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5 min.

3 Key Insights For Effective Knowledge Orchestration

Customer Experience
Customer Success
Customer Support

The September FLOURISH Executive Roundtable was full of great insights and ideas
to help maximize customer retention and satisfaction through knowledge
orchestration. Highly experienced customer-facing leaders from a wide range of
industries came together to learn and grow in a highly engaging discussion. 

Knowledge orchestration is the subtle art and, arguably, a demanding science for
building effective knowledge programs and content that provides customers access
to accurate, consistent, relevant content to better support customer’s needs.
Effective knowledge orchestration is a driver and enabler of customer success
while delivering a fantastic customer experience. When done well, high-impact
knowledge orchestration efforts accelerate customer time to value, reduce demand
(and costs) for support, and enable you to scale your efforts to make customers

Here are three insights that will help you better engage and delight your
customers through effective knowledge orchestration.


It was widely reported that organizations possess a wide variety of content and
experts capable of quickly creating additional high-quality content to aid
customers. However, they face numerous challenges in collecting, standardizing,
and making this content available to customers when it is needed.

Many organizations reported they took a structured and intentional approach to
create the infrastructure required to identify, manage, develop, and make the
content available and valuable.

Use a Knowledge Council

One widely recommended approach was developing a team or “knowledge council”
that includes representatives from across the organization. Council members
include staff from support, success, product, sales, and marketing. They
collaborate to identify what content is available, what is needed, and who can
best develop appropriate content. The council also worked to prevent duplication
of effort.

Build Governance and Taxonomies

Establishing the proper team structure, roles, responsibilities, and processes
is critical. You need to define taxonomies and content templates, to ensure that
new content has accurate meta-tagging and is built in a way that facilitates
effective management and access. Some organizations reported creating user
personas to help people target and build appropriate content based on various
user needs.

Assign a Champion

Not surprisingly, many organizations identified the need to have the right
person lead the knowledge council. For large organizations with complex products
or needs, this could be a dedicated resource. Smaller organizations, and those
that are early in their knowledge journey, indicated that this could be an
additional role assigned to a staff member in addition to their other


What became clear from the insights shared during the discussion is that
developing and implementing an effective knowledge program can be a significant
initiative for an organization. These initiatives can add tremendous value to
both customers and the organization, but they should not be entered into
lightly. It does require changes to many parts of the organization and a
willingness to collaborate. If your organization already struggles to manage
internal change and collaborate effectively with other departments, you may need
help setting up your knowledge infrastructure.


It was widely reported that many staff members truly desired to make customers
successful. However, there were frequent communication challenges and misaligned
incentives such that staff members were not always acting in a way that
supported customers.

For example, one organization reported that while they had built a tremendous
library of high-quality and accurate content, the front-line staff often were
either not accurately sharing this content or would adjust it for each customer.
This was done to ensure the staff were meeting their internal performance
targets and metrics. However, the problem was that this often resulted in
customers getting inaccurate or inconsistent information, which decreased
customer trust and overall satisfaction with the company.

To address these issues, some organizations reported needing to examine
individual, team closely, and department goals, metrics, and rewards to ensure
they incentivized the desired behaviors.  Another suggestion was to assign
senior staff members to oversee the content development reviews to ensure
accurate and consistent content.


Once you have your knowledge infrastructure in place, you must carefully
motivate and manage your team for effective execution. This requires a change in
how people perform their jobs and how you measure job performance.

Remember that not everyone will have the expertise, writing, or other content
development skills to create high-quality content. Some staff members are better
at providing visual or verbal content. Other staff members may naturally be more
gifted and inspired by hands-on client engagement activities. You need to
carefully think through who should develop your content and who should not.
Then, figure out how to adjust workloads and performance measures accordingly. 



Measuring the impact and demonstrating the value of your knowledge orchestration
efforts is critical. You need to prove the value to both your internal
leadership as well as to your customers. 

Several people reported that a critical proof point was demonstrating how their
knowledge orchestration efforts increase case avoidance. Reducing the number of
support cases enables customers to implement or get value from the vendor’s
product quickly. It also reduced the headcount demands for support or customer
success staff. This also contributed to scalability.

Proving case avoidance is a tricky proposition. One effective method was to
analyze the volume of cases opened, by topic, per month. Roundtable participants
reported they could demonstrate a reduction in cases per topic as knowledge
content for these topics was made available. They also looked at metrics for
which content was accessed and how valuable customers rated it. These measures,
coupled with qualitative feedback from customers, proved invaluable for
demonstrating the value of the knowledge orchestration efforts.


Proving the value of many customer-facing efforts (success, experience, support,
etc.) is critical yet challenging. It is helpful to agree to specific goals,
targets, and metrics with senior leadership from the very beginning. You should
obtain commitments as to the goals and what it will take to achieve them. Also,
make sure everyone understands the specific leading and lagging indicators that
prove the value of your knowledge orchestration program. These programs take
time to build and measure the impact, so you will need to carefully manage
expectations and help people “keep the faith” during the early days of your


The FLOURISH roundtables continue to be a high-impact knowledge circle for
senior leaders. We learn what leaders have found effective, what didn’t work,
and what challenges they continue to face. For example, the September FLOURISH
Executive Roundtable demonstrated:

 * Many customers want the ability to solve their problems, in real-time,
   without having to wait or depend on support or customer success staff. To do
   this, they need easy access to accurate, reliable, and consistent knowledge
   content that meets their needs.
 * Most organizations already have a tremendous amount of content, but it is
   locked in silos and not readily accessible to customers. However, this
   content can quickly be unlocked and made available to customers with a bit of
 * Effective knowledge programs can reduce customer’s time to value, reduce
   customer demands on support staff, and serve as a critical element in scaling
   your customer support and success efforts.
 * Building and implementing an effective knowledge program can be a significant
   shift for some organizations. It will require you to plan and manage change
   as well as to adjust how staff performs their jobs.

Knowledge orchestration is indeed a complex undertaking. However, while it can
be complicated and challenging at times, the benefits to the customer and the
organization make it a truly worthwhile effort!

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