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Whatever you need: an academic essay about human rights or a human rights
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political and civil rights are not given or guaranteed to all its citizens.

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In some other countries, economic and social rights are not enforced, Therefore,
the basic idea behind stressing human rights is that all governments should try
to maintain these fundamental rights and see that all types of discrimination in
this respect are rooted out. Nevertheless, many types of discrimination and
violation of human rights are seen in different parts of the world. Yet today,
people are forced to flee their land of birth and forced to live in refugee
camps under miserable conditions.

Today minorities in many parts of the world have no political rights.


The protections over these rights are also very minimal. The chapter said the
rights are also very minimal as well. In order for certain freedoms and beliefs
to be recognized, human rights are to be placed into action. Human rights are
established to help the people and they are also there to help keep peace,
order, and togetherness within a community. Human rights are to be exercised but
they are to be done so within reason, law and just cause. Classification of
Human Rights Human rights are classified into numerous categories.


The subcategories under social rights include economic and cultural. Political
deals with the government and their general input. Social rights require
positive acts of the government for the necessary conditions to sustain human

The classifications of human rights are to ensure that everyone has the right to
social security, and also the economic, social, and cultural rights previously
listed. Things such as the negative connotation on civil and political rights
and the positive connotation on the economic, social and cultural rights are to
name a few.

With that being said, the actual views on these rights are proved to be that
they all have negative and positive traits, and not just one or the other.
History of Human Rights The actual concept of rights began in England in the
thirteenth century. This started with the signing of the Magna Carta in by King

This established rights such as the right of the church to be free from
governmental inference and the right to free all citizens to own property free
from excessive taxes.


The idea of the Magna Carta was so that the laws of the land were not swayed one
way and were not based on one individuals own personal agendas. The Bill of
Rights dealt with the countries fundamental concerns. These rights made the King
an equal person to the people. The rights included in this group are also very

These includes:. The policy of Apartheid was practiced in South Africa for a
long time. Though the Black people formed the majority in South Africa, they
were denied their political rights. The white people, who were a minority, were
ruling them. However, the UN condemned the racist policy and passed a resolution
in this regard. Finally, South Africa witnessed a momentous change after long
years of struggle when they elected a Black President, Mr. Nelson Mandela.
Political and civil rights were given to all the people of South Africa. India
being a democratic country provides such rights to its citizens and allows them
certain rights including the freedom of expression.

The six Fundamental Rights as mentioned in our Constitution are:. Importance of
human rights: The importance of the human rights movement is that it tells
people that one cannot call a society a good and a just society until all its
citizens enjoy these human rights.


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A second political objection is that egalitarianism undermines productivity. If
the state redistributes income or other resources, then there is less incentive
to be productive. Suppose all the members of a population have x units of your
preferred metric of distributive justice, except for one person who has 2x. Now
consider whether it is desirable to transition from that distribution to one in
which everyone holds x units. This makes one person worse off and no person
better off. The distribution is now equal, but is it preferable?

Is it more just?

A strict egalitarian can respond that if equality is intrinsically valuable then
the distribution is improved in that respect. They are not strictly committed to
concluding that this makes the new distribution preferable overall. That only
follows if equality is the overriding or sole value. If equality must be
balanced against other values, then egalitarians have an answer to the leveling
down objection.

A strict egalitarian who thinks equality is instrumental already accepts other
values, so they can argue that in these cases equality is not instrumental in
bringing about the desired consequences. The leveling down objection is a threat
to views that pursue strict equality. Non-equalizing conceptions of substantive
distributive justice avoid the problem. What most theories aim to do is improve
the condition of the worst off and thereby lessen inequality, not pursue strict
equality unconditionally. Views that prioritize aid to the worst off or support
a sufficient minimum floor are not obviously subject to this objection.

Even if one thinks it is morally obligatory to redistribute resources to improve
the condition of those who are worse off than others, it does not follow that it
is obligatory to destroy resources when that is the only way to achieve
distributive equality. Perhaps the most philosophically interesting objections
to egalitarianism are themselves based in the descriptive thesis that all
persons are in fact equal. One objection is that egalitarian distributive
justice is insufficiently sensitive to both deservingness and human agency.

A second is that there is no just way to implement a redistributive scheme that
aims towards equality, because doing so violates freedoms and rights that follow
from our equality. Strict egalitarianism defines a pattern of equal shares, the
various capabilities approaches define patterns involving a sufficient minimum
below which persons cannot fall, and the difference principle states that the
level of permissible deviation from the baseline of equality is defined by what
is necessary to raise the absolute condition of the worst off.

Nozick argues against all patterned conceptions of distributive justice. He
claims that according to patterned conceptions of justice, if a given pattern is
just, it makes no difference which persons occupy which places in the
distribution. Justice is defined in terms of structural features of the pattern,
not the identity of those occupying specific places in the pattern. Yet that
seems counterintuitive.

Those at the top might deserve their place on the basis of working hard.
Inequalities might be generated by the voluntary transfer of goods that took
place in a distribution that was already just. Nozick concludes that, rather
than favoring a patterned conception of distributive justice, we ought to
understand distributive justice in terms of historical entitlements and
voluntary transactions.

He agrees with Rawls that the distribution of natural talents is not a basis for
deservingness, but denies that this means the distribution of those talents and
the varying wealth and income derivable from them is arbitrary from the moral
point of view. It is not arbitrary because natural talents are implicated in the
normative relationship of self-ownership.

Persons own themselves. That includes their native abilities. This means that,
by extension, they hold strong entitlements to the property they can obtain by
exercising those undeserved talents. Consider the role given to institutional
expectations and institutional desert. In other words, entitlement to property
is generated by the basic structure of the state. Institutional expectations
ground such entitlements. Therefore, his view is compatible with a conception of
private property that is not indifferent to which persons occupy which positions
in the distribution.

Of course, Nozick, following Locke, thinks individuals can have preinstitutional
entitlements, so his view of property rights is much stronger. There is a causal
relationship between which persons occupy which positions and the pattern of the
total distribution. The size of the economic pie is defined by which people
occupy which places.


Switching places would change total productivity and harm the absolute condition
of the worst off. The specific pattern depends on myriad factors, and those
factors cannot be held constant while you switch the persons occupying the
different positions in the pattern. For example, if in a given state greater
incentives are required to motivate some of the highly talented to be more
productive, you cannot switch their place in the pattern without changing the
productivity level.

The hypothetical place switching across identical patterns cannot be
implemented. This response also applies to luck egalitarian accounts of
distributive justice.

For a much stronger desert-based alternative, see Kagan Suppose an actual
distribution meets your definition of a just pattern, whatever that may be. So
long as persons can make voluntary transactions purchases, gifts, trades,
bequests , the original pattern will be lost. This all happens without
exploitation or coercion. The only way to regain the pattern is to for the state
to interfere with these voluntary transactions and coercively redistribute the

But that is objectionable for two reasons. First, since the deviation from the
initial pattern was entirely voluntary, nobody has a valid objection to the
second pattern. It wrongs no one, since every transaction that changed the
pattern was consensual.


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These are a few of the books available in UBC Library to help you with your
dissertation writing process. For a wider range of books, please visit our Books
on Dissertation Writing pages. Resources for Dissertation Writing. Research
Commons. Email Us. Social: Facebook Page Twitter Page. Includes information on
what the purpose of a dissertation is, what skills and knowledge on the part of
the student it should demonstrate, and roughly how long it should be. Structure
of Theses and Dissertations. Includes information on all the sections that are
required in a UBC thesis or dissertation.

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resources online; find the ones that speak most to you! The Thesis Whisperer
blog , by Dr. Inger Mewburn at Australian National University. For sciences and
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There should be many, many graphs and statistical analyses in these dissertation
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Moreover, most figures should be in the dissertation results. For most students,
this is where all the figures are. Figures in your introduction should only
present previous research. They should never give your own findings.

In the discussion section, you place your research in its scholarly context.
Like the introduction, the dissertation discussion should cite many previous
studies. Instead, you use previous research to assess your study—and vice versa.
As such, any good example of a discussion considers weaknesses in the research.
This might be mentioning flaws that were unclear before research began.

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Doctoral Dissertations & Proposals: Social Sciences & Humanities. A doctoral
dissertation or thesis is a professional necessity; in order to finish your
graduate. AHA Graduate and Early Career Committee. From Concept to Completion: A
Dissertation-Writing Guide for.

The Faculty of Arts places great emphasis on the impartiality and transparency
of the preliminary examination of doctoral dissertations. Thus in order to avoid
legal problems, the examiners must submit their statements to the Faculty only.
During the examination process, the examiners will communicate only with the
Faculty of Arts Postgraduate Student Services or the faculty representative
overseeing the examination process, and the examiners will thus not submit their
statements to the doctoral candidate, the doctoral candidate's responsible
teacher or the supervisor, nor will they discuss with them the contents of the
statement or any other matters related to the dissertation.

The preliminary examiner must not supervise the doctoral student or accept
revised versions of the manuscript or any other material related to the
dissertation except through the Faculty's Postgraduate Student Services. In the
appointment of preliminary examiners, the University of Helsinki regulations on
the disqualification of preliminary examiners must be taken into account.

The preliminary examiner can have no relationship with the doctoral candidate,
the doctoral dissertation or another party involved that may compromise his or
her impartiality. Consequently, e. The Faculty strives to clear up any issues
related to ineligibility before the examiners are officially appointed. The
Postgraduate Student Services will deliver copies of the statement to the
doctoral candidate, the doctoral candicate's responsible teacher, the
supervisor, the other preliminary examiner and members of the Faculty Council as
well as once permission to defend the dissertation has been granted to the
opponent and other members of the dissertation grading committee.

The statement will be enclosed with the minutes of the Faculty Council meeting
in which it decides on the permission to defend the dissertation, after which
the statement will become a public document. The Postgraduate Student Services
must be informed if the preliminary examination exceeds the time limit.
Preliminary examination statements should be written in either Finnish, Swedish
or English. In cases where the doctoral candidate's mother tongue is not
Finnish, we recommend that statements be written in English, if possible.

The statement may contain suggestions for corrections and improvements, but
should also explicitly indicate whether the examiner recommends that the
doctoral candidate be granted permission to defend the dissertation in a public
examination, or whether the candidate should be denied this permission. Should
the examiners wish to comment on minor errors, such as spelling mistakes, they
may enclose a separate list of corrections with the statement, or return the
manuscript with their written comments to the Faculty's Postgraduate Student

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The Postgraduate Student Services will forward the list or manuscript to the
doctoral candidate. If the examiner has not written any comments on the
manuscript, it need not be returned.

An undersigned, scanned copy of the statement should be sent to the Faculty's
Postgraduate Student Services hum-postgrad helsinki. If you are unable to scan
the document, we ask that you send the statement as an email attachment e. A fee
of euros will be paid to the preliminary examiners once their statements have
arrived at the Faculty. The examiners are asked to fill in a fee form and return
it as an email attachment together with their statement.

When the Faculty Council grants the doctoral candidate permission to defend the
dissertation in a public examination, it will also appoint a dissertation
grading committee the opponent, the custos and the already appointed faculty
representative and possible second faculty representative , and the candidate
may then begin the practical arrangements for a public examination of the

The Faculty Council will make a final decision on the approval or rejection of
the dissertation and on its grading after the public examination.


The preliminary examiners have no right or obligation to supervise the revision
of the dissertation; the responsibility for this lies with the doctoral
candidate and the supervisor, and in the last instance, with the opponent. The
Faculty may ask a preliminary examiner to act as the opponent as well. The
Faculty Council will appoint a grading committee for the grading of a doctoral

The committee will include an opponent or in exceptional cases two , the custos
and one or several faculty representatives. The Faculty Doctoral Student
Services will send the preliminary examination statements to the members of the
grading committee for their information and consideration. Opponent s are always
named from outside the doctoral candidate's home faculty and, as a rule, from
outside the University of Helsinki. Additionally, in the appointment of
opponents, the University of Helsinki regulations on the disqualification of
thesis examiners must be taken into account for more information, see "Ethical
guidelines" earlier on this page.

The Faculty strives to clear up any issues related to ineligibility before the
opponent is officially appointed.


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