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          <option value="France">France</option>
          <option value="French Guiana">French Guiana</option>
          <option value="French Polynesia">French Polynesia</option>
          <option value="French Southern Territories">French Southern Territories</option>
          <option value="Gabon">Gabon</option>
          <option value="Gambia">Gambia</option>
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          <option value="Heard Island and McDonald Islands">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
          <option value="Holy See (Vatican City State)">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
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          <option value="India">India</option>
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          <option value="Iran, Islamic Republic of">Iran, Islamic Republic of</option>
          <option value="Iraq">Iraq</option>
          <option value="Ireland">Ireland</option>
          <option value="Isle of Man">Isle of Man</option>
          <option value="Israel">Israel</option>
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          <option value="Kiribati">Kiribati</option>
          <option value="Korea, Democratic People's Republic of">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</option>
          <option value="Korea, Republic of">Korea, Republic of</option>
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          <option value="Luxembourg">Luxembourg</option>
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          <option value="Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of">Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of</option>
          <option value="Madagascar">Madagascar</option>
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          <option value="Niue">Niue</option>
          <option value="Norfolk Island">Norfolk Island</option>
          <option value="Northern Mariana Islands">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
          <option value="Norway">Norway</option>
          <option value="Oman">Oman</option>
          <option value="Pakistan">Pakistan</option>
          <option value="Palau">Palau</option>
          <option value="Palestine">Palestine</option>
          <option value="Panama">Panama</option>
          <option value="Papua New Guinea">Papua New Guinea</option>
          <option value="Paraguay">Paraguay</option>
          <option value="Peru">Peru</option>
          <option value="Philippines">Philippines</option>
          <option value="Pitcairn">Pitcairn</option>
          <option value="Poland">Poland</option>
          <option value="Portugal">Portugal</option>
          <option value="Puerto Rico">Puerto Rico</option>
          <option value="Qatar">Qatar</option>
          <option value="Reunion">Reunion</option>
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          <option value="Russian Federation">Russian Federation</option>
          <option value="Rwanda">Rwanda</option>
          <option value="Saint Barthelemy">Saint Barthelemy</option>
          <option value="Saint Helena">Saint Helena</option>
          <option value="Saint Kitts and Nevis">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
          <option value="Saint Lucia">Saint Lucia</option>
          <option value="Saint Marteen (French part)">Saint Marteen (French part)</option>
          <option value="Sint Marteen (Dutch part)">Sint Marteen (Dutch part)</option>
          <option value="Saint Pierre and Miquelon">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
          <option value="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
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          <option value="Slovenia">Slovenia</option>
          <option value="Solomon Islands">Solomon Islands</option>
          <option value="Somalia">Somalia</option>
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          <option value="South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
          <option value="South Sudan">South Sudan</option>
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          <option value="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</option>
          <option value="Sudan">Sudan</option>
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          <option value="Svalbard and Jan Mayen">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
          <option value="Swaziland">Swaziland</option>
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          <option value="Switzerland">Switzerland</option>
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MISUMI Mech Lab Blog > All Things Electric > How to Select a Hook-Up Wire or


6 min read

MISUMI is the leader in product selection and availability.  With millions of
parts available on our website, MISUMI has a product to fit nearly any project. 
Sometimes, the vast amount of available parts makes it difficult to find the one
you need for your project.  Since a quality machine requires quality equipment,
selecting the right kind of wiring is vital.

This guide will help you learn how to select a hook-up wire or cable to use in
your automation equipment.


First it is important to understand which type of voltage you are using –
alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC).  The value associated with
these (110 VAC, for example) is simply a measure of the potential available.  If
we think about this in terms of plumbing, it is like a measure of the water
pressure in a line.  The higher the pressure, the greater the potential – the
higher the voltage, the greater the potential, as well.

In North America, electricity is supplied as 110 VAC, 208 VAC and 240 VAC most
commonly.  Larger facilities such as manufacturing plants, typically see
voltages as high as 480 VAC coming into the building.  This is then reduced to a
manageable 240 VAC or even 110 VAC.  It is important to choose the right wire or
cable for the voltage used in a machine for several reasons, including:

 * Wire thickness plays a big role in resistance; more resistance creates more
   heat, so the wrong gauge of wire can create potential safety and fire hazards
 * Over long distances, voltage in a wire can drop, so it is important to select
   a cable that will either reduce this likelihood or ensure it has not dropped
   below a usable level

To learn more about other factors to consider when selecting electrical wiring,
see U.S. National Electrical Code NEC 240-3.


Electric current is the flow of an electric charge.  This is measured in amperes
and is what an electric device uses as power.  To continue with the water
analogy, current would be the actual water flowing through the pipe.  If you
have a large pipe with little pressure (voltage), then the water will only
trickle out.  If you were to increase the pressure, then you will push much more
water through the spigot.  This is how current works in the electrical world.

When considering which wire to use it is necessary to know how much power will
be drawn by all devices.  For example, if a PLC is using 300 milliamps (mA) and
the rest of the systems are using a total of 1 additional amp, then selecting a
4A cable will be enough. 

If a wire or cable were selected that is less than what the system is using,
issues could arise such as overheating and the cable potentially melting. 
Overloading is also a concern in which too many devices may be plugged into the
circuit.  In these cases, a machine will not function properly as circuit
breakers can trip and shut down the equipment.


One standard for wire is American Wire Gauge (AWG) designed to provide
dimensions of bare / stripped wire.  An increase in gauge equals a decrease in
diameter.  Another way to measure wire thickness is by the surface area
indicated in mm2.  MISUMI provides a quick reference chart at this link.

Referring again to the water analogy, wire gauge would be the inside diameter of
the pipe.  If you have a certain volume of water that you need to move through
the pipe in a minute and cannot change the water pressure, then using a wider
pipe will ensure the job will get done.  Similarly, larger diameter wires are
used when more current must be carried through the circuit.  Since current moves
through the wire more easily without voltage drops, longer wires can be used in
the system.


Besides isolating that power supply from another conductor including being
grounded (a person, buildings, equipment and earth grounding out itself),
insulation must be capable of continuously withstanding many factors.
Considerations include exposure to environmental agents such as oils, chemicals,
moisture, voltage itself including spikes and self-induced voltage referred to a
counter EMF, temperature of environment, submergibility, bendability, and
environment disposal concerns or toxic products if a fire occurs. Composition of
insulation also effect expected life of wiring products.

Many wires use a standard PVC material as insulation to protect the conductor
from scratches and shorts.  In high heat applications, PVC may melt.  In these
cases, it is necessary to use a more robust insulating material such as fluorine
or silicone.

PVC Hook up Wire


Wiring can have a certification by a testing laboratory for meeting specific
defined standards of a product through testing representative samples by an
independent testing laboratory – one of which is Underwriters Laboratory (UL).
 UL certification or listing is confirmation that the product conforms to UL
applicable requirements including safety standards along with other
organizations including possible government requirements.

300V Single Core UL
Hook-Up Wire

Machine Tool Wire (MTW) is available in a large array of materials, conductors,
voltages and environmental features such a flame retardance standards along with
flexibility and resistance to oil and heat.  Electrical shielding is especially
important in factory automation with PLC equipment as wiring not shielded in
metal conduit or a metal housing are potentially exposed to electromagnetic
interferences.  This can come from a variety of sources such as handheld radios,
cell phones, electrical welding operations in the area.  It is wise to
understand all the factors the cable will be encountering to select the various
features needed for durable and safe operations.

Similarly, Appliance Wiring Materials (AWM) are used to connect factory
automation equipment to control panels such as switches, sensors, electronic
components, motors, lights, etc.  Some of the wiring is low voltage / low
current such as for operating miniature LED indicator lamps while other lamps
for example – heat lamps would certainly require heavier gauge wire like
ordinary plug-in lamp cord.


When determining which wire to use, distance can be an important factor because
of the potential voltage drop.  In longer wiring distances (over 100 feet) there
are voltage drops that occur, some factors to consider for electrical wiring see
U.S. National Electrical Code NEC 240-3.  Wire size calculators are available
online for properly sizing wire gauge requirement that include core material –
copper or aluminum, source voltage, phase, amperage demands and distance. Some
calculators may include type of insulation information, method of installation
such as buried in earth, open air, raceway or conduit.  One calculator takes
ambient temperature into account. Regarding voltage drops – Ohm’s Law
calculations provide proof when the resistance (load) remains the same, supply
voltage drops, the resulting equation results in higher current draws.

MISUMI strives to be the leader in hook-up wire and cable.  Our website offers a
large selection of products that can fit any application and budget.  In many
cases, we offer these wires cut to a specific length, so you do not need to
worry about ordering more cable than is necessary.  Check out our website to
learn more about how MISUMI can help with your wiring needs!

Aug 14, 20192 Comments on How to Select a Hook-Up Wire or CableAll Things
Tags cable, electric wires, electrical, hook up wire, select hook up wire, UL



Patrick is a Product Development Analyst at MISUMI. He holds a bachelor’s degree
in Biological Science, a minor in Chemistry, and a Master’s in Business
Administration from Northern Illinois University. He is a Certified Six Sigma
Green Belt and has worked in chemical manufacturing for seven years.


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 1. Lloyd Bridges says:
    August 22, 2019 at 1:32 pm
    I’m an experienced electrical engineer working on a new project. I need to
    design and source a cable assembly which will combine several signals (5V
    power, AC power, stepper motor control signals (4 signals each approx. 3A @
    10V). The cable assembly needs to be enclosed in a “jacket” so that it can
    be attached to a mechanical guide which is moving over rollers and pulleys.
    How can I start looking at your website to learn more about combining a set
    of cables in this way?
    Lloyd Bridges
    1. Carlicia Layosa says:
       August 22, 2019 at 1:45 pm
       Hi Lloyd,
       A member of our electrical team will get back to you ASAP!
       Meanwhile, I would recommend to check out our cables at this link.
       Thank you!


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