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Submission: On November 02 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form method="POST" class="sc-cWSHoV sc-cyRcrZ igXpGr gxHeQq"><input type="hidden" id="lead_source" name="lead_source" value="Web">
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        data-shrink="false" for="how_did_you_hear_about_us_">How'd you hear about us?</label>
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Text Content


 * * Product
      * Data Protection
        Identify and protect sensitive content
      * Phishing Protection
        Detect and remediate inbound threats using every source
      * Posture Management
        Risk analytics, real-time search, and more
      * Identity Protection
        Protect legacy authentication and signup workflows
 * Deployment + Security
 * Customers
 * Love
 * Blog
   * Company
      * About Us
        Learn about Material
      * Careers
        We’re hiring!
      * Partners
        Partner with Material



Organizations of all shapes and sizes trust Material to provide visibility,
defense-in-depth, and security infrastructure for Microsoft 365 and
Google Workspace.

Try Material

Pippin Wallace

Principal Security Eng...

Honestly one of the best security products I've used and its value is apparent
in their unique approach. I am sure more companies will try to imitate what
Material is doing as it just makes sense.

Veejay Leswal

Sr. Technology Executive

One of the best security products on the market hands down. Easy to implement.
Great team to work with. Get it and stop worrying about retention and
compromise. Material Security FTW.

Andrew Becherer

Chief Information Secu...

If you manage corporate IT security and haven't been following Material Security
I recommend checking them out. They bring solutions to email problems that felt
intractable and I really appreciate their deployment model.

Diogo Mónica

@diogomonica, Co-Found...

Everyone in infosec knows it's rare to see a new product that is obviously a
solution instead of a band-aid. Congrats to the @material_sec team for building
one of those products.

Alex Rice

HackerOne, Founder & CTO

Really excited for what Ryan Noon and the team are up to over at Material
Security. Email has become the center of so much of our digital lives and the
blast radius of even a single email account compromise is one of those things
that has always kept me up at night. "Zero Trust" for email is long overdue.


@cryps1s, CISO/Human a...

I have been ruminating on the Hafnium exchange exploit and my strongest
defensive thesis is on @material_sec.

I am so bullish on their product for meaningfully derisking and detecting
mailbox abuse.

Adam Zollman

@azollman, Network def...

Stoked for @material_sec. It's seriously cool tech, and always nice to see what
a genuinely novel approach to a hard problem in security looks like. (Congrats!)

Keith Hoodlet

@securingdev, Senior M...

Just got off the phone with the folks @material_sec and I have to say,
@internet_meme and the team have built a pretty amazing security product. I
rarely walk away from a product demo and think “this is incredible”.

This was one of those moments.

Troy Wilkinson

CISO at Interpublic Gr...

The team at Material Security has built a really interesting product that
completely bypasses how everybody has thought about email security historically.
Congrats Ryan Noon & the entire Material team!
#seriesc #unicorn #cybersecurity

Jason Waits

@jwaits0, Director of ...

Their demo was fantastic. Definitely a fresh take on email security. Probably be
first tool I've seen that works equally well if you're on Gmail or 0365.

Mike Mackintosh

@mikemackintosh, @door...

Anything is possible when @material_sec meets google cloud functions. So pumped.

Ben Hagen

@benhagen, 2x Presiden...

Super excited to see the growth of non-snake oil security startups. Rare to see
new entrants in the space actually improve the state of security with innovative
approaches. @material_sec's mission is personal to me.

Ryan McGeehan

@Magoo, Researches ATO...

Very happy to see @material_sec growing. They've built smart mitigations for
tough problems. Good work @internet_meme, @abhishek0918 and Chris Park!


@fredrickl, CSO at Gusto

I don't get paid to talk about security products I like. I'm not on any advisory
boards. I'm not an investor in any of them. I just like telling other people at
*good* security companies that deliver *real* value and stand by their promises.
@material_sec is the real deal.


@caseyjohnellis, found...

got a run-through of @material_sec earlier today... very novel and clean
approach to solving a number of systemic email security challenges. worth a

Andrew Caspersen

CISO at Gap Inc.

Very exciting to see cool companies bringing cool solutions to the "shambolic"
(hat tip Ryan Noon) mess that email has become.

Don Magee

@DonMagee, Cloud Archi...

I really love @material_sec and how easy it makes it to protect our company’s
email systems. This morning I saw a phish in my inbox. I flagged it as phishing
and instantly the email was defanged and I received this email.


Your cloud office environment is home to the most valuable data about your
products, employees, and customers—Material helps you protect it. Reduce your
attack surface with powerful risk analytics and threat detection tools. Contain
the blast radius of incidents with new defense-in-depth techniques to protect
sensitive data and apps.

Data Protection

Identify and protect sensitive content without sacrificing productivity.

Phishing Protection

Detect and remediate threats, automate response to user reports, and train users
with real attacks.

Posture Management

Discover and address vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and risky user

Identity Protection

Protect legacy authentication and signup workflows to prevent lateral takeovers
and manage Shadow IT.

Material is easy to deploy, run, and trust

See Why


We're grateful for the support of creative security leaders across the world.

Veejay Leswal

Sr. Technology Executive

One of the best security products on the market hands down. Easy to implement.
Great team to work with. Get it and stop worrying about retention and
compromise. Material Security FTW.

Giovanni Sanchez
Systems Engineer

“Every component of Material is easy to maneuver and easy to use. It’s not
overly complicated, and it shouldn’t have to be. Security should be something
that you can understand.”


Visit case study

Troy Wilkinson

CISO at Interpublic Group (IPG)

The team at Material Security has built a really interesting product that
completely bypasses how everybody has thought about email security historically.
Congrats Ryan Noon & the entire Material team!
#seriesc #unicorn #cybersecurity

Ben Hagen

@benhagen, 2x Presidential Election & Emmy Award Winning Security Otter

Super excited to see the growth of non-snake oil security startups. Rare to see
new entrants in the space actually improve the state of security with innovative
approaches. @material_sec's mission is personal to me.

Fredrick "Flee" Lee

“At Gusto, every employee is serious about protecting our customers and
ecosystem.  We are using Material to take full advantage of the underlying APIs
in our cloud email to protect against phishing, reduce ATO attacks, prevent
sensitive data leakage, and more.”


Visit case study

Andrew Becherer

Chief Information Security Officer at Iterable

If you manage corporate IT security and haven't been following Material Security
I recommend checking them out. They bring solutions to email problems that felt
intractable and I really appreciate their deployment model.

Keith Hoodlet

@securingdev, Senior Manager, @thermofisher

Just got off the phone with the folks @material_sec and I have to say,
@internet_meme and the team have built a pretty amazing security product. I
rarely walk away from a product demo and think “this is incredible”.

This was one of those moments.

Lisa Hall
Director - Head of Information Security

“We are using Material Security to reduce the risk related to email—including
improved phishing response, data leakage prevention, and sensitive data
discovery. It takes the guesswork out of email security.”


Visit case study

Ryan McGeehan

@Magoo, Researches ATO @, Writes "Starting Up Security" @, tweets horror stories @badthingsdaily!

Very happy to see @material_sec growing. They've built smart mitigations for
tough problems. Good work @internet_meme, @abhishek0918 and Chris Park!

Adam Zollman

@azollman, Network defender. Threaty, buildy things @NBCUniversal. he/him

Stoked for @material_sec. It's seriously cool tech, and always nice to see what
a genuinely novel approach to a hard problem in security looks like. (Congrats!)

Matt Pecorelli
Director - Cybersecurity Operations

“Material was simple to operate and trust even at our scale. There was no
complex implementation and no disruption to go into production, and we had full
access to our own cloud instance throughout. Within a couple of hours of
deployment, we could analyze all the email data for all our domains across North
America. It was remarkable.”


Visit case study

Michael Keithley


We need more companies starting from first principles thinking about securing
apps from the inside out. @material_sec has done exactly this for securing
email. Highly recommended!


   Chris Long 7m read

   Tina Jiang 8m read

   Matt Muller 4m read

   Material Team 10m read



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Material gives us an extra layer of protection when it matters most
by accelerating our detection and response time.”

Nico Waisman

CISO, Lyft

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