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GET /hc/en-us/search

<form role="search" class="search" data-search="" data-instant="true" autocomplete="off" action="/hc/en-us/search" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="get"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓"><input type="search" name="query" id="query"
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4 min read
Last updated at: Today at 13:36

 1. Klaviyo - Help Center
 2. Email Deliverability
 3. Deliverability Tutorials

Guide to List Cleaning
 * Overview
 * Why List Cleaning is Important
 * Identifying Unengaged Profiles in Your Account
 * Suppress or Delete Unengaged Profiles from Klaviyo
 * Suppress Contacts from Receiving Emails
 * Delete Contacts Permanently from Your Account
 * Cleaning Soft Bounces
 * Additional Resources



In this article, you will learn more about how to clean your lists and maintain
strong deliverability by identifying and suppressing unengaged profiles.
Cleaning unengaged or inactive profiles from your list improves a number of
aspects about the quality of your list. This is crucial to maintaining good
deliverability. The process for cleaning your list involves two steps:

 1. Creating a segment of unengaged profiles
 2. Suppressing or deleting these unengaged profiles

In addition to this guide, review our best practices for creating an engaged
main list, which includes some guidelines around creating an inactive
subscribers list and engaging with unengaged customers.


List cleaning is key to maintaining good deliverability and making sure your
emails land in recipients' inboxes. List cleaning allows you to accomplish the

 * Reduce unsubscribe rates and increase open and click rates
 * Increase your deliverability scores with email providers
   Most major email service providers (like Google and Yahoo) track how
   recipients interact with emails from your domain — how many emails are marked
   as spam, how many are opened, etc. ESPs use this information to determine
   whether your emails are classified as spam. Having lots of unengaged people
   on your list hurts your efforts to reach those that actually do want to
   receive your emails.
 * Retain and engage customers
   By knowing when people start to disengage with your brand, you can know when
   to send targeted campaigns to re-engage them.
 * Personalize content based on your best customers
   By knowing that your list is full of real, active, and interested potential
   customers, you can start to personalize content around those people.



Identify your unengaged customers by creating a segment that captures customers
who are receiving your emails, but not opening or clicking them.

In this example segment, we only include Klaviyo email event data. If you
integrated your prior ESP (e.g., Mailchimp) or manually imported historical open
and click data, you should add conditions to your segment to filter on this data
as well.

Let's look at each of the conditions in this segment.

 * Received 10 emails over all time
   10 received emails is a good baseline to start with for this condition.
   However, you can modify this number depending on how often you send to your
   customers and the type of products you sell. If you send daily, make this
   number higher. You can clone this segment multiple times, increasing the
   number of received emails by 1 each time to test what number is right for
   you. In general, this threshold should be high enough to capture the bulk of
   your unengaged profiles but not so high that you only capture the very least
   engaged profiles. For example, the screenshot below shows 5 similar unengaged
   segments. The number of profiles in the segment dips when I set the number of
   received emails to 14. As such, 13 is the threshold I should use.

 * Opened and click email zero times in the last 365 days
   These two conditions capture customers that have not opened or clicked your
   emails in the last year. By connecting these conditions with an AND
   connector, you're finding your least engaged customers. Moreover, we advise
   using 365 days as your timeframe. If you instead use over all time, this
   could leave some customers out of this segment who should be suppressed. For
   example, if you have used Klaviyo for three years, someone could have opened
   and clicked an email right after subscribing to your emails and then not
   engage in the following two years; they would still not appear as unengaged.
   The 365 day timeframe accounts for this by including individuals who were
   unengaged in the last year, without having too restrictive of a timeframe for
   removing contacts.
   If you think a 365 day timeframe is not the best window of time to gauge your
   customers’ engagement, you can also test different timeframes to see what
   works best for you based on your customers' buying and engagement habits as
   well as how often you send emails.

 * Someone is not suppressed
   This condition is for convenience. If you suppress the profiles that you find
   in this segment, this condition removes those profiles from the segment. That
   way, you can use this segment going forward to monitor how many new unengaged
   customers you have.

After you've created this unengaged segment, the next step is to suppress or
delete these profiles from your account.



Suppressing profiles keeps their data inside of Klaviyo, but no emails may be
sent to suppressed profiles. Meanwhile, deleting profiles from Klaviyo removes
their data completely. Because of this, it is almost always better to suppress
your unengaged profiles. Keep in mind that:

 * Suppressed profiles do not count towards your monthly payment plan limits
 * Suppressing profiles maintains all of their associated data in your account
 * Suppressed profiles can become unsuppressed if they re-engage (e.g., signing
   up to your newsletter)



Once you create a segment of those you want to suppress, export this segment as
a CSV file. Please note that you only need to export and upload the email
address column in your CSV. Removing additional columns will quicken the upload

Next, find your suppression list by navigating to the Profiles tab and clicking
Suppressed Profiles in the upper right. Then, click Upload File and select your

When you suppress a group of people, their profiles will remain in your account,
but you are unable to email them. 




If you want to permanently remove a list/segment of contacts from your account,
navigate to Account > Settings > Profile Maintenance.

Here, you will see a Remove Profiles section where you can choose a list or
segment from a dropdown menu. Select this list or segment and then click Delete
People. A popup will appear prompting you to confirm this decision; if you wish
to proceed, click OK.

When you delete people, these profiles will be completely erased and no history
will be kept — this is permanent. Be absolutely certain you want to delete these
profiles, because this action cannot be reverted.



If your emails frequently bounce or go unopened, email clients will eventually
start sending your emails to the spam folder. As a result, it is important to
regularly clean out profiles that keep bouncing. While Klaviyo automatically
suppresses profiles that soft bounce seven consecutive times, it's a best
practice to exclude emails that soft bounce more than four times from your

There are two types of bounces:

 * Hard Bounces: A hard bounce occurs when the email cannot be delivered due to
   a permanent reason — for example, including a misspelled or fake email.
   Klaviyo will automatically remove emails that hard bounce, and then suppress
   them from future sends.
 * Soft Bounces: A soft bounce is always caused by a temporary reason, such as a
   full inbox or a recipient email server being down momentarily. Klaviyo will
   automatically suppress an address that soft bounces more than seven times in
   a row.

To create a segment that identifies chronic soft bounced emails, use the
following conditions:



 * Introduction to Deliverability
 * How to Create an Engaged Segment
 * How to Remove Email Suppressions in Bulk

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