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+50 relevant news

The Wall Street Journal · 15m
Proposed Ukraine-Israel Aid Package to Go to Final House Vote
WASHINGTON—The House is poised to pass a $95 billion package of bills Saturday
that would fund aid and weapons for Ukraine, after House Speaker Mike Johnson
put his political career on the line to

+41 relevant news

The Wall Street Journal · 3h
Senate Passes Spying Bill, Rejecting Privacy Concerns
WASHINGTON—The Senate passed legislation early Saturday renewing a controversial
foreign spying power, prevailing over objections from privacy advocates who
warned the measure could lead to a

+35 relevant news

The Associated Press · 12h
Trump forced to listen silently to people insulting him as he trades a cocoon of
adulation for court
NEW YORK (AP) — He seems "selfish and self-serving,” said one woman.The way he
carries himself in public "leaves something to be desired," said another.His
“negative rhetoric and bias," said another
ABC News · 1h
25 years later, Columbine survivors speak on the impact of the mass shooting
When 12 students and one teacher were gunned down in a mass shooting at
Columbine High School in 1999, the tragic event marked a turning point for
America. Twenty five years later, some survivors
AdHealth Insight Journal
This New Device Is Leaving Nеurоpathу Experts Baffled
The Associated Press - Business News · 57m
A coffee roastery in Finland has launched an AI-generated blend. The results
were surprising
HELSINKI (AP) — An artisan roastery based in the Finnish capital has introduced
a coffee blend that has been developed by artificial intelligence in a trial in
which it's hoped that technology can

+49 relevant news

The Wall Street Journal · 1h
VW Workers Vote to Join UAW in Historic Southern Win for Union
Workers at Volkswagen’s Tennessee factory voted to join the United Auto Workers,
a landmark win for the 89-year-old union as it seeks to expand where it has
struggled before, with foreign-owned

+23 relevant news
ABC News · 14h
USC cancels all commencement speakers after canceled valedictorian speech
Amid the decision to cancel this year's valedictorian speech, the University of
Southern California announced it would be eliminating all outside speakers and
honorees from its main-stage
The Associated Press · 12h
Record Store Day celebrates indie retail music sellers as they ride vinyl's
popularity wave
PHOENIX (AP) — Special LP releases, live performances and at least one giant
block party are scheduled around the U.S. Saturday as hundreds of shops
celebrate Record Store Day during a surge of

+50 relevant news

NBC News · 22h
Man sets himself on fire outside courthouse where Trump trial is being held
A man set himself on fire outside the courthouse where the trial of former
President Donald Trump's hush money case was taking place on Friday. The person
self-immolated inside the designated protest

+50 relevant news

The Associated Press · 7h
Moscow says 50 Ukrainian drones shot down as attacks spark fires at Russian
power stations
KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine launched a barrage of drones across Russia
overnight, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said Saturday, in attacks that
appeared to target the country’s energy infrastructure

+9 relevant news

Why is 4/20 the unofficial weed day? The history behind April 20 and marijuana
The favorite day of stoners across the globe is upon us: April 20 or 4/20, also
known as weed day, is this Saturday. Coincidentally falling on the same weekend
as National
The Washington Post · 6h
Riding the baddest bulls made him a legend. Then one broke his neck.
STEPHENVILLE, Tex. — The black bull stands in an upper pasture on J.B. Mauney’s
ranch like a blot on the green ryegrass horizon. His dark hulk presides over a
hilly rise looking down on the tin
The Washington Post · 4h
Vinyl LPs now outsell CDs. See how records get made in 2024.
A 12-inch vinyl record can hold about 44 minutes of music. But manufacturing one
can take multiple days — a complex but delicate process involving sapphires,
rubies and silver. Music fans may
The Wall Street Journal · 12h
The Secret Retreats That Have CEOs, VIPs and Billionaires Jockeying for Invites
The crowd at the St. Regis hotel in Aspen, Colo., on one weekend last fall was
handpicked, and if you had to ask to be invited, you wouldn’t be on the list.
Guests, including Ron Howard, Karlie Kloss
The miscarriage was inevitable. Could she have had an ER abortion? Supreme Court
to decide
WASHINGTON − A woman 18-weeks pregnant arrived in an Idaho emergency room in
distress. Her condition – hourglassing membranes − was so dire, a miscarriage
was inevitable.

+2 relevant news

NBC News · 1h
House to vote on what to do with the billions of dollars of frozen Russian
government assets
Hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of frozen Russian government assets are
sitting in banks across the U.S. and Europe and on Saturday a vote is expected
in the House of Representatives that


Taco Bell rival files Chapter 11 bankruptcy; sells company

Donald Trump Trial 'Much More Serious' Than Expected: Legal Analyst

1300 Stimulus Check: What is the schedule for this payment and who is elegible
to get it?

Over 2,100 people forced to evacuate after massive volcanic eruption

The Cybertruck's failure is now complete

Business Insider1h
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov signals Putin's plan to seize Kharkiv and
a 'sanitary zone'

Digital Trends20h
3 underrated Netflix movies you should watch this weekend (April 19-21)

Donald Trump Could Lose Secret Service Protection Under New Bill

The Independent7h
Dubai airport chaos: Emirates boss writes open letter after hundreds of
thousands passengers stranded

Food & Wine23h
Aldi Is Getting Rid of Scanners, Cashiers, and Checkout Lines with the Help of

Early forecast says summer 2024 is set to be unusually hot across most of USA

Business Insider5h
American sniper in Ukraine says his unit prefers Soviet-era rifles because
bullets are easier to find and they can take them from the Russians
House Digest22h
How To Remove Weeds From The Cracks In Your Driveway To Prevent Their Return

Thousands of People Removed From Social Security

‘It can happen again’: Judge set to preside over Trump trial delivers her
toughest Jan. 6 sentence to date

FOX News3h
Biden 'doesn't understand the Catholic faith,' bishop says: 'I'm not angry at
him, he's just stupid'


Record Store Day 2024
Workers vote to join UAW
Attended a drug-fueled party?
Makes surprise appearance
3 Calif. officers charged
FBI searches Dolton, IL
Ray responds to Bertinelli
FAA probing cockpit visit
Canceled at CBS
Asks judge to void bond
Sets Max premiere date
Man set himself on fire, dies
Retires at US Olympic trials
Preseason game moved
Showrunner to step down
Writers reach tentative deal
Marine dies during training
Winning numbers drawn
To sell Bills’ minority stake?
First album in four years
Cancels graduation keynote
Five teens injured in shooting
US to pull troops from Niger
Ex-Philly cop pleads guilty
Joins 'NCIS: Origins' cast
Takeaways from day 4
To coach US national team
FISA extension approved
Sets date for 2025 awards
India trip postponed?
To lay off 128 employees
Wins Chinese GP sprint
Hit with NCAA sanctions
Wins CN GP sprint race
On Cowboys contract talks
'I'm not proud of my behavior'
Fines SCG Plastics $20M
Menendez's trial delayed


WESH Orlando
Sawfish rescued in Florida as biologists try to determine why the ancient fish
are dying
A large sawfish that showed signs of distress was rescued by wildlife officials
in the Florida Keys, where more than three dozen of the ancient and endangered
fish have died for unexplained reasons

Travel + Leisure
You'll Be Able to See Jupiter and Uranus Tomorrow Night — What to Know
Here’s how to spot the Jupiter-Uranus hangout on Saturday, plus tips for
snagging the best planet view.On the night of April 20, two of Earth’s
interstellar neighbors will hang out in the evening sky

NBC Bay Area
Actress helps East Bay teen with chronic illness achieve acting dream
Throughout her decadelong career in Hollywood, Steph Langnas has accumulated
many acting credits to her name. Her most cherished role, however, is one she
has only recently been in. The reason it

Engineer Your Finances
9 Items Frugal People Never Buy at Sam’s Club
Sam’s Club can be a hit or miss when it comes to what you should and shouldn’t
buy. Don’t get me wrong—it can be a treasure trove of bargains, but only some
things are a steal. As frugal enthusiasts,

The St. Lucie News-Tribune
Three friends to get 'citizen hero' awards for actions in rescuing St. Lucie
County deputy
ST. LUCIE COUNTY — A weekend day of camping and spending time with friends and
family on an island in the Indian River Lagoon turned into a dramatic rescue
last month of a St. Lucie

10 Most Powerful Mistborn Characters, Ranked
Characters in the Mistborn saga vary significantly in power, with era 1
characters generally more powerful than era 2 characters like Wax.

WZTV - Nashville
Nashville Fire Department rescues kittens trapped in vehicle engine
Nashville fire crews had a unique task over the weekend. Crews rescued six
kittens trapped in the engine block of a vehicle, Nashville Fire Department
said. "Getting cats out of trees is a common

Daily Voice Westchester County NY
Funds Pour In For Port Chester Vehicle Fire Victims
Community members are coming together to help a family who lost three cars in a
devastating fire at a shopping center parking garage in Westchester. The blaze

Soccer's biggest league is rolling out AI-powered tech to make crucial calls
England's top soccer league will start using AI-powered technology for offside
calls.A slightly different version was used in 2022's FIFA World Cup.Video tech
has been a hot topic within the Premier

Astrology on Parade
This Month’s Jupiter–Uranus Conjunction Is a Chance to Break Free
After a dizzying eclipse season and a Mercury retrograde in Aries that's caused
more confusion than clarity, we could all use a little cosmic luck. Luckily,
we're just a few weeks away from the

US News & World Report - Travel
The 10 Best Personal Item Bags, Tested & Reviewed
When you're traveling on an airplane, there are certain items like your wallet,
phone, passport, medications and earbuds that you always want to keep close.
These are the items you'll want to pack in
Parade Pets
American Bulldog's Cute 'Break' While Running Up Sand Dune Is All Too Relatable
At times, our pets seem to be stocked with an endless supply of energy. It's as
if they can just go, go, go without even considering that it might be time to
pump the breaks a bit. But one goofy

Study suggests real-time feedback in hotel showers could help the tourism
industry cut water use
Providing hotel guests with messages about water use while they are taking a
shower can reduce the length of time they spend showering by more than 25%, a
new study has shown. In a

New York Post
Ex-pool rivals end feud after one donates kidney to save other’s life: ‘Kidney
buddies for life’
He was a good friend to have in his pocket. A Pennsylvania man who once blasted
his pool rival in a bitter Facebook post handed his competitor the ultimate
apology by giving him the “Cadillac of
Parade Pets
Man Claims His Golden Retriever’s Way of Getting Out of the Lake Would Give Girl
Dogs the ‘Ick'
Golden Retrievers are incredibly regal dogs. Put a well-groomed Golden in a room
and he will always turn heads; it's nearly impossible to catch these pups from a
bad angle. They're as majestic as

The Conversation
Personalized cancer treatments based on testing drugs quickly leads to faster
treatment, better outcomes
Despite many efforts to find better, more effective ways to treat cancer, it
remains a leading cause of death by disease among children in the U.S. Cancer
patients are also getting younger. Cancer

Axios Cleveland
10 movies to stream from Cleveland International Film Festival
The 48th annual Cleveland International Film Festival may be over, but you can
still watch its films.Driving the news: CIFF Streams began over the weekend and
allows you to watch some of the films
Parade Pets
Golden Retriever's Accidental 'Snack Discovery' Leaves Him Frozen in Temptation
Dogs can be stubborn, but at least it’s sort of cute and funny most of the time.
Can’t say all the time—but certainly most. And they tend to choose their battles
pretty wisely. Take this goofy Golden

NBC Philadelphia
Sixers team with Toyota to surprise athletes with physical disabilities
The Philadelphia 76ers and Toyota partnered with the Challenged Athletes
Foundation to present two CAF athletes with custom basketball wheelchairs on
Friday. Following the wheelchair surprise on the

These 10 Features Can Help Your Home Sell Quicker—and for More Money
The home selling and buying process is far more complex than a single listing
might let on. Everything from your home’s smell during open houses to the paint
colors to the home tour photos can make a


Buffalo, New York


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Man stabbed near Phoenix Hill neighborhood early Saturday, Louisville police say
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Louisville police are searching for suspects after a
stabbing near the Phoenix Hill neighborhood ...
4hon MSN
What will weather be like for Thunder Over Louisville, Kentucky Derby? Latest
According to Louisville's National Weather Service, Saturday will be sunny with
a high near 60. West winds between 7-13 mph ...
4hon MSN
Here's what to know about road closures in downtown during Thunder Over
If you're heading downtown, it's best to know where you can and can't go, which
roads will be closed — and when — and how you ...

WLKY Louisville on MSN4h
Road closures for Thunder Over Louisville: What to know
Thunder Over Louisville is this weekend, which means there will be road
closures. Closures for this year's event will start ...

WLKY Louisville on MSN3h
Where to watch Thunder Over Louisville this year
Here's where you can watch Thunder Over Louisville this year: An exclusive VIP
rooftop party presented by Kentucky Proud, ...

WLKY Louisville on MSN3h
2024 Thunder Over Louisville soundtrack features Dua Lipa, Jack Harlow, and more
The Kentucky Derby Festival released this year's soundtrack for the show on
Friday, which features big names like Dua Lipa, ...
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The Washington Post4h
An arthritis drug helps old dogs, but some owners worry about side effects
Around the country, veterinarians are prescribing a breakthrough new arthritis
drug for dogs — Librela — which is helping ...

The Wall Street Journal5h
Niger’s Eviction of U.S. Commandos, Drones, Derails America’s Counterterror
NAIROBI—Niger has formally ordered the U.S. to withdraw counterterrorism troops
and aerial drones from the country, driving ...

How a small Oregon town sparked a nationwide debate on homelessness
By Deborah BloomGRANTS PASS, Oregon (Reuters) - On a sunny afternoon in a grassy
park by the river, Amber Rockwell loaded a ...

The Washington Post7h
How to use Meta’s new AI chatbot that you can’t avoid
With seemingly fewer friends posting to their main Facebook and Instagram feeds,
Meta has introduced a new feature its ...

The Wall Street Journal7h
Elon Musk Turned Democrats Off Tesla When He Needed Them Most
For years, the biggest cohort of Tesla buyers, politically speaking, has been
Democrats. But when Elon Musk took a hard turn ...

The New York Times8h
Top Chinese Swimmers Tested Positive for Banned Drug, Then Won Olympic Gold
Twenty-three top Chinese swimmers tested positive for the same powerful banned
substance seven months before the Tokyo ...
AdFisher Investments
How Long Does $1 Million Last After 60?

The Wall Street Journal12h
Hamas Explores Moving Political Headquarters Out of Qatar
DUBAI—Hamas’s political leadership is looking to move from its current base in
Qatar, as U.S. legislators build pressure on ...

The Washington Post19h
Taylor Swift’s new album leaked, but it was only half the story
The frenzy surrounding Taylor Swift’s new album “The Tortured Poets Department”
kicked off a day early, as the singer ...
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