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 * 10 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed13KMPH wind speed21

 * 11 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature61°Celsius Temperature17°
   MPH wind speed14KMPH wind speed23

 * 12 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature62°Celsius Temperature17°
   MPH wind speed15KMPH wind speed24

 * 1 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature63°Celsius Temperature18°
   MPH wind speed14KMPH wind speed23

 * 2 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature64°Celsius Temperature18°
   MPH wind speed16KMPH wind speed26

 * 3 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature63°Celsius Temperature18°
   MPH wind speed16KMPH wind speed26

 * 4 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature62°Celsius Temperature17°
   MPH wind speed16KMPH wind speed26

 * 5 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature60°Celsius Temperature16°
   MPH wind speed15KMPH wind speed24

 * 6 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed14KMPH wind speed23

 * 7 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature58°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed15KMPH wind speed24

 * 8 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature58°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed16KMPH wind speed26

 * 9 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature58°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed16KMPH wind speed26

 * 10 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed15KMPH wind speed24

 * 11 PM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed14KMPH wind speed23

 * 12 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed14KMPH wind speed23

 * 1 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed13KMPH wind speed21

 * 2 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed14KMPH wind speed23

 * 3 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed13KMPH wind speed21

 * 4 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed12KMPH wind speed19

 * 5 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature59°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed11KMPH wind speed18

 * 6 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature58°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed9KMPH wind speed14

 * 7 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature58°Celsius Temperature15°
   MPH wind speed9KMPH wind speed14

 * 8 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature57°Celsius Temperature14°
   MPH wind speed9KMPH wind speed14

 * 9 AM
   Fahrenheit Temperature56°Celsius Temperature14°
   MPH wind speed9KMPH wind speed14

DayWeather ConditionPrecipitationTemperatureView forecast
detailsSaturdayPrecipitation66%Fahrenheit High Temperature64°Celsius High
Temperature18°Fahrenheit Low Temperature55°Celsius Low Temperature13°

Cloudy with a high of 64 °F (17.8 °C) and a 37% chance of precipitation. Winds
from SE to SSE at 13 to 16 mph (20.9 to 25.7 kph).

Night - Scattered showers with a 74% chance of precipitation. Winds variable at
11 to 16 mph (17.7 to 25.7 kph). The overnight low will be 58 °F (14.4 °C).

View forecast detailsSundayPrecipitation70%Fahrenheit High Temperature61°Celsius
High Temperature17°Fahrenheit Low Temperature34°Celsius Low Temperature2°

Showers today with a high of 61 °F (16.1 °C) and a low of 34 °F (1.1 °C). There
is a 70% chance of precipitation.

View forecast detailsMondayPrecipitation3%Fahrenheit High Temperature46°Celsius
High Temperature8°Fahrenheit Low Temperature29°Celsius Low Temperature-1°

Partly cloudy today with a high of 46 °F (7.8 °C) and a low of 29 °F (-1.7 °C).

View forecast detailsTuesdayPrecipitation0%Fahrenheit High Temperature46°Celsius
High Temperature8°Fahrenheit Low Temperature31°Celsius Low Temperature0°

Mostly sunny today with a high of 46 °F (7.8 °C) and a low of 31 °F (-0.6 °C).

View forecast detailsWednesdayPrecipitation0%Fahrenheit High
Temperature48°Celsius High Temperature9°Fahrenheit Low Temperature31°Celsius Low

Partly cloudy today with a high of 48 °F (8.9 °C) and a low of 31 °F (-0.6 °C).

View forecast detailsThursdayPrecipitation2%Fahrenheit High
Temperature52°Celsius High Temperature12°Fahrenheit Low Temperature23°Celsius
Low Temperature-5°

Sunny today with a high of 52 °F (11.1 °C) and a low of 23 °F (-5 °C).

View forecast detailsFridayPrecipitation3%Fahrenheit High Temperature49°Celsius
High Temperature10°Fahrenheit Low Temperature21°Celsius Low Temperature-6°

Sunny today with a high of 49 °F (9.4 °C) and a low of 21 °F (-6.1 °C).

View forecast detailsSaturdayPrecipitation56%Fahrenheit High
Temperature57°Celsius High Temperature14°Fahrenheit Low Temperature28°Celsius
Low Temperature-2°

Mostly cloudy today with a high of 57 °F (13.9 °C) and a low of 28 °F (-2.2 °C).
There is a 56% chance of precipitation.

View forecast detailsSundayPrecipitation19%Fahrenheit High Temperature56°Celsius
High Temperature14°Fahrenheit Low Temperature31°Celsius Low Temperature0°

Cloudy today with a high of 56 °F (13.3 °C) and a low of 31 °F (-0.6 °C).

View forecast detailsMondayPrecipitation0%Fahrenheit High Temperature46°Celsius
High Temperature8°Fahrenheit Low Temperature23°Celsius Low Temperature-5°

Sunny today with a high of 46 °F (7.8 °C) and a low of 23 °F (-5 °C).

View forecast detailsTuesdayPrecipitation0%Fahrenheit High Temperature41°Celsius
High Temperature5°Fahrenheit Low Temperature25°Celsius Low Temperature-3°

Mostly sunny today with a high of 41 °F (5 °C) and a low of 25 °F (-3.9 °C).





Wind 12 mph SSE19 km/h SSE
Barometer30.1 inches1017.9 millibars


Visibility2.98 miles4.80 km
UV Index0 (Low)

Today - Cloudy with a high of 64 °F (17.8 °C) and a 37% chance of precipitation.
Winds from SE to SSE at 13 to 16 mph (20.9 to 25.7 kph).

Tonight - Scattered showers with a 74% chance of precipitation. Winds variable
at 11 to 16 mph (17.7 to 25.7 kph). The overnight low will be 58 °F (14.4 °C).


Moon PhaseWaxing Gibbous
7:36 AM5:22 PM


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