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<form class="form" action="/schedule-a-tour/go/" method="post" id="schedule-a-tour-form">
  <div class="form__row">
    <div class="form__column">
      <label for="FirstName" class="form__label form__label--infield" data-infield-label=""> First Name <span class="form__required">*</span>
      <input type="text" name="FirstName" id="FirstName" class="form__field form__field--text form__field--white-bg">
    <div class="form__column">
      <label for="LastName" class="form__label form__label--infield" data-infield-label=""> Last Name <span class="form__required">*</span>
      <input type="text" name="LastName" id="LastName" class="form__field form__field--text form__field--white-bg">
  <div class="form__row">
    <div class="form__column">
      <label for="TourPhone" class="form__label form__label--infield" data-infield-label=""> Phone <span class="form__required">*</span>
      <input type="tel" name="Phone" id="TourPhone" class="form__field form__field--text form__field--white-bg">
    <div class="form__column">
      <label for="TourEmail" class="form__label form__label--infield" data-infield-label=""> Email <span class="form__required">*</span>
      <input type="text" name="Email" id="TourEmail" autocapitalize="off" class="form__field form__field--text form__field--white-bg">
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    <div class="form__column form__column--select">
      <select title="Floorplans" name="Floorplan" id="TourFloorplan" class="form__field form__field--select form__field--white-bg">
        <option value="">Select a Floorplan</option>
        <option value="1A.1|4197823">1A.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1A.2|4197825">1A.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1A.3|4197826">1A.3 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1A.4|4197827">1A.4 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1A.8|4197831">1A.8 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1B.1|4197833">1B.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1B.2|4197834">1B.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1B.3|4197835">1B.3 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1B.4|4197836">1B.4 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1B.5|4197837">1B.5 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1B.6|4197838">1B.6 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1B.7|4197839">1B.7 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1B.8|4197840">1B.8 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1B.9|4197841">1B.9 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1C.1|4197842">1C.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1D.1|4197844">1D.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1E.1|4197845">1E.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1F.1|4197846">1F.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1F.2|4197847">1F.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1G.1|4197848">1G.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1G.2|4197849">1G.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1H.1|4197851">1H.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1J.1|4197852">1J.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1K.1|4197853">1K.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1L.1|4197855">1L.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1N.1|4197858">1N.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1P.1|4197860">1P.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1Q.1|4197862">1Q.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1Q.2|4197863">1Q.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1R.1|4197864">1R.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1S.1|4197865">1S.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1T.1|4197867">1T.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1W.1|4197868">1W.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2A.1|4197869">2A.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2A.2|4197870">2A.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2A.3|4197871">2A.3 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2A.5|4197873">2A.5 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2A.7|4197876">2A.7 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2A.8|4197877">2A.8 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2A.9|4197878">2A.9 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2B.1|4197879">2B.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2B.2|4197881">2B.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2C.1|4197882">2C.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2C.2|4197884">2C.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2C.3|4197885">2C.3 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2C.4|4197886">2C.4 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2C.5|4197887">2C.5 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2C.6|4197888">2C.6 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2C.7|4197889">2C.7 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2C.8|4197890">2C.8 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2D.2|4197891">2D.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2E.1|4197892">2E.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2F.2|4197893">2F.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2G.1|4197894">2G.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2G.2|4197895">2G.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2H.2|4197896">2H.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2J.2|4197897">2J.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2K.1|4197898">2K.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2K.2|4197900">2K.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2M.1|4197901">2M.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2M.2|4197903">2M.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2M.3|4197904">2M.3 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1A.5|4197828">1A.5 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1A.6|4197829">1A.6 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1A.7|4197830">1A.7 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1A.9|4197832">1A.9 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1C.2|4197843">1C.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="1G.3|4197850">1G.3 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2A.4|4197872">2A.4 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2A.6|4197874">2A.6 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2N.2|4197906">2N.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="2Q.2|4197908">2Q.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="3A.1|4197909">3A.1 (3 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="3A.2|4197910">3A.2 (3 Bed/2 Bath)</option>
        <option value="JR1.1|4197911">JR1.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="JR1.2|4197912">JR1.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
        <option value="JR1.3|4197913">JR1.3 (1 Bed/1 Bath)</option>
    <div class="form__column">
      <label for="MoveInDate" class="form__label form__label--infield" data-infield-label="">Move-in Date</label>
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Text Content

Our community is pet-friendly. We allow a maximum of 2 pets per apartment. Breed
restrictions apply. Call the office for more details.


Our community is pet-friendly. We allow a maximum of 2 pets per apartment. Breed
restrictions apply. Call the office for more details.



First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Email *
Select a Floorplan 1A.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1A.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1A.3 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1A.4 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1A.8 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1B.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1B.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1B.3 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1B.4 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1B.5 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1B.6 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1B.7 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1B.8 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1B.9 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1C.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1D.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1E.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1F.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1F.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1G.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1G.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1H.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1J.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1K.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1L.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1N.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1P.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1Q.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1Q.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1R.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1S.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1T.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1W.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 2A.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2A.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)
2A.3 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2A.5 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2A.7 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2A.8 (2 Bed/2 Bath)
2A.9 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2B.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2B.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2C.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath)
2C.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2C.3 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2C.4 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2C.5 (2 Bed/2 Bath)
2C.6 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2C.7 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2C.8 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2D.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)
2E.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2F.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2G.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2G.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)
2H.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2J.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2K.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2K.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)
2M.1 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2M.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2M.3 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 1A.5 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1A.6 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1A.7 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1A.9 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 1C.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
1G.3 (1 Bed/1 Bath) 2A.4 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2A.6 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 2N.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath)
2Q.2 (2 Bed/2 Bath) 3A.1 (3 Bed/2 Bath) 3A.2 (3 Bed/2 Bath) JR1.1 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
JR1.2 (1 Bed/1 Bath) JR1.3 (1 Bed/1 Bath)
Move-in Date



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Up to 8 Weeks Free*
*Restrictions May Apply

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(833) 389-0655 100 Aspen Way
Mountain View, CA 94040

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Landsby is a new, mixed-use urban neighborhood in the heart of Mountain View,
featuring four unique buildings and offering a distinct mix of modern apartment
homes. The property is ideally located - just a short walk to the San Antonio
Caltrain Station, and only steps from the vibrant retail experience of The
Village at San Antonio. Enjoy effortless access to everything - from numerous
public open spaces, to fine dining, local grocers, and trendy boutiques.

Find Your Home Apply Now

Luxe Interiors Grand Hall Canopy Lounge Fitness & Wellness
Curated Spaces Luxury Interiors
Luxury Interiors

Curated Spaces

Whether you start your day with peaceful meditation in the Landsby Grove or end
it with a social night in the residents’ lounge and game room, Landsby is truly
a one-of-a-kind living experience, designed to inspire and delight on every

 * Two pools
 * Large wall screen digital transit map
 * Clubroom lounge with TVs, gaming area & catering kitchen
 * Multiple pools and jacuzzis
 * Multiple rooftop decks
 * Community co-working and social spaces

View All Features

Curated Spaces

Luxury Interiors

Offering a unique blend of modern comfort and domestic convenience, the
residences at Landsby are designed with relaxation and wellness in mind.

 * Stainless-steel GE appliances
 * Building-wide Wi-Fi
 * Hardwood-style wide plank flooring
 * Luxury, condominium-level interior finishes
 * Four unique interior color palettes
 * Undermount kitchen sinks

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Open Your Door to Discovery

Located between the Santa Cruz Mountains and the San Francisco Bay, Landsby is
nestled in the heart of Silicon Valley. Mountain View is considered one of the
best places to live and work in the Bay Area, and is home to many nationally and
internationally known companies, while also hosting a thriving small business



 * Amber India
 * Armadillo Willy’s Barbecue
 * The Counter Custom Burgers
 * Cetrella
 * Dinah's Poolside Restaurant
 * Doppio Zero


 * Best Buy
 * Kohl’s
 * Target
 * Walmart
 * CVS
 * Safeway


 * Byxbee Park
 * Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts
 * Savvy Cellar Wine Bar
 * Show Place ICON
 * Fred’s Place
 * Rengstorff Park Pool

Airbnb at Landsby

Airbnb at Landsby

At Landsby, we encourage our residents to live a cosmopolitan lifestyle and
invite you to host your apartment exclusively on Airbnb. As an Airbnb-friendly
community, we invite you to host your home on Airbnb part-time, up to 90 days
per calendar year. Landsby offers the flexibility we know our residents want.

Off to New York for a week? Taking a quick work trip? Host your place on Airbnb
– with the opportunity to earn. Additional restrictions apply, contact the
community for more information.

Learn More

 * Gallery

 * Amenities

 * Neighborhood

Residents Pets
 * 100 Aspen Way | Mountain View, CA 94040
 * (833) 389-0655 Email Us


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Privacy Policy Site Map


 * © Copyright 2023 Landsby.

 * All Rights Reserved.

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