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Submitted URL: http://info.zirous.com/NzAyLVlLWi03NDQAAAGHZx9C-s8yEBI0FH3X9XU5ZbnvFJ3UQi6lrxVl16OohxgNumJGW_eXtA-E-FptMSohxOOql64=
Effective URL: https://www.zirous.com/workshop-donuts-data-lakes-and-data-warehouses/?utm_campaign=data+2022+q2&utm_source=marketo&utm...
Submission: On October 11 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Learn to leverage the strengths of data lakes and data warehouses.
In our free educational workshop you’ll learn:

 * When and how to make a cohesive data environment incorporating data lakes,
   relational data stores, and modern ETL technologies 
 * How to effectively organize a data lake
 * Data orchestration best practices with modern ELT/ETL technologies
 * The benefits for reporting and support of advanced analytics 

We know making any changes to your data environments is not an easy decision.
That’s why Donuts, Data Lakes and Data Warehouses focuses on equipping you with
knowledge to navigate the decisions you’ll be faced with. 










a hands-on educational workshop with our data experts

a clear understanding of how data lakes and warehouses fit together

a roadmap discussion and best practices with these technologies

 the benefits of advanced analytics


Let’s Get Started


 * 1503 42nd Street, Suite 210
   West Des Moines, IA 50266

 * (515) 225-9015
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Transparency in Coverage


For over 35 years, Zirous has served as a Tech Firm specializing in marketing
technology, data, managed services, service oriented architecture, identity
management, and the development and infrastructure needed to implement them. We
hold partnerships with Oracle, Adobe, SailPoint, Stealthbits, Workato, Tealium,
and Microsoft which means you’ll find the solution you need.


Iowa Oracle Contract

Iowa Office of the Chief Information Officer Contract

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