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Submission: On September 20 via manual from IL — Scanned from DE

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GET /notices/search

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GET /notices/search

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Text Content

 1.  Copyright
     1. Subtopics
     2. Anticircumvention (DMCA)
     3. Copyright and Fair Use
     4. Derivative Works
     5. DMCA Notices
     6. DMCA Safe Harbor
     7. DMCA Subpoenas
     8. Piracy or Copyright Infringement
     9. Reverse Engineering
 2.  Counterfeit
 3.  Court Orders
 4.  Defamation
 5.  EU - Right to Be Forgotten
     1. Subtopics
     2. El Derecho Al Olvido
     3. O Pravu Osobe Da Bude Zaboravljena?
     4. "Recht auf Vergessen"
     5. Recht Om Vergeten Te Worden
     6. правото да бъдеш забравен
 6.  Fan Fiction
 7.  Government Requests
 8.  International
 9.  John Doe Anonymity
 10. Law Enforcement Requests
 11. Linking
 12. Lumen
 13. No Action
 14. Patent
     1. Subtopics
     2. E-Commerce Patents
 15. Responses
 16. Right of Publicity
 17. Trademark
     1. Subtopics
     2. Domain Names and Trademarks
        1. Subtopics
        2. ACPA
        3. Documenting Your Domain Defense
        4. UDRP
     3. Protest, Parody and Criticism Sites
 18. Trade Secret
 19. Uncategorized

Research and Media Mentions


All FieldsTitleTopicsTagsJurisdictionsSender NamePrincipal NameRecipient
NameSubmitter NameSubmitter CountryWorks DescriptionsAction taken
All words required
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The information on this page represents either a request to remove material from
an online site or a DMCA (copyright) "counternotice," asking that material
already removed be replaced.

Lumen maintains an independent database of these notices and counternotices - we
are not their senders or recipients. All of the notices and requests in the
Lumen database have been shared with Lumen voluntarily by the companies or
individuals responsible for either originally sending or receiving the notices.
Lumen is not responsible in any way for either removing or restoring on-line
content from the web or search engine listings, or for "blocking" or restoring
access to websites or URLs.

Other information in the notice or counternotice depends on what details were
included when a copy of the notice was shared with Lumen. Lumen does not have
any more information about a particular notice than what is present within it.

 * The "Recipient" of the notice is the person or organization, most often an
   OSP, controlling access to the material or search results that are the
   subject of the request, and is therefore in a position to remove or restore
   access to it.
 * The "Principal" is the person or organization whose rights have allegedly
   been violated and on whose behalf the request is being made.
 * The "Sender" is the same as the Principal, the person or entity who is
   requesting that the material be removed, unless a third party has sent the
   notice on the Principal's behalf, in which case both are listed, with the
   agent sending "on behalf of" the original complainant.
 * The "Submitter" is the person or organization that shared a copy of the
   notice or counternotice with Lumen

Other important fields on each notice include the following, although not every
notice will have information in all of these fields.

 * The URL(s) for the material that the complainant wants taken down
 * A brief description of the issue leading to the complaint; and whether the
   recipient acted on the complaint or not.
 * In the case of a copyright complaint, the notice will also include a
   description of the original copyrighted material, and its URL if one exists.




[Private] Mountain View, CA, 94043, US


Notice Type: Other


A URL that otherwise would have appeared in response to your search was not displayed because that URL was reported as illegal under German youth protection laws.

Ihre Suche hätte in den Suchergebnissen einen Treffer generiert, den wir Ihnen nicht anzeigen, da uns mitgeteilt wurde, dass die entsprechende URL rechtswidrig gemäß deutscher Jugendschutzgesetze ist.

    Kind of Work: Unspecified
    URLs of original work:
    No copyrighted URLs were submitted.
    Problematic URLs:
    No infringing URLs were submitted.

Jurisdictions Unspecified





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