
 * Omniflox (Temafloxacin) Cause for recall: 3 deaths; anemia & other blood cell
   abnormalities; kidney dysfunction (half cases requiring dialysis);
 * Rezulin (Troglitazone) Cause for recall: at least 90 liver failures; at least
   63 deaths; 35,000 personal injury claims were filed against the manufacturer
 * Darvon & Darvocet (Propoxyphene) Cause for recall: toxicity to the heart;
   between 1981 and 1999 there were over 2,110 deaths reported—that’s over the
   course of 18 years!


In his recent Unz Review article entitled “Satan’s Poker,” Mike Whitney turns
his laser-sharp focus to Israel’s massive vaccination program. Since Israel is
such a small country to begin with, the results are particularly striking. Over 
half the population has already been vaccinated. Hmmm…was that wise? Whitney
asks why their Covid cases rose dramatically during the first month of the
vaccine program. He also wonders why, after only 2 months, “76% of new Covid-19
cases [affected people] under 39. Only 5.5% are over 60. 40% of critical
patients are under 60.”

But here’s his most important question: “Did the vaccinations shift the
direction of the infection to a different demographic or have the vaccines
created a more virulent strain of the virus that targets younger people?” 
Wouldn’t one want to know that immediately before proceeding any further? Are
Pfizer and the other Big Pharma companies just going to say, “Trust the
science?” And is the Israeli government going to pursue this grand vaccination
plan regardless of deleterious effects on many of its citizens?


The pharmaceutical giants are quick to tell us the vaccine deaths and injuries
must have been from some other cause, or that they’re an acceptable trade-off.
Case in point: “The benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine in preventing COVID-19,
with its associated risk of hospitalization and death, outweigh the risks of
side effects,” according to the EMA (European Medicines Regulator)—though
multiple countries banned it as unsafe. Furthermore, many respected
scientists—including virologists, microbiologists, epidemiologists and
physicians—have long been sounding the alarm regarding these experimental

In fact, it has been pointed out that the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca
products are not traditional vaccines at all, but function more or less like
software programs that instruct your own cells to make the virus’ spike protein
so that your immune system will form antibodies against it. Since nothing like
this has ever been implemented before and there are no long-term studies, there
can be no reasonable assurances of the safety of these vaccines. But you have to
dig to find such troubling facts, as you won’t encounter them on CNN, MSNBC et
al. That should be a warning sign in and of itself.


While these novel “vaccines” have never been unleashed on the public at large,
in fact, there have been a few small experimental trials using the mRNA vaccines
against several diseases. They did not go well. Dr. Drew Weissman–an early
pioneer of mRNA technology—wrote in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, that the
results from an mRNA flu vaccine were “more modest in humans than was expected
based on animal models… and the side effects were not trivial.” [Italics mine.]

Here are a few of these “non trivial” side effects: systemic inflammation,
potentially fatal autoimmune responses, blood coagulation, and pathological
thrombus formation. Hmmm… Didn’t 18 European countries recently halt the use of
AstraZeneca’s vaccine precisely due to blood clotting issues—a “side effect”
discovered in preliminary trials?

There are a number of doctors and scientists outside of the Big Pharma tent,
with no vested monetary interest in this issue, who predict millions of deaths
from these mRNA vaccines—magnitudes higher than anything ever seen from the
Covid virus. We may call this speculation, but why use our entire population as
guinea pigs in the first place? What happened to the Hippocratic Oath’s first
principle: Do No Harm?


Every official, business, industry, organization or other entity that insists
you be vaccinated in order to enter its premises, work or live therein, etc., is
effectively asking you to play Russian Roulette with a revolver held up to your
head. You won’t know till you’ve pressed the trigger whether you’ll get an empty
chamber or take a fatal bullet.

Who exactly has the right to demand that you risk your life to “protect”
yourself? To “protect” others? Nor do we know if these experimental vaccines are
actually “effective” or even whether they may cause other serious harm to the
inoculated in the long-term—as that key study that is so central to the
development of safe vaccines was bypassed in this colossal rush-to-market.

In view of the sheer numbers of deaths and irreversible harm to people these
vaccines have caused in just a matter of weeks, I’m waiting for the announcement
from Big Pharma companies Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, etc., that they’re
pulling these vaccines off the market, as this experimental trial on millions of
human beings—the largest in history—has tragically proven these novel,
experimental vaccines far too dangerous for human use.

I’m still waiting. Maybe tomorrow…

Editors note: This is an opinion article identified by its “Op-Ed” title intro.
The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice,
diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other
qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical
condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it
because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a
medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911

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Cherie Zaslawsky

Cherie Zaslawsky is a writer, freelance editor, and private educator / teacher /
writing coach for high school students, as well as a confirmed Constitutionalist
who nevertheless lives in California. Her work appears in Renew America, Lew
Rockwell, American Thinker, Canada Free Press, WND, The Published Reporter, and

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