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Covid Roundtable
joseph@DeMed • 4d
Coordinated Targeting of Doctors Who Exposed Covid Lies, Injections: Dr. Nass
Doctors who spoke out against Covid propaganda and the controversial mRNA
injections all across the country are being targeted in a coordinated campaign
by state licensing boards, warned Dr. Meryl Nass of Maine in this interview on
Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. Most
doctors who are being persecuted are reluctant to speak out as it may affect
their reputations and their business, but the problem is widespread. Dr. Nass,
who was forced into a psychiatric evaluation as part of the state's effort to
target her, said the same tactics are being used in states all across the
country, showing that there is a coordinated plan. Part of the strategy is to
claim these doctors went against "medical consensus," which she pointed out is
easy to obtain if you silence and suspend licenses of anyone who does not agree
with the "consensus"… See more


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BBS Network
CryptoGlyn@bbs • 4d
Add a picture in comments using "Screenshot"😍 Follow the four steps👍FAQ
Firstly, I have only just discovered how to upload a picture in "Comments" and
all credit goes to @Daily_Update for his guidance🙏. Daily is also aware I am
making this post to help other members too😍 So, as Daily pointed out to me,
often it is a problem to 'directly' copy a picture into comments (format
issues), thus the sure way is to take a screenshot of the picture you want to
upload👍 Step 1: Find a picture you want to upload. Step 2: Screenshot and then
'crop' as below.   🔺This guide is using Windows10, thus the way you screenshot
may vary on other OS's.🔺   Step 3: Save picture in a "test post". Firstly, what
do I mean by this? You can set up a test post in your own profile or in a board
you are the owner of. For me, I will use a board for example here I've not yet
started, but if you don't have a board, in your profile is fine. You can if you
want when finished hide the 'test post' too.👍 Now, copy the link... Copy the
link on 'right-click'.👍 (Windows 10) 🔺However, on 'some phones' Joapatagon in
comments; "You open the image of the post in a new tab and there the address
appears in firebasestrorage and you can copy and do the entire process described
by you in the post". Step4: The important step when in another post to
comment.😲 Now go to the post you where you want to share a picture in the
comments section. Before you "paste" the link in, you need to type the following
in your comment start: Be careful on this: Exclamation mark, open then close
'straight' brackets, 'curved' open bracket. Next, "Paste" the link. Last, add
the 'curved' close bracket. 🔺Do not add any spaces anywhere in this complete
string👍 Hit publish.😍 (Don't write the red and green writing! Only the black
symbols🙄) 💖E.G. I shared this picture in a comment on my board in another
post👍 As you can see when 'pasted', a big long 'firebase' link comes up. Hit
publish and bingo ...see below🙏 . So, have fun and hope you can follow this ok.
Give it a go and practice too; share some pics in the comments here if you can,
then you know you've got it😍. You can liven up your comments and also add
valuable information as Daily does in other screenshots he uses. As said, all
credit goes to Daily_Update as he was the one patient enough to show me how this
works. 🙏 Cheers, CryptoGlyn.🦆 See more

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Covid Roundtable
puuul@DeMed • 4d
WTF? 😐


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BBS Network
LGuigs@bbs • 11h
A year on BBS, what's next?
So it's been a interesting year on the BBS Network. We've had multiple changes
to how things work, and let's be honest things have only gone south IMHO. Don't
get me wrong,  many of the changes were needed but has it really changed
anything? We've had adjustments to: ✔️Post purchases, were a post was an "NFT"
which you could earn revenue from. To now promotions were you can promote
interesting content, and gain reputation which I'm still yet to see a use case
for. ✔️Whitelisting changed to "Partnership" which in an ideal world is meant
for the "Top Contributors" I use this word loosely. Why? Well in an ideal
situation were BBS has many users this would be sustainable, but it hasn't and
it isn't. Many boards just Partner the most active members just to try and cling
onto the little life these fading boards have. ✔️ "THE GREAT RESET" removing
whitelisting from everyone. This lost an abundance of users due to many finding
it unfair and the fact they'd "worked" hard to gain whitelisting. They'd have to
start again, be organic , genuine and were unable to earn "easy money". It
removed many of the Gamers of the system which I for one agreed with, though it
feels we are kind of slipping into the same net we were previously in.  I use
the word "worked" as many still seem to think that is what BBS is, the more
people that see BBS as work the less chance this platform has. ✔️ Revenue model
completely flipped on its head. Non partners don't begin to generate cashable
until they become partners. Partners now earn 100% revenue from their content
oppose to a 50/50 split with owner of the post. Boards Admin now earn from Non
Partner content. Better or worse? I'll let you guys and gals make that decision.
So theres the main changes that have occurred over the course of the last year
better, worse, a change for good? That's all still yet to be seen. We've missed
alot of the road map set out by BBS, yes it's in development, things get missed
this is understandable. Though no updated road map, new information or vision
shared by the Network. Though as active users, members, pioneers you'd think we
would get a little more back from the Network or are we just Guinea pigs?
MetaBBS feels neglected, we get the odd post from admin with the latest updates,
though that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Also looking at the feed the Mods
look to be out of office to. We've currently hit an all time low of 1000 active
daily users, though you can likely decide that by 4 or 5 as its the same users
across many boards. So 200-250 active users at most a day? The BBS price is
currently 93% down from its ATH. Yes this could be negligible as the whole
market is down but we tend to only have sell pressure so without any real
innovation, advertisement, update, vision will we ever see any strength? The
Twitter page is minimal, the official website hasn't been touched since I've
been on BBS by the look of it. Struggling to see what's next for BBS, an end of
year post from MetaBBS could be in the pipeline and would really help. With a
Roadmap, future plans, the year ahead,  and possibly something that makes
people's time here feel worth while but we will see 👀  Eeesh, I believed in BBS
at one point, that belief is waning I'm not going to lie.  What's next? Thanks 
@LGuigs See more

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Star Wars Theory
CaptainFettCosplay@swt • 3d
Just saw some of Ahsoka!!Community
Holy cow you guys . I literally just saw footage from Ahsoka. Just a tiny bit,
but in 4k and got to see a character we suspect will be in it and I got to see
him in full glory! AMAZING! And got to see his droid/advisor droid(?) I didn't
have context.

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LGuigs@bbs • 6d
Due to it being the festive period around parts of the world, we will be putting
Daily Rewards on hold over the next 2 weekends. So the: ✅️ 24th and 25th ✅️ 1st
and 2nd Meaning posts and interaction prior to these days will not be considered
for rewards. The reason behind this is due to the majority of the team
Celebrating Christmas and New Year. I for one will be spending the majority of
the time with family and friends. So wouldn't for a minute expect my team to be
doing extra work within BBS and want them enjoying time with family and friends.
As members and partners I imagine many will still be extremely active over this
time, as not everyone celebrates this time of year. As well as some just not
being able to keep away from BBS. All I ask is you respect the boards rules and
keep within the guidelines. As we are always watching 👀  Non partners, I know
this may seem unfair but at the end of the day , you're here for the boards
topics and enjoyment right? Also , it's only 4 days 😉. Finally, I would like to
thank you all for what has been a great year within SPORTX. I hope that BBS and 
SPORTX will continue to grow and develop even more over the next year. Wishing
you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year, if you don't happen to celebrate
wishing you all the best for next year and try find time over the next 2 weeks
to spend some quality time with loved ones. All the best. LGuigs and the Team 
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BBS Network
Salam_Shalom@bbs • 3d
BBS and nostr -- a brief comparison FAQ
As I've mentioned in the past, there are social media projects other than BBS
that aim at censorship-resistance and decentralisation. An important one that I
haven't yet discussed is nostr.  Since Twitter banned promoting nostr, it's
received quite a bit of attention.  Twitter founder Jack Dorsey has also
expressed support for nostr. So, I thought I'd briefly explain what it is, how
it differs from BBS.  What is nostr?  nostr is an extremely simple protocol
aiming to create a censorship-resistant social network. Unlike most other
projects which aim at this, however, there is no use of blockchain technology.
In the nostr protocol, everyone runs a client. When you post, you send the post
to relays. Relays are servers that store the posts. Each user is identified with
a public key. The private key associated with this is used to digitally sign
posts.  My feeling is that this is too simple. In fact, all it sounds like is
the basic internet with a bit of cryptography. I'm not sure why the nostr
protocol is any less vulnerable than the internet to centralisation. Just like
the internet was monopolised, nostr could easily be too: one party could control
most of the relays.  I think  nostr is looking at the social media censorship
problem the wrong way. We already have a decentralised way to transfer
information: the internet. What we need to use is a decentralised way to store
information. nostr is a protocol. It doesn't create any database. There's no
immutable record of all the posts. In my opinion, any successful attempt to
demonopolise social media must address this issue.  A network like BBS is simply
far harder to monopolise than nostr.  The game theory securing it is extremely
strong -- you'd need majority staking power over the EOS network to control BBS
centrally. This would cost you millions of dollars.  It excites me that projects
like nostr and Mastodon -- which are quasi-demonopolised -- are getting so much
attention. I think BBS has far greater potential for change. People do seem to
be increasingly concerned about monopoly around social media.  We'll see what
the future holds.  Let me know what you think,  Yoav  See more


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Star Wars Theory
fatwookie66@swt • 6d
Will the Remnants of the Empire Join the Chiss Ascendancy via Thrawn?Original
For a while now, I have been wondering what Grand Admiral Thrawn has been doing
since he was sent out into wild space with Ezra in the Rebels Season 4 finale. 
Could Thrawn be the missing link in the chain between the Empire and the Chiss
Ascendancy? In both Legends and Canon, ever since the battle of Endor (RotJ),
the Empire has been becoming weaker and weaker as they had lost both the
Emperor, Darth Vader and many of their top admirals in the Imperial command.
This caused disarray and disorganisation amongst the Empire, stripping the
Empire of the seemingly impenetrable glue which had held them together: Order.
Over the next few years, the Empire began to loose control of more and more
systems, resulting in them taking more desperate measures and showing the
general public that they can be defeated.  As their numbers grow fewer by the
day, the Empire would need something to reassure their extinction never comes
about. A sort of partnership between them and the Chiss Ascendancy would help
ensure this. The Chiss Ascendancy has ships, money, warriors and knowledge of
the unknown regions of space, all of which could be highly important to the
Empire. The Chiss Ascendancy would have almost as good of a deal; they get a
vast knowledge about the rest of the galaxy from the entire Imperial archives
and knowledge of new technology. This would be like a partnership in real life
where a company which is loosing stock/sales partners with another to help it
stay afloat. If the Chiss Ascendancy think they can take on the Empire (with
Thrawn’s help as he is loyal to the Chiss Ascendancy, ahead of the Emperor [who
is dead]), they may become the new villains that the New Republic will have to
face. If the New Republic feel threatened by this partnership, they may even be
inclined to make one of their own. This could possibly be with the Mandalorians
or even Crimson Dawn (and the criminal underworld) if they can recognise they
have a common enemy.  I think there is potential for a very interesting power
dynamic in this time period where there is no dominant force ruling the galaxy. 
Was Thrawn badly injured and needs time to recover? Where did he and Ezra exit
hyperspace? Did they even come out of hyperspace at the same point and if so
wouldn’t Ezra have killed him… would that go against the Jedi code… or would he
be too weak to kill him due to being drained of energy from extensive use of the
force? Why has it been so long since their return? I’ll be interested to know
what you think may happen involving Thrawn, Ezra, the Empire, Chiss Ascendancy
and New Republic. See more

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BBS Network
RajaHussain@bbs • 4d
My new channel on you tube about BBS:
Hello everyone، How are you? I hope you are fine and well and happy in this
community. I hope you are feeling better and enjoy this community. Today I am
going to share about "My new channel of you tube about BBS". I hope you will
support me on my channel. Today I have created a new channel about bbs. This
channel is related to on bbs. I have record the post and other features of bbs
and give the some good tips to members. I have created new channel because some
peoples don't know about bbs. And i give my opinion about BBS to some peoples so
that more and more people join it and make a post on  Channel Name
Hussain BBS 💥Enjoy the BBS Network💥 See more


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BBS Network
Hw1007@bbs • 4d
How To Integrate API into BBS Board with SDK? FAQ
# Greetings can API be interested into a BBS board with the SDK? Introducing
Digital CollectiblesWe’re beginning to test digital collectibles with a handful
of U.S. creators and collectors who will be able to share NFTs on Instagram that
they have created or bought. This feature includes: The third-party wallets
compatible for use will include Rainbow, MetaMask and Trust Wallet, with
Coinbase, Dapper and Phantom coming soon. There will be no fees associated with
posting or sharing a digital collectible on Instagram.Could this be done on the
EOS Blockchain or it has been done already? Hopefully a  EOS/MATIC bridge can be
created with the SDK. Personally image that Instagram is coping BBS Platform's
Web3's roadmap &  implementing it on MATIC. Please kindly give your opinion in
the comments below ⬇️. See more


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Discover boards
BBS Network
📺 METV‼️
Movies Web series and Anime
A Community for Gamers.
Star Wars Theory
Crypto Banter
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