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Music Video:FAMILY GUY (by Funny Videos)

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>Big Bill's B.U.C. (Body Under Construction)


This is the Blog of a 42 year old body builder wanna be. Come on in and lets
talk about lifting weights or proper diet or how difficult it is to shave your
own back!! If your not interested in lifting then Fuck-it! lets just break
somebodies balls!!!



Sorry I have been gone so long...
Been real busy with ,
Young E's softball,
Young E's graduation from 8th grade
Trying to get to the lake for some boat time

Ahhhh. Any ways Today I had to work!! Now we are getting ready for Young E's
Graduation from 8th grade party... In typical Irish fashion we are holding the
party at a Chicago Irish pub where our other Daughter J works at "Quigleys". I
guess everyone will partake of fish and chips, corned beef, bangers and mash and
swill it down with pints of Guiness and shots of Jamesons Irish Whiskey.
It is supposed to be in the mid 90's today!!! I m going to wind up being a
puddle in my own underwear.. Brewing some magnificant "Testical Tea" within the
confines of my cotton panel....
Tomorrow we will head up to the lake and get some Rica Marie time.. I have to
change the prop before we leave dock. I have not been up there since the last
post of Uncle TOEKNEES fishy. I am confident the battery will still have enough
charge to start the boat but..stranger things have happened... Keep your fingers
Happy Fathers day to all the fathers out there.. Think about the word Father...
Fat- Her? Or maybe it's derived from a Greek word which mean "the farter". I
don't know.....
Spoke to the commander and chief of the TOL and all is well with him he is on
the lamb and I can't relinquish the truth of his wereabouts.... He has
instructed me to let you all know he is well.. and He also says he will up date
this weekend..... Oh yeah he says he is coming totally clean about his
move...Uhm he said that the people of his trailer park ran him out because he is
gay!! Yeah, He wants you all to know he is gay and loves to be gay.. He also
wants you to know that he likes to wear woman's clothes.. Yes Gay and cross
dresses... Uhm other than that he is all well.
The Cicadas have been a real fuckin joy around here!! Millions of them!! I am
not lying Millions of them around my house and Man are they loud, big fuckin
ugly critters... I should of bat have not taken any photos but I wont forget
these fuckers ever...
Androoo is back in the states and is actually on leave purchasing a car if I am
not mistaken.. Good luck to him. Other than that I will go now and hopefully
update with some pics of the party and boat trip..
Peace out biaatches

posted by BigBill at 10:55 AM 7 comments

THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2007

Need I say more???
Welcome back commander and crew!!

posted by BigBill at 1:55 PM 1 comments

SUNDAY, MAY 27, 2007


Sorry for not posting in so long. (well since last weekend).
First I want to give a shout out to my youngest sister Jennphiner, I must say
she is impressive with her current scholastic activities she has Incorporated
with her already full schedule. We don't get a lot of time to talk but she is
the only one I know who really remembers my date of climbing out of the bottle
5+ years ago.. She gives me a card every year to just let me know she is proud
of me, Thanks Jenn for taking notice... So let's talk about her real fast.. She
is a mother.......(of two) She is a mother of 2 boys J and C who are 4 and 5 yrs
old. She is married and is a homo......ner so with the family and house she is
very busy. With all this on her plate she is currently gone back to school and
is doing well.. Jenn if you read this please correct me when I am wrong but I
thought you are studying to be or get into radiology???? I have gone as far as
to look into taking the entrance exam at our local college and then chickend
out.. I am the type of person who will stick it out and never quit I also know
when I should steer clear of something so I don' get myself in a position of
having to quit so I didn't start any classes. That is what is so special about
Jennphiner, She just dove right into it and is doing extremely well. Anyhow this
is very impressive to me and she needs to be congratulated for taking the time
to better herself.. Good job girl!! See you on the Rica Marie this summer!! Luv

OK Julie (my wife) went to Miami on Wed for a little vac. I am on the early
shift so I have to be up at 2:20 am and in to work by 3am.. Erwin is still in
school so I have very little time to spend with her before retiring for the
evening so at 14 she is doing a lot on her own as far as going to bed a proper
time (which is hard when you have a computer in your room and so many people to
IM!!! She also has gotten herself up on time to make it to the bus stop.. I do
my checking in on her but she is always where she should be and on time Good
So Friday we hit the Ball field for a 5:30 -8:00 pm practice before this
weekends tourney... Sat we got up at 5:00 and got on the road at 6:15 packed and
loaded with all the stuff needed for the day... food, water, ice, gator aide,
chairs etc. Our first game was at 8:00 am on Sat morning we won.. The team we
played was not soo good so the coach used Erwins pitching to get a good lead and
then pulled her to save her... We won and then went to breakfast and had to be
back at the field at 12:00 to warm up for a 1:00pm game. Same thing we started
with E pitching and got an incredible lead and then pulled her to save her for
the later... We won that game also.. The coach came over to talk to me and we
had a nice one on one (chat) about his stradigy which I totally understood and
respect and told him that's fine Just make sure you explain this to Erin and her
mother Julie... They are the one's you need to keep a-breast of with the current
situation... I told him I could and will explain it to them but they need to
hear it coming from you... So all is well there. The one thing that sucks is
after each game the coach of each team chooses a player from the other team that
stood out and played well or better than the others an MVP!! Well Coach told me
that if he kept Erin in the game she would have undoubtedly gotten medals from
both the games...Which his daughter in fact received...(I noticed Erin was not
to happy that she didn't get one and that her friend Sam got not one but both
medals from the two games.. ) Coach explained it to Erin and all is well.

After that game we sat around for a bit waiting for our next game at 4:45pm and
then the storms rolled in and to make a long story short we stood in the rain
rain from the storm and lightening (which in fact hit a local school roof and
started a fire!!!) watched the first storm pass and then sat around in our cars
while we waited for the powers to be who ran the tournament to decided what we
all knew would happen to call the games and reschedule tomorrow... Finally we
got home at 6:00 pm!! I fed Erin and her friend, Gab one of the many catchers
for our team more of the delicious strip steaks I have been feeding erin for the
last two days to give her the energy she needs for this tourney.. So today we go
back and we have a noon game so have to be there at 11:00 am which is better
than 8:00 fo sho!! If we loose that we come back at 6:00 pm tonight or when we
win this noon game we come back and play at 7:30 pm tonight... So another full
day of softball... Ohh yeah and tomorrow (when we win tonight) the championship
game is Monday at 10:30 am... So much for the holiday weekend. I actually hope
they win and take this tourney.. only today will tell. I like the fact that I am
helping coach and working the books etc and that I am involved but I am actually
glad I am not in charge of it all like I was last year and the year before..
even though I had a lot of help from everyone especially my wife, Thanks babe...
It is more enjoyable not having all that responsibility this year..

So Julie comes home tonight hopefully she will be in flight when Erin is taking
us to the championship by pitching a no hitter!!! I hope after being neglected
from those MVP medals I hope this Kid (erin) gets something out of this... I
would rather see her sit back as the silent strong one, and have her pass up the
little things like those medals to receive the big prize at the end... even if
that prize is self worth and a feeling of accomplishment showing herself that
with time and effort you can do anything you try and apply yourself to. YEAH
right !! she is a teenage girl for Cripes sakes!!!
Wish us luck, more to come later I need to get this house hold moving!! After
all I am still MR Mom!!! till Julie returns..
(I hope she is in the mood for it , cause she is getting it whether she wants it
or not!!!!) Yeah that was a referance to sex!!!
Peace out bitches!!

posted by BigBill at 6:53 AM 7 comments

SUNDAY, MAY 20, 2007


Well Toeknee and I went fishing on Saturday and he beat my ass royaly!! I got a
few hits but landed none he landed three and this big mutha-fucker right here...
Toeknee as always forgot a camera and I left mine at the cottage so I had to
take a pic with the phone so I apologize about the size (thats what he said).
Good fish abot 19+ inches and a couple pounds.
Saturday was beautiful out, about 80 and sunny. When we went out Sunday morning
it was cloudy and cold about 42 degrees!! so we said fuck it after like 4
All and all it was a good quick trip..
Peace out punk ass bitches

posted by BigBill at 11:09 AM 4 comments

SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2007


IMG_5119 src=""

We have heard of "Air Jordan" but "Air bp"? Note* sign in the upper left-hand
side of the background of this picture. OK this is the jet we flew home on..
Hangen with the guys is the same as hangen with any other friends except the
little things like instead of hearing shit like hey lets take my car it's lets
take my jet.. My flight crew can be ready in half an hour... Or hey man my
helicopter is parked on the roof of this hotel lets fly to dinner..... This is
what happened here. A nice business gentleman who shall remain nameless...
Dropped us off on his way back to Canada.. his jet was very nice .. I had like 2
hours of sleep in me in this picture and was ready to crash... wait let me
rephrase that..(Not a good thing to say when boarding a jet) So I like an idiot
sat by the wet bar and every time I started to dose off some bad would need
another "Cuba-Libra" Or Santa-Rosa or just plain old Vodka and tonic!!! I needed
sleep!!! Hey TOL commander...One and a-half hours and we arrived safely home....

IMG_5117 src=""

Above is a very dark picture of one of my companies trucks... in the air. It is
being held up by hydraulics and pneumatic jacks. Just one of the many many many
sights at the waste show 2007.... It was pretty fun and very hectic at times but
I still like going to these things...

IMG_5113 src=""

From the party room we rented at the Omni in Atlanta here is a lovely shot of
Centennial park... remember the 1996 Olympics when that bone head blew up the
Well down under the tent in this picture Kiss 103 fm was setting up for some
kind of Wednesday night in the park thing.... I guess Wednesday night is as good
as any night to get all krunked up and jam in the park with Tom Jorner...?
"Gonna catch somebody riden dirty!!" especially if they be blowin shit up in
Peace out Bitches

posted by BigBill at 1:28 PM 2 comments

TUESDAY, MAY 08, 2007


Man it just sucks that I failed you all by not getting the camera into the
concert, But with copyright infringements being so high and anti-cost effective.
I can't say with any conviction that I really felt safe knowing that any of you
would be willing to replace my camera if it got confiscated.. So deal with these
little small pics You fools!!
Machinehead came out and hit the sound barrier ver hard and loud!! I found
nothing salvagable from their performance. They did a tribute to "Dime-bag
Darrel" with a song for him about a newspaper article that was written about him
in bad taste.. (The singer used a lot of bad words).
MegaDeth came out and its is suprising on how Dave Buttstain (see how I did that
with his name Heff "Tee-Hee") stays looking so freaking young!! He really looks
just like he did when the band first started. The only song I could understand
from them was the one where the intro is " you take an old man and put him in
charge" and the chorus goes "Just like Marrionettes" . The rest was a wash of
absent minded lead guitar riffs here and there and loud cords that you could
feel in your spinal cords!!
Then after a brief intermission "E5150' started to play" and the real "assult"
began!!! They started out with " After all (the dead) which is an amusing song
that cradles lyrics such as " What do you say to the Dead?" The from there they
went into the "mob rules" and Dio remarked that they probably should have opened
with this one but alas her it is anyways. It was awesome and His voice was
outstanding. I have to get showered and on the road for my next adventure.. More
tales from the voyager Big Bill on Thursday or Friday.. Until then peace out

posted by BigBill at 3:25 AM 4 comments

SUNDAY, MAY 06, 2007


OK Some stories about the concert.. Well The Duke and I went to Wildfire in
Oakbrook, we had 4:00PM reservations. Very nice place We have both been there
before (separately) so we knew we would have a great meal there. I started with
a pot of coffee and the "Calamari friti" and The Duke had a 5 gallon bucket of
French onion soup that ended up staying on his person for the rest of the
evening...LOL Onion boy..
After the appetisers we both had the 22 ounce Chicago cut prime rib!!! Dukes
med, mine med rare.. Out of this fucking world!! Duke sprung for the grub, much
obliged and thanks too man!!
So from there it was off to the concert... As we pull up I can't believe the
crowd of scum we encountered.. Machine head, Megadeth freaks with t-shirts that
ranged from "Sounds of the underground tour 2005" which yours truly had the
pleasure of attending (Gag!!) to the Killers, Slipknot, Misfits, and every other
no-talent aftermarket growl bands on the face of this earth.. Dark jet black
hair, tattoos as far as the eye could see OH yeah and no women to speak of...
Duke and I could not figure where these people came from? It's like You wanted
to go up to them and say "Hey!! lets see your day pass, you know your not
allowed out on the street till it dark, you freak!!" As we looked around in the
parking lot you could see one or two normal looking people out of 30,000
strong!! It's like man there are not that many discount record and tape shops in
the Chicago land area, Where do these Fucking jokes work? So we finally get in,
I should have brought my camera.. The cool this is we parked 50 feet from the
entrance, and there was no frisk???? Whatever.
First thing we do is make our way through a sea of freaks to the toilet. We walk
into the restroom and there is a line of urinals on the wall and as I follow
Duke down to a couple of vacant ones we pass an individual who was wearing
Zuba's (sweat pants from the early 90's). he was saddled up to the urinal and
his Zuba's where down around his ankles!!! Duke walks past and snickers
quietly.. I walk past a let out this bellow Whoooo hahahaha!!! So I hear Duke
still snickering at the urinal a couple freaks to my left and I'm thinking
that's not what you down standing with a bunch guys who are ready to rock-out
with their cocks-out!!! Duke and I could not get over this guys (comfort zone)
ability he displayed in public...More to come on this individual...

As for the picture of Tony, I said "OY, ya Wanka, how's the Queen?" and he
smiled and waved.......

posted by BigBill at 2:43 PM 1 comments


Ok I got tons of pics from the concert on the cell phone but they are small so
here are some and I will work on them throughout the day,....

posted by BigBill at 6:36 AM 1 comments


Name: BigBill Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

I am 40 yrs old, 250 lbs give or take a few here or there.I have been clean and
sober for 4 years. I am in the best physical shape of my life and I am trying to
enjoy it!!! But a lot of people are making things difficult!!

View my complete profile


 * Google News
 * Edit-Me
 * Edit-Me


 * Need I say more???Welcome back commander and crew!!
 * Busy Ass Weekend
 * Toeknee's fishy
 * Man-dels are cool.......
 * THANK YOU!!!Man it just sucks that I failed you al...
 * Mr Iommi says Hello!!!
 * Little Dio, Little pictures,,...
 * Before concert preparations
 * The BUC's Tuesday's Morning after the "TOL's Man Ass"


 * August 2005
 * September 2005
 * October 2005
 * November 2005
 * December 2005
 * January 2006
 * February 2006
 * March 2006
 * April 2006
 * May 2006
 * June 2006
 * July 2006
 * August 2006
 * September 2006
 * October 2006
 * December 2006
 * January 2007
 * February 2007
 * March 2007
 * April 2007
 * May 2007
 * June 2007



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