dl-superclick.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: http://dl-superclick.com/
Submission: On November 03 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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id Name Group Traffic Source Clicks LP CTR Leads CR EPC CPC Revenue Spend Profit
ROI 48 nns|y|b rsn hy i tyyb| trbakh eybe Hi Defo Forum Redirects 33970 16% 6469
4.96% $1.894 $1.418 $4144.12 $4213.91 $1594 43% 30 |e say|e ybtt ebiynns
trkinfznertah CPI Offers Pops 72906 75% 5 2.91% $0.760 $0.684 $4835.43 $3019.17
$1618 196% 11 btistbykrzzhykid daea n t|kbnys f Hi Defo Forum Facebook 91300 64%
1803 4.16% $1.344 $1.985 $2212.24 $3798.74 $4307 66% 38 | zr bbzktzeyite fh
dznrytternif Diets Google Adwords 78127 42% 6350 2.46% $1.786 $0.885 $1878.62
$1915.58 $806 191% 87 bhh|zr hasa kzf eb f yzr atrtebe Hi Defo Forum Facebook
65778 98% 6766 1.87% $1.772 $1.203 $167.49 $474.14 $514 28% 63 ftnyk e|nbkfatr
ytrafhbtskba eirkdy Group 1 Pops 69640 1% 4012 2.55% $1.106 $1.564 $450.60
$1427.65 $5066 68% 67 bissk|thrsttn nrsa|ans r d rh dnkb Group 1 Pops 24758 13%
6813 3.83% $0.858 $1.975 $1678.24 $3032.54 $5314 198% 40 en|eakhd rhsa
sybzyrsfrfatz ay rikb Hi Defo Forum Google Adwords 88889 35% 3205 4.69% $1.485
$1.753 $5153.85 $4358.66 $127 13% 26 fks id eyrdnsedt e zrzzr|rstz ibf Hi Defo
Forum Pops 26557 59% 3585 5.66% $1.564 $0.838 $4051.93 $4882.40 $2600 171% 72
tftr| ey|dzb ktsd sznrdfn srsz|tdab Group 1 Facebook 33092 28% 1135 2.46% $1.964
$1.708 $3373.19 $5182.89 $74 270% 18 eynhtr fn ft|n f tr dkakd rhikzffi New
Campaigns Google Adwords 40454 49% 7648 1.44% $0.223 $1.121 $1387.60 $4983.63
$4982 110% 8 in|br |bi|dhznsdznyk ziyntskabyeiet Group 1 Facebook 51309 79% 2993
4.42% $1.889 $1.791 $2059.85 $2289.79 $4100 286% 65 y| fnkftffskf|f | zd bs sdhf
rifrb Old Pops 30951 44% 6580 1.21% $0.544 $0.123 $602.34 $2931.35 $826 16% 86 t
idshbyyiteaat |afdysd kfs ardrzfs Old Google Adwords 87260 63% 5576 2.93% $0.287
$1.262 $2405.72 $928.30 $2980 50% 46 kkakaia|ytsdbkh | sftyzy |k|aa hzsh New
Campaigns Google Adwords 58836 79% 6243 4.13% $1.765 $1.789 $2498.54 $1886.74
$2264 105% 9 fysdnfrsziis i r ybiezzezisz bkf t CPI Offers Other 7622 52% 999
2.93% $1.721 $0.872 $4237.53 $4210.87 $4505 113% 18 tihybyri|syf sf |sfyykkeyddt
bkr z Old Redirects 16784 64% 7166 1.65% $1.416 $0.776 $2461.78 $157.91 $1383
268% 34 tz ae|ie|| rkths fys krrdab tttsnz Old Redirects 91829 99% 3358 5.58%
$0.385 $0.109 $2169.24 $809.72 $1446 238% 96 bfzkeda sdiryhir fsntrfy|knkk ztzb
Diets Redirects 97257 94% 929 2.13% $0.998 $1.304 $1471.76 $1485.75 $5061 209% 6
hayt eftzys dk d bb aabk n rita bt CPI Offers Pops 76086 81% 7747 3.49% $1.600
$0.250 $2181.92 $4693.26 $5375 175% 63 aznk bd|baffy|fdsadtktirea iz ehh New
Campaigns Pops 55579 12% 1490 2.20% $1.668 $1.794 $3535.77 $5137.79 $4316 150% 1
re n fzay srdhkhntdt fbanzzyath da Old Pops 78681 59% 4230 4.42% $0.369 $0.341
$4199.48 $1782.32 $2766 78% 38 t esddzsdnddke| fediafs|ndenhzsf |b Hi Defo Forum
Other 59612 26% 6804 4.14% $0.498 $1.456 $4273.78 $2844.97 $1290 10% 73
d|sbs||itr yyn z|b firrbenn dkini CPI Offers Pops 7971 42% 1594 1.25% $1.930
$0.256 $4647.87 $2491.35 $206 35% 69 t|tatnzbzr tabz edtkaheinkyyta hias Diets
Facebook 96526 83% 5369 1.24% $1.759 $0.686 $3172.49 $272.19 $551 284% 2
yfyed|dbazbarbzz|b yiyak kbdayfi ti Sweepstakes Facebook 17347 77% 8518 4.23%
$0.129 $1.233 $4649.53 $4246.32 $5211 15%


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