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              data-widths="[50,100,150,200,250,300,360,540,720,900,1080,1080]" data-aspectratio="1.0" alt="Blood Orange Mimosa">
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            <span class="choose-your-flavor__product-title"><span class="choose-your-flavor__flavor-title">Blood Orange Mimosa</span>
              <span class="choose-your-flavor__flavor-subtitle">Tangy &amp; Sweet</span></span>
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, 150, 100, 50" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 1200px, (max-width: 767px) 767vw, (min-width: 768px) 767vw"
              data-widths="[50,100,150,200,250,300,360,540,720,900,1080,1080]" data-aspectratio="1.0" alt="Pink Guava Colada">
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            <span class="choose-your-flavor__product-title"><span class="choose-your-flavor__flavor-title">Pink Guava Colada</span>
              <span class="choose-your-flavor__flavor-subtitle">Tropical &amp; Smooth</span></span>
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, 150, 100, 50" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 1200px, (max-width: 767px) 767vw, (min-width: 768px) 767vw"
              data-widths="[50,100,150,200,250,300,360,540,720,900,1080,1080]" data-aspectratio="1.0" alt="Blue Razz Chiller">
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            <span class="choose-your-flavor__product-title"><span class="choose-your-flavor__flavor-title">Blue Razz Chiller</span>
              <span class="choose-your-flavor__flavor-subtitle">Like a Blue Slushie</span></span>
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          <p class="choose-your-flavor__selected-copy choose-your-flavor__selected-0">1 Tub - $59</p>
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          <p class="choose-your-flavor__selected-copy choose-your-flavor__selected-1">2 Tubs - $49/tub</p>
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          <p class="choose-your-flavor__selected-copy choose-your-flavor__selected-2">3+ Tubs - $46/tub</p>
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          <p class="starter-kit-builder__product-title"> FREE EarlyBird Cocktail Shaker <del class="starter-kit-builder__product-price">$29.00</del>
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              data-aspectratio="1.0" alt="FREE Custom Morning Routine">
          <p class="starter-kit-builder__product-title"> FREE Custom Morning Routine <del class="starter-kit-builder__product-price">$129.00</del>
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10.907V10.9249C21.3336 11.3722 21.2467 11.8154 21.0765 12.2292C20.9063 12.6429 20.6563 13.019 20.3406 13.336C20.0249 13.6529 19.6498 13.9045 19.2368 14.0764C18.8238 14.2483 18.3809 14.337 17.9336 14.3375H14.3038C13.4019 14.3375 12.5369 14.6958 11.8992 15.3335C11.2614 15.9713 10.9032 16.8363 10.9032 17.7382C10.9029 18.1849 10.9907 18.6273 11.1614 19.0402C11.3322 19.453 11.5827 19.8281 11.8985 20.1441C12.2143 20.4601 12.5893 20.7107 13.002 20.8818C13.4147 21.0528 13.8571 21.1408 14.3038 21.1408H17.9336C18.836 21.1408 19.7015 21.4993 20.3396 22.1374C20.9777 22.7756 21.3362 23.641 21.3362 24.5435C21.3362 25.4459 20.9777 26.3114 20.3396 26.9495C19.7015 27.5876 18.836 27.9461 17.9336 27.9461H4.35484C3.45274 27.9461 2.58756 28.3043 1.9495 28.942C1.31143 29.5797 0.952707 30.4447 0.952179 31.3468C0.952179 32.2492 1.31067 33.1147 1.94879 33.7528C2.58692 34.391 3.45239 34.7494 4.35484 34.7494H17.9336C18.836 34.7494 19.7015 35.1079 20.3396 35.7461C20.9777 36.3842 21.3362 37.2497 21.3362 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4.9/5 from 5,000+

Tons of Energy & Mental Focus!

No more snooze, no more taking an hour to get outta bed, no more energy drinks,
no more brain fog!! Only energy, mental clarity and it lasts all day!! When the
alarm goes off within 5 mins I am up and MOVING!

Danna G.

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6442 reviews
6442 reviews

"I am so in love. EarlyBird has successfully changed me into a morning person!
This. Is. Crazy." - Deanna S.

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6442 reviews

"I am so in love. EarlyBird has successfully changed me into a morning person!
This. Is. Crazy." - Deanna S.

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Hey future EarlyBird!
Select at least 1 flavor below to continue.
Blood Orange Mimosa Tangy & Sweet
- +
Pink Guava Colada Tropical & Smooth
- +
Blue Razz Chiller Like a Blue Slushie
- +


1 Tub - $59

2 Tubs - $49/tub

3+ Tubs - $46/tub


FREE EarlyBird Cocktail Shaker $29.00

Select 1 tub to unlock this free gift!

FREE Custom Morning Routine $129.00

Select 2 tubs to unlock this free gift!

Free Shipping! $0.00

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 * 45 servings (1 scoop per morning)
 * Clean energy, mood boosting nootropics, and electrolytes


 * Our signature 10 oz shaker makes the perfect Morning Cocktail, every time
 * Shakes & blends for maximum flavor
 * Easy-pour design lets you enjoy your EarlyBird straight from the shaker
 * Screw-on lid to prevent any leaks



 * Habit #1: The best way to get a mental edge over any competition (it's not
   easy, but so worth it!)
 * Habit #2: The exact stretching routine to do every morning that drastically
   increases mobility in less than 15 min
 * Habit #3: Discover the journaling technique that relieves all stress and puts
   you in a "get sh*t done" mentality!
 * Habit #4: The movement routine that easily gets your blood flowing
 * 3 Bonus Habits giving you the ability to create your own personalized Perfect
   Morning Routine


 * After purchasing your starter kit you'll have the ability to subscribe &


Caffeine: 1 serving (or 1 scoop) has 150 mg of natural caffeine from 2 patented
ingredients. The first is purcaf (green coffee bean extract). The second is
Infinergy (a form of caffeine that has an extended release for long term energy)

Prefer stevia? Click here.

Shipping & Guarantee
When will my order ship?
Once an order is placed we typically ship within 1 business day. The delivery
time is typically 2-3 business days, but can be longer depending on location and

We stand behind our product.

100% refund PLUS you'll keep your Cocktail Shaker if you're not satisfied with

No questions asked.

Simply contact us at


1. Fill your shaker with water

2. Add 1 scoop of EarlyBird

3. Shake and put on your nightstand

4. When alarm goes off, shake & drink!





Our high-quality electrolytes help deliver the hydration your body needs to
function optimally. It's like drinking supercharged water.


A unique blend of green coffee bean extract, antioxidants, L-Theanine, and
L-Tyrosine. This blend quickly eliminates the impulse to hit snooze and fills
your morning with energy (without the crash).

A unique blend of green coffee bean extract, a patented antioxidant blend of
over 25 fruits and veggie extracts, L-theanine, and GABA. This blend quickly
eliminates the impulse to hit snooze and fills your morning with energy (without
the crash).


The powerful combination of patented nootropics, Ashwagandha, Theobromine, and
CoffeeBerry gives you the ability to move through your morning with smiles and



Bringing supercharged hydration when your body needs it the most, and also
helping optimize nerve function for improved focus


Powerhouse blend of ingredients shown to promote mental sharpness and minimize
brain fog


The most potent form of Ashwagandha available - shown to combat that annoying
morning brain fog while promoting calmness


Amino Acid found in tea leaves that promotes smooth energy and intense focus,
all day long


Alkaloid found in chocolate! Giving a longer-lasting energy boost than caffeine
and a fuzzy feel-good feeling without any sugar or caffeine crash


Non-GMO, sustainably-grown and ethically-farmed form of caffeine extracted from
green coffee beans gives you a quick mental jumpstart that lasts


This patented coffee-berry provides 307% better focus and enhanced mood than
coffee alone


Antioxidant-dense superfood shown to improve memory and make all ingredients
more bioavailable (boosting EarlyBird’s effects)


Shown to improve mental performance, increase production of feel-good hormones,
enhance alertness and memory



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Tracy J.
United States

I recommend this product


I like the fact that it’s mostly vitamins with natural caffeine. They taste good
and cheaper than I can buy energy drinks for.

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail Starter Kit
Blue Razz Chiller ❄️
Was this helpful?  0    0
Jessica A.
United States

I recommend this product


I loved it so much, by the 4th sample day pack, I ordered a full container and
the shacker… (free gift, with a discount too) blood orange mimosa is

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail Samples
5 Samples - $12 + Shipping
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Sherry S.
United States

I recommend this product


I use Early Bird to give me a boost in the afternoon. It helps me finish my day
off at my desk job, where I find it challenging to sitting in the same place for
the whole day. Usually my focus starts drifting in the afternoon, Early Bird
helps me stay on task and give a nice energy boost!

Blood Orange Mimosa
Was this helpful?  0    0
Annelie I.
United States

I recommend this product


I work as a dog groomer and it’s not an easy job. I get up at 6:30, drink early
bird and then set 15 minute snooze~I don’t know why I bother because I’m up 2
minutes later! Works!!

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail
6 Serving Sample Pack - $14 + S&H / 2 of each flavor (6 total)
Was this helpful?  0    0
Loren S.
United States

I recommend this product


I have been using Early Bird for two weeks now. I was not sure it could live up
to the hype but it has done exactly that. From the first day I started having
the Early Bird morning cocktail, I have gone from morning zombie to full speed
ahead each and every morning. No more brain fog and instant energy and drive to
tackle the day. If you are considering trying it,,,, YES!! Try it. You will not
be sorry.

Blood Orange Mimosa
Was this helpful?  0    0
Ronnie P.
United States

I recommend this product


My name's Ronnie and I'm 60 years old. In the past I've considered myself a
morning person to an extent but until I use this product I was fooling myself.
The level of non-jittery energy with no crash in the afternoon that early bird
gives is just one aspect of its proprietary contents. My focus and my memory are
clearly improved. Around mid-afternoon on my workout days I'll throw a half a
scoop in my shaker and drink it down. It really helps the productivity of my
workouts. Do yourself a favor and try it You got nothing to lose.

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail (Blood Orange Mimosa) w/ FREE Cocktail Shaker, Gift
Card, Custom Morning Routine, E-Book
1 Tub - $1.51/serving
Was this helpful?  0    0
Dawn E.
United States

I recommend this product


I get up at 5:30 every morning. Being a teacher and mom means a long day and not
a lot of sleep. This product is amazing!!! I haven’t had an energy drink since
and a drank a Red Bull daily!

Blood Orange Mimosa
Was this helpful?  0    0
Ralph V.
United States

I recommend this product


Tennis coach getting up early for practices and lessons. This really get me
going in the morning.

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail (Blood Orange Mimosa) w/ FREE Cocktail Shaker, Gift
Card, Custom Morning Routine, E-Book
1 Tub - $1.51/serving
Was this helpful?  0    0
Kim C.
United States

I recommend this product


I think it helps me feel more energized in the morning, and also think I feel
more focused as well. I’m getting used to the taste. It’s pretty good for a
powdered energy drink.

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail
Blood Orange Mimosa
Was this helpful?  0    0
Andrew R.
United States

I recommend this product


Works great for me get me out of my fog first thing in the morning and keeps me
going most of the day

Blood Orange Mimosa
Was this helpful?  0    0
Tracy J.
United States

I recommend this product


I like the fact that it’s mostly vitamins with natural caffeine. They taste good
and cheaper than I can buy energy drinks for.

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail Starter Kit
Blue Razz Chiller ❄️
Was this helpful?  0    0
Jessica A.
United States

I recommend this product


I loved it so much, by the 4th sample day pack, I ordered a full container and
the shacker… (free gift, with a discount too) blood orange mimosa is

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail Samples
🥈 5 Samples - $12 + Shipping
Was this helpful?  0    0
Sherry S.
United States

I recommend this product


I use Early Bird to give me a boost in the afternoon. It helps me finish my day
off at my desk job, where I find it challenging to sitting in the same place for
the whole day. Usually my focus starts drifting in the afternoon, Early Bird
helps me stay on task and give a nice energy boost!

Blood Orange Mimosa
Was this helpful?  0    0
Annelie I.
United States

I recommend this product


I work as a dog groomer and it’s not an easy job. I get up at 6:30, drink early
bird and then set 15 minute snooze~I don’t know why I bother because I’m up 2
minutes later! Works!!

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail
6 Serving Sample Pack - $14 + S&H / 2 of each flavor (6 total)
Was this helpful?  0    0
Loren S.
United States

I recommend this product


I have been using Early Bird for two weeks now. I was not sure it could live up
to the hype but it has done exactly that. From the first day I started having
the Early Bird morning cocktail, I have gone from morning zombie to full speed
ahead each and every morning. No more brain fog and instant energy and drive to
tackle the day. If you are considering trying it,,,, YES!! Try it. You will not
be sorry.

Blood Orange Mimosa
Was this helpful?  0    0
Ronnie P.
United States

I recommend this product


My name's Ronnie and I'm 60 years old. In the past I've considered myself a
morning person to an extent but until I use this product I was fooling myself.
The level of non-jittery energy with no crash in the afternoon that early bird
gives is just one aspect of its proprietary contents. My focus and my memory are
clearly improved. Around mid-afternoon on my workout days I'll throw a half a
scoop in my shaker and drink it down. It really helps the productivity of my
workouts. Do yourself a favor and try it You got nothing to lose.

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail (Blood Orange Mimosa) w/ FREE Cocktail Shaker, Gift
Card, Custom Morning Routine, E-Book
1 Tub - $1.51/serving
Was this helpful?  0    0
Dawn E.
United States

I recommend this product


I get up at 5:30 every morning. Being a teacher and mom means a long day and not
a lot of sleep. This product is amazing!!! I haven’t had an energy drink since
and a drank a Red Bull daily!

Blood Orange Mimosa
Was this helpful?  0    0
Ralph V.
United States

I recommend this product


Tennis coach getting up early for practices and lessons. This really get me
going in the morning.

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail (Blood Orange Mimosa) w/ FREE Cocktail Shaker, Gift
Card, Custom Morning Routine, E-Book
1 Tub - $1.51/serving
Was this helpful?  0    0
Kim C.
United States

I recommend this product


I think it helps me feel more energized in the morning, and also think I feel
more focused as well. I’m getting used to the taste. It’s pretty good for a
powdered energy drink.

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail
Blood Orange Mimosa 🍊
Was this helpful?  0    0
Andrew R.
United States

I recommend this product


Works great for me get me out of my fog first thing in the morning and keeps me
going most of the day

Blood Orange Mimosa
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