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The Forums
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The Wiki
The 14th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Winner
Competitions, Halloween Hellhunt, Reports From the Field - November 22, 2023

And that’s a wrap on this year’s Halloween Hellhunt. Congratulations to
bertinator on his victory with his battle Fuss About a Bus! He dominated this
year’s scoring with his very enjoyable battle. Thank you to everyone who
participated this year and I look forward to what everyone comes up with next
year! Have a good one everyone!

The 14th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Overview Thread Fuss About a Bus, by

- posted by Zupponn

The 14th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Contest
Competitions, Halloween Hellhunt, Reports From the Field - October 16, 2023

The spooky season is upon us again, and that means that we have another
Halloween Hellhunt on the horizon! This year we have Pumpkins as the contest’s
theme. One of the most classic of Halloween decorations, we’ll see where our
Brikwarriors can fit pumpkins into their battles. As always, the contest is open
to everyone, but remember that battle submissions are due by November 3rd. We
hope to see many entries this year, so give us your most awesome battles and
lets revel in the chaos! Cheers!

The 14th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Overview Thread

- posted by Zupponn

The 13th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Winner
Competitions, Halloween Hellhunt, Reports From the Field - November 24, 2022

Another year, another completed Halloween Hellhunt. Congratulations to MadMario
on his victory with his battle Mall-O-Ween Manhunt (Kill theM ALL)! He was able
to create a fun battle with some fantastic writing and great visuals that was a
joy to read. Thanks to everyone who participated this year! We hope to see you
again next year! Enjoy the holidays everyone!

The 13th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Overview Thread Mall-O-Ween Manhunt (Kill
theM ALL), by MadMario

- posted by Zupponn

The 13th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Contest
Competitions, Halloween Hellhunt, Reports From the Field - November 3, 2022

Another year brings us to another Halloween Hellhunt! Spooky battles all around!
In honor of the 13th year of the contest, this year’s theme is the number 13.
The number 13 is the number containing the greatest amount of superstition and
mysticism and I’m excited to see what our Brikwarriors come up with. As always,
the contest is open to everyone, though I am a little late in posting this as it
also ends on Friday. If you have the time though, come and give us your most
chaotic effort. Cheers!

The 13th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Overview Thread

- posted by Zupponn

The 12th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Winner
Competitions, Halloween Hellhunt, Reports From the Field - November 21, 2021

Hello again! We have concluded this year’s Halloween Hellhunt and I am happy to
announce that our new Lord of Battle is Gorvoslov! His battle, Prisonbreak, was
tied with 2 other entries after initial voting, but won through tiebreak voting
by the judges. Prisonbreak is a fun little battle with fantastic writing that
really captures the spirit and humor of Brikwars. Thank you to all who
participated this year and I hope we can get such quality entries again in GR
2022. For now, I will go back into my slumber until I am needed again. Cheers!

The 12th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Overview Thread Prisonbreak , by Gorvoslov

- posted by Zupponn

The 12th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Contest
Competitions, Halloween Hellhunt, Reports From the Field, Uncategorized -
October 9, 2021

Welcome back to the spooky season of October! Once again, all eyes of the Far
Ums look to the Reports From the Field for the annual Halloween Hellhunt
contest. This is the 12th year of the contest and again we are excited to see
what battles you Brikwarriors can come up with! This year’s theme is Aliens.
Always a popular choice for costumes and Brikwar battles alike, the presence of
extraterrestrials is sure to make a situation more interesting. Battle
submissions are open to everyone, so don’t be shy and join us in our celebration
of our time-honored tradition. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up

The 12th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Overview Thread

- posted by Zupponn

2020 in Review
BrikWars Community, Forum Highlights - January 1, 2021

Happy new year! Or, more to the point, happy not that janky old year anymore.
We’re all glad that 2020 is finally in our hindsight as the prophecy foretold.

As Zupponn noted a few posts ago, the newsfeed’s been pretty quiet, with none of
the usual forum highlight posts since the big Ragnablok blowout extravaganza.
The apps we were using to organize the forum highlights stopped working towards
the end of 2019, forcing us to muscle our way through with hacked-together
spreadsheets through the end of the year, but since then we’ve been focused on
other things.

Which isn’t to say the forums have been quiet! Forum battles and story vignettes
are still going strong, and highlight photos are still posted to the Pinterest
board every week.

Builds, art, community, and general conversation, on the other hand, have moved
almost entirely to the BrikWars Discord. The link to the Discord has been hidden
away at the bottom of the BrikWars front page for a few years now, but it’s
probably time to bring it up top now that it’s replaced the forums as the
central meetup location for the community.

In the meantime, here’s a selection of highlights from the forums in 2020!

- posted by Mike

The 11th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Winner
Competitions, Halloween Hellhunt, Reports From the Field - December 15, 2020

Halloween Hellhunt 2020 has ended and we have a new Lord of Battle!
Congratulations to Food_Truk, who’s battle Brik or Treat Battle Royale topped
all of the contenders. 2020 has been quite a year, so we’re glad to have been
able to continue this sacred Brikwar tradition and help break up the monotony of
staying home all the time. Thanks to everyone who participated this year. Be on
the watch though, because before we know it Halloween Hellhunt 2021 will be just
around the corner!

The 11th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Overview Thread Brik or Treat Battle Royale ,
by Food_Truk

- posted by Zupponn

The 11th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Contest
Competitions, Halloween Hellhunt, Reports From the Field - October 10, 2020

Once again October is upon us and I have returned to raise the front page back
from the dead! (seriously Mike, 9 months?) We are now at the 11th (Can you
believe it? 11!) iteration of our beloved contest and this year we will be
celebrating the spookiest of holidays with our theme of The Moon. This year’s
Halloween will feature a full, blue moon and we would like to commemorate this
special occurrence by featuring moons in our forum battles. Remember, battle
submissions are always open to anyone and everyone, so make sure to get out
there and create some Brikwars chaos!

The 11th Annual Halloween Hellhunt Overview Thread

- posted by Zupponn

THE KONVERGENCE: Konklusion, Bonus Photos, and Brootal Kommentary
BrikWars Community, Events, Ragnablok, Reports From the Field - December 31,
Reports From the Field: [HH19] BATTLE OF THE KONVERGENCE, by ninja_bait

The Battle of the Konvergence has reached its ultimate end, locking Blue Guy in
eternal combat with the Four Horsemen of Ragnablok in the Kanon Ball singularity
and driving a stake in the Nehellennium timeline. Minifigs are free once again
to move about the universe and adhere to whatever level of kontinuity they wish.

"Ragnablok Arrives at BrickFair New Jersey" on the BrikWars Patreon The massive
Ragnablok overview on the BrikWars Wiki

Reports From the Field: [HH19] BATTLE OF THE KONVERGENCE, by ninja_bait
Reports From the Field: [HH19] BATTLE OF THE KONVERGENCE, by ninja_bait
Reports From the Field: DA KONVERGENS BATTEL - DA NINETH TURN?! by Kommander Ken
Reports From the Field: [HH19] BATTLE OF THE KONVERGENCE, by ninja_bait
Reports From the Field: DA KONVERGENS BATTEL - TURN EIGHT, by Kommander Ken
Reports From the Field: [HH19] BATTLE OF THE KONVERGENCE, by ninja_bait
Reports From the Field: DA KONVERGENS BATTEL - FINALEE, by Kommander Ken
Reports From the Field: DA KONVERGENS BATTEL - TURN 2, by Kommander Ken
Reports From the Field: DA KONVERGENS BATTEL - FINALEE, by Kommander Ken
Reports From the Field: [HH19] BATTLE OF THE KONVERGENCE, by ninja_bait
Reports From the Field: [HH19] BATTLE OF THE KONVERGENCE, by ninja_bait
Reports From the Field: DA KONVERGENS BATTEL - DA NINETH TURN?! by Kommander Ken
Kommander Ken
Reports From the Field: DA KONVERGENS BATTEL - DA NINETH TURN?! by Kommander Ken
Reports From the Field: DA KONVERGENS BATTEL - FINALEE, by Kommander Ken
Reports From the Field: DA KONVERGENS BATTEL - TURN EIGHT, by Kommander Ken
Reports From the Field: [HH19] BATTLE OF THE KONVERGENCE, by ninja_bait
- posted by Mike

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