avoapp.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.avoapp.com/
Effective URL: https://avoapp.com/en/
Submission: On February 05 via api from US — Scanned from NL

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AVO allows you to take calls to your regular number without paying for the
roaming charges. Download the app and stop worrying about staying in touch while
you travel!



We know it’s important to stay connected whenever you’re away. But roaming is
always too expensive even if you buy special roaming packages, especially when
it comes to mobile data transmission.


Stay in touch with all of AVO users absolutely free of charge


Your number will be available for calls even if your put a different SIM in your


Incoming calls are free and outgoing calls to anywhere in the world are


Install our application, register your phone number, and update the settings.
When you arrive to a new country, buy a local SIM card with cheap internet
access. Even with a new SIM card, your regular mobile number will remain active.
You’ll be able to accept incoming calls and make outgoing calls via AVO app.


Keep your number when you change SIM card

When you buy a local SIM card for cheap internet access, you keep the ability to
use your regular mobile number to stay in touch. The number will be active via
the app, both for incoming and outgoing calls.


Synchronized with your phone contacts

The list of AVO contacts is a full duplicate of your phone’s Contacts List. This
allows you to easily call your friends, relatives and partners right from the
app. They will see it as a call from your mobile number.


Universal tariffs anywhere in the world

You will no longer have to double check the price of minutes depending on the
country of residence. Your call home will cost the same, whether you’re
vacationing in Thailand, or doing business in London.


Internet calls

You’ll be able to make or accept calls with any internet connection. AVO works
equally well via mobile internet with local SIM card (3G/LTE), and via free
Wi-Fi at your hotel or cafe.




Top Up your account before the balance expiry date to extend the availability of
your remaining balance





 * Cheap outgoing calls
 * Free incoming calls
 * Your cell number




+1Canada - 0.01$+65Singapore - 0.01$+86China - 0.02$+1787Puerto Rico -
0.02$+1939Puerto Rico - 0.02$+1United States - 0.05$+66Thailand - 0.04$+82South
Korea - 0.03$+1671Guam - 0.04$+60Malaysia - 0.04$+1670Saipan - 0.04$+91India -
0.04$+46Sweden - 0.04$+39Italy - 0.04$+45Denmark - 0.04$+40Romania -
0.04$+972Israel - 0.04$+34Spain - 0.04$+370Lithuania - 0.04$+30Greece -
0.04$+852Hong Kong - 0.04$+48Poland - 0.04$+56Chile - 0.05$+1684American Samoa -
0.05$+351Portugal - 0.05$+32Belgium - 0.05$+43Austria - 0.05$+880Bangladesh -
0.05$+372Estonia - 0.05$+44United Kingdom - 0.05$+359Bulgaria -
0.05$+352Luxemburg - 0.05$+356Malta - 0.05$+976Mongolia - 0.06$+354Iceland -
0.06$+358Finland - 0.06$+590Guadeloupe - NaN$+596Martinique - 0.06$+55Brazil -
0.06$+357Cyprus - 0.06$+673Brunei - 0.06$+371Latvia - 0.07$+1441Bermuda -
0.07$+33France - 0.07$+594French Guiana - 0.07$+47Norway - 0.07$+521Mexico -
0.07$+7Russia - 0.08$+64New Zealand - 0.08$+420Czech Republic - 0.08$+36Hungary
- 0.09$+353Ireland - 0.09$+386Slovenia - 0.11$+81Japan - 0.11$+234Nigeria -
0.11$+998Uzbekistan - 0.11$+62Indonesia - 0.11$+853Macao - 0.12$+57Colombia -
0.12$+975Bhutan - 0.12$+58Venezuela - 0.12$+61Australia - 0.13$+973Bahrain -
0.13$+244Angola - 0.13$+51Peru - 0.13$+965Kuwait - 0.13$+385Croatia -
0.13$+855Cambodia - 0.14$+84Viet Nam - 0.15$+1809Dominican Republic -
0.15$+506Costa Rica - 0.15$+1242Bahamas - 0.15$+49Germany - 0.15$+264Namibia -
0.15$+856Laos - 0.16$+595Paraguay - 0.16$+54Argentina - 0.17$+298Faeroe -
0.18$+886Taiwan - 0.20$+421Slovakia - 0.20$+962Jordan - 0.21$+41Switzerland -
0.21$+254Kenya - 0.21$+266Lesotho - 0.22$+92Pakistan - 0.22$+996Kyrgyzstan -
0.23$+20Egypt - 0.23$+31Netherlands - 0.23$+977Nepal - 0.24$+77Kazakhstan -
0.24$+966Saudi Arabia - 0.24$+94Sri Lanka - 0.25$+258Mozambique -
0.25$+507Panama - 0.25$+268Swaziland - 0.26$+260Zambia - 0.27$+95Myanmar -
0.28$+90Turkey - 0.28$+598Uruguay - 0.28$+230Mauritius - 0.29$
+63Philippines - 0.29$+967Yemen - 0.30$+992Tajikistan - 0.30$+376Andorra -
0.30$+963Syria - 0.30$+687New Caledonia - 0.31$+971United Arab Emirates -
0.31$+504Honduras - 0.31$+993Turkmenistan - 0.32$+423Liechtenstein -
0.33$+679Fiji - 0.33$+378San Marino - 0.33$+350Gibraltar - 0.33$+1868Trinidad &
Tobago - 0.34$+961Lebanon - 0.35$+591Bolivia - 0.35$+503El Salvador -
0.35$+974Qatar - 0.35$+97022Palestine - 0.36$+97222Israel-Palestine -
0.36$+691Micronesia - 0.36$+1345Cayman Islands - 0.37$+249Sudan - 0.37$+508St
Pierre & Miquelon - 0.37$+297Aruba - 0.39$+380Ukraine - 0.40$+692Marshall
Islands - 0.41$+593Ecuador - 0.42$+1268Antigua and Barbuda - 0.42$+93Afghanistan
- 0.43$+218Libya - 0.43$+98Iran - 0.43$+1264Anguilla - 0.43$+1784Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines - 0.44$+1876Jamaica - 0.44$+501Belize - 0.44$+233Ghana -
0.44$+1284British Virgin Islands - 0.44$+964Iraq - 0.44$+229Benin -
0.45$+680Palau - 0.46$+267Botswana - 0.46$+1649Turks and Caicos -
0.46$+1246Barbados - 0.46$+374Armenia - 0.46$+251Ethiopia - 0.47$+1869Saint
Kitts and Nevis - 0.47$+1758Saint Lucia - 0.47$+1473Grenada -
0.47$+1664Montserrat - 0.49$+592Guyana - 0.49$+291Eritrea - 0.50$+1767Dominica -
0.50$+509Haiti - 0.50$+505Nicaragua - 0.51$+240Equatorial Guinea -
0.51$+373Moldova - 0.53$+689French Polynesia - 0.54$+211South Sudan -
0.55$+968Oman - 0.55$+243DR of Congo - 0.56$+681Wallis and Futuna -
0.56$+597Suriname - 0.57$+213Algeria - 0.58$+227Niger - 0.62$+255Tanzania -
0.62$+256Uganda - 0.62$+237Cameroon - 0.62$+226Burkina Faso - 0.63$+269Comoros -
0.63$+995Georgia - 0.63$+238Cape Verde - 0.64$+27South Africa - 0.64$+228Togo -
0.65$+387Bosnia and Herzegovina - 0.65$+377Monaco - 0.66$+375Belarus -
0.67$+355Albania - 0.68$+994Azerbaijan - 0.68$+253Djibouti - 0.69$+381Serbia -
0.71$+265Malawi - 0.71$+382Montenegro - 0.72$+223Mali - 0.72$+225Ivory Coast -
0.75$+389Macedonia - 0.78$+683Niue - 0.79$+221Senegal - 0.80$+231Liberia -
0.81$+678Vanuatu - 0.83$+248Seychelles - 0.86$+242Congo - 0.86$+688Tuvalu -
0.87$+224Guinea - 0.87$+212Morocco - 0.87$+216Tunisia - 0.88$+252Somalia -
0.89$+232Sierra Leone - 0.90$+222Mauritania - 0.90$
+241Gabon - 0.90$+245Guinea-Bissau - 0.91$+263Zimbabwe - 0.92$+850North Korea -
0.96$+500Falkland Islands - 0.97$+299Greenland - 0.99$+686Kiribati -
1.01$+676Tonga - 1.01$+235Chad - 1.08$+236Central African Republic -
1.08$+672Antarctica - 1.10$+247Ascension - 1.13$+261Madagascar -
1.15$+685Western Samoa - 1.19$+690Tokelau - 1.24$+239Sao Tome & Principe -
1.24$+675Papua New Guinea - 1.26$+674Nauru - 1.30$+682Cook - 1.31$+53Cuba -
1.47$+960Maldives - 1.51$+672Norfolk - 1.64$+677Solomon Islands - 1.82$+246Diego
Garcia - 1.94$+290St Helena - 2.31$+220Gambia - 2.48$
We can't find this country





 * Cheap outgoing calls
 * Free incoming calls
 * Your cell number




+1Canada - 0.01$+65Singapore - 0.01$+86China - 0.01$+1787Puerto Rico -
0.01$+1939Puerto Rico - 0.01$+1United States - 0.04$+66Thailand - 0.03$+82South
Korea - 0.03$+1671Guam - 0.03$+60Malaysia - 0.03$+1670Saipan - 0.03$+91India -
0.03$+46Sweden - 0.03$+39Italy - 0.03$+45Denmark - 0.03$+40Romania -
0.03$+972Israel - 0.03$+34Spain - 0.03$+370Lithuania - 0.03$+30Greece -
0.03$+852Hong Kong - 0.03$+48Poland - 0.03$+56Chile - 0.04$+1684American Samoa -
0.04$+351Portugal - 0.04$+32Belgium - 0.04$+43Austria - 0.04$+880Bangladesh -
0.04$+372Estonia - 0.04$+44United Kingdom - 0.04$+359Bulgaria -
0.04$+352Luxemburg - 0.04$+356Malta - 0.04$+976Mongolia - 0.04$+354Iceland -
0.05$+358Finland - 0.05$+590Guadeloupe - 0.05$+596Martinique - 0.05$+55Brazil -
0.05$+357Cyprus - 0.05$+673Brunei - 0.05$+371Latvia - 0.05$+1441Bermuda -
0.05$+33France - 0.05$+594French Guiana - 0.06$+47Norway - 0.06$+521Mexico -
0.06$+7Russia - 0.06$+64New Zealand - 0.06$+420Czech Republic - 0.07$+36Hungary
- 0.07$+353Ireland - 0.07$+386Slovenia - 0.09$+81Japan - 0.09$+234Nigeria -
0.09$+998Uzbekistan - 0.09$+62Indonesia - 0.09$+853Macao - 0.10$+57Colombia -
0.10$+975Bhutan - 0.10$+58Venezuela - 0.10$+61Australia - 0.10$+973Bahrain -
0.10$+244Angola - 0.10$+51Peru - 0.10$+965Kuwait - 0.11$+385Croatia -
0.11$+855Cambodia - 0.11$+84Viet Nam - 0.12$+1809Dominican Republic -
0.12$+506Costa Rica - 0.12$+1242Bahamas - 0.12$+49Germany - 0.12$+264Namibia -
0.12$+856Laos - 0.12$+595Paraguay - 0.13$+54Argentina - 0.13$+298Faeroe -
0.14$+886Taiwan - 0.16$+421Slovakia - 0.16$+962Jordan - 0.17$+41Switzerland -
0.17$+254Kenya - 0.17$+266Lesotho - 0.17$+92Pakistan - 0.17$+996Kyrgyzstan -
0.18$+20Egypt - 0.18$+31Netherlands - 0.19$+977Nepal - 0.19$+77Kazakhstan -
0.19$+966Saudi Arabia - 0.19$+94Sri Lanka - 0.20$+258Mozambique -
0.20$+507Panama - 0.20$+268Swaziland - 0.21$+260Zambia - 0.21$+95Myanmar -
0.22$+90Turkey - 0.23$+598Uruguay - 0.23$+230Mauritius - 0.23$
+63Philippines - 0.23$+967Yemen - 0.24$+992Tajikistan - 0.24$+376Andorra -
0.24$+963Syria - 0.24$+687New Caledonia - 0.25$+971United Arab Emirates -
0.25$+504Honduras - 0.25$+993Turkmenistan - 0.26$+423Liechtenstein -
0.26$+679Fiji - 0.27$+378San Marino - 0.27$+350Gibraltar - 0.27$+1868Trinidad &
Tobago - 0.27$+961Lebanon - 0.28$+591Bolivia - 0.28$+503El Salvador -
0.28$+974Qatar - 0.28$+97022Palestine - 0.29$+97222Israel-Palestine -
0.29$+691Micronesia - 0.29$+1345Cayman Islands - 0.29$+249Sudan - 0.30$+508St
Pierre & Miquelon - 0.30$+297Aruba - 0.32$+380Ukraine - 0.32$+692Marshall
Islands - 0.33$+593Ecuador - 0.33$+1268Antigua and Barbuda - 0.34$+93Afghanistan
- 0.34$+218Libya - 0.34$+98Iran - 0.34$+1264Anguilla - 0.35$+1784Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines - 0.35$+1876Jamaica - 0.35$+501Belize - 0.35$+233Ghana -
0.35$+1284British Virgin Islands - 0.35$+964Iraq - 0.35$+229Benin -
0.36$+680Palau - 0.36$+267Botswana - 0.37$+1649Turks and Caicos -
0.37$+1246Barbados - 0.37$+374Armenia - 0.37$+251Ethiopia - 0.37$+1869Saint
Kitts and Nevis - 0.38$+1758Saint Lucia - 0.38$+1473Grenada -
0.38$+1664Montserrat - 0.39$+592Guyana - 0.39$+291Eritrea - 0.40$+1767Dominica -
0.40$+509Haiti - 0.40$+505Nicaragua - 0.41$+240Equatorial Guinea -
0.41$+373Moldova - 0.42$+689French Polynesia - 0.43$+211South Sudan -
0.44$+968Oman - 0.44$+243DR of Congo - 0.45$+681Wallis and Futuna -
0.45$+597Suriname - 0.46$+213Algeria - 0.46$+227Niger - 0.49$+255Tanzania -
0.49$+256Uganda - 0.50$+237Cameroon - 0.50$+226Burkina Faso - 0.50$+269Comoros -
0.50$+995Georgia - 0.50$+238Cape Verde - 0.51$+27South Africa - 0.51$+228Togo -
0.52$+387Bosnia and Herzegovina - 0.52$+377Monaco - 0.53$+375Belarus -
0.54$+355Albania - 0.54$+994Azerbaijan - 0.55$+253Djibouti - 0.55$+381Serbia -
0.57$+265Malawi - 0.57$+382Montenegro - 0.57$+223Mali - 0.58$+225Ivory Coast -
0.60$+389Macedonia - 0.63$+683Niue - 0.63$+221Senegal - 0.64$+231Liberia -
0.65$+678Vanuatu - 0.66$+248Seychelles - 0.68$+242Congo - 0.69$+688Tuvalu -
0.69$+224Guinea - 0.70$+212Morocco - 0.70$+216Tunisia - 0.70$+252Somalia -
0.71$+232Sierra Leone - 0.72$+222Mauritania - 0.72$
+241Gabon - 0.72$+245Guinea-Bissau - 0.73$+263Zimbabwe - 0.73$+850North Korea -
0.77$+500Falkland Islands - 0.78$+299Greenland - 0.80$+686Kiribati -
0.81$+676Tonga - 0.81$+235Chad - 0.86$+236Central African Republic -
0.86$+672Antarctica - 0.88$+247Ascension - 0.90$+261Madagascar -
0.92$+685Western Samoa - 0.95$+690Tokelau - 0.99$+239Sao Tome & Principe -
0.99$+675Papua New Guinea - 1.01$+674Nauru - 1.04$+682Cook - 1.05$+53Cuba -
1.17$+960Maldives - 1.21$+672Norfolk - 1.31$+677Solomon Islands - 1.46$+246Diego
Garcia - 1.55$+290St Helena - 1.85$+220Gambia - 1.98$
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+1Canada - 0.01$+65Singapore - 0.01$+86China - 0.01$+1787Puerto Rico -
0.01$+1939Puerto Rico - 0.01$+1United States - 0.03$+66Thailand - 0.03$+82South
Korea - 0.02$+1671Guam - 0.02$+60Malaysia - 0.02$+1670Saipan - 0.02$+91India -
0.02$+46Sweden - 0.02$+39Italy - 0.02$+45Denmark - 0.02$+40Romania -
0.02$+972Israel - 0.02$+34Spain - 0.02$+370Lithuania - 0.02$+30Greece -
0.03$+852Hong Kong - 0.03$+48Poland - 0.03$+56Chile - 0.03$+1684American Samoa -
0.03$+351Portugal - 0.03$+32Belgium - 0.03$+43Austria - 0.03$+880Bangladesh -
0.03$+372Estonia - 0.03$+44United Kingdom - 0.03$+359Bulgaria -
0.03$+352Luxemburg - 0.03$+356Malta - 0.03$+976Mongolia - 0.03$+354Iceland -
0.03$+358Finland - 0.03$+590Guadeloupe - 0.03$+596Martinique - 0.03$+55Brazil -
0.04$+357Cyprus - 0.04$+673Brunei - 0.04$+371Latvia - 0.04$+1441Bermuda -
0.04$+33France - 0.04$+594French Guiana - 0.04$+47Norway - 0.04$+521Mexico -
0.04$+7Russia - 0.05$+64New Zealand - 0.05$+420Czech Republic - 0.05$+36Hungary
- 0.05$+353Ireland - 0.05$+386Slovenia - 0.06$+81Japan - 0.06$+234Nigeria -
0.07$+998Uzbekistan - 0.07$+62Indonesia - 0.07$+853Macao - 0.07$+57Colombia -
0.07$+975Bhutan - 0.07$+58Venezuela - 0.07$+61Australia - 0.08$+973Bahrain -
0.08$+244Angola - 0.08$+51Peru - 0.08$+965Kuwait - 0.08$+385Croatia -
0.08$+855Cambodia - 0.08$+84Viet Nam - 0.09$+1809Dominican Republic -
0.09$+506Costa Rica - 0.09$+1242Bahamas - 0.09$+49Germany - 0.09$+264Namibia -
0.09$+856Laos - 0.09$+595Paraguay - 0.10$+54Argentina - 0.10$+298Faeroe -
0.11$+886Taiwan - 0.12$+421Slovakia - 0.12$+962Jordan - 0.13$+41Switzerland -
0.13$+254Kenya - 0.13$+266Lesotho - 0.13$+92Pakistan - 0.13$+996Kyrgyzstan -
0.14$+20Egypt - 0.14$+31Netherlands - 0.14$+977Nepal - 0.14$+77Kazakhstan -
0.14$+966Saudi Arabia - 0.14$+94Sri Lanka - 0.15$+258Mozambique -
0.15$+507Panama - 0.15$+268Swaziland - 0.16$+260Zambia - 0.16$+95Myanmar -
0.17$+90Turkey - 0.17$+598Uruguay - 0.17$+230Mauritius - 0.17$
+63Philippines - 0.17$+967Yemen - 0.18$+992Tajikistan - 0.18$+376Andorra -
0.18$+963Syria - 0.18$+687New Caledonia - 0.19$+971United Arab Emirates -
0.19$+504Honduras - 0.19$+993Turkmenistan - 0.19$+423Liechtenstein -
0.20$+679Fiji - 0.20$+378San Marino - 0.20$+350Gibraltar - 0.20$+1868Trinidad &
Tobago - 0.21$+961Lebanon - 0.21$+591Bolivia - 0.21$+503El Salvador -
0.21$+974Qatar - 0.21$+97022Palestine - 0.21$+97222Israel-Palestine -
0.21$+691Micronesia - 0.22$+1345Cayman Islands - 0.22$+249Sudan - 0.22$+508St
Pierre & Miquelon - 0.22$+297Aruba - 0.24$+380Ukraine - 0.24$+692Marshall
Islands - 0.24$+593Ecuador - 0.25$+1268Antigua and Barbuda - 0.25$+93Afghanistan
- 0.26$+218Libya - 0.26$+98Iran - 0.26$+1264Anguilla - 0.26$+1784Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines - 0.26$+1876Jamaica - 0.26$+501Belize - 0.26$+233Ghana -
0.26$+1284British Virgin Islands - 0.26$+964Iraq - 0.26$+229Benin -
0.27$+680Palau - 0.27$+267Botswana - 0.28$+1649Turks and Caicos -
0.28$+1246Barbados - 0.28$+374Armenia - 0.28$+251Ethiopia - 0.28$+1869Saint
Kitts and Nevis - 0.28$+1758Saint Lucia - 0.28$+1473Grenada -
0.28$+1664Montserrat - 0.30$+592Guyana - 0.30$+291Eritrea - 0.30$+1767Dominica -
0.30$+509Haiti - 0.30$+505Nicaragua - 0.31$+240Equatorial Guinea -
0.31$+373Moldova - 0.32$+689French Polynesia - 0.32$+211South Sudan -
0.33$+968Oman - 0.33$+243DR of Congo - 0.34$+681Wallis and Futuna -
0.34$+597Suriname - 0.34$+213Algeria - 0.35$+227Niger - 0.37$+255Tanzania -
0.37$+256Uganda - 0.37$+237Cameroon - 0.37$+226Burkina Faso - 0.38$+269Comoros -
0.38$+995Georgia - 0.38$+238Cape Verde - 0.38$+27South Africa - 0.38$+228Togo -
0.39$+387Bosnia and Herzegovina - 0.39$+377Monaco - 0.40$+375Belarus -
0.40$+355Albania - 0.41$+994Azerbaijan - 0.41$+253Djibouti - 0.41$+381Serbia -
0.43$+265Malawi - 0.43$+382Montenegro - 0.43$+223Mali - 0.43$+225Ivory Coast -
0.45$+389Macedonia - 0.47$+683Niue - 0.47$+221Senegal - 0.48$+231Liberia -
0.49$+678Vanuatu - 0.50$+248Seychelles - 0.51$+242Congo - 0.52$+688Tuvalu -
0.52$+224Guinea - 0.52$+212Morocco - 0.52$+216Tunisia - 0.53$+252Somalia -
0.53$+232Sierra Leone - 0.54$+222Mauritania - 0.54$
+241Gabon - 0.54$+245Guinea-Bissau - 0.55$+263Zimbabwe - 0.55$+850North Korea -
0.58$+500Falkland Islands - 0.58$+299Greenland - 0.60$+686Kiribati -
0.60$+676Tonga - 0.61$+235Chad - 0.65$+236Central African Republic -
0.65$+672Antarctica - 0.66$+247Ascension - 0.68$+261Madagascar -
0.69$+685Western Samoa - 0.71$+690Tokelau - 0.74$+239Sao Tome & Principe -
0.74$+675Papua New Guinea - 0.75$+674Nauru - 0.78$+682Cook - 0.78$+53Cuba -
0.88$+960Maldives - 0.91$+672Norfolk - 0.98$+677Solomon Islands - 1.09$+246Diego
Garcia - 1.16$+290St Helena - 1.39$+220Gambia - 1.49$
We can't find this country





 * Cheap outgoing calls
 * Free incoming calls
 * Your cell number




+1Canada - 0.01$+65Singapore - 0.01$+86China - 0.01$+1787Puerto Rico -
0.01$+1939Puerto Rico - 0.01$+1United States - 0.02$+66Thailand - 0.02$+82South
Korea - 0.02$+1671Guam - 0.02$+60Malaysia - 0.02$+1670Saipan - 0.02$+91India -
0.02$+46Sweden - 0.02$+39Italy - 0.02$+45Denmark - 0.02$+40Romania -
0.02$+972Israel - 0.02$+34Spain - 0.02$+370Lithuania - 0.02$+30Greece -
0.02$+852Hong Kong - 0.02$+48Poland - 0.02$+56Chile - 0.02$+1684American Samoa -
0.02$+351Portugal - 0.02$+32Belgium - 0.02$+43Austria - 0.02$+880Bangladesh -
0.02$+372Estonia - 0.02$+44United Kingdom - 0.02$+359Bulgaria -
0.02$+352Luxemburg - 0.03$+356Malta - 0.03$+976Mongolia - 0.03$+354Iceland -
0.03$+358Finland - 0.03$+590Guadeloupe - 0.03$+596Martinique - 0.03$+55Brazil -
0.03$+357Cyprus - 0.03$+673Brunei - 0.03$+371Latvia - 0.03$+1441Bermuda -
0.03$+33France - 0.03$+594French Guiana - 0.03$+47Norway - 0.03$+521Mexico -
0.04$+7Russia - 0.04$+64New Zealand - 0.04$+420Czech Republic - 0.04$+36Hungary
- 0.04$+353Ireland - 0.04$+386Slovenia - 0.05$+81Japan - 0.05$+234Nigeria -
0.05$+998Uzbekistan - 0.05$+62Indonesia - 0.05$+853Macao - 0.06$+57Colombia -
0.06$+975Bhutan - 0.06$+58Venezuela - 0.06$+61Australia - 0.06$+973Bahrain -
0.06$+244Angola - 0.06$+51Peru - 0.06$+965Kuwait - 0.06$+385Croatia -
0.06$+855Cambodia - 0.07$+84Viet Nam - 0.07$+1809Dominican Republic -
0.07$+506Costa Rica - 0.07$+1242Bahamas - 0.07$+49Germany - 0.07$+264Namibia -
0.07$+856Laos - 0.07$+595Paraguay - 0.08$+54Argentina - 0.08$+298Faeroe -
0.09$+886Taiwan - 0.10$+421Slovakia - 0.10$+962Jordan - 0.10$+41Switzerland -
0.10$+254Kenya - 0.10$+266Lesotho - 0.10$+92Pakistan - 0.10$+996Kyrgyzstan -
0.11$+20Egypt - 0.11$+31Netherlands - 0.11$+977Nepal - 0.11$+77Kazakhstan -
0.11$+966Saudi Arabia - 0.11$+94Sri Lanka - 0.12$+258Mozambique -
0.12$+507Panama - 0.12$+268Swaziland - 0.13$+260Zambia - 0.13$+95Myanmar -
0.13$+90Turkey - 0.14$+598Uruguay - 0.14$+230Mauritius - 0.14$
+63Philippines - 0.14$+967Yemen - 0.14$+992Tajikistan - 0.14$+376Andorra -
0.15$+963Syria - 0.15$+687New Caledonia - 0.15$+971United Arab Emirates -
0.15$+504Honduras - 0.15$+993Turkmenistan - 0.16$+423Liechtenstein -
0.16$+679Fiji - 0.16$+378San Marino - 0.16$+350Gibraltar - 0.16$+1868Trinidad &
Tobago - 0.16$+961Lebanon - 0.17$+591Bolivia - 0.17$+503El Salvador -
0.17$+974Qatar - 0.17$+97022Palestine - 0.17$+97222Israel-Palestine -
0.17$+691Micronesia - 0.17$+1345Cayman Islands - 0.18$+249Sudan - 0.18$+508St
Pierre & Miquelon - 0.18$+297Aruba - 0.19$+380Ukraine - 0.19$+692Marshall
Islands - 0.20$+593Ecuador - 0.20$+1268Antigua and Barbuda - 0.20$+93Afghanistan
- 0.20$+218Libya - 0.20$+98Iran - 0.21$+1264Anguilla - 0.21$+1784Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines - 0.21$+1876Jamaica - 0.21$+501Belize - 0.21$+233Ghana -
0.21$+1284British Virgin Islands - 0.21$+964Iraq - 0.21$+229Benin -
0.22$+680Palau - 0.22$+267Botswana - 0.22$+1649Turks and Caicos -
0.22$+1246Barbados - 0.22$+374Armenia - 0.22$+251Ethiopia - 0.22$+1869Saint
Kitts and Nevis - 0.23$+1758Saint Lucia - 0.23$+1473Grenada -
0.23$+1664Montserrat - 0.24$+592Guyana - 0.24$+291Eritrea - 0.24$+1767Dominica -
0.24$+509Haiti - 0.24$+505Nicaragua - 0.25$+240Equatorial Guinea -
0.25$+373Moldova - 0.25$+689French Polynesia - 0.26$+211South Sudan -
0.26$+968Oman - 0.27$+243DR of Congo - 0.27$+681Wallis and Futuna -
0.27$+597Suriname - 0.28$+213Algeria - 0.28$+227Niger - 0.30$+255Tanzania -
0.30$+256Uganda - 0.30$+237Cameroon - 0.30$+226Burkina Faso - 0.30$+269Comoros -
0.30$+995Georgia - 0.30$+238Cape Verde - 0.30$+27South Africa - 0.31$+228Togo -
0.31$+387Bosnia and Herzegovina - 0.31$+377Monaco - 0.32$+375Belarus -
0.32$+355Albania - 0.32$+994Azerbaijan - 0.33$+253Djibouti - 0.33$+381Serbia -
0.34$+265Malawi - 0.34$+382Montenegro - 0.34$+223Mali - 0.35$+225Ivory Coast -
0.36$+389Macedonia - 0.38$+683Niue - 0.38$+221Senegal - 0.38$+231Liberia -
0.39$+678Vanuatu - 0.40$+248Seychelles - 0.41$+242Congo - 0.41$+688Tuvalu -
0.42$+224Guinea - 0.42$+212Morocco - 0.42$+216Tunisia - 0.42$+252Somalia -
0.43$+232Sierra Leone - 0.43$+222Mauritania - 0.43$
+241Gabon - 0.43$+245Guinea-Bissau - 0.44$+263Zimbabwe - 0.44$+850North Korea -
0.46$+500Falkland Islands - 0.47$+299Greenland - 0.48$+686Kiribati -
0.48$+676Tonga - 0.48$+235Chad - 0.52$+236Central African Republic -
0.52$+672Antarctica - 0.53$+247Ascension - 0.54$+261Madagascar -
0.55$+685Western Samoa - 0.57$+690Tokelau - 0.59$+239Sao Tome & Principe -
0.59$+675Papua New Guinea - 0.60$+674Nauru - 0.63$+682Cook - 0.63$+53Cuba -
0.70$+960Maldives - 0.73$+672Norfolk - 0.79$+677Solomon Islands - 0.88$+246Diego
Garcia - 0.93$+290St Helena - 1.11$+220Gambia - 1.19$
We can't find this country.


If you are a subscriber of one of the mobile carriers in marked countries, most
probably incoming calls feature is working for you. Try it!


How do I use AVO?

-Download and install the app from AppStore or GooglePlay;
-Launch the app and register with your mobile phone number;
-Confirm the number with the text message code that we’ll send you;
-Follow the instructions for set-up.
Now, when you find yourself in a different country, you can use a local SIM card
with mobile internet access or connect to Wi-Fi, and all of the incoming calls
to your regular mobile number will be accepted through AVO app. You will also be
able to call your friends and relatives using AVO

Can I use AVO without buying a local SIM card for the trip?

Yes you can, as long as you’re connected to Wi-Fi! In order to do that, turn the
Airplane Mode on and then connect to the available Wi-Fi network.

How much does a minute of incoming call cost in AVO?

All of the incoming calls in AVO are free. You need to check price for
forwarding calls from your mobile operator.

Will I be able to send and receive text messages using AVO?

So far there is no text messaging capability for your regular mobile number in
AVO, but we are working on this.

What will happen if I don’t have internet access when a call comes through AVO?

If you had no internet connection when an incoming call was made, you will
receive a notification of the missed call when you connect to the internet the
next time. Information on the missed call will be reflected in your Call
History, so you’ll be able to call back.

What’s the difference between AVO and all those other calling programs?

In addition to cheap outgoing calls and free calls inside of AVO, AVO users can
accept calls to the regular mobile number without paying roaming charges.

What’s the call quality like?

The quality of the call depends directly on the quality of your internet
connection. If you are connected to a Wi-Fi access point or using a SIM card
with mobile internet and good coverage, then the call quality will be good.

Can I use AVO for free?

Yes. You’ll be able to accept incoming calls, including those made to your
regular mobile number, and communicate for free with other AVO users, but you
won’t be able to make calls to other phone numbers.

What would happen with unused funds after the plan expire?

If you don't refill your account before the balance expiry date, any remaining
balance in your account will expire and be lost. However, as long as you add
money to your account before the expiration date, you will extend the expiration
date of your remaining balance.

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