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Buy bitcoins using Bollinger bands to maximize the effects of an exhaustion gap.
PM - 9 Jan 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes. Reply. Retweet. Retweeted.



Technical analysis indicators Additional information John Bollinger, CFA, CMT
Bollinger Bands

Finally, if time allows, John will talk a bit about indicator testing making use
of synthetic data.

Back General Vanstone Trading. New to Tech Analysis?


are volatility. Price-based indicators incorporate information contained in
market prices. Common price-based indicators include the moving average and
Bollinger Bands. The.

Membership Options. Bollinger Bands are versatile and can be adapted to any time
frame, from minutes to months.

They are designed to quickly react to large moves in the market, and to show
whether prices are high or low relative to normal trading ranges. Bollinger uses
his bands with other indicators to confirm price action.


Bollinger suggests the day simple moving average with plus and minus two
standard deviations to be descriptive of the intermediate-term trend. These have
become the most popular default settings.

 * Featured CFA Offer.
 * What Are Bollinger Bands?.
 * CFA BB(20,2.0) Chart!
 * R56 Technical Analysis!
 * Bollinger band cfa.

His website www. It is the home of his Bollinger Band Letter and offers free and
for pay educational materials as well as information about Bollinger Band Tool
Kits available for various financial platforms. He is an active member of the
financial community and a frequent lecturer at national and international
investment seminars.

Move to Back: If the tool is displaying in front of other tools or indicators
clicking this action will move the tool view to the background. Move to Front:
If the tool is displaying behind other tools or indicators on the chart,
clicking this action will bring the tool to the forefront.


Agoeng Susanto Brajewo. It is the upper band, minus the lower band, divided by
the middle band. Powerful moves often commence after the markets volatility has
bollinger bands cfa very low and the bands have tightened around the market
action as happened in early February. While the causes of changes in supply and
demand are difficult to determine, the actual shifts in supply and demand can be
observed in market prices. An assumption of technical analysis is that market
prices: A. We reiterate our year-end price objective on the SPX of 3, and think
that price objective may prove conservative. John Bollinger is the president and
founder of Bollinger Capital Management, an investmentmanagement company that
provides technically-driven money management services, and develops and provides
proprietary research for institutions and individuals. Awesome Ratings Bollinger
bands cfa of today, our course has a high average rating of 4. This certainly
spurs us on to produce more materials to ease the burden of CFA candidates
worldwide. Because issuers tend to sell new shares when stock prices are thought
to be high, increases in issuance of new shares may often coincide with market

Restore Default Settings: Click this action if you have adjusted the default
settings of the tool, and wish to return to the standard properties originally
installed with Optuma. Each time you apply a new Bollinger Bands to a chart, the
tool will display using the new settings.


Delete: Deletes the tool from the chart. Properties Tool Name: Allows you to
adjust the name of the tool, as it's displayed in the Structure Panel. I wrote
"Bollinger on Bollinger Bands" to explain how I use Bollinger Bands, which
indicators I use for confirmation, and to present some trading ideas.

After the book was published, readers asked me how they could implement
these-and that was the birth of the Bollinger Band Tool Kit.



Exploring Mean Reversion and Cointegration: Part 2 Fill in for free spreadsheet:
Traders Outpost

Comparing to the original objective function , this formulation focuses on
minimizing the numerator of the ratio while keeping the denominator above a
threshold. The addition of the -norm penalty introduces sparsity. Everything
makes sense mathematically, but are there any applicable financial
interpretations? The answer is a resounding yes. Note that the term represents
the variance of the portfolio and the constraint guarantees that the variance
exceeds. This optimization problem is de facto minimizing portfolio
predictability while ensuring the portfolio value has sufficient volatility!

We also made sure that not too many assets are included in the portfolio with
the -norm penalty. Compared to the cut-to-the-chase greedy algorithm, the convex
relaxation approach is more complicated in terms of theory and time complexity,
but its versatility allows more control over the behavior of the portfolio. I am
extremely impressed if you are still with me from the start, as I have already
fatigued myself from explaining all the theories. Supposedly, the data have
already been properly processed and all missing values have been imputed.

In the previous section , I discussed how to use sparse estimates of covariance
matrix and VAR 1 coefficient matrix to find smaller asset clusters. Box-Tiao
canonical decomposition can be then applied to the small cluster to get a sparse
mean-reverting portfolio. This can be readily done with ArbitrageLab. The
clustering results have shown that a asset cluster and an 8-asset cluster have
been formed with this data set. To demonstrate Box-Tiao canonical decomposition,
I have chosen the 8-asset cluster due to its smaller size.

Three portfolios have been built according to the Box-Tiao weights as shown in
Figure 9 ranging from the least mean-reverting to the most mean-reverting. The
results have shown that the least mean-reverting portfolio have shown a
persistent upward drift and thus might be suitable for a momentum strategy.

This is further corroborated by the fact that the portfolio value process cannot
be fit by an OU model according to its abnormally long mean-reversion half-life.
The most mean-reverting portfolio, on the other hand, looks noisy; it would take
approximately two weeks for the portfolio value to come back half way toward its
long-term mean. The weights of the least mean-reverting portfolio have shown
that it is heavily overweight Austria equities EWO.

The behavior of the portfolio was dominated by this single asset and it is
rather unsurprising that the portfolio value has shown non-stationarity, or
momentum-like behavior. The most mean-reverting portfolio in this specific
example happens to be able to get grouped into four pairs, i. The moderate
mean-reverting portfolio, however, has four weights that are considerably
smaller than the others; so it can be approximately regarded as a four-asset
portfolio that focuses on European equities EWP, EWU, EWO.

The mean-reverting portfolios were constructed based only on price data, but the
results made sense financially. For example, the equities from the same region
were grouped together as in the moderate mean-reverting portfolio; or the
equities from the commodity exporters were paired with each other Chile is a
major copper miner and South Africa is a major platinum and palladium miner as
in the most mean-reverting portfolio.

This suggests the sparse estimate of covariance matrix and VAR 1 coefficients
can successfully isolate the conditional dependencies between the assets and
make use of this information to form mean-reverting portfolios. The most
straightforward approach needs minimal introduction. Three lines of codes are
all you need to get a greedy algorithm running using ArbitrageLab. To
demonstrate the power of the greedy algorithm, I did not do clustering and took
all 45 assets as the investing universe; the covariance estimate and the VAR 1
coefficient matrix estimate were also dense.


To make sure we are not comparing apples to oranges, the target cardinality of
the portfolio was set to 8. Figure Sparse mean-reverting portfolio built by
greedy algorithm. The mean-reverting portfolio selected by greedy algorithm
looks great for a strategy of lower frequency as the OU half-life of the
portfolio is about a month. Both the mean-reversion strength and the
interpretability of the portfolio built by the greedy algorithm looks promising.
Especially, the portfolio did not fall on its face during the market turbulence
in early Although the convex relaxation looked complicated in theory, in
practice it is rather straightforward with the help of ArbitrageLab.

Similarly to the setup in the greedy algorithm demonstration, the SDP approach
was directly applied to all 45 assets in the investing universe. To set a
portfolio variance threshold, a fraction of the median variance of all the asset
prices were used, which could be readily calculated with the diagonal of the
covariance matrix. Again, the cardinality of the portfolio was set to 8 for a
fair comparison.


Sparse mean-reverting portfolio built by convex relaxation approach.
Predictability is minimized to obtain this portfolio. Compared to the portfolio
constructed by greedy algorithm, this one built by the convex relaxation
approach has stronger mean reversion but is slightly noisier. The volatility of
the portfolio is also greater than the greedy algorithm one thanks to the
volatility constraint.

This article has covered the sparse mean-reverting portfolio selection problem
in depth. Choosing the correct markets to trade are crucial for any trading
strategies. Here the focus is to introduce tools for statistical arbitrageurs to
build a multi-asset basket from a large number of candidates for mean-reversion
trading strategies, but concepts like predictability can be helpful for
selecting markets for momentum strategies as well. Even if such gems were found,
celebrating the discovery of the gateway to easy money could prove premature:
The asset may exhibit low volatility and the gap between the extreme prices of
the asset and its long-term mean is too small.

The asset is hard to short-sell. Either due to regulatory restrictions or
unexpected events, not being able to short-sell at the most opportune moment can
significantly affect the profitability of the strategy. The mean-reversion
occurs at a time scale of months or even years. In this case, you might as well
try a momentum strategy on a shorter time scale instead of carrying out the
mean-reversion strategy to a T. The portfolio should be sparse, i. Metrics to
measure mean reversion strength Assuming the value of the mean-reversion
portfolio follows an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck OU process for more details on
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, check out our previous article or the wonderful
book Optimal Mean reversion Trading: Mathematical Analysis and Practical
Applications by Prof.

Tim Leung and Xin Li : where is the value of the portfolio at time , is the long
term mean level of the portfolio value, is the value of an asset at time , is
the weight for asset , is the instantaneous volatility, is a standard Brownian
motion, and the parameter is the mean reversion speed. Other proxies of mean
reversion strength The moment of joy was evanescent. Predictability and Box-Tiao
canonical decomposition Suppose that the portfolio value follows the recurrence
below: where is the predicted value of based on all the past portfolio values ,
and is a vector of i.

Therefore, The second equal sign stands due to the independence between and.
Substitute in the variance, we get: The predictability is then defined as The
intuition behind this variance ratio is straightforward. Portmanteau and
crossing statistics Before we move onto the next part, two other proxies for
measuring mean-reversion strength are worth noting. Portmanteau statistic The
portmanteau statistic of Ljung and Box is used to test whether a process is
white noise.

For our portfolio process , denote the lag- autocovariance matrix of the asset
prices by , the portmanteau statistic can be written as The smaller the
portmanteau statistic, the stronger the mean-reversion. Crossing statistic Kedem
and Yakowitz define the zero crossing rate of a univariate process , i. However,
if we assume that follows a stationary AR 1 process, then the zero crossing rate
can be simplified using the cosine formula: where is the AR 1 coefficient, or
the first-order autocorrelation.

Sparse is NP-Hard We have figured out the objective function to optimize, which
is predictability.

Time to do some counting: A computation reduction by a factor of Covariance
selection The inverse covariance matrix, , is a wealth of information on the
dependencies of the asset price data. The sparse estimate was obtained by
graphical Lasso model, which solves a penalized maximum likelihood estimation
problem: is a parameter which determines how many zero elements there will be in
the final sparse estimate.

What about the covariance matrix itself? Structured VAR estimate Recall the
assumption that the asset prices follow a VAR 1 model: where is the lag-one
process of , and is an i. The dense least square estimate of is then obtained by
minimizing the objective function: Adding an -norm penalty to the objective
function will make sparse. We can either apply a univariate Lasso column-wise
and optimize the following objective function times: Or we can apply multi-task
Lasso and get the sparse estimate of in one go by optimizing the following
objective function: where is the elements in matrix.

Bollinger Mean Reversion Model using MS Excel

We will then define entry and exit points as well as look at a simple pairs
trading strategy Statistical arbitrage is a strategy which exploits relative
mispricing of closely related stocks based on arbitrage pricing and statistical
relationships In this blogpost, you will understand the essence of the Johansen
Cointegration Test and learn how to implement it in Python System calculations
such as those using multiplication and division can be thrown off by negative
prices or prices that are close to zero.

Therefore, you need to be careful using these calculations in your formulas.
Make sure back-adjusted prices are not giving off false signals. There is no
centralised exchange in forex so historical data can differ between brokers.


A simplistic example of a mean reversion strategy is to buy a stock after it has
had an You can also do plenty of analysis with Microsoft Excel. Bollinger Mean
Reversion MS Excel Template. $ This model allows you to test a broad range of
variables to evaluate the expected future performance.

Usually the difference is small but it can still have an impact on simulation
results. A general rule is to only use historical data supplied by the broker
you intend to trade with. Doing so means your backtest results are more likely
to match up with your live trading results. In addition, forex quotes are often
shown in different formats.

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What are bollinger bands? constructed based on the standard deviation of closing
prices over the last 'n' periods; move away from each other when volatility .