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Submission: On February 02 via api from US — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

POST /contact#contact_form

<form method="post" action="/contact#contact_form" id="contact_form" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="contact-form"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="customer"><input type="hidden" name="utf8" value="✓">
  <input type="hidden" name="contact[tags]" value="newsletter">
  <input type="hidden" name="customer[accepts_marketing]" value="true">
  <div class="bouliesNewsLetterForm">
    <div class="bouliesNewsLetterInputGroup">
      <input type="email" value="" placeholder="what's your email?" name="contact[email]" class="bouliesNewsLetterInput" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off">
      <button type="submit" class="bouliesNewsLetterSubmitButton" name="commit" id="Subscribe"> submit </button>

POST /checkout

<form action="/checkout" method="post" novalidate="" id="cartActionForm" onsubmit="report_checkout_action()">
  <div class="bc_itemList" id="bouliesAjaxCart_DataWrap"> </div>
  <div class="bc_otherInfoAndInstruction">
    <div class="bc_faqWrap">
      <button type="button" class="bc_faqButton">
        <span class="bc_faqButtonTitle">FAQ for Payment &amp; Delivery</span>
      <div class="bc_faqListWrap">
        <div class="bc_faqLists">
            <li class="bc_faqQuestionClosed">
              <button class="bc_faqItemQuestion" type="button">
                <span class="bc_faqItemQuestionIcon"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 -960 960 960">
                    <path d="M480-345 240-585l43-43 197 198 197-197 43 43-240 239Z"></path>
                <span class="bc_faqItemQuestionTitle">I'm unable to locate the Klarna payment option at checkout. How might I utilise it?</span>
              <div class="bc_faqItemAnswer">
                <span> Please ensure you've accurately completed all shipping information and selected your preferred shipping method. The option to choose a payment method, including Klarna, should present itself on the subsequent page. </span>
            <li class="bc_faqQuestionClosed">
              <button class="bc_faqItemQuestion" type="button">
                <span class="bc_faqItemQuestionIcon"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 -960 960 960">
                    <path d="M480-345 240-585l43-43 197 198 197-197 43 43-240 239Z"></path>
                <span class="bc_faqItemQuestionTitle">When will I get my items?</span>
              <div class="bc_faqItemAnswer">
                <span> Under normal circumstances, it will take up to 1 working day for your order to be processed and 2-5 working days for your package to be fulfilled and delivered, depending on your location. </span>
            <li class="bc_faqQuestionClosed">
              <button class="bc_faqItemQuestion" type="button">
                <span class="bc_faqItemQuestionIcon"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 -960 960 960">
                    <path d="M480-345 240-585l43-43 197 198 197-197 43 43-240 239Z"></path>
                <span class="bc_faqItemQuestionTitle">How much does shipping cost?</span>
              <div class="bc_faqItemAnswer">
                <span> Standard shipping is free for all online orders. Or you can upgrade your shipping method for an additional charge. </span>
            <li class="bc_faqQuestionClosed">
              <button class="bc_faqItemQuestion" type="button">
                <span class="bc_faqItemQuestionIcon"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 -960 960 960">
                    <path d="M480-345 240-585l43-43 197 198 197-197 43 43-240 239Z"></path>
                <span class="bc_faqItemQuestionTitle">How do I track my order?</span>
              <div class="bc_faqItemAnswer">
                <span> Each time an item ships from our warehouse, we'll send you an email that includes the shipping carrier's name and your order's tracking number. You can click the link in the email to track the status of your package on the
                  carrier's website. Also, you can find the shipping information in your account - order detail. </span>
    <div class="bc_priceAndNote">
      <div class="bc_subTotalWrapper">
        <div class="bc_calcWrap" id="bc_calcWrap" style="display: block;"></div>
        <div class="bc_subTotalWrap">
          <span class="bc_subTotal" id="bouliesAjaxCart_totalPrice">£££</span>
        <textarea name="note" placeholder="Enter special note for this order to seller" class="input-full" id="CartSpecialInstructions"></textarea>
        <div class="bc_checkOutButton">
          <button type="submit" name="checkout" class="bouliesBTN bouliesBTN_prime">Check Out</button>
          <div class="bc_securePaymentStatement">
            <div class="bc_secureStatementWrap">
              <div class="bc_secure">Guaranteed <b>safe &amp; secure</b> checkout</div>
              <div class="bc_poweredByStripe">
                <img src="" alt="">
                <span>Credit card payments are processed securely via Stripe.</span>
            <div class="bc_supportedMethod">
              <svg class="paymentItem" xmlns="" role="img" aria-labelledby="pi-american_express" viewBox="0 0 38 24" width="38" height="24">
                <title id="pi-american_express">American Express</title>
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              <svg class="paymentItem" viewBox="0 0 38 24" xmlns="" role="img" width="38" height="24" aria-labelledby="pi-diners_club">
                <title id="pi-diners_club">Diners Club</title>
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If you're looking for a gaming chair that offers superb value, look no further.

I really like the soft touch and stain resistant fabric for giving a much cosier
feel to many alternatives while still looking professional.

...the Boulies Master strikes a balance between comfort, support, and
appearance, which is a hard combination to find in a gaming chair.

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Verified Purchase
Where to start, great communication from ordering to delivery. The chair took me
around 35 minutes to assemble. Realised afterwards I should have built it
upstairs as it would have been easier than having to carry it up the stairs once
built as it’s solid [=quality]. Very nice to sit in super comfy “I’m 6 foot and
18 stones”. Looks better than I imagined, love the adjustable arm rests.
united kingdom
Verified Purchase
Great design, promptly dispatched and delivered, easy to assemble, and fully
adjustable to make the perfect all-day desk chair. Of course, the bears are now
refusing to move until they have their own Boulies Master!
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
Top build quality, only took 20 minutes to build. Comfort is good and after more
use will become even better, also customer service is really good so far as I
had a damaged plastic cover and they responded quick and have a replacement on
the way.
Robert Armstrong
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
I'm 6ft 1 inch and 17 stone and I have had many chairs over the years, but I
wish I had bought a Boulies Chair years ago as the very high spec build quality
and fabric are far superior to the chairs I have bought in the past, The
different seating positions are excellent and the whole chair is very sturdy and
robust. Looks like I have many years of comfortable seating. Many thanks
Mr M Toole
united kingdom
Verified Purchase
Very happy with my chair. The delivery only took only 2-3 days , it was easy to
assemble (approx 20-30 mins) The comfort on this chair is superb . I was looking
to buy a secretlabs chair but now I'm glad I didn't. I can only recommend the
Elite series , for me it's the perfect gaming/work chair. The pillows are a nice
added bonus however I have no use for them as the chair fits me perfectly even
though I'm a bit fat. 5'7" 90 kg
Bela Nagy
united kingdom
Verified Purchase
I'd been looking for a decent quality, lumbar supporting office chair for work
and something that didn't break the bank. I've had the chair a few weeks now and
I'm finding it very comfortable and supportive. It seems very well designed and
built and was fairly easy to assemble with all the components and tools provided
although the instructions could be a little clearer in regard to depicting the
front and back.
Fraser Hall
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
Since my wife stared working from home she's been suffering with a low quality
chair. We were looking around for a while until we came across the Boulies
Master. We thought that we would give it a go and have never looked back. My
wife uses the chair most days for long periods of time and I use it as a gaming
chair. Neither of us can believe how comfy it is. It's well built and arrived
within a few days. It's very supportive and feels like it'll last for years. For
the price, you can't go wrong. Would definitely recommend it for either an
office chair or a gaming chair.
Will Jones
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
Where to start, great communication from ordering to delivery. The chair took me
around 35 minutes to assemble. Realised afterwards I should have built it
upstairs as it would have been easier than having to carry it up the stairs once
built as it’s solid [=quality]. Very nice to sit in super comfy “I’m 6 foot and
18 stones”. Looks better than I imagined, love the adjustable arm rests.
united kingdom
Verified Purchase
Great design, promptly dispatched and delivered, easy to assemble, and fully
adjustable to make the perfect all-day desk chair. Of course, the bears are now
refusing to move until they have their own Boulies Master!
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
Top build quality, only took 20 minutes to build. Comfort is good and after more
use will become even better, also customer service is really good so far as I
had a damaged plastic cover and they responded quick and have a replacement on
the way.
Robert Armstrong
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
I'm 6ft 1 inch and 17 stone and I have had many chairs over the years, but I
wish I had bought a Boulies Chair years ago as the very high spec build quality
and fabric are far superior to the chairs I have bought in the past, The
different seating positions are excellent and the whole chair is very sturdy and
robust. Looks like I have many years of comfortable seating. Many thanks
Mr M Toole
united kingdom
Verified Purchase
Very happy with my chair. The delivery only took only 2-3 days , it was easy to
assemble (approx 20-30 mins) The comfort on this chair is superb . I was looking
to buy a secretlabs chair but now I'm glad I didn't. I can only recommend the
Elite series , for me it's the perfect gaming/work chair. The pillows are a nice
added bonus however I have no use for them as the chair fits me perfectly even
though I'm a bit fat. 5'7" 90 kg
Bela Nagy
united kingdom
Verified Purchase
I'd been looking for a decent quality, lumbar supporting office chair for work
and something that didn't break the bank. I've had the chair a few weeks now and
I'm finding it very comfortable and supportive. It seems very well designed and
built and was fairly easy to assemble with all the components and tools provided
although the instructions could be a little clearer in regard to depicting the
front and back.
Fraser Hall
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
Since my wife stared working from home she's been suffering with a low quality
chair. We were looking around for a while until we came across the Boulies
Master. We thought that we would give it a go and have never looked back. My
wife uses the chair most days for long periods of time and I use it as a gaming
chair. Neither of us can believe how comfy it is. It's well built and arrived
within a few days. It's very supportive and feels like it'll last for years. For
the price, you can't go wrong. Would definitely recommend it for either an
office chair or a gaming chair.
Will Jones
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
Where to start, great communication from ordering to delivery. The chair took me
around 35 minutes to assemble. Realised afterwards I should have built it
upstairs as it would have been easier than having to carry it up the stairs once
built as it’s solid [=quality]. Very nice to sit in super comfy “I’m 6 foot and
18 stones”. Looks better than I imagined, love the adjustable arm rests.
united kingdom
Verified Purchase
Great design, promptly dispatched and delivered, easy to assemble, and fully
adjustable to make the perfect all-day desk chair. Of course, the bears are now
refusing to move until they have their own Boulies Master!
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
Top build quality, only took 20 minutes to build. Comfort is good and after more
use will become even better, also customer service is really good so far as I
had a damaged plastic cover and they responded quick and have a replacement on
the way.
Robert Armstrong
United Kingdom
Verified Purchase
I'm 6ft 1 inch and 17 stone and I have had many chairs over the years, but I
wish I had bought a Boulies Chair years ago as the very high spec build quality
and fabric are far superior to the chairs I have bought in the past, The
different seating positions are excellent and the whole chair is very sturdy and
robust. Looks like I have many years of comfortable seating. Many thanks
Mr M Toole
united kingdom
Verified Purchase
Very happy with my chair. The delivery only took only 2-3 days , it was easy to
assemble (approx 20-30 mins) The comfort on this chair is superb . I was looking
to buy a secretlabs chair but now I'm glad I didn't. I can only recommend the
Elite series , for me it's the perfect gaming/work chair. The pillows are a nice
added bonus however I have no use for them as the chair fits me perfectly even
though I'm a bit fat. 5'7" 90 kg
Bela Nagy
united kingdom
Verified Purchase
I'd been looking for a decent quality, lumbar supporting office chair for work
and something that didn't break the bank. I've had the chair a few weeks now and
I'm finding it very comfortable and supportive. It seems very well designed and
built and was fairly easy to assemble with all the components and tools provided
although the instructions could be a little clearer in regard to depicting the
front and back.
Fraser Hall
United Kingdom
 * 1
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