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The Fawcett Avenue Conscripts are a group of table-top wargamers who get
together on Thursday nights to enjoy some gaming, some beer and a few chuckles
courtesy of our hobby.



The twin suns of Tatooine blazed down from a cloudless sky as Imperial
Stormtrooper Detachment AK-567B trudged in a skirmish line across the Jundland
Wastes. A huge green Dewback lizard accompanied the detachment, its tail
swishing menacingly as its white-armoured rider swayed in the saddle.

The detachment leader's comm unit crackled. "What's the mission, sir?  Is this
gonna be a standup fight, or another bughunt?"

Lieutenant Trantor keyed his comm. "Shuddup. Save the volts for your air
scrubbers. Just over this rise there's a Jawa sandcrawler. There's been a tip
that those droids we're after were there. We're gonna check for the droids then
vape the crawler. Make it look like the local Tusken People or Sand Raiders or
whatever did it."

The comm crackled again. "But sir - the briefing vox said that Tusken Raiders
always travel in single file to hide their numbers - shouldn't we get in a march

Trantor's voice belayed slight irritation. "Sure, spacetard - and Tuskens wear
armoured boots like us too, right? Get your blaster ready. Let's make this


Two weeks ago we played a Star Wars Miniature Battles game set in the Jundland
Wastes of Tatooine. Stormtroopers attack a Jawa sandcrawler but perhaps the
Jawas have some friends nearby to help them out...?

The opposing forces were drawn up - the Jawas and their sometime-allies a tribe
of Tusken Raiders, versus a detachment of Imperial Stormtroopers. Points were
slightly in favour of the Tatooine natives (about 260 to 230), but I intended to
offset this by having all Imperials on the table at the start, while some of the
Sand People would enter as reserves. 

A major impetus for the game was the acquisition of this remarkable Sandcrawler,
a product of one of my other hobby obsessions, collecting vintage Star Wars
toys. The "Remote Controlled Jawa Sandcrawler" was one of the most expensive and
therefore rarest of the toy vehicles issued by Kenner in the Star Wars release
of 1978-9, and I managed to pick up a loose example for my collection. Although
somewhat underscale for the 3 3/4" Kenner action figure range, it's perfect with
28mm Star Wars Miniature Battles figures!

One group of Jawas started deployed behind a small rise. The other was behind
the 'crawler, hobnobbing with the Tuskens. There were two more groups of Sand
People nearby - both with Banthas - and these would come on as reserves as the
fighting ramped up.

 "Ain't no party like a Jawa party 'cause a Jawa party don't stop!"

The Imperials came on in four squads - their objective: wipe out the Tatooine
natives, search and then destroy their vehicle.

The Jawas turned out to be tough li'l buggers - their mass ion blaster fire
decimated the Stormtroopers at first.

The Sand People, on the other hand, were pretty weaksauce. Not many of them had
guns, and therefore had to get up close and personal with the invaders.
Unfortunately, the Blastech E-11 turned out to be a much handier tool than the
Gaderfii stick ;-)

Jawas swung around the flank and put down some effective harassing fire on the

The Imperial gunline advanced inexorably, mowing down all who resisted.

Dewback vs. Tusken Raider...

Advantage: Dewback.

Bantha vs. Imperial Stormtrooper Officer = one pulped clone.

Eventually, all resistance was snuffed out and the Stormtroopers destroyed the
Sandcrawler. Didn't find the droids they were looking for though. There's a
small moisture farm just past some nearby dunes to check out next.

It was pretty fun game but once again, pointed up the failings of the SWMB
points structure. Even with a ~30 point advantage the Tatooine natives were
quite overmatched - Stormtroopers may be a bit too cheap for their considerable
abilities. A neat scenario which we may play again sometime!

Posted by Dallas at 10:46 PM 4 comments:
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Labels: 28mm, Battle Report, Star Wars



 After struggling with a month of shift work in which morning, noon and night
was experienced in a fairly random manner and thanks to some fantastic insomnia
while trying to transition back to a dayshift schedule, I've been able to
complete the Canadian Infantry of the 4CMBG. All I have left is to finish a U.S.
Vulcan for additional air defense and the army is complete.

 Here is an air defense unit with blowpipe missiles. I hope they don't miss!

Here is a TOW unit next to an M113 TOW launcher. The M113 TOW is actually from
Peter Pig and is supposed to be for a modern Humvee. Not quite accurate, but I
love the fact that a dude is actually operating the TOW launcher.

Platoon of infantry and a squad to support the TOW team.

Finally there is the Command vehicle. There is no squad to go with this as I
figure the vehicle will most likely act as a marker for command radius and not
actually fight. So in all that will make a force of 4 Leopard 1's, a platoon of
infantry and support units for air defense and anti-tank. Looks like Greg added
some fairly modern stuff (by mid 1980's at least) to his force, so I hope we
play with a high troop quality modifier.

Posted by MFraser at 6:07 PM 9 comments:
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Company of Oddzial Osmy T-34/85s

 I continue to dabble away at random projects, including some more 3mm scale
Oddzial Osmy castings, this time in the WW2 setting. I've already painted a good
pile for Cold-War-Gone-Hot games, and a budding collection for the Arab-Israeli
wars, and I'm curious to see if the gaming fun in this scale can extend into
WW2. In this post we have a small selection of late-war Eastern Front armour,
T-34/85s, a couple of JS-2s and some German Panther As (which I think was
somehow a later model than the Panther D - I am permanently confused by this...)

20mm square bases from Litko

These vehicles are all based on 20mm squares, with 20mm round bases used for
command models.  The models are available in North America from the great folks
at Pico Armor, who are a real pleasure to deal with - excellent service!  The
bases are from Litko Aerosystems - another group of excellent folks.

JS-2s to punch through the lines

These bruisers are a tight fit on the 20mm base

I can't get over the detail on these tiny sculpts - artfully exaggerated so as
to show up to the eye, without throwing off the overall impression of the
sculpt.  As an example, the spare tracks are right there on the Panthers!!
Incredible sculpting.

Panther As - round base for a command tank

I really enjoy painting tanks, and these models are real beauties!  It is a lot
of fun to paint up an entire platoon of tanks in one short painting session. 
Trying to come up with something that will show up well enough on the table for
my gaming friends to enjoy using these tiny models is an entertaining challenge.

Ready for action on the Eastern Front

 As others often recommend, when it comes to the smaller scales, it helps to
punch up to a higher/brighter colour than you might normally use otherwise. This
is what I am trying to do with these tanks - the panzer yellow colour I used
here, for example, would look like a traffic cone on 1/72 or 1/50 scale model.
But I'm hoping it jumps enough for a gamer to go "oh, later period German
tank...." from about three feet away. We'll see!

No camo on these, but I tried to soot-up the engine deck with weathering powder

I thought the recent game we did with individually based models in this scale
went really well, so I'm keen to experiment with the WW2 setting.  The reason it
might not work? Well, it all boils down to the infantry...

Panther D next to a (now-defunct) Canadian penny

In the modern gaming, particularly in the Cold-War-Gone-Hot setting, nearly
every front line fighting unit has vehicles. The infantry are modelled, and fun
to paint, but it's about the IFVs and the MBTs.  And they are big suckers - even
the T-80BV is a hefty little casting - I mean, for a 1/600 scale tank.  The
infantry castings are almost little terrain enhancements to the IFVs like the
Bradleys and BMPs.  Even a third-tier Soviet formation will have BTR-60s to move
them around the battlefield (however briefly) - so vehicles dominate the
modelling and gaming action in that kind of setting - fair or not, it's how it

T-34/85s next to Canadian Penny

In WW2 the mechanization of the infantry did not reach modern levels we see in
the OBs of the 1980s.  The use of half-tracks grew and grew and by the end of
the war some Allied units were heavily mechanized, but to represent WW2 on the
table, you need to be able to come up with little stands of infantry that are
cool and fun to play with, and stand out from their opponents...I'm
experimenting with that right now - we'll see how it turns out. 

Posted by Greg B at 11:15 AM 4 comments:
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Control Battalion armour - 1/87 scale fun for the table top!

The random summer painting entries continue - now up is some armour for my 15mm
sci-fi Control Battalion troops. I am one of those gamers that believes "the
future is now" when it comes to vehicles for sci-fi gaming.  Some don't like
that - they want all their sci-fi vehicles to look like floating pill bottles or
glowing orbs or whatever.  But I still love the look of a current tank, hyped up
with extra crap like reactive armour, jammers, retrofitted engines and optics,
to fit the look of the future.  These models are painted with this in mind!

Control Battalion wants to work collaboratively with you...

I wanted some specific armoured vehicles for my Khurasan Control Battalion 15mm
troops.  The Control Battalion are some of the coolest looking sci-fi troops in
any scale - soulless and eerie.  They needed some tanks to match. In my recent
entry on Khurasan's T-90A I explained how spooky the tank looked, so the T-90
was a natural for promotion to Control Battalion duty.  Throw in this f***ed up
Russian thing, and I was sold!

A BMP-T - perfect for Control Battalion!

These are 1/87 scale model kits from Arsenal M.  I learned about them from the
incredible TacoBat. I had been looking for a T-90 in 15mm scale for some time,
and these popped up.  I ordered them from a retailer in Germany.  These were the
only version of the T-90 and BMP-T I could find in anything close to 15mm scale
at the time.  They arrived in due course, and naturally sat forever in my
"pending pile" as I was busy with other projects!  Finally got to them this

The "T-900" - an ideal Control Battalion platform

These kits are model kits - not gaming kits.  They are NOT for the faint of
heart.  They are not cheap (not Forgeworld level pricing or anything like that,
just not cheap), and they are a f****ing pain in the ass to put together. I have
the modelling patience of a gnat - and these take a lot of work.  The chains of
swear words that came out of my mouth when these f***ing things were being built
rival anything the hobby gods have ever been berated with at my place.

Got that?

Small pieces, anyone? F**K!!!

The box hides the challenge inside...

The BMP-T waiting for basing and primer...very thin guns on that turret

They came together slowly but surely.  Painting them was delicate - they are
made of a fairly sturdy plastic-resin, a kind of what-if-Finecast-didn't-suck
material.  But they are still delicate - the BMP-T in particular is really
fiddly when it comes to some of the turret components.  I hope they survive some

The 125mm main gun is delightfully oversized for sci-fi purposes

I can't dispute the casting quality - the detail is superb, great edges and lots
of details.  And in case of the BMP-T, you got some brass bits to represent some
of the armoured grating!! Nice touch.

Armed to the teeth - the BMP-T

Twin 30mm cannons, four AT missiles, and two 30mm automatic grenade launchers.
 Ideal for peaceful resolution of issues.

I find it easy to imagine the T-90 in Control Battalion service - a sort of
"T-900".  Instead of firing "Refleks" ATGM rounds, they are firing 125mm
depleted-unobtanium rounds, coated with baby-seal-liver residue for extra
hitting power, at their enemies.  The "Shtora" system, rather than trying to jam
ATGMs, would actually project harmful radiation flashes at Control Battalion
opponents, radiation the Control Battalion troops themselves see no effect from
thanks to their genetically engineered makeup.

Khurasan Control Battalion vehicle crewman in the commander's hatch

I added a Control Battalion tank commander (a thoughtful set available from
Khurasan) to one of the T-90s to try and help make the connection between the
tanks and the troops.

The BMP-T looks like it rolled right into a sci-fi game.  Designed sometime
around 2005 as mostly a prototype notion for the Russian Federal army, it is
armed with AT missiles, grenade launchers, MGs and 30mm cannons.  I believe the
BMP-T was conceived in the wake of the experience of the Russian army in
Chechnya, especially places like Grozny, which were hard on armour.  This is
supposed to be a kind of "tank escort" or "tank support" platform.  I don't
think it is in any kind of serious service with the Russian army yet.

Control section on maneuvers with the BMP-T

Screw the Russian army - this thing screams Control Battalion.  Like the T-90,
this thing sits perfectly in my estimation of an awesome sci-fi tank.  It looks
like exactly the kind of vehicle that would accompany Control Units on their
missions to establish order through force.  You know, in case "negotiations"
broke down...

Khurasan T-90A on the right - Arsenal M 1/87 T-90 on the left

I ordered these models well before Khurasan came out with it's own T-90.
 Naturally going with Khurasan tanks for Khurasan infantry might make sense, but
the Khurasan T-90 is smallish for sci-fi purposes - again, nothing wrong with
the scaling by Khurasan - extremely accurate in my view - just small for sci-fi.
 Plus it would not fit with the 1/87 BMP-T. So I stuck with the Arsenal M T-90s
for this project.

Control section on maneuvers with a T-900

I find the 1/87 tanks look much more imposing beside the 15mm sci-fi troops, and
whereas the actual Khurasan T-90A fits the compact design philosophy of the late
Soviet Union/Russia, this larger model looks great with the ominous Control
Battalion troops. On the 1/87 vehicle, the road wheels go almost half-way up the
the height of the average Control Battalion infantryman - very cool!

But if you are looking for a 15mm T-90 for a modern project, go with the
Khurasan tank.  I would only consider the Arsenal M kit if you want a larger
tank for whatever reason, have a lot of patience and some money you want to
waste...go for these suckers! They nearly made me snap my crayons, but it was
fun in the end!

Another view of the T-900

I am still trying to find the right APCs/IFVs for the control battalion troops.
 I have a few candidates in mind - stay tuned for details! And for more random
summer painting...

Posted by Greg B at 9:04 PM 9 comments:
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IDF Centurions rolling towards the front

We ran another 15mm Yom Kippur War game last night. The scenario pitted opposing
armoured columns against each other in a meeting-engagement-type battle. We used
Dallas' "Red Storm" rules for the game, with the addition of a sort of "Hen &
Chicks" rule for the Syrian tankers. I also continued with my house rule that
AFVs could not pass any closer than 4" to another active friendly AFV on the
table (I hate when the tanks horde up Flames-Of-War style).

The table at Turn 1 - IDF table edge at the bottom, Syrian at the top

The IDF had five Centurion Sho't Kals and a squad of mechanized infantry in an
M113.  The Syrians had nine T-62s and a squad of infantry in a BTR-60.The
setting was the Golan Heights, early on the second day of the war. The IDF
column was a group of reservists sent forward desperately to reinforce the
"Purple Line", which the Syrians had in fact broken through during the night. 
On the way to the front the IDF encounters a Syrian column that has made it
through, and the battle ensued!

Syrian T-62s

IDF Centurion rolls up the lead T-62 platoon

Conscripts Hugh and Byron played the Syrians, while Jim played the IDF with a
little help from me.  Each side had to block the other from escaping, while
trying to set some of its own stuff off of the table - a tricky balancing act. 
The table was 6' x 4', with the sides approaching from opposing short table

Turret flew off following a particularly well-placed shot...

Burning tanks filled the table right from the first turn.  Jim and I felt pretty
good about things in the first couple of turns - we lit up the leading Syrian
tank platoon with only one Centurion damaged in return.  As the follow-up
Syrians came on, we were thinking a couple of turns of efficient gunnery would
sort them out.

Syrian infantry deploy - to their doom...

IDF troopers hop off of their M113

We were kind of wrong...Byron in particular started to hot-roll for the Syrian
gunners, and our tanks started to see some serious damage, especially the loss
of main guns! By the fifth turn, we were down to one fully-functional Sho't -
although we had managed to eliminate the Syrian infantry. 

Centurion with damaged main gun tried to make for the far table edge - it would
end badly for the tank...

In the sixth turn Byron managed to blow the main gun off our final tank, and
that was that! With no meaningful AT firepower left, the IDF had to pull back,
leaving a one destroyed and another immobilized Sho't on the battlefield, and
three more without their main armament. The Syrians had lost three T-62s, a
BTR-60 and a squad of infantry.  That's what it was like in those first couple
of days on the Purple Line in October 1973...

This blurry photo captures the fate of the IDF tankers in the game

Syrian T-62 firing line victorious at the end of the game

It was a lot of fun to play Yom Kippur again, and Dallas' rules work very well
for the battle.  I should probably tweak the tanks' stats a touch for next time,
but "Red Storm" is great for this setting. Thanks to Hugh, Jim and Bryon for
coming out.

Posted by Greg B at 12:30 PM 9 comments:
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     * 4CMBG Infantry w/ M113\s
     * Big Cats, Small Figures - WW2 Pico Armor
     * Control Battalion Armour - 15mm Sci Fi
     * Purple Line Blues - 15mm Yom Kippur War Battle Report
     * Khurasan T-90 Tank - 15mm Scale
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 * Battle of Orp - Early-WW2 Bolt Action Battle Report
       So last week Conscript Dallas hosted an in-person game at Conscript
   Towers - Bolt Action. We have been wanting to do another early-war g...
 * A Project for a Painting Challenge
   Feel the Dogs of War nostalgia!! Well, it's that time of year - yes, another
   Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is on the horizon. Thi...
 * Blood Bowl Black Orc Team
    After Greg put on a Blood Bowl game a few months ago, I ordered the boxed
   game. One of the teams that come in the box is the black orc team...



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 * Flying Gorilla - Kosta H's blog
 * Perry Miniatures
 * Pig Iron Productions
 * Santa Cruz Warhammer Blog
 * Sho3box Toy Soldier Wargaming
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