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Effective URL: https://www.morkborg.com/
Submission: On January 27 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Text Content


Third Party License:

A doom metal album of a game. A spiked flail to the face. Light on rules, heavy
everything else.

Best Writing


Best Layout & Design


Product of the Year


Best Game


Best Supplement



Best Online Content



Best Digital

Best Digital







MÖRK BORG is a pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy RPG about lost souls and fools
seeking redemption, forgiveness or the last remaining riches in a bleak and
dying world.

Confront power-draining necromancers, skulking skeletal warriors and
backstabbing wickheads. Wander the Valley of the Unfortunate Undead, the
catacombs beneath the Bergen Chrypt or the bedevilled Sarkash forest. But leave
hope behind - the world’s cruel fate is sealed, and all your vain heroic efforts
are destined to end in death and dismay. Or are they?

Who are you? The tomb-robber with silver glittering between cracked fingernails?
The mystic who would bend the world’s heart away from it’s inevitable end?

One day

all will


and burn.

MÖRK BORG is a complete game in the OSR genre, that can be played as is or be
picked apart for use in your own homebrew. The rules are easily made compatible
with most of the editions of the world’s largest role-playing game. Within the
book you’ll find:

A brief look at this dying world. From The Two-Headed Basilisks’ gothic
cathedral in Galgenbeck and Blood-countess Anthelia’s limestone palace, to the
fields of death in Graven-Tosk and the barren wastes of Kergüs.

The Calendar of Nechrubel, that decides the speed of the world’s demise.

20 occult Powers that let you bend reality, and just as many magical
catastrophes for when you disastrously fail.

Optional rules which brings more depth to the game. Omens let you turn bad luck
into a slightly better one. Classes with unique traits and quirks, and tables
that will bring life into your character.

12 creatures to be murdered by.

Game master tools such as tables for corpse plundering, occult treasure,
adventure sparks, dungeon generating and other devilry.

The introductory dungeon crawl scenario Rotblack Sludge, where you investigate a
forgotten part of the Shadow King’s enormous ruin palace. Cannibal warlocks,
poison peddlers from beyond the void and hungry gutworms await.


MÖRK BORG is constructed by Pelle Nilsson (Ockult Örtmästare Games) and Johan
Nohr (Stockholm Kartell). The game is published by Free League Publishing and is
available in Swedish and English - the English text is edited and cursed by
Patrick Stuart (Veins of the Earth, Silent Titans).






English standard
Swedish standard
Ultra minimal
Ultra minimal

English standard

Swedish standard

English CHRYPT
Swedish CHRYPT

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Rules reference

MÖRK BORG is rules light and you should never feel the need to flip through the
book while you're killing PCs. But should you need it, we put this rules
reference page at the back of the book. And here, as a pdf. For your players

Character sheets

In the dying world of MÖRK BORG your character will probably not last long, so
it might be a good idea to print some of these. Available in both fancy,
printer-killing edition, and the slightly less ink drinking kind.

Character sheets:

In case you run out of the regular character sheet or just really dislike it for
whatever reason, this optional version by Johannes Ramö Streith is for you.

Free, plain text version:


BARE BONES edition

Curious but uncertain? Want to peek into the Abyss before taking the plunge?
This is the free, scaled down version of the entire MÖRK BORG core book. No art,
except the cover image, and just the text, without any fancy fonts or
experimental graphic design.

But just as miserable.


For those of you who either hate paper, or are really in a hurry - SCVMBIRTHER
is the official MÖRK BORG character generator. Just click away!


Need billions of accursed labyrinths and desolate murder-tombs? DNGNGEN is the
official MÖRK BORG dungeon generator. Click and make your players weep.

The Monster Approaches...

Perhaps humans are the real monsters, but if you grow tired of them, use this
monster generator to spawn an endless tide of new miscreations to murder.

Rotblack Sludge,
or The Shadow King's
Lost Heir

You are imprisoned for heretical theft, but offered one last chance of freedom;
go to the Accursed Den, find and retrieve the Shadow King's lost heir. Rotblack
Sludge is the introductory dungeon crawl adventure featured in the MÖRK BORG
core book. And here.

The Forlorn Philosopher

Despondent, brooding and equipped with sorcerous clay tablets and the power of
overanalyzing, this is the thinking scum's character class. So they claim.

The Tablets of Ochre Obscurity

Ancient, sought-after clay tablets containing Powers that only the most
enlightened mystic (or Forlorn Philosopher) can hope to wield.

A Deadly
Dungeon Duo

The Membrane of Sarkantha and the damned Sarcopha-Ghost, two devilish hazards
every death-defying dungeon delver must learn to avoid.

Devil's Tomb

The Eyes of the Icon of St Largoth have been stolen and brought to a long-lost
Graven-Tosk hellhole. Bring them back! This one-page dungeon was made using the
digital dungeon generator DNGNGEN.

To Hell and Galgenbeck

The official MÖRK BORG comic, by Łukasz Kowalczuk, updated with new pages every

Dark Fort
Character sheets

Art by David Hoskins

Delve into the halls of the Dark Fort using these character sheets for
reference, notes and bandage if you must.

Dark Fort is the solo/micro game included in the MÖRK BORG CULT: FERETORY zine.

Merch Borg

Get your doomsday swag here! Merch Borg is our Spreadshirt store where you can
get MÖRK BORG tees and totes.


To contribute

To be a part of this, simply write/design/draw/code content for MÖRK BORG and
send it to us. You are more than welcome to spread it to others before, during
and after our review, you may even sell it. After we receive the content we will
review it (this can take a while) and we might or might not decide to pick it up
into the MBC. If we pick it up, we will make the edits and additions we deem
necessary, but always together with the content creator. This might be
proofreading, text edits, layout, illustrations etc, depending on what the
content needs. Then, the content will be published and promoted by us, and you
are more than welcome to help spread the word.

Content restrictions

We welcome any and all content, but we especially enjoy it brief, concise,
clever, dark and weird. We like random tables, monsters, dungeons and scenarios,
strange Powers and GM tools. We prefer a user-friendly toolbox approach before a
long prose read. We rather see lots of short bullet-lists than one long text. We
want it dark, depressing and cruel, but will never accept racist, sexist,
homophobic or transphobic content. Where this line is drawn is up to us in this


Submissions are currently closed until we have cleared up the giant backlog.
Feel free to publish using the MÖRK BORG Third Party License in the meantime!

MÖRK BORG CULT (MBC) is our sub-label for selected, approved and curated MÖRK
BORG content written by fans and laid out and illustrated by us. Digital MBC
modules will always be free to download here. Most, if not all of it, is also
available in print in MÖRK BORG CULT: FERETORY or MÖRK BORG CULT: HERETIC (soon
in stores).

Submissions are currently closed

Note: Due to the extreme amount of awesome stuff recieved, the MBC is currently
closed until we have cleared the backlog a bit.


Sepulchre of the
Swamp Witch

Adventure by Christian Sahlén

Proofreading by Walton Wood, Fiona Maeve Geist (MRC) and Jarrett Crader (MRC)

In a hidden repository deep in the Slithering Swamp is a witch's altar of
glyph-covered roots. They say it can fulfill any wish. Could stopping the
approaching Doom be within its powers? Only one way to find out.

The Goblin Grinder

Adventure by Ripley Caldwell

Editing by Fiona Maeve Geist and Jarrett Crader (MRC)

The streets of Galgenbeck are overrun by Goblins, turning burgher and pauper
alike into their own cursed kin. But a local alchemist claims to have a cure.
Only, the price is steadily increasing.

Graves Left Wanting

Adventure by Karl Druid

Editing by Fiona Maeve Geist and Jarrett Crader (MRC)
Additional proofreading by Walton Wood

The PCs find themselves buried alive in the vast, ever-changing cemetery of
Graven-Tosk. This dark and weird tombcrawl is suitable as a campaign starter or
a post-TPK adventure.


Adventure by Greg Saunders

Original map design by Dyson Logos

Villagers disappear. Tracks lead to an underground temple of bacchanalian
frenzy, reeking of rot, offal and bile. Find them and sate your hunger in Bloat,
a gluttunous one-page dungeon.

The Death Ziggurat

Adventure by Carl Niblaeus

A delve into the ruins of a lost temple city where something is awakening. A
descent into undead madness. A Cosmic Necrocrawl at the end of time. The Death
Ziggurat is a short adventure about postponing the inevitable.


Blackpowder Weapons for the Rich and Foolhardy

Weapons by Ian McClung

Proofreading by Walton Wood

Let's end the world with a BANG. These optional rules are the spark that adds
fire- to your fights. Whether it's a pepperbox or a ribauldequin, you can be
assured these things are loud and deadly.

The Merchant

Ghastly trader by Johnny Carhat

Art by Joakim Hanner

Cursed with eternal life and destined to roam the world trading shards of souls
for ruinous relics. You never know when this mysterious monger might appear.
Will you make a deal?

d100 Items and Trinkets

Random table by Pelle Svensson

Proofreading by Fiona Maeve Geist and Jarrett Crader (MRC), Alex Genn-Bash

You never know what you might find when you rummage through the cellars, coffers
and corpses of the dying world. Well, now you can find out.

The Tenebrous Reliquary

d66 items by Anders Arpi, Ben H, Dom Cohen, Ripley C, Johan Nohr, Karl Druid,
Leander E, Paul Wilde and Flora v/d B.

Occult treasures, trinkets and weapons to be found in the many sealed graves and
vaults of MÖRK BORG.

Unheroic Feats

Rules by Johnny Carhat

Enhance and personalize your classless characters with these optional
advancement rules.

The Bone Bowyer

Monster by Matthew Bottiglieri

This horrid fey lurks in the tangled depths of Sarkash where it fashions
heart-seeking bone bows and blood-dyed cloaks from the flesh of the lost.

Eat Prey Kill

Rules by Karl Druid

Rules for hunting for food (or sport). Also 54 fully statted monsters, 6 for
each major area of the dying world.

Overland Travel

Rules by Svante Landgraf

Homebrew rules for overland travel, including distances, road encounters,
village types and destinations.


Sacrilegious Songbird

Class by Karl Druid


You struck a deal with a devil and since that woeful day your soul scream but
your throat sing sweetly. And so does your purse. A small price to pay.

Dead God's Prophet

Class by Greg Saunders


Only the blind and foolish heed the words of the Two-Headed Basilisks. You know
the name of the one true god, the dead god. And soon, so will all.

Pale One

Class by Tim Rudloff

Proofreading Karl Druid


You are utterly alien, fundamentally other, and belong no where. Watching,
judging, waiting.

Cursed Skinwalker

Class by Karl Druid


A shapeshifting class whose careless drifting in the land of the dead merged
it´s soul with that of another being.


Character sheets
in Italian

By Marco Milanesi


Would you rather spend the last days of the ruined world speaking Italian? Now
you can do so with these character sheets. Riposi in pace!

Character sheets
in French

By Nicolas Folliot


May your would-be heroes live short and miserable lives: regardless of language!
These French character sheets will let you say au revoir to your poor PCs.

Character sheets
in Portuguese

By Arthur Burity


MORTE BORG. In case you want to face the inevitable end in Portuguese, this is
for you.

Character sheets
in Ukrainian

By Vladyslav Kulikov


Face down the bleakness and horrors of Nechrubel and the plentiful Miseries in
Ukrainian with these character sheets.

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