www.personaje.me Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://personaje.me/
Effective URL: https://www.personaje.me/
Submission: On March 08 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: email-formPOST

<form id="email-form" name="email-form" data-name="Email Form" method="post" class="form" aria-label="Email Form"><label for="name">first and last Name</label><input type="text" class="w-input" maxlength="256" name="name" data-name="Name"
    placeholder="" id="name" required="" data-personaje-focus-observed="true" data-personaje-blur-observed="true"><label for="email">Email Address</label><input type="email" class="w-input" maxlength="256" name="email" data-name="Email"
    placeholder="" id="email" required="" data-personaje-focus-observed="true" data-personaje-blur-observed="true"><label for="selector">select your use case</label><select id="selector" name="field-2" data-name="Field 2" required=""
    <option value="unselected">Select one...</option>
    <option value="E-mail marketing">E-mail marketing</option>
    <option value="Google Ads remarketing">Google Ads remarketing</option>
    <option value="Support">Support</option>
    <option value="Banking">Banking</option>
    <option value="Consulting and team formation">Consulting and team formation</option>
    <option value="Sales">Sales</option>
    <option value="other (cehck comments)">Other (specify in comments)</option>
  </select><label for="comments-2">Comments</label><textarea placeholder="I have many new customers, does Personaje can help me with cold start problem?" maxlength="5000" id="comments-2" name="comments" data-name="comments" class="w-input"
    data-personaje-focus-observed="true" data-personaje-blur-observed="true"></textarea><input type="submit" value="Submit" data-wait="Please wait..." data-gatrack="form, form_submission, no-label" class="button w-button"
    data-personaje-focus-observed="true" data-personaje-blur-observed="true"></form>

Text Content



The "Get started" button will redirect you to demo.personaje.me. It is a demo
e-commerce website (opencart).

Please be free to browse it as you like (fill a shopping cart with products,
compare some products, register, or request a product return using fake e-mail
and phone numbers).

A small blue button "View results" will appear within 3-5 minutes on the bottom
left of the screen. It is a general description of defined your personality type
which can be specified according to your use case.Within 3-5 minutes a small
blue button with "View results" will appeared on th button left of the screen

Get Started
HomeUse cases

Boost communication productivity by Personaje

Talk to your customers by their language. Personaje defines web-visitors
personality profiles within minutes. Use obtained knowledge to increase CPA,
LTV, NPS, etc. Check use cases to dive into possibilities!
use cases
book a demo
What we believe in
Personalization can be achieved without application of personal information.

How we work


- Identify use cases for your business

- Define the most promising solution and build a roadmap


- IT integration into your business processes

- Consulting your team and setting up for personality type usage

- Define clear success metrics and KPIs


- Monitor and measure metrics and KPIs

- Audit and provide enhancements if needed

- Set up next use case for your business


Based on behavioral data on a website we distinguish user personality profile.
We do not track IP, names, emails and other personal information. Become an
early-adopter and obtain 20% reduction forever.

Contact us


We are tech indies and psychology experts who would like to help businesses to
better communicate inside the company teams or with their clients. Check use
cases to deep dive how and why we increase employees' performance, reduce the
cost of clients' support/service, and increase clients' loyalty.

Use cases


Personaje provides your system (CRM/CDP/HR/etc) with client/employee personality
profile. We are open to provide seamless integration with your or third party
system and provide consulting to set up, track and analyze success rate of an
We are open for digital agencies and email marketing automation services to
increase your clients key metrics like CTR, CPA, email open rate, etc. Check
partnership page for more information.

Contact us
Drop a line

Submit a form, become an early adopter, and save 20% forever.

first and last NameEmail Addressselect your use caseSelect one...E-mail
marketingGoogle Ads remarketingSupportBankingConsulting and team
formationSalesOther (specify in comments)Comments
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[[en]]Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.[[uk]]Упс! Щось пішло
не так або ж закінчився ліміт заповнення форми, спробуйте пізніше або ж напишіть
на е-мейл: personaje.me@gmail.com
Use casesGoogle Ads remarketingE-mail marketing
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