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Author: Stanley Bolten

My email to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar today is clear in response
to the Solicitor General’s waiver of responding. That is in the trio of U.S.
Supreme Court petitions of Brian D. Hill, the former news reporter of USWGO
Alternative News. That if the Solicitor General attempts to do anything to throw
out Brian’s petitions, then they are just as guilty of “fraud, aiding and
abetting destruction of evidence, aiding and abetting perjury, aiding and
abetting all federal crimes committed by the U.S. Attorney Office in Greensboro,
NC.” The warning is clear to the Corrupt U.S. Department of Justice. They are
guilty of manufacturing evidence against Brian David Hill of USWGO Alternative
News to retaliate against Brian D. Hill and shut him up forever and even trying
to get him to kill himself. They failed. The Department of Justice should be
arrested for planting child porn or allowing the State Bureau of Investigation
to plant child porn and then provide manufactured evidence to the Corrupt U.S.
Attorney Office of Greensboro, North Carolina. This is not the first time that
the State Bureau of Investigation in North Carolina had manufactured evidence to
obtain favorable criminal convictions in the Court system. They manufactured
evidence in a murder case against Dr. Kirk Turner for a case which was a clear
self defense. The same SBI who framed Dr. Kirk Turner for a murder charge had
framed Brian D. Hill with child pornography, IT IS A FACT. Uncontested,
undisputed FACT.

Source website and original credits:
– Posted under Fair Use Doctrine of Copyright Law

We will defend the position of Brian D. Hill and his mother Roberta Hill. Brian
David Hill = Innocence. The Military Crypt intelligence was right, Brian D. Hill
will be found innocent because he was IN FACT framed with child pornography,
like Oath Keepers, like We Are Change, and like ActivistPost has been telling
the American people. Brian has been exonerated and vindicated. Just not in the
Corrupt Federal Court System. Take notes everybody, Some Federal Courts and
Judges are corrupt, not all of them but a certain number of them are corrupt.

Here is the email to U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar, directed at her
with copies emailed through CC to the Supreme Court staff, to the Digital
Soldiers, to L. Lin Wood, and Tracy Beanz of UncoverDC.

————————————— FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ———————————————

ATTN: U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar,
CC: Supreme Court staff

Brian D. Hill does not have access to the electronic filing system. You do,
Elizabeth Prelogar. You can easily file a delay letter due to Brian’s delay
letters not being docketed by the Clerk when that may violate Federal Law to not
file pleadings. Since they won’t delay the cases, you have the responsibility as
an officer of the Supreme Court to do so. You are aware that the Supreme Court
cases regards the U.S. Attorney Office defrauding the Court in many different
ways and getting away with it in the inferior Courts. I will not put up with
this and the Supreme Court staff of the Public Information Office will be made
known that fraud has happened and that you are letting them get away with this
fraud which violates Federal Law, Prelogar. Understand that it is Obstruction of
Justice, destruction of evidence, perjury, subornation of perjury, and you are
allowing the Government to systematically and usually defrauding the Court

You can file a delay letter with the Clerk’s office as soon as you get this
email. You can let the Supreme Court know that Brian David Hill had filed three
Rule 15.5 letters in all three cases, you acknowledged read receipt of all of
those through Roberta Hill who is the contact point representative for Brian

Please make sure to notify the U.S. Supreme Court about the fact that the
Emergency Motions were timely filed prior to the Conference, and the delay
letters. It is clear that the Conference needs to either have access to those
Emergency Motions on that Conference day or the three cases need to be delayed
until the issues are sorted out. The three cases evidentially are not ripe for a
decision in the Conference. You have access to the electronic system, Prelogar,
and as an officer of the Court you cannot just sit on his EMERGENCY MOTIONS and
delay letters, and just let the Conference make their usual denial orders as
with a super majority of petitions. You are obligated under the Rules of
Professional and Ethical Standards by the American Bar Association and the State
Bar. When you are made aware of issues and emergency motions asking that the
cases are not ripe for disposition, sitting on it and allowing the petitions to
be thrown out is wrong and you are aiding and abetting fraud, aiding and
abetting destruction of evidence, aiding and abetting perjury, aiding and
abetting all federal crimes committed by the U.S. Attorney Office in Greensboro,

If Brian’s letters just disappear out of thin air, then it is your
responsibility as the Solicitor General to ask the Supreme Court to delay the
Conference. We are not happy with the usual denial of Brian’s petitions. You
were the Acting Solicitor General who filed the standard waiver letter in
Brian’s appeal where he was deprived of his Constitutional right to a trial by
jury in his Supervised Release Violation (SRV). Your the same as all the others,
corrupt and breaking the laws and depriving criminal defendants of their
Constitutional rights under the color of law. Your just as bad as all the others
in the Department of Justice. You all destroy evidence, lie under oath,
subornate perjury, and defraud the Courts over and over again.

Prove me wrong, Prelogar. This needs to be done before the Conference scheduled
on Friday, November 12, 2021. Do not use the Federal Holiday on November 11,
2021, as a method to prevent Brian David Hill from properly filing his EMERGENCY
MOTIONS. Federal Holidays, especially Veterans Day, should not be used as an
unconstitutional form of oppression to prevent Brian David Hill from properly
filings pleadings before any deadline. Justice is long overdue, please do not
forget that.

God bless you,
Stanley Bolten
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

——————————————END EMAIL RELEASE—————————————–

This was in reply to everybody in Brian’s mother’s email to the Supreme Court
asking for his son’s EMERGENCY MOTIONS to be filed immediately after being
received at the Mail Room to prevent his Supreme Court petitions from receiving
a wrongful disposition.

See the Documents with the emails and read receipts:
Stanley Bolten email directed at Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar (PDF File)
Roberta Hill’s email to the Supreme Court asking for quick filing of EMERGENCY
MOTIONS – XFINIT~4 (PDF File) – “EMERGENCY MAILINGS: Emergency Motions coming,
please delay Conference over three cases, please review over entire email, skip
two day waiting period for mail room (EMERGENCY MOTIONS, EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY,
Read Receipt from Sarah Woessner who works for the U.S. Supreme Court, Public
Information Office (PDF File)
Read Receipt from Kara Tershel who works for the U.S. Supreme Court, Public
Information Office (PDF File)
Brian’s mother made sure to get us the email from her side to let us know that
it succeeded in being sent to everybody including the Solicitor General (PDF

This is not the only email to Elizabeth Prelogar. We sent another one asking for
a resolution in this whole wrongful conviction madness against Brian D. Hill. He
must be acquitted at ALL COSTS.

Brian will be found innocent, one way or another. We will fight and keep
fighting, over and over again, until Brian D. Hill has been officially
exonerated and acquitted in the Courts.

Also part of the articles: USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s Trio of U.S. Supreme Court
petitions docketed, response deadlines set for November 22, 2021; Judge
SSchroeder to have to respond to Brian’s assertions of them bucking the Supreme
Court – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; USWGO News Brian D.
Hill files Trio of U.S. Supreme Court petitions to Nullify Criminal Conviction;
curtail Fraud on the Court; asking to impose Mandate/Prohibition on Autonomous
Federal Courts ignoring Actual Innocence Exception to Anti-Terrorism AEDPA –
Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; U.S. Solicitor General
waives right to respond to all of Brian’s trio Supreme Court petitions which may
be an attempt to push for the Supreme Court to toss them all out – Justice for
Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt News files
Judicial Complaint against Judges for Discrimination, again asserts possibly
Blackmail; complaint against Judge Thomas David SSchroeder and William Lindsey
Osteen Junior – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Clerk of
the U.S. District Court in Greensboro, NC refuses to file Letter regarding Lin
Wood tweets about child rape and murder – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO
Alternative News; Brian D. Hill files trio letters with U.S. Supreme Court
requesting that the U.S. Government respond for its fraud; that U.S. Chief Judge
SSchroeder and U.S. Judge Osteen Junior answer for ignoring the laws – Justice
for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News; Email to U.S. Solicitor General
Elizabeth B. Prelogar: “This has to come to a resolution., In Re: Brian David
Hill; you should respond or file opposition brief” – Justice for Brian D. Hill
of USWGO Alternative News; and Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News files EMERGENCY
MOTIONS in U.S. Supreme Court; asking for Leave of Court until Corrupt Federal
Judges and U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar responds or files
opposition briefs – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News


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U.S. Solicitor General waives right to respond to all of Brian’s trio Supreme
Court petitions which may be an attempt to push for the Supreme Court to toss
them all outOctober 26, 2021In "Evidence"

Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News files EMERGENCY MOTIONS in U.S. Supreme Court;
asking for Leave of Court until Corrupt Federal Judges and U.S. Solicitor
General Elizabeth B. Prelogar responds or files opposition briefsNovember 7,
2021In "Actual innocence"

Brian D. Hill files trio letters with U.S. Supreme Court requesting that the
U.S. Government respond for its fraud; that U.S. Chief Judge SSchroeder and U.S.
Judge Osteen Junior answer for ignoring the lawsNovember 3, 2021In "Analysis"


View all posts by justiceforuswgo

November 8, 2021

News, Opinions

Actual innocence, Brian D. Hill, Department of Justice, Elizabeth B. Prelogar,
email, Federal Court, Fraud on the Court, injustice, Judicial corruption,
Solicitor General, Stanley Bolten, Supreme Court of the United States, U.S.
Department of InJustice, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, USWGO
Alternative News


Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alt. News files EMERGENCY MOTIONS in U.S. Supreme Court;
asking for Leave of Court until Corrupt Federal Judges and U.S. Solicitor
General Elizabeth B. Prelogar responds or files opposition briefs


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Supreme Court throws out USWGO News Brian D. Hill’s case, Brian is writing the
White House asking for FULL PARDON

He needs a pardon from Trump:
Fully Pardon Brian David Hill of USWGO alternative news, HE IS ACTUALLY INNOCENT
of his charge | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Sign petition: Fully Pardon Brian David Hill of USWGO alternative news ·

The White House: Fully Pardon INNOCENT MAN Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative
News · Change.org


Think logically!

Why are all the Federal Judges working against Brian? Why are all of his appeals
dismissed no matter what well-grounded and researched case law he uses? Why is
he denied an evidentiary hearing for every claim? Why is he barred from access
to his own criminal case discovery evidence materials?

Brian is  VICTIM OF THE CIA/NSA and is under TARGETED HARASSMENT. Chris Miller
the Secretary of Defense must investigate the CIA TARGETED HARASSMENT EVIDENCE
that Brian plans to soon mail to them. General Flynn needs to protect Brian D.
Hill and his entire family. S.O.S. S.O.S. EMERGENCY CALL FOR HELP

Was Brian D. Hill of USWGO news a target of the CIA??????

Brian D. Hill of USWGO news asks U.S. Defense Secretary for TREASON CHARGES on
FEDERAL JUDGES!!!!!!!!!!!!! #DigitalSoldiers #SidneyPowell #GenFlynn #SecDefense
#Pentagon #ChrisMiller @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood

Open letter to Lt. General Michael T. Flynn and #DigitalSoldiers – Dated
November 1, 2020

Federal Probation is meant to control Brian and block him from his freedom of
the press, freedom of speech. He must be PARDONED NOW. Get the Entire FEDS OFF


If Brian D. Hill is in Federal Prison, and you wish to show him your support or
even send him prayers, then mail him at the following address with his name and
inmate number:

Brian David Hill #29947-057
FMC Lexington
P.O. BOX 14500
December 6, 2019 was Brian’s imprisonment!
Brian released! December 6, 2019


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Memorize and write these down, even bookmark those website mirrors to access
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Download the entire Court documents that have been archived and updated as of
the most recent docket filings. To prevent cover up and censorship of court
documents, you should download the compressed archive files containing all court


United States v. Brian David Hill case files:


Brian David Hill v. United States case files (2017-2018):


Brian David Hill v. Executive Office for United States Attorneys et al



You can also donate in BTC (Bitcoin) to my wallet if you want to contribute to
paying for my server cost to get the word out about the wrongful conviction of
Brian David Hill: Bitcoin Wallet: 1AdAT2g8cU3aXHRE4dtWzGYx5uS42y9kbg

I also promise to do what I can for justice. Once Brian’s conviction is
overturned with y0ur help, his case can be used for other Habeas Corpus
petitioners also fighting to prove actual innocence.

You can also purchase his book on Amazon to help his legal costs:


Documents we link to on our website is thanks to the RECAP program and

Please donate to the RECAP programmers team so that court documents can
continually be offered for free without pacer.gov access fees.


Pardon Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News for his False Guilty Plea


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